Kay's Summoner Memorial Page | New Guide is linked inside!
Life build pastebin not working
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what about a bone helmet?
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" Hi, sorry for the late reply, I've been busy finishing up the challenges. I've updated the guide with my current build, but here it is as well: https://pastebin.com/pzueFqvp " For the life build, I recommend a bone helmet. I use them. Trade search: Bone Helmet 🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶 |
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Just done the uber elder with this build. Thanks <3
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Looks like you are running a stone golem and animated guardian on your character but the PoB shows flame golem. Which setup do you recommend? What items were you using for your animated guardian? Also what spectre are you running in 3.5. FIre Eaters or Solar Guards?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von soultari#4363 um 15.01.2019, 02:40:59
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Very nice build, I'm running a variant with flame golems + zombies and lovin it.
Just one question: Does spell echo boost FEs dmg or is it there only for our SGs?? |
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archive page 1 22 december 2020
![]() ![]() Welcome to my build guide! This summoner build uses spectres as the main damage dealers. Spectres are 'ghosts' of monsters that you kill. You can find hard hitting melee spectres, fast map clearing spectres and everything in between. This gives a spectre summoner a lot of flexibility depending on what you want to focus on. This guide actually has 3 builds! The first is cheap and tanky 'Base Build'. It is designed for fresh league start and also HC and SSF. If you play in trade league, there is also 'Pure Spectres' which is focused on DPS, and 'Spectres & Spiders' which is a high speed mapper. All three build are viable for endgame! Each build option has a detailed breakdown on passives/equipment/gems. I also have video guide on my youtube channel. There is also a crafting guide, spectre guide and a full levelling guide with walkthrough. These builds are based on my own character as well as the contributions, suggestions and theorycrafting of many other players. Feel free to use the build as a starting point for your own customised version! Please use Path of Building Community Fork for POB Pastebin. https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/releases If you have a question about the build, please post it here in the build guide? I cannot always answer questions in-game. ![]() https://youtu.be/5Mt8UGGsHm4 18 DEC: Stream recording: Endless Delve Stream - 18 December 17 DEC: Spectre showcase: Templar Tactician Spectre for Endless Delve 15 DEC: Stream recording: Endless Delve Stream - 15 December 13 DEC: Stream recording: Endless Delve Stream - 13 December 12 DEC: How-to guide: Eight Tips for the Endless Delve Event 11 DEC: Build guide: Endless Delve Summoner ![]() ![]() " ![]() Build Guide: PoE 3.12 - Base Build for League Start & SSF Build Guide: PoE 3.12 - Pure Spectres (Syndicate Operative Cold Conversion) Build Guide: PoE 3.12 - Spectres & Spiders (Snow Rhex Spectre) Build Guide: PoE 3.12 - Pure Spectres (Syndicate Operative Pure Phys/Impale) Build Guide: Fist of the Animate Guardian Levelling Guide: ACT 1 + ACT 2 + ACT 3 + ACT 4 + ACT 5 How-to Guide: PoE 3.12 - Spectre Bank Guide How-To Guide: PoE 3.12 - Animate Guardian Guide Spectre Showcase: Slave Driver | Scale of Esh | Baranite Preacher | Redemption Knight | Spectral Tactician | Scinteel Synthete | Baranite Thaumaturge | Solar Guard | Kitava's Herald | Frost Sentinel | Dreadwheel | Tukohama's Vanguard + Wickerman | Primal Crushclaw | Baranite Purge Knight | Wild Infestation Queen | Primal Reborn | Templar Tactician | Frost Auto-Scout | Artless Assassin | Ashblessed Warden | Goodboy Robot Doggo ![]() ![]()
About this build
League Starter / SSF This build is designed as a league starter and SSF build. It will take you from a fresh league start all the way to endgame bossing on cheap or self-crafted gear. It is focused on tankiness while still having good DPS. Required Uniques: none.
Passive Tree, Ascendancy, Pantheon and PoB Pastebin
Path of Building Pastebin https://pastebin.com/d3HbpXJp (includes levelling trees) Passive Skill Tree ![]() Level 100 Bandits Kill all Ascendancy 1. Mindless Aggression 2. Unnatural Strength 3. Mistress of Sacrifice 4. Commander of Darkness Pantheon Major: Lunaris for mapping or Solaris for bossing Minor: Choose best one for map mods
Note: Always look for highest total life and any resists you need. See: Crafting section below for how to craft your gear. Armour
Helmet: Crafted +1 helmet -> life helmet -> Crafted +3 helmet Chest: 5L rare -> Tabula Rasa or 6L rare -> 6L +1 spectre. NOTE: +1 spectre body armour is drop only (mod cannot be crafted) Gloves: Crafted gloves Boots: Fossil-crafted boots Weapons
Double damage wand from Temple or crafted Convoking wand Shield: Any shield with high life -> Crafted Shaper/Warlord shield with 'recover 5% life when block' Accessories
Belt: Stygian Vise or Leather Belt Jewellery: Amulet: Rare amulet or Amulet with +1 int gems Rings: any ring; vermillion recommended. Jewels & Flasks
Jewels: You can craft or buy ghastly eyes. Mod priorities: #1: life #2: Taunt and blind #3: increased minion attack/cast speed or increased minion damage Highly recommend for Sirus fight 'Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you' Recommended Unique Jewels: Anatomical Knowledge: +flat life & 8% increased maximum life Unending Hunger: 50% chance for minion to gain Soul Eater Recommended Flasks: Bubbling Divine Flask of Staunching - instant life flask & remove bleed Quicksilver of Adrenaline - increased movement speed Basalt of Warding - phys damage reduction & remove curse Quartz Flask of Heat - 10% Dodge, phasing & remove freeze Jade Flask of Reflexes - evasion Recommended Unique Flasks:
Gem Links
Body Armour
Slave Drivers: Note: Deathmark name changed to Predator in 3.12 (will update) Please see Recommended Spectres section below for Awakened Gems and gems for other spectres.
