{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀
Hi Hercanic!
I'm enjoying delving much more than mapping this league. Are there any optimisations to the build for deep delving? I'm getting close to ~300 depth and would like more regen/defences. I have the ES on hit jewel which keeps ES up while exploring behind walls, but i'm not sure its keeping up with the damage a get at deeper levels. Finally, I'd like to annoint my amulet with Soul of Steel but i think its pretty meh (not sure). Jinxed Juju is often suggested... should i get that at annoint it? i can tolerate the loss of resistances, and specters are super tanky so a bit of life from them should help with delve. Basically, im looking for an end-game ammy to annoint. Whats BiS? One more question... I'm thinking of trying out your Triad Grip build. I noticed on your skill tree you have taken Necromanic Ageis. Doesn't the effect of that keystone have the same effect as Victarios Kite shield? Is my tree right for the Grip of the Council and should I change it if I change to Traid Grip? Thanks again for your support to the community! Zuletzt bearbeitet von Tigytallpants#5193 um 16.10.2019, 20:00:35
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Hello everyone,
thanks @Hercanic for that awesome build! Makes a lot of fun, just beat red Elder, going for Uberelder. As I'm going for my first Uberelder try, is there anything I could improve? Or change for that battle? Thanks in advance. Zuletzt bearbeitet von NomNoomNom#0448 um 17.10.2019, 01:34:57
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Hi Hercanic,
You have mentioned that with Soul Eater, it is better not to use Summon Phantasms. However you are still using Summon Phantasms yourself, is this to stick with the summoner theme, or are Phantasms now better? Are these the correct Spectre supports to use without Phantasms? Minion Damage - Spell Echo - Controlled Destruction - Faster Projectiles - Greater Multiple Projectiles Are there any adjustments you would make for blights or delves, perhaps swapping in Chains for Faster Projectiles? Thanks for this great guide. If you have the time, I would appreciate if you could look through my character to see if there's something I'm doing wrong. I have a 4 ex to spend at the moment, I'm thinking the ES on hit Watcher's Eye and probably a helm upgrade (Bound Fossils on a L86 Elder Hubris Circlet?) |
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That's weird.. my Unearth isn't linking to mt CWDT gem at all~ It's not highlighting when I mouse over it~
Is this normal? "For we are not now that strength, which in old days moved Earth and Heaven. That which we are, we are; one equal strength of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." - Ulysses, Tennyson
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" Looks to me like you have GMP linked to CWDT...might want to fix that. Unearth isn't used in the 3.8 build either. |
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@ Cowrex:
" We use Desecrate, not Unearth or GMP. The items were posted before 3.8 released. Read the text beneath the item examples, they have priority. GMP isn't highlighting because nothing in your links (Spirit Offering & Desecrate) use projectiles. You do not need GMP. Instead, you can use that socket for anything you want. @ Tigytallpants:
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" " The build should be fine to at least ~400. The original build had no problems at this depth during Delve league and since then we've become much tankier and gained far more damage. Depending how deep you want to go (beyond 1k), eventually eHP stops mattering and instead you must not get hit. Ball Lightning with Knockback is fantastic protection, bulldozing everything away from you. (Projectile Weakness in Mark of Submission ring, Fending anointment). You can continue to use CwC Cyclone, or try Unleash + GMP + Knockback Support. Cleansed Thoughts is another anointment option that will double your Chaos Resistance, making it a great counter to caustic ground degens from Delve Zombies. ES on Hit is incredibly strong against packs (don't forget about Life on Spell Hit from Shaper rings), but if degens without nearby monsters to hit are proving to be a common problem, then changing CwC from Ball Lightning to Desecrate + Spirit Offering will give you substantial recovery without needing any targets. " I see this bit was edited out from when I first read your post, so I'm guessing you found my earlier reply all right? " It's the strongest unconditional defense notable on the tree. I also go over some other options here. " 10% less damage taken is (1/0.9=) ~11% more eHP. If you have 8k eHP, then it's worth +888 eHP. For 10k eHP, it's +1111 eHP. A rare amulet can have 89 life, 51 ES, and 22% ES. @200% life and ES, and 1k base ES, this amulet would be worth 267 life, 153 ES (from flat), and 220 ES (from %), for a total of 640 eHP. 55 STR suffix would add another 82 life, for a total of 722 eHP. If you craft +1 Minimum Endurance Charges, for 4% phys reduction, that's worth at least 320 eHP @8k or 400 eHP @10k vs. phys, increasing in value the more phys reduction you have, and doubling after 50% reduction. So even with an ideal rare amulet, they're pretty close. The caveat being Juju's value depends on your current eHP, so if it's low so too will be Juju's value. It also doesn't directly help Spirit Offering's ES heal. Something like this, though, beats it pretty soundly: The main issue with Juju will be making sure you hit your DEX requirements, since the amulet slot is one of the few easy places to get it. " In my Cold Triad Grip variant I had to drop a 4L, so I opted to lose Cyclone. No Ball Lightning meant I wasn't generating Frenzy Charges reliably on my own. So I spent 4 points for NA to alleviate that issue. With NA, my minions have the mods of my shield instead of me, so their hits will generate Frenzy Charges. I also receive Frenzy Charges from them, which I can then use with Phase Run. Since they're the ones getting all the kills, Power Charges enter the picture as well. Eventually I'd like to add a Kingmaker Animated Guardian, which will give surrounding minions +50% crit multiplier and further increase the value of those Power Charges. " Only real difference between Council and Triad on the tree is my having taken NA because of the lack of CwC Ball Lightning. @ Bumstorte:
