[3.4] SSFHC Trickster RF League Starter | 9k+ Life
Hey there,my 'Name' is Dutymarv from Germany and i thought it would be the time to make a guide for my RF Trickster build i played in the past League's. I play PoE for roughly 4,5 Years with ~ 4k Hours. If there is anything you would change or dont understand,feel free to ask in commends or on Steam Steam Profile OVERVIEW Pros: + New league "friendly" + No need for big investments to get going + Totally HC Viable ! + Build for HC SSF ! + Good clear,way more dmg/faster than JUGG RF Cons: - No flashy crit explosions,no hearld boom boom - Degen builds are not for everyone - Not for "beginners" Mechanics
What am i doing with this Build ?
Righteus Fire creates a fire degen aura around you,damaging every enemy and YOURSELF. To not die with this,we try to reach as much max. Fire Resistence and Regen as possible. Without Flask we can reach 85-86% and with Flask 91-92% Res. Our dmg scales with our own Life pool,Burning dmg,Fire dmg,Elemental dmg and Damage over Time. Leveling This is how i did it,ofc you can find your own ways :)
We will be leveling with Arc Traps. With non-crit Elemental OVerload, procced by Orb of Storm You will nearly need no regret orbs to respec,just like 3-5 and the base respec points from the Story Line Arc - Trap Support - Cluster Trap - Trap and Mine Damage - Controlled Destruction - Added Cold Damage Wrath Aura Orb of Storm - Arcane Surge - curse on Hit - Elemental Weak Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify - Culling Strike Gem Setup
Skillgem Setup
MAIN DAMAGE SETUP If you play without Kaom's Heart and have a 5 or 6L: 6L is pretty nonsense but if you have it and are still missing out on an Elder Helm Vaal RF - Elemental Focus - Burning Damage - Efficacy - Increase AoE / Conc - Empower or Inc. Duration With Elder Helmet: Any "sockted gems are supported by Level x Burning Damage" Vaal RF - Elemental Focus - Efficacy - Increase AoE / Conc Auras 3L: Purity of Fire Vitality Arctic Armour Movement 4L: Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify - Culling Strike Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify - Culling Strike Whatever you prefer,and no need for Culling Strike just use it if you find a Quality one cause it gives Attack speed. Utility 3L: Enduring Cry Stone Golem Scorching Ray Curse 4L: Orb of Strorm - Curse on Hit - Flammability - Blind/AoE/Arcane Surge whatever SKILLTREE Bandits Simple,KILL ALL or Help Oak,depends on you.
Arc Traps Leveling Tree's
https://poeplanner.com/AA4AAOMADiYAAG6U8fiX-_W0OOUZjDZVS2HiJpUWv1RHpr4e8Ld1XfIOSG06ew3opKIuUEJTNZMnbAsi9G0Zl_SXlUyzBAeD21XGCPRqQ7zqLJwRLXyD6-6nCNgkVkia4EWdU1Iy0UVHwGYEs6IAj0YdFPrSFm_jahzcuJMo-oLH-ehBh7c-_grYvYPMPC3GrgxfHKdTpTwFn9-Cm9Wm8B9o8uw4OtgnL5BVGjhZ83IPcYVXKUbXGS7ZYa2Nz37Uj2eb5FFQR-8OFCBfP67_MPiuPo8ag1-RR4Cziw5auTOj2js8tqOjAAAAAAA= This is a Basic Leveling Tree with the least amount of respec points required. I went Elemental Overload cause i did not wanted to invest into Crit notes,u can surely change this U still need Orb of Storm to proc. ELe Overload ASCENDANCY For Ascendancy i choose Trickster. <3
Ascendancy order
NORMAL: In Normal Lab u choose Weave the Arcane. CRUEL: In Cruel Lab u choose Patient Reaper. MERCILESS: In Merci Lab u choose Swift Killer. UBER: In Uber Lab u choose Prolonged Pain. Depending on your plan when u want to respec to RF u respec from Arc Traps Weave the Arcane and take Prolonged Pain !! Pantheon The Pantheon gives u the oppurtiunity to choose from God Powers,which u unlock by killing the Gods themself. We can select between 1 Major and 1 Minor God Power.
Soul of Arakaali
Soul of Abberath GEAR HERE u can also find my last SR Trickster with some League progression gear shown at the bottom, after Day 4 i respeced to RF which was not planned for this char in Incursion.
What do we want on Rare's?
