[3.13] TOXIC RAIN + HERALD OF AGONY Pathfinder Build (6-8K life) (UBER ELDER done!) +VIDEO GUIDE!
can you check my pathfinder and tell me how can I ımprove her more with little bit of currency
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Hello Rainers and ThreadOpener, i like to Share my Experience with you Guys, and also maybe u guys can tell me what i really fckd up in my BUild, and wha i should or couldve changed.
So overall, you Guys Shall know that i went to try a Crit Toxic Rain Build. Ive allways read in here and noone seemed to try anything like this, which makes me Believe ( beeing a Casual Player), that the whole Idea is Garbage, but i tried anyways :) Also note that i write now, after Spending Approximately 3000 Fuses and 1000 of the Scour/Chance Porcupine Stuff, just to still sit here with a 4 Link Only Quill. Coulve bought 20 6L by now, but well, guess i just like to do it mySelf. I used to have quite solid Linking Luck, but this League is an absolute Desaster for me. I also dropped 3 Exalts in the First Pack of Delve Vaal Outposts, which made me believe they drop more often in those Places, and i used the Exalts to buy rather Random Stuff. Now, around 60 Vaal Outposts and Abyss Depths later, i didnt drop a Single more Exalt, and i know now that i was wrong lol. All in All, the lEague is rather old now, and i kinda lost the Grip to do much more. Anyway, Heres my Gear for now, and i put up some Pros and Contras of the Build i came up with. I pushed the Critchance up to 45%, the Multi is around 300 i think. I dont even know if the Dot or Poison Damage of Crits is even higher then without a Crit, but like i said, Casual POE Gamer :) Often the Bosses get some Massive Swings down on their life, so i assume it does matter. The Ascendancy Class is Solid, it gives 110% Poison Chance, without taking any random "Chance to Poison" Nodes that arent Mandatory. No Need to Mention that the Herald is constantly at 40. I combine Blood Rage, and with the Class, i have 3 Power and Frenzy Charges up Every Moment. Intresting Approach with the Crit is The King of the hill, which Pushes the Enemies away, and since Most walk towards you, they get Pushed back, making them Constantly Standing in the FUll TR Pod Madness. Something Special i went for is the Double Curse Option. Combines Despair and Ass Mark for Crit. It is Obv Curse on Hit, but with Rain of Arrows. This Skill seems to have quite some Nasty Crit rate, and it just pushes every Enemy of Screen in no Time. Not the Worst Safety Option, and also Raises the Herald to 40 in the Blink of an Eye. Also has a Monster Area of Effect. I grabbed a Crit Maligaro Glove with a White Socket, that Brings me to Swapping Ass Mark with Temp Chains, which is allways good for some Bosses (Phoenix Boss f.E. Hardly can move anymore lol). And its amazing for Deep Delving, which gets quite complicated at a ceartain Depth. This Also Removes the Witchfire Brew for other Options. Obviously i didnt test the Mana Problems with 6L TR and 5L Herald yet, and i dont know if Essence Sap (Easy access with the CLass) Takes Care of all Mana Problems, but if not, its allways and Easy Open Slot for a Mana Flask Also Note that the Class Maim, Slows, Hinders and Temp Chains like Crazy, so if u really want, u can SLow time for all the Enemies :) Sidethings are Vaal Skeletons and Despair, allways good Safe options for bosses and Delving. Makes it quite Safe. Spell Totem with Wither is also Planned, didnt came to this Yet. Biggest Problem with my BUild is obviously Life, currently at close over 4K, Quite more is to come, but i need to Level first. Its also Possible to just kinda ditch the CHest for Belly, should improve Life quite a Bit Next Steps would be 6L Quill Rain for me, Herald probably stays at 5L. Dying Sun of COurse, and maybe even Tombfist. Dont know how Strong that is, but its rather Expensive SO overall, the Pros of this that i can Find out is Solid Damage, eventho i dont know how fast u guys kill Stuff. But since no 6L comes for me, i dont know the limits yet. FUll Poison Chance with constant max Herald. KotH Critting which Makes random Clearing a Joke and Safe, eventho i guess all u Experienced guys have no Problem with that anyway. Contras is that i got no massive Flask Recovery like u Pathfinders. Big Contra is a rather Low Life Pool. Also the Overall Defense is low. No Grace and the Right Side Dodge Chance nodes Make the total "Chance to Dodge and Evade" quite low. Immo