[3.6] 5-Aura Flicker Strike Trickster - 3 Heralds+Aspect of the Cat+Hatred - All Content

0piate schrieb:
I like the build. But I notice in your tree you have a +10 dexterity node that you don't need, below Coordination. You also took two 4% life nodes around Thick skin when you can get 4% life plus a little evasion around Revenge of the Hunted. I would refund those three and get Revenge of the Hunted.

This is a pretty old build, so the tree might be a bit outdated. The shift of nodes could have potentially changed some of the original nodes or moved them from when this build was first built. This is most likely the case because I had other builds and their trees changed that I had to refix. If it isn't then I most likely grabbed those nodes as I leveled normally.

For me, personally, I originally didn't use Path of Building back then and just pathed my tree as I leveled so there might be some inefficiencies compared to a final tree so I apologize for that.

I would suggest you change out those nodes as you said as well.

Thanks for pointing that out. I haven't heard anything from this build for quite some time now since it was one of my first guides actually.

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For anyone interested in starting this build pre lvl 51 (I know lvl 51 isn't that high a requirement but i like using the main ability in a build as soon as i unlock it) there are some items that can allow you to start having fun with flicker strike before being able to wear the Terminus Est.

I mixed a few items and abilities that allows me to generate frenzy charges, so far what i'm using are the Lochtontail Caress gloves and the Victario's Acuity amulet. Yes they both give more than just frenzy charges and it kind of comes down to luck however just being lvl 26 when writing this post the frenzy charges are quite sustainable, way more than the mana is which is what i've got the Thief's Torment ring planned for at lvl 30 to resolve that issue. Also still planning to play a little with Poacher's Mark > Blasphemy

Other than that, this build is awesome and i've quickly fallen in love with flicker strike despite still being far from its true strength
Lolicubus schrieb:
For anyone interested in starting this build pre lvl 51 (I know lvl 51 isn't that high a requirement but i like using the main ability in a build as soon as i unlock it) there are some items that can allow you to start having fun with flicker strike before being able to wear the Terminus Est.

I mixed a few items and abilities that allows me to generate frenzy charges, so far what i'm using are the Lochtontail Caress gloves and the Victario's Acuity amulet. Yes they both give more than just frenzy charges and it kind of comes down to luck however just being lvl 26 when writing this post the frenzy charges are quite sustainable, way more than the mana is which is what i've got the Thief's Torment ring planned for at lvl 30 to resolve that issue. Also still planning to play a little with Poacher's Mark > Blasphemy

Other than that, this build is awesome and i've quickly fallen in love with flicker strike despite still being far from its true strength

Whatever method is easier to level with or play with, go for it. :) I personally just level my melee guys the same, unless I can use that skill earlier on efficiently. Totally preference. Play what works for you best. :)

Thief's Torment is SOOO good for leveling. Some builds even use it since life gain on hit is so damn strong. It makes you able to run no-leech map mods too which is awesome. Definitely a slept on unique ring at times. You should check out my other Flicker Strike build with the Slayer. There were some nerfs that hit it, but it is generally still a VERY strong and reliable Flicker Strike build. It covers all of Flicker Strike's weaknesses being stun and chill/freeze immune with reliable Frenzy Charge sustain giving you basically an infinite Flicker Strike.


Good luck!
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Bakuhakubasugasu schrieb:
Whatever method is easier to level with or play with, go for it. :) I personally just level my melee guys the same, unless I can use that skill earlier on efficiently. Totally preference. Play what works for you best. :)

Thief's Torment is SOOO good for leveling. Some builds even use it since life gain on hit is so damn strong. It makes you able to run no-leech map mods too which is awesome. Definitely a slept on unique ring at times. You should check out my other Flicker Strike build with the Slayer. There were some nerfs that hit it, but it is generally still a VERY strong and reliable Flicker Strike build. It covers all of Flicker Strike's weaknesses being stun and chill/freeze immune with reliable Frenzy Charge sustain giving you basically an infinite Flicker Strike.


Good luck!

Hey thanks for the reply, i had a look through the other build guide as well and i may move to that at a later point once i feel more comfortable with melee builds in general, i've so far only played ranged builds so this still feels pretty scary in a way to me, though Thief's Torment makes life so much better.

Though i am curious, how do you level your melee characters?
[EDIT] Ticket expired and I lost my original message. Delete this post if needed.
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Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bakuhakubasugasu#6072 um 22.04.2019, 15:33:57
Lolicubus schrieb:
Hey thanks for the reply, i had a look through the other build guide as well and i may move to that at a later point once i feel more comfortable with melee builds in general, i've so far only played ranged builds so this still feels pretty scary in a way to me, though Thief's Torment makes life so much better.

Though i am curious, how do you level your melee characters?

I actually wrote you a pretty detailed post, but my ticket got expired and I lost the whole thing. X_X

Just gonna keep it a bit shorter now because I am still at work, sorry. Though it might still seem a bit wordy, trust me, the first one was even way more into depth lol. T_T

I pretty much use the same template I level all of my melee characters. It is what I am used to and comfortable with. For me, personally, I can get a character to 65-70 within a day or so without much effort since I have been doing this same type of leveling for quite some time now. At levels 60-70, you are generally in the right level to start using all of your gear and whatnot, which why I like leveling up to that point and then starting the actual guide from there. Unless the skill I am using for my end build can be used efficiently even at low levels, then I would just go do my normal melee leveling method.

My melee method is really just using Double Strike in a Tabula Rasa. Just use Double Strike > Melee Physical Damage > Multistrike > Ruthless > Maim > Melee Splash Support. I also grab a node or two for bleed chance to get a chance to bleed to abuse the added flat damage from Double Strike if the enemy is bleeding. Also, grab Resolute Technique so you do not ever miss as you level. Crit isn't too important to us and we just want to ensure that we never miss while we spam our fast Double Strike. You pair this up with Thief's Torment to get life gain on hit and you can easily face-tank all the content before getting to maps.

