[3.6] Acid Molten Strike Assassin - Uber Elder-viable Poison Build

Infiltrator schrieb:
Have you considered, instead of the wither totem, Ancestral protector with withering touch and something like faster attacks? You'd still get a wither-like effect but attack speed on top if it too.
I have, on a 4l with
AP - Faster Attacks - Withering Touch - Increased Duration
you can only get up to 7 stacks of Wither, making it worse than a Wither totem even with the AS buff.
Builds and Guides:
first off... having a blast with the builds the dmg and survivability is just amazing

a question.... why is volkuurs showing me a dps down in pob?^^
Asura2468 schrieb:
first off... having a blast with the builds the dmg and survivability is just amazing

a question.... why is volkuurs showing me a dps down in pob?^^
Technically it is a DPS loss because Volkuur's reduce your poison duration. However, that should only matter when your poison starts to run out (which shouldn't happen too often).

What's important for Volkuur's in PoB is to look at "Poison DPS", not "Total DPS inc. Poison".
Builds and Guides:
SHEPUUURD schrieb:
Technically it is a DPS loss because Volkuur's reduce your poison duration. However, that should only matter when your poison starts to run out (which shouldn't happen too often).

What's important for Volkuur's in PoB is to look at "Poison DPS", not "Total DPS inc. Poison".

ah ty for the reply cause i just got my volkuurs and was a bit confused^^
Double post -__- on phone
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Adam320#0268 um 03.09.2018, 08:21:23
I’m confused because POB shows immolate, and added chaos dmg as significantly weaker options compared to viscious projectiles and deadly ailments on my vulkuur setup...but you say they aren’t as good? Halp! Thanks :)

Even when I take your POB for vulkuur setup and replace the links it’s like a 50% more dmg buff than the other two (for molten strike balls) what am I missing :/
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Adam320#0268 um 03.09.2018, 08:31:18
Adam320 schrieb:
I’m confused because POB shows immolate, and added chaos dmg as significantly weaker options compared to viscious projectiles and deadly ailments on my vulkuur setup...but you say they aren’t as good? Halp! Thanks :)

Even when I take your POB for vulkuur setup and replace the links it’s like a 50% more dmg buff than the other two (for molten strike balls) what am I missing :/
I've noticed Vicious Projectiles giving a pretty large damage boost aswell, but I believe it's a bug in PoB that "double dips" your base physical damage. If you read the gem information, it doesn't indicate anything like that because attack damage doesn't affect poison.
It shouldn't give you more than 49% DPS in the game.

Deadly Ailments is actually in my links, and Immolate should give you a boost of ~60%, assuming you ticked "Is the enemy Ignited?" in the configuration.
Builds and Guides:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von SHEPUUURD#7714 um 03.09.2018, 09:26:07
SHEPUUURD schrieb:
Adam320 schrieb:
I’m confused because POB shows immolate, and added chaos dmg as significantly weaker options compared to viscious projectiles and deadly ailments on my vulkuur setup...but you say they aren’t as good? Halp! Thanks :)

Even when I take your POB for vulkuur setup and replace the links it’s like a 50% more dmg buff than the other two (for molten strike balls) what am I missing :/
I've noticed Vicious Projectiles giving a pretty large damage boost aswell, but I believe it's a bug in PoB that "double dips" your base physical damage. If you read the gem information, it doesn't indicate anything like that because attack damage doesn't affect poison.
It shouldn't give you more than 49% DPS in the game.

Deadly Ailments is actually in my links, and Immolate should give you a boost of ~60%, assuming you ticked "Is the enemy Ignited?" in the configuration.

Hmm so I should keep added chaos in and just replace vicious proj with immolate? My pob is configured as your linked version. If you have time, it would be sick if you could look at my current delve char and give me some pointers :D..I’ll prob work on a loreweave and helm enchant next, and I’m still figuring out my links for everything. Awesome build btw, it’s been a blast playing it, and my clearspeed with a zero link HOA minion isn’t too bad, I haven’t felt the need to swapin frostblades yet but maybe I dunno. Thanks!

I think my links currently are: molten, multistrike, multi proj, ancestral call, added chaos, viscious
Adam320 schrieb:
SHEPUUURD schrieb:
Adam320 schrieb:
I’m confused because POB shows immolate, and added chaos dmg as significantly weaker options compared to viscious projectiles and deadly ailments on my vulkuur setup...but you say they aren’t as good? Halp! Thanks :)

Even when I take your POB for vulkuur setup and replace the links it’s like a 50% more dmg buff than the other two (for molten strike balls) what am I missing :/
I've noticed Vicious Projectiles giving a pretty large damage boost aswell, but I believe it's a bug in PoB that "double dips" your base physical damage. If you read the gem information, it doesn't indicate anything like that because attack damage doesn't affect poison.
It shouldn't give you more than 49% DPS in the game.

Deadly Ailments is actually in my links, and Immolate should give you a boost of ~60%, assuming you ticked "Is the enemy Ignited?" in the configuration.

Hmm so I should keep added chaos in and just replace vicious proj with immolate? My pob is configured as your linked version. If you have time, it would be sick if you could look at my current delve char and give me some pointers :D..I’ll prob work on a loreweave and helm enchant next, and I’m still figuring out my links for everything. Awesome build btw, it’s been a blast playing it, and my clearspeed with a zero link HOA minion isn’t too bad, I haven’t felt the need to swapin frostblades yet but maybe I dunno. Thanks!

I think my links currently are: molten, multistrike, multi proj, ancestral call, added chaos, viscious
Use this as a 6l:
Molten Strike - Multistrike - GMP - Ancestral Call - Deadly Ailments - Immolate

Your character looks alright so far, just keep upgrading your gear :)
Builds and Guides:
Would a rare, fossil rolled helm work as best in slot? I am not 100% sure if modifiers differ based on item type, but a helmet can lower the chaos resistance of nearby enemies (rolled -9% myself), which should boost damage by a huge margin, right? On top of that, I think it wouldn't be that hard to roll some life/resist or even more desired fossil modifiers considering how you can have a more deterministic approach to crafting now.
IGN: Interloper
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Infiltrator#4816 um 03.09.2018, 10:54:02

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