[3.3] Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Trickster!
I've decided to turn this "help wanted" thread into more of a guide. This is still the first time I've really done my own build without adhering to someone else's detailed guide (though I've still gotten a lot of input from others, it's not 100% from scratch).
I went into Incursion knowing that I want my league starter to be Oro's Flicker. When it came time to choose an ascendancy, I had a few options - but I didn't want to use Slayer or Marauder for personal preference reasons (mostly because I already made two Slayers in Bestiary, one of which was my Flashback starter, and wanted something different). I went with Trickster due to its synergy with frenzy charges, as well as the 0-mana Flickers, sustain on kill, and an additional focus on power charges. --- Flicker Strike is a melee attack that teleports you to your target and deals damage. It has a 2-second cooldown, which is bypassed using a Frenzy Charge. Oro's Sacrifice is a unique 2-handed sword which deals only fire damage and grants you a Frenzy Charge when you ignite an enemy (and also has Culling Strike against burning enemies, which is rather nice - everything you fight will die at 10% health). When combined with Multistrike (which causes you to flicker 3 times with each attack) and Melee Splash (which results in you potentially igniting multiple enemies at once), as well as the Trickster's frenzy-on-kill passive, you will easily be able to sustain frenzy charges. In addition, thanks to Weave the Arcane, Flicker Strike costs 0 mana - so you can have most of your mana reserved with buffs and never worry about running out while flickering. Flicker Strike is extremely fast - literally an instant teleport to a target - and with multistrike, decent attack speed, and infinite Frenzy Charges, you can easily chain flicker through multiple mob packs across a map in seconds. Against single-target, you may have to start the fight by whacking the boss with Frenzy a few times to get your charges up, but the ignite from your attacks should be able to keep them up for quite a while (I usually have to stop attacking to move out of something bad before I have to stop attacking because I'm out of charges). Finally, the Fireborn, Crimson Jewel unique, when placed in the jewel slot below the Duelist starting area, will convert the increases in physical damage while wielding two-handed weapons into fire damage boosts - remember, Oro's has no physical damage, and so this build will be dealing almost exclusively fire damage. This build benefits from any boosts to fire damage, and so there are a variety of uniques that can boost DPS without being essential (which is good, as some of them are quite expensive).
Required Uniques: Fireborn, Crimson Jewel (placed in socket below the Duelist starting area) Recommended Uniques: The Wise Oak, Belly of the Beast, Starkonja's Head, other generally all-around good melee ele damage uniques Luxury Uniques: Xoph's Heart/Blood, The Taming
Flicker Strike - Multistrike - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Melee Splash - Immolate - Combustion (For single-target, swap Splash with Ruthless) CWDT - Immortal Call - Summon Flame Golem - Increased Duration Frenzy - Faster Attacks - Power Charge on Critical (optional) - Increased Critical Strikes (optional) Flammability - Blasphemy Anger Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Fortify If using Kaom's Heart, you'll need to either drop Leap Slam, or drop the Power Charge/Increased Crit links on Frenzy, and turn that 4L setup into Frenzy - Leap Slam - Faster Attacks - Fortify. Depending on the content you're doing, Leap Slam varies in usefulness (for general travel, you'll usually be flickering from pack to pack quickly enough - but sometimes you need to be able to move somewhere that doesn't have a target).
Passive Tree, Bandits and Ascendancy
Level 86 passive tree Bandits: Kill all Ascendancy: Order isn't vital as we don't start using Oro's until 67 anyway (around the time of Merc Lab), but Swift Killer and Weave the Arcane should be priority, with your choice of either Harness the Void (DPS) or Patient Reaper (sustain) next, and the other last.
PoB link
Current, level 86: https://pastebin.com/hLfCn8nS Ideal theorycraft: https://pastebin.com/dpv3SvSy
I leveled using Frost Blades + Ancestral Call, swapping it for Multistrike when I could, using whatever weapons I could get my hands on. There are some excellent cold damage clusters you can pick up while leveling, then respec out of them when you start using Oro's.
At level 67 we can equip Oro's Sacrifice and things start getting crazy. Get it 4-linked or 5-linked (Jeweller's Touch makes it easy if you have 30c lying around), pop some Dramamine and hold right click. Be sure to get Atziri's Promise and Vaal Pact when you pick up Harness the Void, as these three combine into some nice sustain and extra damage. For other gear: I used a Belly of the Beast once I could afford one, and it works just fine - and allows for more sockets to play with too (movement abilities, leveling Enhance/Empower/Enlighten gems, stuff like Decoy Totem, etc). I didn't anticipate I'd ever have a Kaom's Heart, then I lucked out with a Taste of Hate drop that I sold for a couple exalts and was able to afford one for the massive health and useful fire damage boosts. Starkonja's Head was also quite nice as I found one myself, but it's not necessary - I'm now just using a rare Lion Pelt. Zuletzt bearbeitet von IceTwenty#0726 um 14.06.2018, 04:29:16 Zuletzt angestoßen am 04.12.2018, 06:32:13
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Hey!, nice idea, i really love trickster and flicker so im gonna give this a try.
