{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀
@ Uriacesjaces:
" Your Zombies only have 55% elemental resistances. Compared to ones with 75%, your Zombies are taking nearly double damage from Hydra. You want two jewels with 10% minion resistances. You can replace Whispering Glare and Ancient Orb. " This build has easy access to 221% life on the tree. You only have 131%. Part of the problem is you have passive points in places where you don't need right now. At the top-middle of the ingame passive tree, there's a button to Respec, allowing you to unallocate passives to get the points back. You don't need Practical Applications or Might. You also won't need Agility if you take the Shadow jewel socket, but for now keep Agility so you can still use Herald of Agony (requires 159 DEX). That gives you three points back. You also don't need the two 3-point jewel sockets by the big Scion life wheel. There are cheaper jewel sockets you have not yet taken. The first is between the Witch and Shadow starting area, below the Pain Attunement keystone. The second is south of Acrobatics, above Herbalism. Switching to these 2-point jewel sockets will save you another two points. Take back the extra life node you took below Constitution. There are better life nodes you have not yet taken. You should now have 6 points. Spend 3 points to get Devotion, 2 points to get Heart and Soul, and the final point on Blood Drinker. Altogether this will give you 35% life, 20% mana, 30 STR, and 3% increased effect of Hatred. Note: You are receiving 58 STR from your items. This gives you plenty of STR to use L20 Shield Charge. However, if you ever change out your helm or belt, this may no longer be the case (155 STR required). We don't need a max level Shield Charge, so the problem would be easily remedied by buying a new level 1 Shield Charge. Most of your gems do not have quality. If you aren't aware, there's a vendor recipe that will give you a level 1 gem with 20% quality in exchange for a L20 gem and a Gemcutter's Prism (GCP). You can earn GCP with another vendor recipe. It requires either a complete 20% Quality gem (not recommended, better to sell that to another player) or a set of superior gems whose total quality adds up to 40%. So all the ~5% quality gems that drop can be saved up, and then sold in 40% batches to get GCP. Otherwise you can just trade for GCP from other players. Many gems have nice bonuses from Quality, so definitely look more into it. You're missing Freeze and Curse immunity on your flasks. Aside from that, your flasks also lack Quality (Glassblower's Bauble). Quality increases by 5% per Bauble on a white flask (4 Baubles needed), 2% on a magic flask (8 Baubles), and 1% on a Unique flask (20 Baubles). When crafting my own flasks, I like to start with white flasks to save some Baubles. You can buy Baubles from a vendor for 8 Blacksmith's Whetstones (or 24 Armourer's Scrap), so it's not too big of a deal later in the league. The jewel in your belt is curious. It looks like whoever crafted it didn't realize the minion attack/cast speed is one mod, despite taking up two lines (to see, hold down ALT with Advanced Mod Descriptions enabled in Game Options). So they could have used an Augmentation Orb instead of a Regal. Now it's rare with only two mods, and the only way to add more is with an expensive Exalted Orb. Rank 3 Leo on Research will give a free use of an Exalted Orb. I'd suggest just buying a better jewel, though, and saving the Leo craft for a true 3-mod jewel. " The % of Physical Damage as Cold will cause Charged Dash to mess with EE. It also has a lower base attack speed, slowing down Shield Charge. If you still have both weapons, you could try your luck with an Annulment Orb. If it fails, you will have your other weapon as a backup. If you were to use an Annul on your previous hammer, you could make room for a craft. So there's a 50% chance to remove something you don't need (Melee Splash is nice for Zombies). Ty very much for this realy detailled response =) ! I've bought 2 jewels with 50 life + 10% all res for minions, 1 of those with blind too. Changed my three a bit, and im now looking for a better weapon. The reason i Had +58 strenght is my mace had a 212 Str req wich is insane...i need another one with a lower Str requirement Zuletzt bearbeitet von Uriacesjaces#3521 um 16.01.2019, 03:38:38
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I just did Shaper, died few times but becaus i messed up teleport with dash...hehehe.
The donw side is : the minions are realy stupid and in general packing in front of his beam. Even Zombiez with 22k life and 75% res are OS so...you loose quite a lot of dps. I'll try to do Uber Atziri next , i think it will not be a big problem Edit : Uber Atziri down without any problem, she barrely have the time to cast anything if you have vaal skeletons :) . Zuletzt bearbeitet von Uriacesjaces#3521 um 16.01.2019, 10:32:36
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First off let me say that I really like your build and your guide. I am brand new to POE and a good chunk of what I now understand about the game I have slowly picked up through your guide. I have spent MANY hours trying to figure out some little quirks about your build that I simply couldn't put together but that is OK, its all a part of the learning curve I guess.
