[3.6] Death's Oath Trickster - ALL CONTENT | Tanky | Budget | Fast Clear | Lag-Free

bloodclox schrieb:
bro, im digging this build but vorici calculator says the average cost to 3b2g1r death's oath is 3,708.6 chrome

The method I'm following is the Vorici socketing one, i.e:

1. Get 3 sockets ONLY on the chest. Choose 3 blue or 2b 1g guaranteeing 3 off-color sockets from the start.

2. Then select the 4 sockets on the crafting table. If you get g/b, continue to step 3, otherwise choose "3 sockets" again to get back to the colors you got in step 1 and try again.

3. This is where it starts to get costly. Use the 5 socket option which costs 70 jeweller's. If you get the g/b you need as your fifth off-color, you can proceed to step 4. If not, you have to go back to step 2 and pay 10 jeweller's to get back to 4 sockets (the colors are still saved) and try again.

4. Congratulations! You now have 5 off-color sockets. The next step is to get the final red one. You need to pay up 350 jeweller's in order for this to happen. Since red is the most usual color, it should hopefully work on the first try. If not, you need to go back to step 3 by paying 70 jews again... I'm currently at this step myself. My first attempt will likely happen tonight. =)

I'm not sure if this method is cheaper or more expensive than the chrome version, but at least it's deterministic, so you feel that you are always advancing and can use the item all the time - even if you don't succeed with the first few tries. The potentially most costly option is getting the fifth socket since it needs to be off-color. It took me five tries to get that. You can also get massively unlucky and get the sixth color as an off-color as well and have to pay 70 jews + 350 jews to try again... Luckily amassing jews is fairly simple. =)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bizze79#1888 um 07.09.2018, 09:26:43
wow this is great, thank you for that tip!
Glad I could help! I just amassed my 350 jews and got the final red socket on the first try! I'm off to DPS now! =)
Maybe we could think about using Consescrated...or so ...Path, as a movement/faster clearing skill only real downside is, that if there is no enemy u cant teleport but u can get that sweet 6% life regeneration that is further increased by our ascendancy and u can also just swap it with shieldcharge for trash clear.
(and if im not mistaken u can use brightbeak for more attackspeed and thus faster clear in maps with good density)

Dunno if it is worth thinking about it but i thought i should state it here so that people with more experience with builds like this can tell me if its a good or bad idea ^^
is there any gameplay videos on this build?
Man I'm am having a hard time with this. I've got a 5 socket DO so far, 1g 3b 1r, running void over swift. Current dps with two 10+% damage while holding shields, and 20% damage after killing jewels seems lackluster. Barely able to do t8/9 maps. And my gear is mostly decent. Yet im barely pulling 13k dps with witchfire up, white mobs melt but im having a lot of trouble on bosses and all my my res's are maxed except chaos which is 4%, but i dont have much issue with DO killing me, its just my dmg. Am i doing something wrong?
Ask and ye shall recieve

Truhls schrieb:

Man I'm am having a hard time with this. I've got a 5 socket DO so far, 1g 3b 1r, running void over swift. Current dps with two 10+% damage while holding shields, and 20% damage after killing jewels seems lackluster. Barely able to do t8/9 maps. And my gear is mostly decent. Yet im barely pulling 13k dps with witchfire up, white mobs melt but im having a lot of trouble on bosses and all my my res's are maxed except chaos which is 4%, but i dont have much issue with DO killing me, its just my dmg. Am i doing something wrong?

Abyssal Cry and Blight are your bread and butter. What you are doing right now is like running Righteous Fire without the Scorching Ray.

UnderConstruction schrieb:
Maybe we could think about using Consescrated...or so ...Path, as a movement/faster clearing skill only real downside is, that if there is no enemy u cant teleport but u can get that sweet 6% life regeneration that is further increased by our ascendancy and u can also just swap it with shieldcharge for trash clear.
(and if im not mistaken u can use brightbeak for more attackspeed and thus faster clear in maps with good density)

Dunno if it is worth thinking about it but i thought i should state it here so that people with more experience with builds like this can tell me if its a good or bad idea ^^

Consecrated Path is probably better for low- and mid-tier clearing, because 6% regen is frankly just a lot. This said, as soon as we hit scary end-game content it matters a whole lot more where we dash to, rather than how fast we get there. The inability to dodge large abilities (see: Atziri, Elder, Shaper, any scary boss ever) is probably just instant death.

Wermagnuson schrieb:
Question to the build author. How do you look at the link in Allelopathy gloves Cast while Channelling - Contagion - Essence Drain - Efficacy? Can this bring any profit?

Chaos DoT skills generally do not stack (blight being the exception, and not a skill we can cast through other means). This means many rapid casts of Contagion and Essence Drain don't really do damage. 3-4 support gems and a single cast will make the Essence Drain do more damage than casting every 0.5-1 second.

intangible_s schrieb:
Does Swift affliction still work here? Frenzy charges no longer grant damage over time.


I'm going to assume you meant Swift Killer - and yes! The node itself gives us %damage per frenzy and power charge, so it still results in a huge DPS boost (4 frenzies + 4 power charges). Ghost Dance, on the other hand, gives us very little value for a whole ascendancy.

To all the people who want to use The Grey Spire:
If you want to try this item out, I say go for it. That said, I can't really say I'm excited about it. The loss of 6 more sockets means cutting some valuable Vaal skills, auras, or defensive measures (things I had to use unset rings just to obtain), and also makes us use Leap Slam or Consecrated Path to move around (which are both slower and less flexible for bossing and dodging). Simply put, there are better ways to obtain this damage than giving up both weapon and shield. The +4% max resistances doesn't protect us from elemental damage as much as an Eclipse Solaris would, and puts further strain on our jewelry to cap resists.

Ballsy players will do it anyways though, so tell me how it works.
I have Aellepothy equipped and use it on bosses constantly, the only time im not is when ive been hit and it drains all my mana, or its just plain too dangerous to. Same for abyssal cry and packs.
there's gameplay footage here for people wondering how it looks:

One of the better builds I have played.
The only real currency eater is the Death's Oath, needs allot of chroms to get it the right colors.

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