[3.2] The Snowblind Cospri CoC Assassin - Projectile based CoC

Ok, I've played this build up to t12 maps now and done a bunch of testing of different things and am needing some people's opinions on a few key points.

1. I don't understand the hate toward dual cospri's in here. With a smidgen of accuracy your hit chance is more than enough. You can also just do one spell per cospri's with two supports in each and it can be quite effective. I have tested both and both seem to work pretty well with better dmg on the dual cospri's and better survivability with a shield.

2. I genuinely don't see how this build can get anywhere near end game without PERFECT gear. (10-20 ex minimum). It just can't handle rippy damage, just like 90% of melee builds after the VP change. I take one huge hit and it takes me a solid 3-4 seconds to get all of my health back which is way too long when you are standing on top of the boss.

Now I don't have lyco, nor do I have pandemonious and the green nightmare which both give a decent amount of survivability. Am I missing something? I have 5.6k health, max res and have run a bunch of different flasks and a few setups and it just doesn't help, I get destroyed by any boss that does consistent damage.

Hmm, I'm not the creator of this build nor am I very experience with it

But if I look at your character right now, I can see a lot of problems

1.) Please just follow OP's final tree, your tree is just WORSE than his tree, you travel for 1 additional curse, grabbed some really pointless nodes and you didn't even get the annihation for the Crits, idk what you were thinking, 1 addtional curse you can buy "Doedre Damning" which is super cheap and respec all the skill points and actually follow his build

2.) Drop atziri's promise flask, follow his set up, farm lower tier maps and actually get the uniques he uses please. A lyco shield, perand amulet, doedre damning, inya's epiphany all of those are like REQUIRED for it to work well

3.) I bought all the uniques and I'm farming high tier maps, Doing t13+ with quite nasty mods no problem, I only encounter problems in boss and I didn't spend 10ex or 20 ex on the build so idk why you would think that.

4.) You're using a tabula, that is not good for end game, if you want to do end game rippy boss you need to wear actual armour, like a belly of the beast he suggested.

5.) You should definitely get better Rares for your character, if you get a Lyco shield u can drop a lot of accuracy in gears/trees and get much Cheaper and Better gears! Also follow his Gem set up please!

Honestly, just save up currency and folloow the build properly, you can look at his profile on the character or you can look at mine, it's working wonderfully, hope this doesn't sound rude to you

Good luck man
Raymand schrieb:

1.) Please just follow OP's final tree, your tree is just WORSE than his tree, you travel for 1 additional curse, grabbed some really pointless nodes and you didn't even get the annihation for the Crits, idk what you were thinking, 1 addtional curse you can buy "Doedre Damning" which is super cheap and respec all the skill points and actually follow his build

2.) Drop atziri's promise flask, follow his set up, farm lower tier maps and actually get the uniques he uses please. A lyco shield, perand amulet, doedre damning, inya's epiphany all of those are like REQUIRED for it to work well

3.) I bought all the uniques and I'm farming high tier maps, Doing t13+ with quite nasty mods no problem, I only encounter problems in boss and I didn't spend 10ex or 20 ex on the build so idk why you would think that.

4.) You're using a tabula, that is not good for end game, if you want to do end game rippy boss you need to wear actual armour, like a belly of the beast he suggested.

5.) You should definitely get better Rares for your character, if you get a Lyco shield u can drop a lot of accuracy in gears/trees and get much Cheaper and Better gears! Also follow his Gem set up please!

Honestly, just save up currency and folloow the build properly, you can look at his profile on the character or you can look at mine, it's working wonderfully, hope this doesn't sound rude to you

Good luck man

I see and understand a lot of what you are saying, but disagree with the vast majority of it.

To go off of your points:

1. The build as is brings your spells to over 95% crit, so anything more than that is literally useless, so the tiny amount of multi I get from going up through that direction is not worth it. As for why I go Whispers of Doom over Doedre Damning, that ring is nearly useless OTHER than the additional curse. For all the things a rare ring can give you, including warlord's mark on hit as an example, it's just not worth the ring slot imo. Also, I get a good amount more max health.

2.If you are saying all of those are required, then as I said, the build is minimum 10ex "to work well" Lyco -2ex min Pandemonious 3ex min Inyas -1ex min Belly 1ex for a decent, not even good roll. All of the others will be the worst rolls possible to get them that cheap.

3. "I only encounter problems in boss" This is literally ALL that I'm talking about. I don't care about trash. I could make a build that uses nothing but a bow and kill trash with no issue. I'm talking about bosses or boss like things.

4.As I said, I've done a lot of testing, I don't expect tabula to be as good as belly, I've tested with a 5L belly. Having more health and a tiny bit more armor doesn't somehow make me get the health I lost back more quickly.

