Zuletzt bearbeitet von G0lDD1GG3R#5677 um 07.12.2018, 19:48:57
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im currently 50 and so far the build is pretty fun.leveling is quite easy BUT there 1 thing.....survavibility feel completly awful. for the story its fine but those master.....those FKING master...they hit way to hard and most of the dmg is unavoidable. i hope it will get better later. its really frustating atm. not HC viable for sure
between, is power charge on crit hit really needed? the charge generation from ascendancie isnt enought? using another support instead of it would inc the dmg by ALOT Zuletzt bearbeitet von zakariusqc#1505 um 08.12.2018, 15:22:04
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I love it so far (level 69) the survivabilty is meh so far, but i'm only on 2.8k hp. but i've got 2 noob questions. why do we take mind over matter notes when we also got it on the cloak of defiance and why do we have power charge on crit support when the ascendancy gives them really fast aswell ?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von sneakys#0561 um 08.12.2018, 19:49:28
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" I would either run added cold or faster casting or cold penetration maybe even critical strikes. defense wise, temporal chains is needed for the assassin masters IMO while leveling. power generation is fine with ascendancy. once you have third ascendancy done and a 6 link for main skill (atm I use tabula) you wreck havoc. still have crap weapons... |
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i tried without power charge on crit support and yea definitly dont need it. the ascendacy is way enought. the thing is, on PoB, power charge on crit is actualy the best dps increase so....look like its still better to keep it.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von zakariusqc#1505 um 08.12.2018, 23:03:10
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" It's the mana nodes behind MoM that are super valuable, at least for me. But I'm also considering using loreweave over cloak anyway, the permanent 80% resists + all the other little things loreweave gives you seem a bit better than the extra 10% MoM from cloak. For your other question, look at the bottom line of Power charge on crit's description, and think about how many power charges you have :) Okay, I answered somebody else's question, so hopefully someone can answer mine! What is the point of having Increased critical strikes linked to HoI????? Don't understand that at all. I'm loving the build though, just got to maps and it feels fast and has good single target, although it's pretty lacking in tankiness, hopefully some gear upgrades will help with that. Zuletzt bearbeitet von HeXxeRacT#3622 um 09.12.2018, 01:13:42
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" My assumption would be that it enables your HoI to consistently critical strike which means you get more frozen enemies which = more frenzies and more shatters. Might just be for the frenzy sustain. Jkurs on twitch, come and join the action . :)
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Why skip snowforged? it gives critical chance and cold damage, also, isn't better to skip the points around sniper and nullification and put them in light of divinity and holy dominion or even get the power charge near there?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von thecronosone#4715 um 09.12.2018, 11:49:28
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hi hi
nice build so far.but where is the point in INYAS EPHPANY boots? i testet and run some t15 corruptet maps without any boots ... there is no difference ^^ i got instant all my charges up, and hold them up duo to the high attack speed and i dont have a lack of dmg because of the 5% per charge have u other good ideas for a pair of boots ? tx Zuletzt bearbeitet von G0lDD1GG3R#5677 um 09.12.2018, 13:02:37
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" We're already stacking so much %increased damage and %crit chance though, there are way better nodes to get IMO but you can if you want I guess. " why not both? " Yeah when I looked at this build for the first time I thought they gave you +1 MAX power charges, which would be really good, but they don't. I agree I don't think they're very good either, unless I'm misunderstanding something about that last stat line. I'm probably just gonna go with a good pair of rares instead, with 30%MS, resists, life and/or mana. Zuletzt bearbeitet von HeXxeRacT#3622 um 09.12.2018, 21:31:58
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