Just another Arc trapper (UBER ELDER DEATHLESS). Facetank minotaur + crazy damage (millions of dps)
" https://pastebin.com/43SApNhU I imported your characters and edit your tree/gears to add life/damage to it, you can find similar gears with such stats to reach these numbers: - You picked alot of life nodes from Scion area to improve your life pool, which I think is not a bad choice as of now, but if I were to aim for better overall performance, I would aim for level 94. Then spec out of the Scion life wheel and take all nearby Jewel nodes. Pick Throatseeker. - By replacing your amulet with a 80+life one and x4 of jewels with 6% life and a crit multi dmg mod, you have 5k5 life and 65k Shaper dps at 94. (all gems at lvl20, Arc at 21) - I also add "added lightning" to your helmet, which is something you should aim for if you want to improve your LST/Arc traps. - You don't need a Watcher's Eye with all those mods mentioned by OP, you need one with 15% movespeed with Grace, done. - Replace 1 mana flask with a Quartz flask. - Helmet enchant: not needed at all but it's good to have. Up to you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to leveling to 94? It takes 3000 years to get there! -No, use your chaos to buy maps you don't have, Alc it then Vaal it to get the bonus, complete all the bonus by killing the boss of those red tier maps, including Shaper's Guardians. Red tier maps should drop like rain right after. Get to lvl94 in no time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Investing more into this build? Yes and No Yes, if you really love the build, don't want to play other builds, and want to min-max it. But at this point, you pay alot more for very little gain in everything (life/res/dps), so ask yourself if you really want to :) No, if you don't really care about being too OP in min-max gears. Because you can take the entire contents down with just average gears and what's the point of raping Uber Elder with min-max gears just for laugh? It's up to you :D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another OP build you want to play? It's Elemental Hit with +8 to gem with Frostferno, but it's a 200ex+ build in Incursion, which is 4 times your current budget :D Zuletzt bearbeitet von koros#0896 um 15.07.2018, 00:32:02
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" Most of the time only Arc as a trap. Vaal Arc is NOT needed at all. Just a quick boost in dps in certain situation. But you are good with Arc alone, just ignore Vaal Arc :) ---------------------------------------------------- And to clarify your question: Arc and Vaal Arc is two difference skills put in 1gem. When you put it in any slot (let's say it's put in a body armor with trap support) It will now turned into 2 difference trap skills (because it's 2 skills in 1 gem) 1/ An Arc Trap skill which you can spam indefinitely (cost mana/es to use) 2/ An Vaal Arc trap which can only be used if collect enough Souls. And you can use 2 skills separately. Unrelated |
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" Thank you so much for taking the time to write this out. It gives me a really good idea of what i need to do moving forward. I think i will invest more into this build so that I'll be able to laugh in Uber Elders Face. I already replaced the mana flask with a quartz and I'm going to work on grinding my way to level 94 now. Thanks again! |
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Okay, guys, mission accomplished (no shimmerons / no loreweave, no mark of the shaper, no-thing for Uber Elder kill) I'm really satisfy with the kill :) the gears are kind of meh and cost an ex or so. GL & HF (tree modified but not complete, I was out of Chrome and Regret, but decide to do the kill anyway) It took a while to get him down, not recommended for people who never tried Uber Elder before. PoB of the kill: https://pastebin.com/PJpdPYx2 Why I used so weird setup of gems? I was out of Chrome (yes, none left now) - So I picked a random helmet to roll the bloodrage setup in it. - So I put LST in gloves without trap and mine damage (0 chrome lol) - So I put the other gems anywhere as long as the color is right (lol again) Price of the kill: -Helmet: self-found, but if I was to put a price for it, I'd say ...10chaos? -Body Armor: bought white one for 35chaos then roll it myself (let's round it to 40c) -Shield: 3 chaos -Essence Worm: 3 chaos -Scepter: 15 chaos -Gloves: 30 chaos -Rings/belt/amulet: use your stuffs with 70 life + res, won't count here -Jewels: use anything with 6% life or 40 life -Arc level21: use 1 arc and put 6 other ARc in swap, you should have at least 1 lvl21 Arc gem by the time you reach 90+, so won't count In total: 10+40+3+3+15+30=101chaos Affordable :D ------------------------------------------------------ Hint: - You can't be slowed by Elder, so run around Shaper. - Never get close to Elder. - Slams -> shield charge away. - If Elder summons the ring, there is a while until it explodes, stay out of the ring and dodge 2 or 3 skills of Shaper before shield charge back into the ring. After it explodes, repeat running around Shaper :) - Throw traps anywhere anytime, don't let there be so many downtime, or you won't have enough of both dps and regen. - You don't need Essence Worm, I planned to use MoM but didn't, and I was lazy to swap around. Zuletzt bearbeitet von koros#0896 um 15.07.2018, 05:45:37
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Firstly, thank you for the fantastic build. Have been trying it along with a few other variations and I had some questions about the gem setup.
Wouldn't be better to use arc in the gloves so as to take advantage of the trap support for a 5 link for clear and put lightning spire trap in 6 link for greater single target. Or would the clear suffer too much? |
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This may be a little off topic but I would like to seek some advice for the Uber Elder fight. Right now I would say my gear is pretty good and I should be able to do the fight deathless but I'm still dying 3-4 times every fight.
What pantheons do you guys like the most for the fight and what flask setups do you go with? (I do not use a Koam's Roots) I'm hoping to be able to do the fight deathless soon! |
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" 1. get a loreweave. The 80% max res help immensely vs all those spells (like shaper balls, elder cold shards) 2. while you can do without stun immunity i strongly suggest you get the combo of shaper mark + shaper ring or a kaom's roots (im not fond of the slow movement speed, but to be fair I have to to say that the slow immunity can be invaluable. IF I ever die it's because elder slows me and shaper hits me with 2 balls or a slam). 3. You have obivously put some thoughts into what your preferecences are. For example the conductivity curse seems interesting at first sight. Especially linked with arcane surge this can be very beneficial if you struggle with mana regen. HOWEVER - Conductivy (and curses in general) are extremely weak versus bosses to the point where they are almost negligeable. This is very sad because I like curses but they just don't feel useful in the least if you don't run double/triple curse with some points invested in curse efficiency. - Arcane Surge probably isn't needed if you play with tinkerskin. If you want arcane surge with loreweave you should link it with bear trap or flame dash. 4. By writing about tinkerskin I checked not only your gear but also your tree. If you want to play with tinkerskin (which i don't recommend) you absolutely WANT to invest 2 more points into eldritch battery! -> this solves your mana problems and is about the only reason why one would choose tinkerskin in the first place. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Sequel#7409 um 15.07.2018, 09:28:48
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" I have answered this question the FAQ extensively and tried my best to reason out why I chose Arc as a 6link. Please read that (again). But the clearspeed on a 5link doesn't suffer. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Sequel#7409 um 15.07.2018, 09:20:27
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Just killed uber elder with this build guide char (did some improvements to my play style).
It is second char this league with uber elder kill and i must say, it was easiest and smoothest kill i can imagine. On LL SR RF Guardian i've used 3 sets and all portals, here if i'd not forget to take life flask recharge pantheon i'd do it deathless. Wow. Btw 4.5k hp. (Mathil approves) I've spent about 25ex on all gear (craft + trade). It's less than my shav on ll sr rf guardian. That's sick. Thank you for the build guide :) Zuletzt bearbeitet von chondro#2973 um 15.07.2018, 12:39:55
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How do you use two shimmer wands ... only allows me to equip one at a time .. you must use a shield as well...
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