Helmet, Boots & Gloves
Helmet: Support minions 1 red & 3 blue. 1. Stone Golem gives life regen. 2. Golem and Zombies can proc Feeding Frenzy buff that give spectres more damage and attack/cast speed. 3. Physical to Lightning (and lightning res debuff on enemy) give Golem and Zombie good damage for mapping. --- Boots - Skitters and Aura: 1 blue, 2 red, 1 blue or green. 1. Skitterbots chill and shock enemies. 2. Dread banner reduce nearby enemy accuracy (less hit chance). 3. Wrath Aura for more damage. --- Gloves - EE/Curse: 4 blue 1. Arma Brand reduces enemy ele res (Elemental Equilibrium -50% and Conductivity curse -44%) 2. Flame Dash is get out of danger movement skill. Note: Curse on Hit name changed to Hextouch 3.12 (will update)
Weapon & Shield
Weapon: 1 green, 2 blue. 1. Desecrate spawns corpses. 2. Bone Offering consumes corpses to increase block chance for minions and necro, as well as some life recovery. 3. Skeletons add extra minions for pulling agro (and taunt if you have it on a cluster or ghastly jewel). NOTE: You can use Vaal Skeletons to body block bosses with a mass of skeletons! Shield: 2 red, 1 blue 1. Convocation teleport spectres to you. 2. Steelskin gives extra '2200 life'. NOTE: You can set Steelskin to left mouse button. Also set 'always attack without moving'. It will autocast on cooldown.
Amulet Anointment
Death Attunement When you anoint Death Attunment on your amulet, you can refund the passive points and use them in another place. +1 to Maximum number of Spectres Minions have 8% increased Attack Speed Minions have 8% increased Cast Speed +1 to Maximum number of Raised Zombies +1 to Maximum number of Skeletons
Double the DPS with Weapon Swap
You can use this trick to get DPS boost for boss fights. Only use this if you know boss fight well and you can dodge the attacks! Your mapping weapon set will be the same as in the guide. Then have second weapon set just for bossing: Flesh Offering will give big DPS boost. Multi totem + HFT will generate frenzy charges. The totems will also have culling strike to instantly kill boss at 10%! ![]()
Why use this build option?
Pure Spectres 'Pure Spectres' is one of two specialised build options for my spectre summoner. It is an endgame build that is focused on DPS. It designed for redemption sentries, and it will also work well with redemption knights, if you like melee spectres. The build uses several uniques and new mechanics to give: > a big boost to DPS > improve quality-of-life > decent survivability Currently no cluster jewels are included in the build.
Build Guide Video
Key Mechanics
The Pure Spectres build uses several key mechanics to boost DPS and quality of life. devouring diadem + sovereignty Devouring diadem and Sovereignty notable give a lot of reduced-mana-reserve. It also has eldritch battery, so you use energy shield instead of mana. This allows you to reserve 100% mana with 2 auras and skitters. It also provides a large amount of life recovery from feast of flesh. And you can do maps with ‘no regen’. skitterbots + profane proxy Skitters normally have a shock and chill aura, but we can replace one aura with a curse by using profane proksy. So, your skitters become a mobile curse aura. This means we don’t need to use curse on hit, and we can curse monsters without stopping.
Passives, Ascendancy, Pantheon and PoB Pastebin
Path of Building Pastebin https://pastebin.com/L6RdAvJ4 ![]() Ascendancy 1. Mindless Aggression 2. Unnatural Strength 3. Commander of Darkness 4. Mistress of Sacrifice Pantheon Lunaris, Shakari
Helmet: Devouring Diadem (required item) Enchant: Spectre damage, minion ias, or flesh offering ias Sockets: 1 red, 1 blue, 2 green. Body: Crafted delve body armour with +1 spectre number Sockets: 3 white, 3 blue -or- 3 blue, 2 green, 1 red Delve chest with high life. Hunter's orb to get the offering mod. Bench craft is 8% life. Gloves: Triad Grip Sockets: 4 green Boots: Fossil-crafted boots with +1 spectre gem level Sockets: 1 red and 3 blue Wand & Shield
Wand: Crafted Convoking wand or Temple wand with Trigger craft Sockets: 1 green, 2 blue Shield: Shaper or Warlord influence Sockets: 3 blue Accessories
Belt: Stygian Vise Amulet: Hunter influence amulet with +1 to all intelligence gems with Death Attunement anointment (required item) Rings: 1x Profane Proxy, 1x Vermillion ring Jewels & Flasks
Jewels: Thread of Hope medium Unending Hunger* Ghastly Eye Cobalt Recommended Flasks: Bubbling Eternal life of staunching for instant life recovery and bleed removal. Rumi's Concoction for extra block. Quicksilver flask of adrenaline for big speed boost. Jade flask of reflexes for evasion. Quartz flask of dousing to give phasing, dodge and remove burning. Cluster Jewels
Can use 1 or 2 cluster sets:
Gem Links
Body Armour - Syndicate Operative
This spectre casts a spell that triggers the range attack. Volley is used for shotgun effect. *This is changed from GMP from video guide. Boots - Animate Guardian & Carrion Golem
Helmet - Auras
Vaal Haste and Hatred linked to Generosity will give a big boost to DPS. Skitters don’t benefit from generosity, but need the reduced mana reserve from diadem. Gloves - Utility
Movement focused gems. Ring - Curse
In Profane proxy, use Frostbite. Remember to have it on the left side! Wand & Shield
Wand: Spell cascade linked to desecrate will create 10 corpses for bone offering & feast of flesh. Shield: Arma Brand to proc EE, Tempest shield is a cheap way to get extra block. Convocation to reposition your spectres.
How to upgrade from Base Build
I recommend upgrading in this order: 1. triad grip 2. 4 spectres (Raise Spectre 25) 3. devouring diadem 4. 5 spectres (6L delve body) 5. awakened gems (all are useful, but get GMP last) 6. Thread of Hope 7. Cluster jewels* You can skip Undending Hunger if the price is too high. ![]()
Why use this build option?
