[3.6] Death's Oath Trickster - ALL CONTENT | Tanky | Budget | Fast Clear | Lag-Free

Second time running this build and loving it. This is the gear I'm using atm, is the Trigger on Skill worth replacing Breath of the Council?

video please
DeftSlyNinja schrieb:
Second time running this build and loving it. This is the gear I'm using atm, is the Trigger on Skill worth replacing Breath of the Council?

Hey, can i see your skilltree pls? I can't find the Char tap in your Profile.


I'm still a newb so bear that in mind but why does the original post list the Death's Oath requirements as 180str, 111dex, 111int instead of just 180str?!?

I used the quide in good faith and ran the voricis calculator with the reqs from the post, odds were acceptable. Only after using all of my chaos and chromatics on the armor did I notice that the guide was wrong! The rates with correct value can cost tens of thousands chromatics!

What are my options here? Grind 3 exalts to buy armor with the right sockets or start a new character?

I think I'm missing something fundamental here..

Valeria_Messalina schrieb:
I'm still a newb so bear that in mind but why does the original post list the Death's Oath requirements as 180str, 111dex, 111int instead of just 180str?!?

I used the quide in good faith and ran the voricis calculator with the reqs from the post, odds were acceptable. Only after using all of my chaos and chromatics on the armor did I notice that the guide was wrong! The rates with correct value can cost tens of thousands chromatics!

What are my options here? Grind 3 exalts to buy armor with the right sockets or start a new character?

I think I'm missing something fundamental here..

You don't use Chrome for your chest. you use Jews. google vorici colo jew

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrqcD8dYoSE < here you can see how it works.

it's still expansive to do but way better than using chromes. I only got 4sockets right and i am out of money :D but still enough for yellow tier maps.
pflame5000 schrieb:
Last league I had switched to evasion, dropped the nodes around shaper (everything below the jewel node on the left) and and grabbed acrobatics/phase acrobatics. I used Atziris step, Grace aura, arctic armor, and had the Vaal grace linkned with increased duration that was on my immortal call/cast when damage taken setup. I also used flame dash over shield charge, as usually getting caught charging by a handful of projectiles would insta kill me. This seemed to give much more survivability and not having the life regen nodes didn’t affect me as much as I thought it might, since 50%+ chaos resist plus prolonged pain and soul of arakali (spelling?) further reduce the self dot.

I haven’t gotten to play much this league, so I’m still getting/transitioning to death’s oath, but my plan is using eldritch battery to add malevolence, taking some more of the non-curse aura nodes, still use blight and wither totems (as alternatives don’t feel quite as good, but more testing is needed), and use wands (maybe dual wield if I don’t feel too squishy) that have the +30%+ non-ailment chaos damage multiplier.

So far I’ve leveled with soulrend and Vaal blight totems and soulrend makes clearing a bit easier depending on pack density, so I might see how that works on a 4 link over blight or something. I’ll post updates and link gear as I finish transitioning to late game and finding a setup I like. But like Doeoeod was saying, everything we used (besides spreading rot) was buffed, so I almost don’t think you can go wrong.

Also, not sure exactly, but it seemed like multi-totem was better than faster casting for wither.

And huge thanks to Doeoeod, as I liked trickster before coming across this build, but now I love it. The last few leagues trying out different death’s oath stuff have been awesome.

TL;DR: I’ve had success Acrobatics, evasion stacking (+grace aura), and +% non-ailment chaos damage over time multiplier on a wand. This league using eldritch battery and aura effectiveness nodes to allow malevolence and grace looks like the way I want to go. Aura effectiveness nodes add to death aura, malevolence, grace, and Vaal grace. Updates coming soon

Waiting for the updates, and with video pls
Enjoying this build so far... Couple of questions for 3.6 update:

Remove Blasphemy for Bane
... are we still casting Blight? Or is Bane now our damage and curse? Or are we just throwing Bane on Magic/Rare/Elites for debuff and sticking with Allelopathy/Blight for extra damage?

Without Blasphemy do we still need to use Impresence, or is that just a 'nice to have now' for the Maddening buff and 35% aoe damage?

Trying to see my options here as I just started mapping and setting my gear up, and want to make sure I am going after the proper items/setups.

Thanks :)
Hey, great build i am not that high yet but running mid tier maps is no problem.

my build https://pastebin.com/5iLzLr8u

i still will get a lot more health. can't 6 socket chest yet because no currency left but iam using eldritch battery, MoM and reserver all my mana. working good.
Hi, nice build. But i have 1 question: How does this build without CI counter damage overtime from chest? Why doesnt it kill trickster immediately?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von overlordvaleron3#2428 um 25.03.2019, 13:33:30
Where does he get onslaught from? It says he doe sin the guide but I can't see it

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