Example: Took me forever to figure out that I couldn't shield charge while using a wand which still makes zero sense to me but little stuff like that got quite frustrating for a while because I completely solo play on Xbox so I don't know anyone to teach me the basics outside of this guide and youtube. I have now played this character up into the 80's. I still have a TON to learn as I feel that I have only scratched the surface but after quite a few hours I do have some basic questions. Spirit Offering... I really don't get how this is very useful. The "issue" as I see it is that when this is theoretically useful (because they bad guys just got real) the amount of time that I simply get one shotted, or maybe death in 2 shots, is crazy high. And this skill requires both the Cast on Damage Taken as well as the Spirit Offering, that is 2 slots for something that is hard to tell if it is useful. I was wondering if replacing that skill with Convocation wouldn't be better. You could keep it tied to the CoDT or replace that one as well with something useful. Perhaps I am really missing the importance of Spirit Offering and just not seeing it, that would not surprise me. Thanks again for taking the time for your guide. I am sure I will have more questions. Does anyone here play on Xbox? |
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On a side note about my feeling with the build.
- Great mapper, im using a realy aggressive playstyle, basicaly shield charge all the time, super fast, ball lighntning only on big mobs : shield charge + spectre + crawler are sufficient, even on t15 maps. -Nice boss killer : did all the corrupted guardians + shaper + uber atziri. - Good dps output BUT : I feel that the dps is realy fragile.On bosses like Phoenix for example, his first charge killed like 20 skelletons. So my dps went down quite fast, and it's the major problem with the build. If there is no AOE no Cleave, DPS is GREAT! But on Shaper etc...all my minions are dying realy fast. And a last question : Yopu said that the shaper mod on my dagger can cause EE to be messed up. If i foudn another one, will my dps be higher ? |
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Hello in your youtube video your spectres are black color, how do you change it from blue? Thanks for the guide too!
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also I have a quick questions do I only raise 1 solar guard and the rest frost sentinels? is it just pure frost sentinels or some little boss frost sentinels, new to this game sorry for dumb questions haha
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" This is a shop effect for raise spectres :) |
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made some upgrades:
In term of pure stuff , i think i can't have better gear for the moment (because out of $$ hehee ). Managed to have a new weapon, Helmet with+3gem/20 minion dmg/25% minion dmg. a 21/5 vaal skeletons. all my gems 20 qual ( need 21/20 elemental proliferation). the biggest improvement is probably with the Jewelsn need to have better ones, but multy-moded are super expensive... I followed your suggestions and changed my three, i have 6.5klife + 200 shield so, nice EHP, also full res caped. I think it's prety great for now Zuletzt bearbeitet von Uriacesjaces#3521 um 17.01.2019, 16:46:10
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" You should have at least two spectres: one from the gem, and one from the Death Attunement at the top of the skill tree. Both of these should be Frostbros. If you get a third spectre, it should be a Solar Guard, because: 1. Three Frostbros don't chill/freeze any better than two 2. The fire damage from SGs has a chance to ignite, and every bit helps 3. The fire damage won't be mitigated by a mob's cold resist. " Frostbros come from Act 8, Lunaris Temple. SGs come from Act 8, Solaris Temple. Accept no substitutes! Be sure you don't raise Solar Champions or Rime Sentinels. Read the section on the first page under "NEW PLAYERS GUIDES" -> "Minions Explained" -> SPECTRES 101" on how to go to the highest level area you can to replace those "starter" minions with buffed out ones. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Notelrac#1871 um 17.01.2019, 16:54:41
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I posted above but didn't get any replies so maybe this is a bad question. But does anyone sub out Spirit Offering for anything else? I just don't see it doing much but perhaps that is only because I am a noob and I don't get it. Can I get your guys/gals thoughts on Spirit Offering and why its worth it?
My basic issue is that it seems like I either don't need it because I clear everything so fast anyways, OR, I get destroyed in 1 or 2 shots and I am dead. I get that it is for the minions, I just don't see them being all that affected by it. I am new to the game and only doing T5-7's at this point so maybe this is why I don't get it yet... would love to hear your thoughts. All the other skills and supports I totally get what they are doing for me and can see it. Thanks |
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