Spectres & Spiders is a very tanky and fast mapping build. Bossing damage is not as good as Pure Spectres. Required Uniques: Arakaali's Dagger, Speaker's Wreath
Build Guide Video
Build mechanics & How to play
[KEY MECHANICS] [spiders] Arakaali’s Fang summons spiders that have high movement speed, are extremely aggressive, and will attack everything on-screen and off-screen. They hit with physical and chaos damage, and will proc poison. They are also immune to damage. [speaker’s wreath & spider’s poison] Speaker’s wreath blocks your spectres and spiders from killing monsters with hits, because they cannot ignite the monsters. This means all monsters will die from spider’s poison. And any kill from a minion’s poison will count as a player kill. [on kill effects] Spider’s poison kill will proc any ‘on kill’ effect, such as: • Re-spawning spiders • Life and ES recovery [HOW TO PLAY] To start mapping, let spectres hit the nearest monsters. They will reduce the monster’s life to 0, but they won’t be able to kill them because of Speaker’s Wreath. Walk close and kill the monsters with your Arma Brand. This will spawn spiders. See build guide video for demonstration.
Passive Tree, Ascendancy, Pantheon and PoB Pastebin
Path of Building Pastebin https://pastebin.com/dMyWdJ2p Passive Tree ![]() Level 100 Ascendancy 1. Mindless Aggression 2. Unnatural Strength 3. Commander of Darkness 4. Mistress of Sacrifice Pantheon Choose the one that you need for the map!
Gear and Gems
Speaker's Wreath (required) LIKNED: UNLINKED:
Crafted delve body armour with +1 spectre number LINKED: BOSS SWAP:
Grip of the Council 2-LINK: UNLINKED: NOTE: CWDT should be about 30% of HP.
Fossil-crafted boots with +1 spectre gem level (Elder influence) LINKED:
Weapon 1: Arakaali's Fang GEMS: Weapon 2: Rare sceptre with added fire/lightning damage to spells, trigger craft GEMS: -- ** swap Arakaali's Fang to Victario's when doing endgame bosses ** (don't worry about spiders) Shield: Victario's Charity GEMS:
Belt, Amulet, Rings
Stygian Vise Amulet: Amulet with +1 to all intelligence gems. Anoint with Death Attunement (required item) Rings: *One ring should have Frostbite curse. 1x Vermillion ring 1x Unset ring GEM:
Jewels and Cluster Jewels
• Anatomical Knowledge • Ghastly eye-jewels with minion leech and minion blind Cluster Jewels: Set 1: • One 8-passive Large jewel, with vengeful commander, cold-blooded killer, third notable (don’t allocate). • Two 4 or 5-passive Medium jewels, with vengeful commander, first among equals. • One 2-passive Small jewel, with brush with death. • And one 2-passive Small jewel, with enduring composure. Set 2: Same large and medium. • Two 2-passive Small jewels with Surging Vitality.
Recommended Flasks
Bubbling Eternal life of staunching for instant life recovery and bleed removal. Experimenter’s quicksilver of adrenaline for big speed boost. Cinderswallow Urn. This recovers life and ES when you kill a monster or a monster dies from poison. Damage taken leeched as life is the recommended craft. Basalt flask of Warding for curse immunity. Jade flask of reflexes for evasion. This can combine with AG with blind aura to give you 65% chance to evade hits. 🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰 🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶 Zuletzt bearbeitet von kayella#0845 um 22.12.2020, 07:43:39
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archive second page 16 aug. removed spectres and spiders from build guide.
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Key mechanics: Spectres & Spiders
KEY MECHANICS ![]() 1. Spiders Arakaali’s Fang summons spiders that have high movement speed, are extremely aggressive, and will attack everything on-screen and off-screen. They hit with physical and chaos damage, and will proc poison. They are also immune to damage. 2. Speaker’s wreath & spider’s poison Speaker’s wreath blocks your spectres and spiders from killing monsters with hits, because they cannot ignite the monsters. This means all monsters will die from spider’s poison. And any kill from a minion’s poison will count as a player kill. 3. on kill effects Spider’s poison kill will proc any ‘on kill’ effect, such as: • Re-spawning spiders • Life and ES recovery ![]() HOW TO PLAY ![]() To start mapping, let spectres hit the nearest monsters. They will reduce the monster’s life to 0, but they won’t be able to kill them because of Speaker’s Wreath. Walk close and kill the monsters. This will spawn spiders. See build guide video for demonstration. ![]()
Passive Tree & Jewels, Ascendancy, Pantheon and PoB Pastebin
PASSIVE TREE & POB PASTEBIN ![]() ![]() POB PASTEBIN You must use POB Community build to open my POB Pastebin. https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/releases https://pastebin.com/wQiDYvUG ![]() JEWELS ![]() • Ghastly eye-jewels with minion leech and minion blind • Watcher's Eye with Phasing/Haste. NOTE: For Syndicate Operative, you also need added chaos damage to proc poison with Anomalous Vicious Projectiles. ![]() CLUSTER JEWELS ![]() • One 8-passive Large jewel, with vengeful commander, cold-blooded killer, third notable (don’t allocate). • Two Medium jewels, with Replenishing Presence, Vengeful Vommander. • Two Small jewel, with Surging Vitality. Recommended: • One Small jewels with Enduring Composure. ![]() BANDITS ![]() Kill all *Help Alira if you need extra resistance (good for HC or SSF) ![]() ASCENDANCY ![]() 1. Mindless Aggression 2. Unnatural Strength 3. Commander of Darkness 4. Mistress of Sacrifice ![]() PANTHEON ![]() Major: Lunaris Minor: Shakari ![]()
Gear, Gems Links & Flasks
