Just another Arc trapper (UBER ELDER DEATHLESS). Facetank minotaur + crazy damage (millions of dps)
" On my first try of Uber Elder, I got him. There were only 3 things I knew when I 1st-tried him: - Elder spin means he's going to do the slam -> get ready to run away. - Shaper teleport means he's going to do the slam -> get ready to run away. - Stay inside the small ring when Elder casts the expanding ring. - Other than that, just dodge shits, throw traps, keep regen going till everything dies - Btw, I didn't drop the balls which followed me, I just let them slowly float. They move so slow that even when I had to stay in the small ring, they couldn't reach me. - I've done more than 5 times after that and have never wasted a single set. - So keep trying! Dont give up! [/quote] 2nd ring as a shaped ring gives you: spell stun immunity 2nd ring as an Elder ring gives you: more damage But damage is crazy enough without an Elder ring, so it's best to use a Shaped ring in fights such as Uber Elder. If you are confident that you can dodge everything in that fight, pick the Elder ring :)[/quote] Damn, no spell immunity in shaper and uber elder fights is... very interesting. Of course you need a lot of dps for those too but... makes me think. Good idea. Since obviously I can't dodge shit. [/quote] I've done Uber Elder with and without stun immunity, but I will always recommend people to do it with some sort of stun immunity (pantheon / flask / kaom's root / shaper ring) because it makes the fight ten times easier. Zuletzt bearbeitet von koros#0896 um 25.07.2018, 07:36:31
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" Budget: 15% movementspeed with Grace. Done |
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Major QoL watcher's eye would be -mana cost of skills and/or % chance to get 10% of max mana back when using skill.
Definitely makes it easier to keep 23 traps around at any one time while focusing on avoid shit in the Uber Elder fight, and lets you remove the mana flask. |
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Should I remove Added Lightning or Lightning penetration or Trap and mine damage for 5L Arc?
And also for 5L, what can I add for LST? no more purchases or recommendations til the trade system is fixed. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Marchosiae#3590 um 25.07.2018, 13:42:00
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" 1/ remove added lightning for Arc 2/ add added lightning for LST |
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Just to thank you.
I made a hierophant arc totem character this league but could not do Uber Elder. Too squishy. As I am done with current league, I'm trying different builds in standard (to prepare next one). I found your build and with a gear a bit under yours, a slightly different tree to boost a bit damage and be close to a 6th power charge if HP was enough. I was able to do Uber Elder for the first time. Not a quiet road with 8 shaper sets to learn the mechanics, but result is here. I was not convinced about the mark of shaper ring combined with another shaper ring. Well.... how wrong I was :-D This will be my next main build if GGG nerf hammer is not in full swing with this one. So thank you again. Zuletzt bearbeitet von pticouic#6554 um 26.07.2018, 11:16:58
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Hi guys,
first of all i would like to thank you for this awesome build:) So strong and fun to play:) I did all end game content without issues:) My gear:
Have watchers's eye with MS grace affix, what can i upgrade now? Have 5.9K hp and all res maxed. is tehre any way to improve the clearspeed of this build? Br. Adam sorry for my english, it's not my native language:) |
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I loved playing with this build so far, I've defeat guardians easily. I was wondering what is the best setup for a 5L lightning spire trap and if 5K life is enough to beat shaper.
I'm also not sure if I should quality my supp gems. Would it be a major dmg improvement? |
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" Definately. Its easy and cheap and provides about 50% increased damage without having to balance your resists or life if you replace a piece of your gear. Highly recommend doing that. And 5k should be easily enough for just shaper. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Sequel#7409 um 26.07.2018, 13:32:59
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Hey! First time posting here. I want to thank you for this build. Killed everything, even uber elder for the first time! Took 3 sets because i never played the fight before, but it is easily doable deathless with a little more practice. I also think that the watcher`s eye is quality of life but completely unnecessary.
I am lvl 91 with all my gems lvl 20, but i don`t get it why you have 2x the dmg than i have. Could you check my character and tell me what i am missing? Thanks! https://pastebin.com/MMyesNt0 Zuletzt bearbeitet von thiago231#4106 um 26.07.2018, 16:09:21
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