[3.9] Pure Phys Skeletons & Friends Necromancer — Beginner/SSF/Budget Build
Make sure you have the PoB Community fork (Google it - it's down right now). The original PoB does not have support for impale calculations. If you take a look at the new one cluster PoB from the last post of mine, unchecking and re-checking rotten claws gives 11.5% more damage (my calc from the other post forgot about non-impale DPS, so it had doubled up). A 10% minion damage node adds about 1.4% damage.
When bossing, impale is always up except for the first five hits since it's target based and you have 10-12 skeletons. Other minions have a small chance to impale too, via rotten claws and dread banner. Impale should make up 60-100% of your DPS. 3.15 ❆ Cold Skeletons guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2774965
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" Sounds good! did just update my jewels to get me over 1M dps per skelly. Will look at making the switch to pride/brutality and already got a awakened splash gem. Was able to kill a T15 elder guardian in max delirium last night so not doing too bad! https://pastebin.com/Y5573sJJ My Rotten claws gives me a lot of damage too. Impale chance goes from 74% to 94%. ![]() |
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" The second PB code doesn't work, shows error. And my questions are: Why this jewel? => "Glorious vanity, with Xibaqua". Why to use Brutality and not Ruthless? Is I skip R my damage is 10 down. (I'm on standard). RD06702
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" " The second PB code doesn't work, shows error. And my questions are: Why this jewel? => "Glorious vanity, with Xibaqua". Why to use Brutality and not Ruthless? Is I skip R my damage is 10 down. (I'm on standard).[/quote] I'll get the PoB next time I turn on my laptop. Essentially it's just a lil more offensive focused and uses two large cluster jewels and a megalomanic with rotten claws on it. I recommend Doryani for most players since ES is nice. I use Xibaqua because I have 88 chaos resistance and managed to roll a nice one. I think Xibaqua is tankier though. Brutality is a 60% more multiplier, and 65% for the awakened version. Ruthless is just 46%. Outside of impale, brutality is your best support gem. 3.15 ❆ Cold Skeletons guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2774965
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Ty for prompt answer. Switched to Brutta, from Ruthl, installed Xibaqua. I'm not prepared yet to renounce at Fortress covenant. Just bcs i don't have any cluster. Please fill the text for Xibaqua, in order to correct measure in POB (as the AG text). I think i saw something in your first POB code, but i'm not sure. Before those changes I've made today i was sitting on 1.5 mil/skel x 12. I wanna see the difference in numbers, bcs on maps doesn't see to much. RD06702
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" I didn't realize there is a place to uncheck/check rotten claws... I'll look for it. I am on the fork. |
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" I probably wouldn't run Xibaqua in standard - you don't have access to the cluster jewel that gives +3 max chaos res which is a big part of the appeal. You have to do the Xibaqua yourself based on the corrupted small passives on your jewel. The keystone will not change your numbers, but your elemental res is essentially equal to that resistance's max + your chaos res and divided by two. So 75 fire res + 85 chaos res = essentially 80 fire res. The small passives are unique to your jewel. I put in my jewel for calculation of my DPS usually, but it's different jewel to jewel. I took a quick peek at your character - you don't seem to have a lot of chaos res? If it's not 85 (standard) or 88 (league), you're better off with a Doryanis. 3.15 ❆ Cold Skeletons guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2774965 Zuletzt bearbeitet von iLL3aT#4109 um 22.04.2020, 20:37:46
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Hey, Ive kinda adapted the base of this guide for my SSF HC necro. Id be super happy if there's someone around who could check my build and point me towards my next best upgrades (given its ssf).
Right now I'm working my way through t11 - 12 maps at lvl 90. Feeling somewhat safe but Ill die as is if I keep pushing higher tiers. DPS is okay, not great not super bad but my zombies/spectre are starting to die which hasnt happened before. anyway, here's my pob: https://pastebin.com/H86tqnQz Id appreciate any input (: Zuletzt bearbeitet von srslyFaileR#0357 um 08.05.2020, 07:40:21
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Is the cluster with extra crit a view wearth?
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Good day, i was playing with a POB build and ended up with this:
https://pastebin.com/uGYSTie1 Im lvl 94 and more or less have those items and tree, i noticed really good damage and decent mitigation. Still, im pretty new to POE (started on metamorph leage with this guide) and im pretty sure there is a way to make this better. Aside from better gear in general and catalyst on belt/ring, is there any advice anyone can give me? the more problematic thing i noticed is a bit on the low side eHP and no HP REG . The HP REG doesnt bother me but i could use a better eHP. Aside from dropping a damage cluster, i dont see how to increase that. (i put vulnerability on mi curse on hit setup to somehow simulate merveil retainer and extra curse on amulet because pob doesnt seem to take the extra curse from awakened curse on hit. simulated kingmaker on a abyss jewel. Specters are 2 host, 1 carnage 1 mervail retainer) The hungry loop with the zombies on it, from research i did, i understand that if i have a jewel with lightning minion damage, when the zombie crits it automatically applies shock to the enemy, is it like that or am i wrong? i dropped skitterbots for flesh and stone + precision for crit stacking. teoretically with elemental proliferation i should be shocking/freezing everything, but i dont know if i kill too fast or if im wrong in how it works, but im not noticing the freezing/shock effect. Zuletzt bearbeitet von sacoroto#1729 um 14.05.2020, 05:15:59
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