HELMET ![]() Speaker's Wreath with 3 linked gems, 1 unlinked gem UNLINKED: ![]() BODY ![]() Crafted delve body armour with +1 spectre number Gems for Melee spectres: Gems for Syndicate Operative: ![]() GLOVES ![]() For Melee spectres: Grip of the Council For Syndicate Operative: Triad Grip (4G) ![]() BOOTS ![]() Fossil-crafted boots with +1 spectre gem level (Elder influence) ![]() DUAL WEAPONS ![]() WEAPON 1: Arakaali's Fang (summons spiders) WEAPON 2: Rare weapon with UNVEILED Trigger to get 4s cooldown. (crafted trigger is 8s) ![]() BELT ![]() Stygian Vise with high life/resists. ![]() AMULET ![]() Amulet with +1 to all intelligence gems. Anoint with Death Attunement When you anoint Death Attunment on your amulet, you can refund the passive points and use them in another place. +1 to Maximum number of Spectres Minions have 8% increased Attack Speed Minions have 8% increased Cast Speed +1 to Maximum number of Raised Zombies +1 to Maximum number of Skeletons ![]() RINGS ![]() NOTE: One ring must have Frostbite curse. If using Syndicate Operatives, need one Unset Ring with Convocation: ![]() RECOMMENDED FLASKS ![]() Fife of staunching for instant life recovery and bleed removal. Rumi's Concoction for extra block. Quicksilver of Adrenaline for speed boost. Cinderswallow Urn for life and ES recovery. Jade flask of reflexes for evasion. ![]() ![]() ![]()
Detailed Information: Baranite Preacher
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Detailed Information: Syndicate Operative
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Full Walkthrough for Acts 1 - 10
* Watch the levelling guide video on Youtube! *
Act 1 Walkhrough
![]() Starting: pick look for 3link with blue blue red or blue blue blue: Run past all monsters Open chest, pick up arcane surge. LINK: fireball + arcane surge. Pick up items (to sell). Enter lioneye’s watch (town) Lioneye’s Watch: Tarkleigh: take freezing pulse, buy items: check for Runner’s boots. Nessa: sell all items, buy items: check for linked wand. Need 2 blue + 1 red linked or 3 blue linked, buy gem: raise zombie. LINK: freezing pulse + arcane surge // zombies. Set freezing pulse to ‘always attack without moving’ Enter coast Coast: Find & activate waypoint Enter mudflats Mudflats: Find 3 quest items Find strange glyph wall Enter submerged passage Submerge passage: Take waypoint to coast Coast: Enter tidal island Tidal Island Find and kill Hailrake Pick up quest item (+portal scroll!) Return to town (exit to character screen) Lioneye’s Watch: Tarkleigh: take Summon Raging Spirit, Frostblink Nessa: take quicksilver flask, summon phantasm, buy holy flame totem LINK: Summon phantasm+ holy flame totem // SRS + arcane // zombie, frost blink anywhere. Take waypoint to submerged passage. Submerge passage: Look for bridge. Use portal scroll before bridge. Don’t go in. Continue and find exit to Ledge. Ledge: Find climb Climb: Find lower prison Lower prison: Take waypoint to lioneye’s watch. Lioneye’s Watch: Take portal to submerged passage. Submerge passage: Find flooded depths Flooded depths: Find and kill deep dweller Return to Lioneye’s watch (exit to character screen) Lioneye’s Watch: Tarkleigh: take skill book Nessa: take minion damage LINK: SRS + minion damage LINK: Summon phantasm+ holy flame totem Anywhere: frost blink, zombie Take waypoint to lower prison. Prison: Find and do labyrinth trial Go to level2, find upper prison Find warden’s quarter’s Find warden’s chambers (boss room) Warden’s Chambers: Kill brutus (boss fight) Return to Lioneye’s watch (exit to character screen) Lioneye’s watch: Tarkleigh: take summon skeletons (replaces SRS) Nessa: buy vitality, flame dash. LINK: skeleton + minion damage LINK: HFT + phantasm Anywhere: zombie, flame dash, vitality Waypoint to prisoner’s gate Prisoner’s Gate: Find ship graveyard Ship Graveyard: Find Ship graveyard cave Find slave girl Pick up all flame Exit to shipyard Find Caverns of Wrath Caverns of Wrath: Take waypoint to ship graveyard Ship Graveyard: Find and kill Fairgraves Return to Lioneye’s watch (exit to character screen) Lioneye’s Watch: Bestel: TAKE skillbook Nessa: TAKE storm brand. Fix cold res: Craft sapphire rings: sell iron ring + intelligence gem = 1 sapphire. Waypoint to Merveil’s Caverns Merveil’s Caverns: Find Caverns of Anger. Find and kill Merveil (boss) Exit to southern forest
Act 2 Walkhrough
![]() Southern Forest: Go north to find Forest Encampment. Forest Encampment: Exit north to Old Fields. Old fields: Find and enter ‘the Den’ Den: Find and kill Great White Beast Exit to Old Fields Find Crossroads Crossroads: Find & activate waypoint Go west to find Chamber of Sins Chamber of Sins, level 1 and 2 Find level 2 Find and complete labyrinth trial Find and kill Fidelitas Click strange device Pick up baleful gem Return to town Forest encampment: Greust: take Desecrate Helena: talk and get hideout Yeesa: take heavy belt, buy summon skitterbots, buy jade amulet (If need) Put Skitterbots anywhere Waypoint to Crossroads Crossroads: Find & activate waypoint Go east to find Fellshrine Ruins and the Crypt Crypt: Find and complete labyrinth trial Return to town Forest encampment: Waypoint to Crossroads Crossroads: Go north to find Broken Bridge Broken Bridge: Find and kill Kraitlyn, then take his amulet. Return to town Forest encampment: Exit south to Riverways Riverways: Follow path to waypoint Go west to find Wetlands Wetlands: Find and kill Oak, then take his amulet. Find waypoint Waypoint to Riverways Riverways: Follow path to find Western Forest Western Forest: Follow path to waypoint. Look at fire – it will show which side to find Alira. Continue on path until you find second fire. Follow stone road to Alira Kill Alira, then take her amulet. Continue West to find and kill Blackguards Pick up Thaumatic emblem, click on thaumatic seal (yellow mark) Find weaver’s chamber on opposite side to Alira. Weaver’s chamber: Find weaver’s nest Kill weaver Pick up Maligaro’s Spike Return to town Forest encampment: Silk: take predetor Eramir: take Apex Waypoint to Act 1 town. ***** Lioneye’s watch: Bestel: take skill book Nessa: buy minion damage LINK: Holy Flame Totem + Phantasm LINK: Skele + minion damage + predator Waypoint to Act 2: Wetlands Wetlands: Click on Tree Roots Enter Vaal Ruins Vaal Ruins: Find and click on Ancient Seal (yellow mark) Exit to Northern Forest Northern Forest: Find caverns Canverns: Find and activate waypoint Enter Ancient Pyramid Ancient Pyramid: Find and enter Pyramid Apex Pyramid Apex: Click Dark Alter to start boss fight. Exit to City of Sarn.