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" " Spiders with Cold Triad Grip lose a big chunk of their Viper Strike poison damage. Not the best combo. You have Minion Damage twice on your helm. They do not stack. You can level up Spirit Offering. CwC doesn't care about gem level like CWDT. I'd leave Desecrate at a low level, though, simply because a high level has no benefit and monsters might detonate the corpses. @ woefulwabbit:
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" " Since Phantasms deal physical damage, Cold Triad boosts their damage even further relative to Spectres. They deal about 90k each (vs. Shaper). Frost Sentinels deal about 127k each in first stage and 190k in second stage of Ice Spear. So 2 Phantasms = 1 Frost Sentinel. Spell Echo would be 55% more DPS for Frost Sentinels. This would put them at 296k (3.3 Phantasms = 1 Frost Sentinel). But they wouldn't have Pierce like Phantasms, or Chain to hit around corners, which is similar to how Phantasms function when they spawn in the middle of a pack through a doorway. 90k x11 = 990k 190k x4 = 760k Total = 1,750k 296k x4 = 1,184k but no pierce/chain. This means Phantasms give me 48% more damage along with piercing and psuedo-chaining. They are also more reliable as I run ahead and minions spawn on me like a centipede. More minions = smoother spread (number of steps before something pops in to engage the closest monsters). With enough souls, Soul Eater will overcome the 48% damage difference (~100% cast speed each, so 20 souls x4 Spectres = 80 absorbed kills). but it's less consistent and can't overcome terrain obstructions. If instead of Spell Echo we used Pierce or Chain, we'd have an even bigger damage deficit to overcome with Soul Eater. 92% more vs. Pierce = ~184% cast speed needed = 37 souls each = 147 kills 156% more vs. Chain = ~312% cast speed needed = 62 souls each = 250 kills Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hercanic#3982 um 21.10.2019, 17:19:45
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Spiders with Cold Triad Grip lose a big chunk of their Viper Strike poison damage. Not the best combo. You have Minion Damage twice on your helm. They do not stack. You can level up Spirit Offering. CwC doesn't care about gem level like CWDT. I'd leave Desecrate at a low level, though, simply because a high level has no benefit and monsters might detonate the corpses. Should I better use this instead of the Spider-Weapon? Would be that more damage? What do you recommend as replacement for Minion Damage? Should I use Multistrike instead? Thanks for your help! |
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" Find a claw with 3 support and one prefix, it's quite cheap. Remember that EDWT is the best when you uses Triad gloves. Use melee splash and melee physical dmg / empower 4 for your skeleton |
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Hey :)
I really enjoy this build! I was wondering about Glorious Vanity (Doryani) jewels though. You mentioned them in the first Hybrid Build post and said that it should be placed into the upper left jewel socket to convert Minion Instability into Corrupted Soul. What about Death Attunement though? I think it's a very important notable and it will get changed by Glorious Vanity too, right? I feel like I am not seeing something here because that seems like a bad idea. IGN: RachelSuperCasual (Torment)
RachelShockerina (Rampage - retired) RachelElysia (Ambush - retired) LadyVinara (Nemesis - retired) |
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@ Bumstorte:
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" " " Although Cold Triad isn't ideal for Spiders (Chaos Triad would make full use of their poison), they still deal a lot of damage, in exchange for the trouble of maintaining them. Fully committing to Zombies, we can reach 500k each x11, plus Slam (Feeding Frenzy and L4 Empower in a claw with +1, +2 Supports, Maim, Ele Damage with Attacks, and Faster Attacks) = 5.5M total. Fully committing to Spiders, you can reach 432k each x20 (Minion Damage, Melee Phys Damage, Damage on Full Life) = 8.6M total. If you instead use Melee Splash for Spiders and don't gem swap for bosses, they'll deal 283k each, or 5.7M total. So pretty close to Zombies, who have a natural Slam for AOE clear. If you used Zombies instead of Melee Splash, then Zombies would contribute another 204k each x9 = 1.8M. Together you'd get 7.5M total. @ devynee:
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" " The tree changed in 3.8. Death Attunement used to be outside the jewel radius, but this is no longer the case. The best place for us is the right-hand jewel socket by Melding. We must drop Melding as a result. I had tried to take the socket further northeast, turning CI and EB into Corrupted Soul, but the cost of 6 points was worse than losing the life and ES of Melding. The best way to make up for the loss of Melding is to find a historic seed that turns either Alacrity or Physique into a 10% life node. My character, Children_of_the_Mind, is using Corrupted Soul. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hercanic#3982 um 21.10.2019, 18:28:03
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