[3.6] Death's Oath Trickster - ALL CONTENT | Tanky | Budget | Fast Clear | Lag-Free

Nvnsqr schrieb:
Hey, how good is this as a league starter? Is the 6 colored Oath difficult to get ahold of within the first couple days?

Not that bad actually,my friend has this build this league, I have a RF and a magma orb build. Leveling with this one is not really smooth, especially whit BV as you constantly have to get a few stacks rolling. By comparison you can start with RF as early as lvl 30 if you wish, or you can sunder away till about lvl 60-70. But I think you can lvl up with something else, as running around with BV, to me at least does not seem like fun.

The 6 colours are highly RNG dependent, you can end up using thousands of jewelers with the vorici method,since this armor is mostly strength based, you will get tons of red sockets, you can get blue, but green can be a bitch, I have spent 1500 jewelers till out of frustration I just bought a 5 link one, I kept getting red and blue but no green, and I already had 3 blues and 1 red. Honestly you can sustain till about tier 10-12 maps with just 5 sockets without any serious issues(the 5 socket one cost me something like 45c), by that time you should have enough currency to either get tons of jewelers or simply buy it on poe trade.

By comparison the build isn't as tanky as a RF one, but it isn't as expensive either, as RF builds tend to rely on a lot of specific items that can cost as little as 30c or as much as 30ex, depending on how much min maxing you are doing. So for a league starter items are more readily available and don't cost as much.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Nosferat#4431 um 27.09.2018, 08:37:49
2500 Jewellers in and I finally got that 5th green socket to roll.
Don't think super early map clearing is going to be fun with colors this off.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Nvnsqr#6123 um 27.09.2018, 17:54:33
How mandatory is culling strike on shield charge? Can we afford to drop it if it's just QoL?
Not that important. That instakill when they have 10% life helps against strong bosses, let us say you want to go shaper farming, and very strong mobs, otherwise it's useless against trash mobs and low tier mapping as they die easily enough
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Nosferat#4431 um 28.09.2018, 02:54:51
Does 1% reduced mana reserved on our Spreading Rot even accomplish anything? I have 2 socketed in and there's no difference in mana reserved.

Edit: nvm, you just need a high mana pool for it to be noticeable.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Nvnsqr#6123 um 29.09.2018, 16:46:37
Selling my oath

and the helm
Loving the build! Looking for some tips to increase damage or item upgrades I could make got a few EX - PoB https://pastebin.com/1R6yJZ51
Zuletzt bearbeitet von AFKiing#0393 um 30.09.2018, 10:32:51
Hi by any chance do u have the PoB link to this build? Would be easier for me to look more into the build! Thank you!!
I'm in SSF and I just hit the magic level 62 and started playing this last night and so far I'm having a blast!!!
My Character

I had two lucky crafts with

I'm using this staff for now but last night I had a second Poet's Pen drop for me so I'm gonna try those tonight with Volatile Dead, Body Swap and Unearth so I don't have to move as much and I still need to finish colouring my Death's Oath.

Temporary gloves until I get to 69 for Allelopathy and then I'll fix my resistances but so far this build is an absolute blast and I cant wait to hit maps with it.

So I've got to 70, got my Allelopathy's equiped and all is well.
I tried using duel Poet's Pens with Volatile Death/Swift Affliction/Decay and while it works very well for white mobs its a bit meh on magic and rares as decay dont stack with itself.
so for now I remain with the Cane of Unravelling until I can farm a Breath of the Council.
But this built is still a blast
Went SSF in Delve and I'm never going back.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von jimoc#6853 um 03.10.2018, 03:52:36
I don't understand what the point of MOM is? Even with Impresence I have 93% of mana reseverd (grace+temp chains+arctic armor). That is barely enought to cast abyssal cry or resummon the golem. How does 100 mana or so help with survival?
I really like the build but I'm hesitant to invest more currency. Damage feels mediocre at best in red maps and bosses are extremely slow and become a chore

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