Act 3 Walkhrough
![]() City of Sarn: Kill Guards and talk to Clarissa Enter Sarn (town) Empty your inventory if you need to Check Hargan for 4-link items. Need 4- blue sockets. Sarn: Exit to Slums Slums: Find Crematorium Crematorium: Find and complete Labyrinth trial Find and defeat Piety. Click on Tolman and take bracelet Portal to Sarn Sarn: Clarissa: take sewer key Maramoa: take Convocation put convocation anywhere Exit to Slums Slums: Find sewer grating and enter the sewers The sewers: Find 3 quest items (yellow mark) Find exit to Marketplace Marketplace: Find waypoint Find Catacombs Catacombs: Find and complete labyrinth trial Portal to town Sarn: Hargan: take skillbook Waypoint to marketplace Marketplace: Find Battlefront Battlefront: Find & activate waypoint Find Blackguard chest. Take ribbon spool Go west to find Docks. Docks: Find Supply Container (yellow mark), take thaumatic sulphite Find waypoint, go to Battlefront Battlefront: Go north-west to find Solaris temple Solaris Temple, Level 1 and 2: Find Dialla, Take Jade Amulet, take infernal Talc Enter eternal lab to get crafting recipe Waypoint to Sewers Sewers: Click on Undying blockage Exit to Ebony Barracks Ebony barracks: Find and activate waypoint Go up the steps to find & kill gravicius. Continue west to find Lunaris temple. lunaris temple, level 1 & 2: find & active waypoint enter level 2 Find and kill Piety Take key Portal to town Sarn: Maramoa: take raise spectre (needs level 28) (spectres are very weak at gem level 1, so we will just socket it for levelling up) Grigor: take skill book Waypoint to ebony barracks Ebony barracks: Find and enter imperial gardens imperial gardens: Find & activate waypoint Go left to find library. the library & archives: find siosa. Activate waypoint find 'loose candle'. Enter archives: Archives: find 4 golden pages. Portal to town -> waypoint to library Library: Siosa: take meat shield. LINK: zombie + minion damage + meat shield Waypoint to imperial gardens. imperial gardens : Go north-west to find and complete labyrinth trial. Go to far east to find 'locked door' enter sceptre of god sceptre of god & upper sceptre Go up 2 levels to find waypoint. Continue to rooftop to find & kill dominus.
Act 4 Walkthrough
![]() Optional: Craft +1 helmet if you get a 4-link, see crafting guide. CHECK VENDOR FOR 4-link or 4 socket upgrades Aqueduct: Find and enter Highgate Highgate: Exit to Dried Lake Dried Lake: Find and kill Voll, Emperor of Purity Take Deshret’s Banner Return to Highgate Highgate: Click on Deshret’ s Seal. Do not enter Mines. Talk to Oyun, take Stone Golem. Enter the Mines. put stone golem anywhere Mines, level 1 and 2: Level 2 – find Deshret’s Spirit Find and enter Crystal Veins Crystal Veins: Find Dialla Enter Daresso’s Dream Daresson’s Dream: Find and enter Grand Arena Find and kill Daresso Take Eye of Desire Portal to Highgate Highgate: Tasuni: take skillbook Waypoint to Crystal Vein Crystal Vein Talk to Dialla Enter Kaom’s dream (make sure you have good fire resist!) Kaom’s Dream: Find and enter Kaom’s Stronghold Find and kill Kaom Take Eye of Fury Portal to Highgate Highgate: Waypoint to Crystal Veins Crystal Vein Talk to Dialla Enter Belly of the Beast Belly of the Beast: Find and enter Bowels of the Beast Bowels of the Beast: Find and defeat Piety Enter the Harvest Harvest: find & kill doedre, maligaro & shavronne. talk to piety. Enter: black core Black core Kill Malachai Return to Highgate Highgate: Petarus and Vanja: buy spell echo Dialla: take multistrike Enter the Ascent Ascent: Find the level (yellow marker) Enter Portal to Oriath
Act 5 Walkthrough
![]() Slave pens: activate waypoint. find and kill overseer krow (boss). enter overseer's tower. Overseer's tower: take waypoint to act2 town Forest encampment: buy melee physical damage and elemental focus from yeena go to act3 town Sarn: buy elemental army from clarissa return to overseer's tower Overseer's tower: 5link: Raise spectre + spell echo + minion damage + predator + elemental focus 4link: skele + minion damage + multistrike + melee phys damage 4link: zombie + stone golem + meat shield + elemental army 2link: HFT + phantasms anywhere:skitter, convocation, desecrate, flame dash enter control block. Control block: raise 2x slave driver. go to act 3: sarn. go to aspirant's plaza. activate waypoint. enter the labyrinth. Labyrinth: complete lab. ascend -> necromancer. passive: mindless aggression. return overseer's tower (act 5) . Overseer's tower: enter control blocks. Control blocks: find miasmeter at the west side of the zone. then go to the norh of the zone. kill boss (justicar casticus). enter oriath square. Oriath square: go north to find templare courts. Templare courts: activate waypoint. find chamber of innocence. Chamber of innocence find sanctum of innocence (boss room). kill boss. enter torched courts. Torched courts: enter ruined square. Ruined square: find waypoint (west of zone). enter ossuary. Ossuary: find tomb of the first templar (yellow mark). take sign of purity. exit to ruined square. Ruined square: go to south east of zone find reliquary. Reliquary find 3 quest items (each corner of zone). portal to town. Overseer's tower: take flask if you need. don't worry about jewel. take book of skill vilenta and lani: take book of skill. check fire res. waypoint ruined square. Ruined square: find cathedral rooftop (south west) Cathedral rooftop find cathedral apex (boss room). fight kitava. talk to sin. talk to lilly to go to act 6.