Cheers! |
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what made you choose not to be a duelist?
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2080059 you seem to use all the same duelist nodes, but you don't get melee splash for free from the duelist ascendancy, yet you still use melee splash gem? is 0mana cost really worth it? seems like 0mana cost would work well with mind over matter, but this build isn't near enough to take mind over matter? Zuletzt bearbeitet von namad#0366 um 03.06.2018, 10:51:58
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To be perfectly honest, the main reason I didn't go Duelist is just because I've made several Duelist characters lately (both for Bestiary and Flashback) and I wanted to do something else. Slayer is probably a better ascendancy for this build, but I wanted to go Trickster for no real reason other than I like Trickster.
Anyway, I've got some updates (and I'll put these links in the main post). First: The endgame build has been fixed up with help from people here and on Reddit: https://pastebin.com/DkBdeKFX The items are more realistic and the tree is a bit better, as are the skill links. Also, this character is currently level 50 and I've been leveling with Frost Blades. Here's the current status: https://pastebin.com/eYUzVT39 So far, so good. I initially used Molten Strike, but Frost Blades just feels better to me. Use Ancestral Call until you're a high enough level for Multistrike. Zuletzt bearbeitet von IceTwenty#0726 um 02.06.2018, 13:59:25
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" oh cool, I had no idea how to level any of these builds as they never say.... I also chose frost blades, it's working well so far. I literally started off using molten strike, then I merged ancestral call with frost blades and was like, WOW. Zuletzt bearbeitet von namad#0366 um 03.06.2018, 10:53:18
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An update!
So today I finally hit 67, got my Oro's 5-linked and everything set up - and damn, this is frickin' fun. I've tried flicker once before, but I didn't have the appropriate gear at the time and wasn't a good experience, but this is pretty great. I'm now level 75 and doing quite well in maps, but I'm not done yet - next goal is to get Belly of the Beast and 6-link either it or Oro's, and also look into getting a second Oro's for a single-target setup. Being a Trickster is feeling pretty good as well, the 0-mana flicker lets me have Anger and Blasphemy-Flammability up (85% mana reserved) without a care in the world, since the only skill I have that uses mana is my traps (which I only cast once, since they're cluster). I went with the safe option after finishing merc lab and got the life-on-kill node, but the chaos damage node will be a big DPS boost. Here's my current setup as of this posting:
PoB: https://pastebin.com/3ykv6XjZ The Starkonja's was a lucky drop, as was that chest piece (I dub it "mini-belly"). If you want a good Ngamahu Tiki, buy an Araku Tiki with a high life roll for cheap (<1c), and use the Forest of False Idols prophecy (~1-2c) to upgrade it. May not get the best fire damage roll, but it's way cheaper than buying a max-life-roll Ngamahu. As for the gems: Frenzy would probably be a more reliable way to get an emergency frenzy charge, but I wanted to play around with some traps and Flamethrower Trap is rather fun. Swap one of the supports for Charged Traps if you want further aid in generating charges, but so far, I've rarely had a problem keeping charges up, except against bosses (but you may consider swapping in a Molten Strike setup for single-target anyway). Oh, and since I enabled flicker, I've been able to consistently full-clear incursions, so my temples have been going really well too. |
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Help me out here, I've tried to import your build into POB yet no notes on the tree are allocated regardless of which paste-bin link I use.
The items and everything else are displayed, am I doing something wrong? The builds sounds fun, just what I was looking for and I hope I can get my hands on the skilltree soon :) |
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Someone else had that issue too, and I'm not sure what exactly the cause is, but it may have something to do with different PoB versions - since the passive tree got updated, if you're on an older version of PoB, trying to import a build from a newer version results in an empty tree. So double check that you're on 1.4.94 of PoB, which is what I'm on now.
Just in case, here's new links to the final and current versions of this build: Level 91 Theoretical: https://pastebin.com/AEbfTq0c Level 83, current status: https://pastebin.com/3Ttig6ES I finally got around to finishing uber lab, and with the added chaos damage I picked up Atziri's Promise and grabbed Vaal Pact. I've also ditched molten strike for single target and now just swap in Ruthless over Melee Splash against bosses (stack frenzy charges with Frenzy, and you should be able to flicker on one target for a decent time before you have to refresh - and at that point you're probably gonna have to stop to move out of some bad stuff anyway). I would also highly recommend Flame Golem over Ice Golem on CWDT, but I'm currently working on getting RRRR on a slightly better rare helm, so I've gotta use a green socket until then. Zuletzt bearbeitet von IceTwenty#0726 um 06.06.2018, 17:08:55
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i have a really bad time using this tree. major mana problems so i can't keep flicking.
help plz. |
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You have to have Weave the Arcane in the Trickster ascendancy to flicker. It makes flicker strike cost no mana. If you want to start using flicker early, get that node first; if you use something else until 67 when you have Oro's and then start using flicker, you can get Weave after cruel/merc lab.
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