Call helps, but not allways. Most Content is Doable. i Beat Elder and his Guards, whilst only dying to Elder and the Lightning Guardian. Atziri is easy, Council is Easy. The Delve Bosses are easy once u know the Moves. Next i wanna do Shaper and Uber Elder, but i assume i fail on those Fellas. SO thats gonna be it for my BUild, i aplogize for the Text Wall :) Feel free to Drop me some Improvements you guys can find for me, and most importantly, tell me if the Crit Idea was Shit to begin with. Next League i try TR again, hopefully with 6l, and then with Pathfinder. Big Thanks again to the Openeer and his Amazing Build and his constant anwsering to the Players here. See u guys in the next Update :) Zuletzt bearbeitet von MasterK18#2301 um 07.10.2018, 12:28:08
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" That's an interesting approach here! I like it! But yeah, very low life pool makes you really squishy in uber Elder fight and degen can really destroy you in no time. You can try to get a 6L bow through chancing, like i did. The video is in the start post https://www.twitch.tv/angry_roleplayer
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2143469 |
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" Yes, Devoto's Devotion doesn't give any life, while Starkonya's can give up to 100, which is a huge difference with all the % increased life. I for example lose 300 hp if i switch it with Devoto's. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Mavenclaw#3299 um 08.10.2018, 07:22:41
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@ANgry Roleplayer, like i wrote in the Post, i said that i used 1000+ of the Chance / Scour Method, but didnt get any QUills :(
I also wanna Mention that for Mana of Course i Mean Mind Drinker Node. Dont know how i came up with Essence Sap lol. I just played a Core Map, had Mana Problems on His Phase 1 when he is all alone. Killed myself, Switch over to Mind Drinker, and it seemed to be fine. Any of you Guys have Experience with Mind Drinker? Is it simply enough to sustain Mana against a Single Target? |
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" If you use Quill Rain I'd not recommend mind drinker because the leech only works with the hits and not the dot, which means it leeches almost nothing because of Quill Rain's low phys dmg. Rather get mana on hit or kill on your rares. I for example got 3 jewels with mana gained on hit which helps quite a lot. |
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On another note, which corrupt would be best for toxic rain on our chest? +2 to socketed (AoE, projectile, etc.) gems, or 40-50% increased dmg?
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Hello, I need assistance please I am in the current process of making this character and I believe the intent here was to do alot of damage? and not very much survivability soo i have a few questions in concern for this. 1.) I'm getting hit pretty hard and my only source of life regen is my life flask, no life leech 2.) the gloves are they really neccessary? 3.) where is the jewels man? 4.) Here is a link to my profile to help me please https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Frostedice/characters
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A few questions if anyone minds taking the time to answer:
1. I have been leveling this char using this guide (twink char). I have a 5L quill and drillneck. I had a 6L destiny leather drop on my main (part of the reason for rolling a bow char). I used some fossils to give it decent mods (see below). Nothing serious in terms of investment (I can reforge it later). Any mods I should try to roll with fossils that would synergize with TR? 2. Rotting Gut jewel: is this only used for the 13% chaos damage increase? (ie. the blight mods are ignored?) 3. What stats on jewellery should I be aiming for? (ie. priority of mods such as chaos damage then x then y etc) 4. Are there any desirable shaper gear / mods? 5. Is there a way to disable the mirage arrow shooting sound effect? It is so annoying at high attack speed :( Thanks Zuletzt bearbeitet von Cedwyn#7797 um 09.10.2018, 02:49:11
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" This is incredibly hard to believe in :) I haven't seen anyone who've spent more than 200+ chances https://www.twitch.tv/angry_roleplayer
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2143469 |
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