Act 6 Walkthrough
![]() Lioneye's watch: After finishing act 5, you will get a -30% debuff to all res. So you need to fix your res. Check vendor for kite shield (+8% all res). Craft res on all items with bench. Try to get close to 75%. Especially fire (for next zone). Fix your gems and links (look at the picture above) From act 3: sarn and buy: frostbite, generosity, hatred and arma brand. From act 4: buy hextouch From Act 1: buy bone offering Go to twilight strand. Twilight strand: Kill all monsters. Lilly: book of regrets. Go to coast. Coast: Find waypoint, go to mud flats Bud flats: find and kill dishonoured queen (no yellow mark). Pick up eye of conquest. Find fotress gate (yellow mark) enter karui fortress. Karui fortress: Enter tukohama’s keep. Defeat boss. Enter the ridge Ridge: activate waypoint. Find lower prison. Lower prison: Activate waypoint. Find lab trial. Find shavronne’s tower. Shavronne’s tower: Keep going up the tower until find prison rooftop (boss room). Exit to warden’s chamber -> prisoner’s gate. Prisoner’s gate Passive progress: tireless (level 47*) Find valley of the fire drinker. Defeat boss. Exit to prisoner’s gate. Prisoner’s gate: Find western forest (along the path). Western forest: Follow path to riverways. Find waypoint. Go to west of zone. Find wetlands. Wetlands: Go west to find spawning grounds. Kill boss. Portal to town. Lioneyes watch: bestel: take skillbook. Tarkleigh take 2 skill books. Take helmet that you need (left helmet is int base, middle is dex/int, right is str/int). take second skill book. Waypoint to riverways. Riverways: Head north east North east: find southern forest. Southern forest: Head east/north east to find waypoint and caverns of anger Caverns of anger Click flag chest pick up black flag. find the beacon. Beacon: Activate waypoint. Head to north of zone. Complete escort puzzle (stand in yellow circle and tank will move). Click on (something). Click on the beacon. Talk to weylam roth. Sail to brine king’s reef. Brine king’s reef: Activate waypoint. Find brine kings throne (boss room). Kill boss. Talk to weylam. Sail to bridge encampment.
Act 7 Walkthrough
![]() Exit to broken bridge. Broken bridge: Go to crossroards. Crossroards: Activate waypoint. Go east to fellshrine ruins. Fellshrine ruins: Find the crypt. Crypt: Activate waypoint. Find and Complete lab trial. Find sarcophagus (orange door icon). Sarcophagus: Enter stairs. Find container of sins (yellow icon). Take maligaro’s map. Portal to town. Bridge encampment: Waypoint to crossroads. Crossroads: Go west to chamber of sins. Chamber of sins: Find and activate waypoint. Click on map device. Insert maligaro’s map and activate. Enter maligaro’s sanctum. Maligaro’s sanctum: Find maligaro’s workshop. Kill boss. Take black venom. Open portal and return to chamber. Chamber of sins: Talk to silk. Take obsidian key. Go to chamber of sins level 2. Find and complete lab trial. Find secret passage (yellow mark). Enter the den. Den: Activate waypoint. Find ashen fields. Activate waypoint. Go south Find forest encampment (boss room!). Forest encampment: kill guest. Enter northern forest. Northern forest: Find dread thicket (west south or south/west). Find 7 fireflies (yellow mark). Find den of despair (boss room). Kill boss. Portal to town. Bridge encampment: eramir take 2x skill book. Helena: take boots. Waypoint to northern forest. Northern forest: Go north-west to the causeway. Find and activate waypoint. find kishara’s lockbox. Take kishara’s star. Enter vaal city. Vaal city: Find waypoint and yeena (yellow mark) next to each other. Talk to yeena. Enter temple of decay. Temple of decay: Find boss room. Kill boss.
Act 8 Walkthrough
![]() Exit to sarn ramparts. Sarn ramparts: Find sarn encampment. Sarn encampment: Click on a rogue marker to open a portal to the rogue harbour. You will need a repository or tunnels contract. Buy one from wakano if you don’t already have one. Stay near the entrance and cast desecrate. The corpses are invisible here, but you can still raise them. Raise two frost auto-scouts. Check gem links if you have 6link. You can complete the contract or just go straight to the lab. Waypoint to aspirants plaza. Aspirants plaza: Do cruel lab. Altar of ascendancy: unnatural strength. You should now have raise spectre 13 (11+2) and can get a 3rd spectre! Waypoint: act 8 sarn. Sarn: Enter toxic conduits. Find doedre’s cesspool. Find loose grate. Enter cauldron (boss room). Click valve to start boss fight. Exit to sewer outlet. Go north. Quay: go east. Stick to water side to find bridge to small island (arch). Click on sealed casket (yellow mark). Take ankh of eternity. Continue east. Find resurrection site. Talk to clarissa to start fight. Head north/east to find grain gate. Grain gate: activate grain gate. Look for rooms with dead body (it shows the correct path). Kill gemling legionnaires. Exit to imperial fields. Imperial fields: follow path west/north-west. Activate waypoint. Continue west. Find solaris temple. Solaris temple: activate waypoint. Go west from waypoint: find level 2 entrance. Find portal (orange door). Kill dawn (boss). Take sun orb. Portal to town. Sarn: maramoa: take skillbook. Clarissa: take skillbook. Waypoint to solaris temple. Solaris temple: ST head south. Exit to solaris concourse. Solaris concourse: activate waypoint. Continue south. Enter harbour bridge. Harbour bridge: go all south to lunaris concourse. Lunaris concourse: go west. Activate waypoint. Go south. Enter bathhouse. Bathhouse: complete trial. Activate waypoint if you like. Go to high gardens (west of zone). High gardens : find pools of terror (boss room). Kill boss. Portal to town. Sarn: hargan: take ring, take skillbook. Waypoint to lunaris concourse. Lunaris concourse: go west and enter lunaris temple. Find and activate waypoint. Enter level 2. Find portal (oranged door -> boss room). Kill dusk (boss). Take moon orb). Portal to town. Sarn: waypoint to lunaris concourse. Go east to bridge. Go to midde of bridege. Enter sky shrine. Sky shrine: Click on statue of the sisters. Kill bosses.
