Don't make my mistake. Don't swap to a fire using spectre, and forget to swap your arma brand out to storm brand... I got him down to about 5-10% DESPITE buffing the bosses resists to my minions with EE. Next time should be a breeze.
Thats why i use lightning Risen Vaal Advocates against Sirus, no need to change anything else.
I tested Slave Drivers with just Bone Offering as the only change, as its really OP, and looks like its just enough - even if they randomly run directly in the middle of vortex, Bone Offering will keep them alive until next Convocation. And it only matters inbetween phases anyway...
I tested Slave Drivers with just Bone Offering as the only change, as its really OP, and looks like its just enough - even if they randomly run directly in the middle of vortex, Bone Offering will keep them alive until next Convocation. And it only matters inbetween phases anyway...
I use Bone Offering as Default so it wasnt enough for me, actually went in there with Slave Drivers and got me some RVAs after my SDs died.
Thanks a lot, Respecting my ascendency did the job for now, it's so cool !
running T15 without trouble with only 3 spectres.
my shield already got +1 all rez, and my wand got a lot of damage to minions.. but yeah i need to make another one with +1 ; or even +2 to gems.
another question, might be stupid ; but if i manage to get :
+3 sockted minion gem - supported by lvl20 minion dmg - supported by conc effect
on the helmet, wouldnt it be better to socket the specter in it ? since as i understand it, they scale a lot with gem level
Glad could help! That's a really good q on the helm, and it makes sense to me. But being new to Necs hopefully someone with more experience can give you a good answer! GL with the build, and by the way if you get a good chest with a free mod, the hunter exalts are crazy good. I was going for the +1 curse and ended up with life regen. At first I was bummed, but then realized life regen on this build is really crazy good. Highly recommend that orb for our build.
It's funny you point that out, i finnaly bought a +1 spectre body armor, and managed to annul a dead mod. My plan was to get 2 veiled suffix from aislin in research, and then slam a Warlord orb ( for +1 level of active gems ) ^^. didnt manage to get 2 veiled mod unfortunatly, but i slammed anyway. Didnt get the mod :( instead phys taken as fire, witch is honestly fine i guess !
and i also crafed some goods boots, it took so much time.
I'm not even talking about the wand, after lot of exalts in bound fossil i still didnt get the +1 minion gems.
But now i can fight conquerors and t15 map with ease !
I tested Slave Drivers with just Bone Offering as the only change, as its really OP, and looks like its just enough - even if they randomly run directly in the middle of vortex, Bone Offering will keep them alive until next Convocation. And it only matters inbetween phases anyway...
I use Bone Offering as Default so it wasnt enough for me, actually went in there with Slave Drivers and got me some RVAs after my SDs died.
With what stats? I have caped resist on spectres (but not much chaos), and 57k HP according to PoB...
anyone know how this vendor got so many armours exactly like that? 3 blue 3 whites at the same position with +1 spectre and also same base? he have dozens of this armour on
anyone know how this vendor got so many armours exactly like that? 3 blue 3 whites at the same position with +1 spectre and also same base? he have dozens of this armour on
anyone know how this vendor got so many armours exactly like that? 3 blue 3 whites at the same position with +1 spectre and also same base? he have dozens of this armour on
Beastcraft duping.
How? Imprint only works on magic items, and you dont actually dupe it that way. But you cant drop +1 chest as magic, or make it magic back from rare. And only recipe for dupe items is AFAIK split, and then you only get 1 item with spectres anyway. I dont really use these, so is there something i'm not aware of? :-)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von evilmindcz#6356 um 05.01.2020, 16:06:53