[3.8] [SC] TheEmperorSlayer's Autobomber - Pushing Boundaries
" Not sure if the build is something that u should try if you ask a question like this. I've checked ur character and there are 2 huge problems with it that should be obvious. 1) no diamond flask 2) only normal lab completed Since u don't have them your crit chance with shield charge is something arround 24% against enemies that aren't on full/lowlife. To me it sound's like you haven't understand what ur weapon is doing. You need to crit with an atk skill(for u shield charge) to activate ur glacial cascade. The last thing is that this build isn't made for bosses. Your highest character is lvl82 so i guess that u still want to explore maps that u haven't completed yet. this build is a bad choice if that's what u want to do. |
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I am having a blast on somewhat a budget build and only level 89.
I did unshape my tier 3-4 and started working on burial chamber with my MF setup. I grabbed 2 doctor cards today and I didn't even play too long (I have about +55% IIQ / +112% IIR - not too shabby for temp league?). I started with 10 burials and now over 100 through just sustain. lol. I am debating on either going for HH or selling the doctor cards and getting at least watchers eye and then farming levels and re-unshaping for shaped toxic sewers again. Not sure which would be more efficient, any suggestions? Push for levels with shaped toxic + watchers eye with crit hatred mod (sell a doctor card) or farm a few more days for HH? Edit: hah, even with MF gear, I can do red maps (minus bosses). Fun times. Zuletzt bearbeitet von kestalkayden#0043 um 15.10.2018, 22:10:17
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This is a fantastic guide. Last league I wanted to play autobomber but it was hard finding a comprehensive guide. Everyone kept saying it’s such a tried and tested build you can easily find info but no not really. I searched everywhere. Best I found was a couple of YouTube vids from Cutedog, Waifu etc but nothing like this. Great job! Wonderimg if you could help answer me three questions: 1) do you recommend this as a league starter and if so how would you level this? Also what’s the order of items you would buy to get it running? 2) how does assasin compare to elementalist which is the other common ascendancy people use to autobomber? 3) what are your thoughts on replacing glacial cascade for blade vortex for more single target? Can glacial cascade handle bosses in shaped t16 for instance? I remember struggling with gc even on t3 burials boss but with BV it was easy. Just hate the mechanics of BV tho so hoping you say GC is sufficient for bosses! |
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"I would get both, Watcher's eye and Headhunter. They're both massive, I promise. "It's probably one of the worst league starters there are, unless you don't plan on pushing the ladder early on. It needs very specific gear, at least three labs, and gem levels. If you were to have a group of friends that could carry you for two days, then it would be alright. As for the items: Cospri's Malice > Zeel's Amplifier > The Coming Calamity (it can be unlinked) > Essence Worm > Watcher's Eye > Insanity Gloves > rest (get resistances as needed and make sure you upgrade your helmet whenever you can, as long as you need it) "Assassin is much better for this specific build. It's all about the consistency and the damage. "Cospri's Malice only triggers Cold spells, of which GC is just the superior choice. I have done more shaped T16 than I can count and there have been very few maps in which I chose to skip the boss. They often die within one use of our flasks, but it all boils down to your gear (level 21 GC is great too). Zuletzt bearbeitet von b0moodc#1909 um 16.10.2018, 03:33:35
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" Thanks buddy for the quick and super helpful reply! One last question to follow on, roughly what budget do you think I would need to spend in leagues to be able to clear T16 bosses like you do? Pretty much the full gear set is required? |
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so ive wanted to try an autobomber for a while now but i never really got around to do it until i rerolled a self temp chains CP juggernaut with zerphis heart but it felt really bad, remembered you posting your guide on reddit and just went for it.
currently only level 91, gem levels not exactly optimal, some gear pieces recycled from other builds (amulet, gloves, boots)
weapon swap (i use default attack to trigger the poets pens, kinda ghetto but it works) jewels are pretty much what the OP has, except they dont have any corruptions choose to go for an eshs mirror instead of zeels before i got the PP's cuz it felt like it actually helped a lot for single target and the missing aoe wasnt actually noticable for me, will probably switch back to zeels soon-ish though. the overall feel of the build is super nice, nothing more to say really. only three problems i encountered so far which the OP and other people in the build thread have already named: 1. single target , somewhat solved 2. meeting a tanky-ish magic pack at the start of the map (being careful fixes it obviously, but sometimes when youre just blasting maps mistakes happen..) 3. delving (rares, mobs with strong ranged attacks like the golems in the fire and ice? areas, sulphite encounters, etc.) 1. and 2. ive got somewhat fixed, 3. is still sketchy even at low-ish delves (monster lvl 79-80), offscreening with poets pen and arc works most of the time but it can still be dangerous when you just stand still and spam it. im considering switching my sulphite flask for a basalt or sth to have a little more survivability but not sure what i want to do yet. also PepeHands for hitting that RF enchant on the tempests binding while doing my uber lab also my two cents for leveling: 4x poets pens (arc/lw for clear, arc/ball lightning for single target), killed a10 kitava after 3h 15 mins with all skill quests and normal lab done, took some spell crit nodes on the tree while leveling like doomcast, annihilation etc but other than that pretty much the same tree, only takes few regrets to respec. i also took the opportunistic assassin node first just for the sake of speed. all in all sick mapping build, im having fun. |
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"21/20 gems, Watcher's Eye, Headhunter. Those three are the biggest singletarget dps increases. |
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I just wanted to say I'm very thankful for the guide. I've made 3 auto-bombers for my father who doesn't play very much, and though they are usually cheaper I've been learning a lot about them since Harbinger (when I made the first).
Your tips on the Zeel's amplifier, glove enchantment, and corrupted use of the grand spectrum jewels were probably the biggest help I've seen compared to my time doing them. I didn't even know that shield existed. I might try crafting a shaped horror helmet at some point. How many tries does it usually take to get the horror with one positive shaped prefix/affix? I'm currently rocking an enchanted tempest's bindings on both accounts of mine. If they ever shorten down the rippling thought's internal cooldown it is SO becoming my weapon. Also, that's a really pretty helmet. Hope you finish it! Zuletzt bearbeitet von Xenithos#3163 um 16.10.2018, 14:13:44
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So, just for fun, I tried to turn this build into a Discharge build. I'm sure I'm not the only Autobomber addict who was in love with the old broken Discharge, right? They're both such similar builds, but Discharge has been utter trash for many leagues. Building it the old way is pointless, but I thought maybe the skill would become good again if you simply work it into an Autobomber and let Herald of Ice chains carry the clear.
So what I did was remove Herald of Thunder, put Discharge in the Cospri's, and then just add a Voll's Protector and Voll's Devotion. I also respeced a couple passive points for an extra endurance charge. And for the most part it worked. I mean, it was fine. Discharge oneshotted everything and Herald of Ice popped the rest of the pack. Single target was a problem. Even with a Glacial Cascade/Cast While Channeling/Blade Flurry in the chest, the single target was worse than just a regular Autobomber, because Discharge keeps eating all your power charges and gimping your damage. Bosses were easily killable, but it just felt bad. Maybe Innya's Epiphany would help with that, but eh. So, yeah. Discharge still trash. So trash, in fact, that I bought an Ice Nova gem just for fun and slotted it in the Cospri's instead of Discharge and instantly the build was better. That's how bad Discharge is right now. It eats your power charges and gives you basically nothing in return. No AoE, no damage. Just a stylish MTX that sadly is just not worth it. Anyway, just wanted to post that in case anyone else was interested. I know a lot of people love Discharge. |
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Besides leveling 20 or so more levels. What should I look into improving ?
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