It takes a bit getting used to, but once you get to that point, face-tanking everything and leveling quickly is super easy. I know you just started melee builds a bit recently, but it just takes some experience and patience. I also like long range builds, but even back from my first RPGs, I have always played melee builds. I enjoy anything, but I do enjoy melee builds the most since of the nostalgia.

The only reason why I do not use Flicker Strike earlier on is because generating Frenzy Charges isn't too efficient earlier on. Clearing up mobs and trash isn't a problem, but using Flicker Strike on a boss is a bit of a nightmare. This is because at earlier levels, we rely on killing things to get a chance to gaining a Frenzy Charge from items, skills like Poacher's Mark+Blasphemy, Blood Rage and the like. In later levels, the other methods to gain Frenzy Charges are just that much where we are not required to kill stuff, but just hitting anything and generating Frenzy Charges that way.

Honestly though, it is preference. You can still use Flicker Strike to wipe out mobs and just attack with another skill for bosses. Pick your poison, really. :)

Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Good luck, exile!
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Bakuhakubasugasu schrieb:

I actually wrote you a pretty detailed post, but my ticket got expired and I lost the whole thing. X_X

Just gonna keep it a bit shorter now because I am still at work, sorry. Though it might still seem a bit wordy, trust me, the first one was even way more into depth lol. T_T

I pretty much use the same template I level all of my melee characters. It is what I am used to and comfortable with. For me, personally, I can get a character to 65-70 within a day or so without much effort since I have been doing this same type of leveling for quite some time now. At levels 60-70, you are generally in the right level to start using all of your gear and whatnot, which why I like leveling up to that point and then starting the actual guide from there. Unless the skill I am using for my end build can be used efficiently even at low levels, then I would just go do my normal melee leveling method.

My melee method is really just using Double Strike in a Tabula Rasa. Just use Double Strike > Melee Physical Damage > Multistrike > Ruthless > Maim > Melee Splash Support. I also grab a node or two for bleed chance to get a chance to bleed to abuse the added flat damage from Double Strike if the enemy is bleeding. Also, grab Resolute Technique so you do not ever miss as you level. Crit isn't too important to us and we just want to ensure that we never miss while we spam our fast Double Strike. You pair this up with Thief's Torment to get life gain on hit and you can easily face-tank all the content before getting to maps.

It takes a bit getting used to, but once you get to that point, face-tanking everything and leveling quickly is super easy. I know you just started melee builds a bit recently, but it just takes some experience and patience. I also like long range builds, but even back from my first RPGs, I have always played melee builds. I enjoy anything, but I do enjoy melee builds the most since of the nostalgia.

The only reason why I do not use Flicker Strike earlier on is because generating Frenzy Charges isn't too efficient earlier on. Clearing up mobs and trash isn't a problem, but using Flicker Strike on a boss is a bit of a nightmare. This is because at earlier levels, we rely on killing things to get a chance to gaining a Frenzy Charge from items, skills like Poacher's Mark+Blasphemy, Blood Rage and the like. In later levels, the other methods to gain Frenzy Charges are just that much where we are not required to kill stuff, but just hitting anything and generating Frenzy Charges that way.

Honestly though, it is preference. You can still use Flicker Strike to wipe out mobs and just attack with another skill for bosses. Pick your poison, really. :)

Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Good luck, exile!

Damn, always a shame to see a post disappear like that but still wow, thank you very much for the detailed response, lvl 65-70 in a day still seems like a dream to me, but i also just started in this league (i know pretty late but i've been working 50-60 hour weeks too much)

I've currently just ascended as well and the build has become so much better already, i'm using cyclone as my main ability for the time being though i'd love to try the double strike setup i don't have a tabula rasa available right now so just working my way towards that. But right now i've got the herald of ash and purity as well as Hatred running and getting some pretty great numbers on both flicker strike and cyclone, generally having quite a lot of fun! And with the Thief's torment death feels very far away.
Lolicubus schrieb:
Damn, always a shame to see a post disappear like that but still wow, thank you very much for the detailed response, lvl 65-70 in a day still seems like a dream to me, but i also just started in this league (i know pretty late but i've been working 50-60 hour weeks too much)

I've currently just ascended as well and the build has become so much better already, i'm using cyclone as my main ability for the time being though i'd love to try the double strike setup i don't have a tabula rasa available right now so just working my way towards that. But right now i've got the herald of ash and purity as well as Hatred running and getting some pretty great numbers on both flicker strike and cyclone, generally having quite a lot of fun! And with the Thief's torment death feels very far away.

Glad that you are enjoying it so far though. Just know that I am here to help if you need it. Just take things slow and keep at it.

Good luck!
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having issues with being insanely squishy atm haha
Olaverty schrieb:
having issues with being insanely squishy atm haha

Definitely need to focus on more life, for sure. Also, to be honest, this build was a bit more of a meme just because I wanted to fit as many auras/heralds/aspects into one build. It really only was created because I had an Aul's Rising, to be honest. The build still works as intended, but there are definitely a lot more optimized Flicker Strike builds out there.

Speaking of more optimized Flicker Strike builds, the one I made for Slayer is an actual end-game variant. If you are interested, check out my signature to get to my build guides. It is my Infinite Blazing Flicker Strike Slayer.

I haven't been playing PoE for a few months due to some life situations right now, but if you have any questions or concerns, I am still checking the forums every 1 or 2 days to answer anything.

Good luck!
*Want to try out some fun hipster builds? Check out my thread below!*
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