3.11 -- Righteous Fire Juggernaut / Chieftain (Outdated and Abandoned)

zheng738 schrieb:

zizaran made a rf guide, honestly the guide written here is still better, but for those that like to play logout league or practice logging out in less than 1/10 of a second, this guide is decent

Interesting he reccomends might of the meek near first gem node. Gonna play around with that, seems powerful.
Sedorian schrieb:
Playing in standard at the moment wasnt really feeling this league as much as some others. Sitting around 9k life at the moment with following gear. Next upgrade will hopefully be a legacy Kaom's and working on crafting a elder stygian belt. Any other advice for where to go from the standard side would be really appreciated.

Easiest two steps at the beginning
1) use few Blessing Orbs on yours Amulet, you can have there 1,6% regen
2) change enchantments on yours boots (Life regen %) and gloves (... of light)

starting to wish I played this league, those busted synthesis mod items might become legacy since they won't add synthesis league into standard
how essential is flame dash in this build vs leap slam or something?
heishe schrieb:
how essential is flame dash in this build vs leap slam or something?

It's not essential at all, I would think at using it might mess up your EE and EO since it is fire damage also.

Some people use lightning warp, shield charge, leap slam.

Whatever fits your play style.
The syn implicits is the reason I play rf this league

Zuletzt bearbeitet von hooftothehead um 03.05.2019, 17:03:14
hooftothehead schrieb:
The syn implicits is the reason I play rf this league
Nicht verfügbar

Those are OP i'm gonna need you to destroy those.
Einige Gegenstände in diesem Beitrag sind zur Zeit nicht verfügbar.

Just crafted that in synth league. not sure what it's worth.
First of all, thanks for the build! :D
I decided to play RF on my PS4 as a second char and I'm having the most fun I ever had in PoE. I never was a endgame player on PC and now I'm finally able to do some of it (and maybe all of it soon).

I'm currently level 92 with around 8.5k hp, my gear is as follow :


Currently running triple aura setup with PoF, PoI, Vitality on an Enlighten 4.
Looking forward to leveling another Enlighten 3-4 to put PoF and PoI on a +2 aura gems Saffel I already got and still get the reduction for Vitality.

Up until now I used this helmet with Vaal RF(20/20) + Elem Focus (20/20) + Arcane Surge (1/20) + Switft Affliction (20/20).

But I just blew a fair amount of my personal wealth and crafted this one.

Is it better than my old helmet if I use it with Vaal RF + Elem Focus (20/20) + Conc Effect (20/20) + Efficacy (20/20) ??

Also I'm open to any advice on what should be my main focus updrage after the helmet, I hope to get a god tier one with Horror+BD+Conc maybe someday... but besides that.

Thanks for any help provided! ;)
might wanna give the flashback event a try, just curious though, do you have to start a new char for this flashback event or does regular synthesis league char already qualify for this

was checking some alternatives saw some trickster ascendency stuff, oddly seems suited for rf
Zuletzt bearbeitet von zheng738 um 11.05.2019, 09:50:32

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