Act 9 Walkthrough
![]() Enter blood aqueduct. Blood aqueduct: go west to highgate. Highgate: Enter the descent. Descent: Find entrance vastiri desert. Vastiri desert: Find (SOMETIME). Take storm blade. Find waypoint. Go north-west to find foothills. Foothills: find waypoint. Enter boiling lake. Boiling lake: Go north and kill basilisk (boss). Take basilisk acid. Portal to town. Highgate: talk to sin, talk to P&J, talk to sin, talk to P&J, take bottled storm. Waypoint to vastiri desert. Vastiri desert: Go north to oasis. Oasis: Find sandpit (boss room). Kill boss. Portal to town. Highgate: Talk to irasha. Take skill book. Waypoint to foothills. Enter tunnel. Tunnel: Find lab trial. Find and activate waypoint. Exit to quarry. Quarry: waypoint in middle. Find shrine of the winds. Shrine of the winds: Kill boss. Take sekhema feather. Go back to quarry Quarry: Find refinery. Refinery: Find and kill boss. Enter next room click theurgic precipitate machine. Take trarthan powder. Portal to town. High gate: Talk to irasha. Take skillbook. Waypoint to quarry. Quarry: Talk to sin. enter belly of the beast. Belly of the beast: Enter rotting core. Enter black core. Talk to sin. Kill 3 mini bosses. Talk to sin. Enter black heart. Black heart: kill depraved trinity (boss). Talk to lilly. Sail to oriath.
Act 10 & Epilogue Walkthrough
![]() Go to cathedral rooftop. Cathedral rooftop: Enter cathedral apex (near entrance). Cathedral apex: Kill monsters. Exit. Head east. Exit to ravaged square. Ravaged square: head west to find small passage to control blocks. Control blocks: Activate waypoint. Go all the way south to find arena (boss room). Kill boss. Portal to town. Oriath docks: talk to lani: take quartz flask. Take skill book. waypoint to control blocks. Control blocks: exit to ravaged square. Ravaged square: head far north. Find waypoint. Enter ossuary Ossuary: - > bone pits. Complete lab trial. Portal to town. Oriath docks: Waypoint to ravaged square. Ravaged square: From portal head east to find torched courts. Torched courts: find desecrated chambers. Desecrated chambers: Find sanctum of innocence. Sanctum of innocence: Kill avarius (boss). Pick up staff of purity. Exit to desecrated chamber. Desecrated chamber: Waypoint to oriath docks. Oriath docks: talk to bannon. Talk to innocence. You’re now almost finished act 10. If you have been levelling quickly, your character will be a little low. So, you can also go back to blood aqueducts to level up. It’s the most efficience area for levelling up and you have a small chance of getting a 6-link body armour. If you want, you can also try to complete merciless lab now. Take bone barrier. Waypoint back to ravaged square. Ravaged square: Go east. Talk to innocence (yellow mark). Enter the canals. Canals: Enter feeding trough. Head far west. Talk to sin. Enter alter of hunger. Alter of hunger: Kill kitava. Talk to sin. Enter portal to oriath. Oriath: talk to lani. Take skill book. Go far west of zone. Take crafting recipe (movement speed). Go to north of zone: templar laboratory. Templar laboratory: Watch the show. Talk to kirac. Exit to oriath. Go to north-east of zone. Fallen courts: North of the zone. Enter fallen courts. Go north. Find ‘dominus’s desk (yellow mark). Take vault key. Portal to oriath. Oriath: Go south a little. Enter haunted reliquary. Haunted reliquary: Click on right side (key missing) to put the key in. then click on both keys. Go through the door. Stand on the right side (can see swirly effect). Go down stairs. walk up to trigger kirac. Portal to town. Waypoint to hideout. Hideout: Talk to kirac in your hideout! Take a map. And click on map device. Put the map in and activate. Now you are ready to do mapping.
Act 1 to 10 Gems & Links, Passive Trees
1. ![]() 2. ![]() 3. ![]() 4. ![]() 5. ![]() 6. ![]() 7. ![]() 8. ![]() 9. ![]() 10. ![]()
Old Levelling Guide (Pre-3.13)
If you want to see the old guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2181275/page/1743#p23733851 ![]()
Support AG - Kingmaker
*I forgot to link gear before I made the AG, so here's a graphic instead: ![]() Gem links: ![]()
Support AG - Sin Eater
*I forgot to link gear before I made the AG, so here's a graphic instead: ![]() Gem links: ![]()
DPS AG - Face Breaker & Abyssus
*I forgot to link gear before I made the AG, so here's a graphic instead: ![]() Gem links: ![]() ![]()
General Notes and Warning
Crafting in PoE is random, so you may need to repeat the craft many times to get the required mods. Some mods have a very low chance of rolling and the crafting mats can be extremely expensive.
Keep these points in mind before you start crafting!