Weapon: With Arc Traps: Spell Damage and then if you want to go crit instead of EO crit chance for spells. Flat Fire/Light/cold damage to spells With RF: Vaal Sceptre has the best Damage/APS. Look for Burning,Fire Damage mods. Shield: Life - Spell Damage for Arc Traps Life - Life - Life for RF U can play RF without a + Max Res. Shield U will degen if you have not killed a mob in the past 4 seconds (look at 1. Ascendancy) in this case. For mapping it will still work but bossing will be meh. Helmet: Life - Resis With Elder Helmet: Any "sockted gems are supported by Level x Burning Damage" When playing RF later this is BiS. Body: Life - Resis Gloves: Life - Resis - Attack Speed Boots: Life - Resis - Movement Speed ! The Enchant is not mandatory but a really nice QoL ! Amulett: Life - Resis - Fire Damage Corrupted: Grants Level 23 Purity of Fire is huge ! Rings: Life - Resis - Fire Damage - Flat Lightning or Cold Damage on 1 of them U can use Essences to craft Fire Damage on those,this is how i got mine. Belt: This with better rolls is what ur aiming for. Any High life belt will also do the Job. Jewel: Max Life / Fire Damage / Burning Damage / Attack Speed / Area Damage / DoT Might smack in a % chance to gain Phasing/Onslaught on Kill Abyss Jewel Flask: Sulphur Flask Ruby Flask Rest is up to you 1 slot we will need for our unique flask when we get it !
Immortal Flesh Not needed,but a nice niech unique if you can fit it in with the res Witchfire Brew Best in slot Flask ! Kaom's Heart Best in slot Armor I recommend one of the following Shields when u go RF: Ahns Heritage Rise of the Phoenix Saffells Frame Other Builds from me [3.3] Scorching Ray Trickster | SSF HC | Respeced into RF as League Progression Thread Link POB https://pastebin.com/sq8ndm2j
JEBAITED 3.4 CHANGES - Traps nerf'd a little but should still be fine, if its too much choose an alternative way to level ( BV / SR ) - Vaal Soul Gain prevention time doesn't really affect us - Brightbeak slower :(( PoE & F1 is Life. <3 Zuletzt bearbeitet von DutyMarv#7613 um 30.11.2018, 12:36:15 Zuletzt angestoßen am 28.12.2018, 05:26:41
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Looks good, thanks. I'm still looking for my 3.4 starter build so I'll keep an eye on this
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Would this be a good starter if i wanna farm uber lab early on?
Or is Jugg better for that purpose? |
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Could You please answer a few my stupid questions about Your build?
At which moment i should switch to RF? Is it OK to have ~40% cold res like You have in POB? Or it's just a mistake? What i realy need to switch to RF аpart from the shield? |
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I have a question. How is this any different from the other trickster ssfhc build? How is this ssf if you have to have one of the shields?
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" I did not look for Res. in the PoB,its sample gear ! Always look for capped res at 75% on Lightning/Cold and even more on Fire ! U need to have a Level 17+ Purity of Fire and one of those Shields to not Degen while mapping. PoE & F1 is Life. <3 Zuletzt bearbeitet von DutyMarv#7613 um 24.08.2018, 09:19:14
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" Good question. I also looked at his build last season when i was looking for something to play. I did not choose to play his version cause it didnt seem that it could sustain enough for me,if i was SC i would have surely played it. He does not go Purity + Vitality which gives this Build with a Stome Golem and decent level the ability to susttain RF even in HO. He can not do this. You can hit more life with my build in General. What does his Build better ? - Its generally speaking faster i think - It does go for Dual Curse which boost your damage ! Without taking a deeper look at, this are the general things. BUT THE SHIELD ?!? Yes,you need 1 of this. Thats why there is a Arc Trap Tree and Gem Set attatched. Chances of dropping one of those is pretty high. They are not T1 You can play without it,but then you degen alot and thats not smth i recommend. PoE & F1 is Life. <3 Zuletzt bearbeitet von DutyMarv#7613 um 24.08.2018, 09:32:50
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" Farming Early on / Carry ppl ? Meh Doing your own runs / Carry ppl later ? Yes Is JUGG better to carry ppl early one ? YES PoE & F1 is Life. <3
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" No offence but your build does worse dps than the other build according to PoB and his is a true SSF build as it requires no unique but yours does. His tree has 233% life while yours has 225% so he has more life. Good luck with your build but I will stick with the other build like last league. |
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" Sorry but you are wrong in every point, no offense. It does less damage,but i already told you this "- It does go for Dual Curse which boost your damage !" U can also play my build without the Shield but then u will degen like with his build. If you want this in Delve's, go ahead. He has more life ? No. He does not go for a Kaoms cause he need more sockets to go for more DPS and Speed. His Tree is a level 100 Tree,mine is a Level 95 Tree so if you spend the last points somewhere u will hit 243% with no problem. Also i just realized u mixed both trees up so his is 225 with level 100 and mine is 233 with 95 If you want to survive high delves u will need sustain,even if you have not killed a mob recently - Thats my Focus If you want to run a bit faster maps with more dmg and go for level 100 - Thats his attempt All up to you but dont jundge build on the pure number a PoB says there is much more to it PoE & F1 is Life. <3 Zuletzt bearbeitet von DutyMarv#7613 um 25.08.2018, 06:27:19
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