5. I used 4 points, that's it, 4 on accuracy. On top of that, 2 give large amount of dex which the build desperately needs, but yet again, lyco for a slightly better hit change won't change the fact that you do not leech enough to stay alive on bosses.

I'm not here to argue, nor am I trying to. I'm simply explaining myself. I just don't see how it can work for actual end game content i.e. shaper, red elder, uber atziri, etc. Not since the VP change. The leech rate of the 2% WM leech just isn't enough to sustain against the significant constant damage that is taken by a melee build unless you are pumping out multiple millions of dps.

I have absolutely loved the build and enjoyed playing it, I just don't know if I want to spend 10ex to HOPE that I can do end game content.

Honestly man, you didn't follow the actual build, the gems, the skill trees or the gears, so obviously you're having a lot of problems with "Your" build, because you didn't "actually" follow it.

1.) Your first point , "10-20EX to do end game content" , the answer is "No" because I'm doing atziri ,uber lab, t13+ maps with ease, and I have only spent about 6 ex total and I'm trying to min-max my gears so obviously it could be A lot cheaper. This is also not "first character" or "league starter" or "cheap build" so IDK what you are expecting here.

2.) You are having problems with bosses in high tier map, Ok, here is why,

No wise Oak
No Lyco
No Inya's Epiphany
Honestly, quite bad Rares (My suggestion to you is to get a mixture of Life+Res), Not "99" life with no res or "100 res" with no life etc. hope it helps you!
No doulbe Life flask as stated in the build, you have "Silver" flask when you could get free onslaught from Herald of Ice(as stated in the build guide)
No Uberlab Done (You have also grabbed the wrong node in Merc lab, you should have went for Ambush ans Assassinate first)
No Opal ring, , fingerless silk gloves(they provide huge damage boost)
No Pandemonius amulet, (again, huge damage boost + blind) = defensive boost
No Belly (defensive boost)
Wrong Gem Links (Not actually following the build)
No green dream/nightmare, (it is not required but it helps a lot in map clear, this should be your last upgrade)

3.) Your skill tree,

No "Annihalation" , provides a lot of Crit chance to avoid death spins
Your rare Jewels are not that good, most of them are "life" and "one damage mod" , you should look for better ones
No "Quick Recovery"
A lot of points wasted by not actually following the skill tree

Also , you have wasted well over 10 Points just to travel around to get the "+1 addtional curse" skill node, so yes, you have wasted so much points for no reason

4.) Those Uniques are really crucial if you want your character to do high end rippy mods boss, they aren't 10 ex but if you want to do end game content you shouldn't expect it to be easy with bad gears

You shouldn't expect to face tank bosses + leech all their damage with this build, it's not an Insane Leech build , You have "two" life flasks for recovery, you cyclone constantly to avoid damage and you also burst them down with diamond flask, you don't expect to Leech everything , please acknowledge this

As a final note, Lyco is a lot better than you think, also doedre damning, saves you a lot of points in skill tree, removes your concern on accuracy on gears(so cheaper gear with better stats cuz high accuracy + good mods = expensive as fk) and you really only need "One +30 Dex Node" in the tree, no need a tons, you can check my character. You should socket and link your own belly, a normal 38%+ max life belly is not that expensive either. anyway hope it helps you!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Raymand#0602 um 18.03.2018, 14:11:44
Hello ! anyone test Dyadian dawn heavy belt ? leech from spells work against chilled enemies ?
quflamingo schrieb:
Hello ! anyone test Dyadian dawn heavy belt ? leech from spells work against chilled enemies ?

I am using it, seems to go ok but i will swap it our for a life belt with decent rolls when i get a chance.
Been farming to get my uber elder and finally got him to spawn in the middle, but have not yet done him. This build can do any map mod in the game and I'm always vaal every map and have not yet meet a map that I cant do. Going to try uber elder and after that finally work on leveling my char:)

If you see any upgrades that can be made please point them out:

Is Scion worth looking at with the new ascendancy changes or should just stick to Assassin ?
Made a video about this build, so every one can see what it can do at endgame content. Doing uber elder next and will upload the result soon:)

Youtube link:

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Nordatheman#4277 um 20.03.2018, 07:49:28
Trying this!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von CefkaPalazzo#2026 um 20.03.2018, 23:30:38
Seems like Farrul's Bite would be incredible for this build if there was a way to incorporate the chest piece for no mana reservation on Aspect of the Cat. Any thoughts? I know BotB helps tremendously in HP pool, but just curious if anyone had looked into it yet.
IGN: Plisna

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