Cheap 5-link/6-link chest
Look for a 5-link/6-link chest with INT base & Screaming Essence of Greed. SSF: Farm 6 Dapper Prodigy cards.
Trigger Wand
Trigger will auto-cast any gems in your wand when you use another skill. You will need: wand with 1 free suffix. Bench craft 'trigger' (3c). ![]() Note: This craft comes from syndicate encounters and is rare.
+1 Minion Wand
You will need: Convoking Wand Bound fossil 1-socket resonator Note: +1 minion gem has a very low chance. You may need to use many bound fossils to get the mod. The craft for +2 minion wand has a higher chance to get the mod, but will cost more. You can also use Alt orbs, but the chance is very very low!
+2 Minion Wand
You will need: Convoking Wand 4-socket resonator Jagged, Shuddering, Corroded, Metallic fossils Notes: These 4 fossils will block all many unwanted mods.
+1 Spectre Gem Level Boots
You will need: Boots with Elder influence 3-socket resonator Bound, Shuddering, Pristine fossils You can save some currency by only using 2-socket resonator and bound + shuddering. Note: you need i86 boots to get 35% ms.
+1 phys/+1 str for HoP
Need: Hunter amulet with +1 str Crusader amulet with +1 phys Awakener Orb NOTE: hold alt key to check mods on amulets. There must be only one influence mod! Click on orb, click on one amulet to hold the mod, then click on second amulet to add mod. The orb will add influence mod and reroll other mods:
+2/+3 Minion Helmet
This will give your support minions more survivability. You will need: item level 86 Bone helmet 1-socket resonator Bound fossil
7-link helmet
+2/3 to gems (Empower) Minion Damage Hypothermia Step 1: Create Base i86+ Elder or Shaper Bone Helmet. Awakener Orb Elder or Shaper 'other' helmet. Click on Awakener Orb -> click on other helmet -> click on Bone Helmet. This will make a Shaper/Elder Bone Helmet. Step 2: Fossil Craft 3-socket resonator bound fossil (minion mod: minion damage, +3 minion level) frigid fossil (cold mod: hypothermia) aetheric fossil (spell mod: +3% to Critical Strike Chance) Step 3: Keep rolling until you get good mods. (missing crit)
Mirror tier helmet
+2/3 to gems (Empower) Minion Damage Hypothermia Elemental Damage (Horror Essence) +crit 1. i86 elder/shaper bone. 2. spam horror essence until hypo 20 + 3% spell crit + 30% ele (3x suffix) 3. craft suffix cannot be changed 4. exalt slam -> get minion damage 20 5. if you don't get minion damage, scour -> go to 3 if you get minion damage -> slam again -> get +3 minion gem if you don't get +3 minion gem, scour -> go to 3 ![]()
How does Elemental Equilibrium (EE) work with spectres?
" https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Elemental_Equilibrium Any elemental spell you use will proc EE on all enemies that you hit. Your minions cannot proc EE, but they will benefit from its effects. Example: Slave Driver spectres use a lightning spell. So, you hit a boss with Armageddon Brand which is fire damage. It will proc EE: monsters will get +25% fire res and -50% lightning and cold res. ![]() Elemental Equilibrium appears as pink circles under monsters.
Why use Spell Echo?
" https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Spell_Echo_Support This means that both the player and minions will benefit from the repeated cast, as well as the increased cast speed. Spell Echo will more than double your spectres' DPS. Note: Spell Echo will cause Raise Spectre to repeat, so you need to remove it before raising spectres. Remember to put the gem back in when you are finished.
How do I get 4 or 5 spectres?
1. RAISE SPECTRE GEM LEVEL 1 spectre at level 1-12 2 spectres at levels 13-24 3 spectres at level 25+ Raise Spectre can be level 20 or 21. Unnatural Strength ascendancy passive gives +2 level to minion gems. ![]() Hunter influence amulet can give +1 to all intelligence skill gems. Convoking Wand can give +1 or +2 to minion gems. Boots can give +1 spectre skill gem. 2. DEATH ATTUNEMENT PASSIVE SKILL ![]() Death Attunement gives +1 spectre. It can be found at the top left of the passive tree. 3. +1 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SPECTRES DELVE BODY ARMOUR Note: +1 chest is a rare delve drop; it cannot be crafted.
Can you check my gear? What should I upgrade?
There are 3 things you need to do: 1. Check the example equipment for upgrade ideas. 2. Make sure your spectres are in a 6-link. 3. Make sure you have Raise Spectre 25+ 4. Stack life on all your gear. That's basically it.
Other Spectres
Detailed Information: Snow Rhex
Bossing: 4 / Mapping: 3 (solo), 5 (with spiders) Spectre & Spiders build Showcase Damage type: Cold melee Strength: High damage High HP Weakness: Melee range Demo videos: https://youtu.be/mNoonjxXNAE Where: Redeemer influence map. Support gems: Boss swap: Aura: Curse: Gloves: Grip of the Council 🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰 🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶 Zuletzt bearbeitet von kayella#0845 um 15.08.2021, 12:51:51
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Hey there, just came across your guide, I wanted to know how you leveled your build. What skills did you use? I'm very interested in your build! It's just seems a little bit hard to level.
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" Don't bother with regular minions at first. They die too fast without health and regen nodes. SRS is your best skill early on, though a bit annoying to use. Link it with minion damage and melee splash. Take minion damage nodes and health for yourself, and make your way to the spectre wheel, passing through cruel preparation. Then left towards the spiritual aid wheel. Around level 30 you should have enough minion nodes to finally start using zombies (Don't forget the small zombie cluster to the right of witch start). Buy bones of ullr if you're not SSF, 4 link them since it is your endgame item, and put zombie + minion dmg + minion speed + minion life. If you have another 4 link, you can start using spectres - grab flame sentinels from solaris temple and keep "upgrading" them via desecrate as you get to higher level zones. Once you complete normal lab, you should be on cruise control. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Rivx#4632 um 01.02.2019, 12:31:53
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