Just another Arc trapper (UBER ELDER DEATHLESS). Facetank minotaur + crazy damage (millions of dps)

Just to reconfirm, the only aura you run is haste right?
Chimerka schrieb:
lionking1211 schrieb:

2nd get mark of the shaper ring instead essence worm and a good elder one. skip wrath for grace as the dmg gain isnt that great and a dead dps cant kill shit :p

as the dmg gain isnt that great - well wrath in essence worm gives you 1.5 - 2 times more dps than mark of the shaper + good dmg rolled elder ring, also essence worm and dream fragment rings are pretty cheap and you got more dps.

I personally go with my MoM version of this build, with essence worm + dream fragment and clear mind jewel - also im now saving currency for good shaper gloves with +1 trap and wrath watcher's eye

Already cleared t16 temple with a lot of vaal constructs + atziri room and didnt have any suvivability / mana issues.

Hey do you think its a good idea (worth the effort) to chance for an elder essecne worm and pair it with MoTS.

Btw, ilvl don't affect chancing right? so any ilvl elder unset ring have the equal chance to land the essence worm?
AccidentalChaos schrieb:
Just to reconfirm, the only aura you run is haste right?

Haste is never mentioned. The only aura this spcific guide runs is Grace. Plus the movementspeed while affected by Grace Watchers Eye. But there are other options, that would also change your build around, like Essence Worm+Wrath and MoM. But if you wanna follow this build, only Grace and maybe Clarity.

Xafniko schrieb:
Hey do you think its a good idea (worth the effort) to chance for an elder essecne worm and pair it with MoTS.

Btw, ilvl don't affect chancing right? so any ilvl elder unset ring have the equal chance to land the essence worm?

Item level does not matter.

Is it worth the effort? I don't think so. There are 5 unique Unset Rings that can be chanced at the moment. It will take a lot of investment and/or luck to get Essence Worm. And there are shaper rings that can add a lot of damage too, while also giving you life, mana, resists.

Look at these mods on shaper rings:

Adds (13–16) to (56–60) Lightning Damage to Spells and Attacks
(7–10)% chance to Shock + Adds (6–10) to (41–45) Lightning Damage against Shocked Enemies
(31–35)% increased Spell Damage
(21–25)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance

Of course it won't be easy to get a good one either, but normal Essence Worm + good shaper ring won't be much worse than MotS + elder Essence Worm.

MotS+Elder Ring is the "cheap and easy" variant. But Essence Worm + a good shaper ring will also be very good.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Mecielle#3021 um 19.06.2018, 23:29:50
Chimerka schrieb:
phatass_dk schrieb:
phatass_dk schrieb:
Just started PoEing this season!

Would anyone be able to give me some pointers on passive point allocation?
I am currently lvl 59 and have no idea if I am setting up the skill point in the correct order.

I am a little scared that I might leave out something important for lvl 94. :)

Thank you for an awesome build!


Noone on the leveling path?

Check some leveling guides on youtube.

You can see here (this build thread) how passive tree looks at final form of the build at 94 lvl. Put away crit / power charges nodes and you get base look of the tree. So during leveling you want to get:

- trap nodes
- life nodes
- elemental overload
- acrobatics nodes
- connect tree paths and prepare for endgame tree

At higher lvl like 80-85 you will transform into crit, so count with that

Thanks! The YouTube videos does not cover this build exactly. There are close to a 10% difference in the builds for trappers.
While I appreciate the above, these three statements doesn't say much as they cover almost all nodes:

- trap nodes
- life nodes
- connect tree paths and prepare for endgame tree

and elemental overload is not part of the build. :)

Would it be possible for someone to make a leveling three for 30, 60, 90 or something?
Would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.
AlphaRage schrieb:
If I use Lightning Spire Trap on a Helm I can't use Enfeeble on my Gloves because it will be linked to the Trap mod on them and can't be used by CWDT anymore. Same for the Golem. What can I do about this?

Use lightning spire in 5/6link chest or 4link gloves... and arc in 4link gloves/6link chest.
phatass_dk schrieb:

Just skill all nodes except the crit, jewel sockets and power charge first. So life and Trap Damage etc.

Damage will not be an issue. Not even until red maps but the build will shine even more with all the crit nodes then.
illustrated0216 schrieb:
I'm quite lucky. Bought loreweave at 1ex and 6L it within 40 fusings. Then got my 1st shimmeron drop at 2nd elder. Now just hoping for the 2nd to drop. By the way, how do I get Mark of the Shaper? From shaper himself or elder?

uber elder
foster21 schrieb:
can anyone that has done end game reliably share their life and damage breakpoints? I am at 4654 life 30k lightning spire unbuffed, level 91 I thought i was ready for end game but apparently not.

Without power charges at lvl 95:
- 6019 life
- arc 13818,5 tooltip damage
- lightning spire trap 18.354,8 tooltip damage

At first uber elder kill at lvl 90 i had (without power charges):
- 5.5k life
- arc ca. 9k tooltip damage
- lightning spire trap ca. 12k tooltip damage

So the lightning spire damage seems quite high :-)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Sequel#7409 um 20.06.2018, 03:22:18
phatass_dk schrieb:
Chimerka schrieb:

Check some leveling guides on youtube.

You can see here (this build thread) how passive tree looks at final form of the build at 94 lvl. Put away crit / power charges nodes and you get base look of the tree. So during leveling you want to get:

- trap nodes
- life nodes
- elemental overload
- acrobatics nodes
- connect tree paths and prepare for endgame tree

At higher lvl like 80-85 you will transform into crit, so count with that

Thanks! The YouTube videos does not cover this build exactly. There are close to a 10% difference in the builds for trappers.
While I appreciate the above, these three statements doesn't say much as they cover almost all nodes:

- trap nodes
- life nodes
- connect tree paths and prepare for endgame tree

and elemental overload is not part of the build. :)

Would it be possible for someone to make a leveling three for 30, 60, 90 or something?
Would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.

elemental overload is used for leveling, cause you dont level as crit build, after you transform at lvl 80-85 into crit build, you will ofc remove elemental overload

Here is complete leveling tree for lvl 70, first go right then left on the tree:


Ascendancy order: Pyromaniac -> Perfect Crime -> Born in Shadows -> Chain Reaction or Explosive Expert
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Chimerka#3017 um 20.06.2018, 03:27:40
Xafniko schrieb:
Chimerka schrieb:

as the dmg gain isnt that great - well wrath in essence worm gives you 1.5 - 2 times more dps than mark of the shaper + good dmg rolled elder ring, also essence worm and dream fragment rings are pretty cheap and you got more dps.

I personally go with my MoM version of this build, with essence worm + dream fragment and clear mind jewel - also im now saving currency for good shaper gloves with +1 trap and wrath watcher's eye

Already cleared t16 temple with a lot of vaal constructs + atziri room and didnt have any suvivability / mana issues.

Hey do you think its a good idea (worth the effort) to chance for an elder essecne worm and pair it with MoTS.

Btw, ilvl don't affect chancing right? so any ilvl elder unset ring have the equal chance to land the essence worm?

Interesting idea with chancing elder / shaper EW for MoTS. Anyway im so much used to Dream Fragment from GC miner times :) chill / freeze immunity (sometimes it looks like every monster attack in this game chills) is so great + over 70% cold resist and mana regen, feeeee
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Chimerka#3017 um 20.06.2018, 04:49:29

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