[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri

AlexAndonov schrieb:
Hello :) Since there is alot to read and of what i red so far, I didnt understood well, whats the best helmet now ,Skullhead or Wraithlord?Also are the two claws still the best options for weapons?
And one more thing, I am using flammability as a curse so far, but I am planing to remove gmp and put a second curse.I saw in the OP that flammability is not used for the build, but temporal chains and enfebee,so my question is should i put TC and enfebee or I can go with flammability and TC/enfeebe, and whats the better option between the two of them? I am planing to use solar guards, to the point i go for the hardest contetnt.Thank you for the great build :)

I forgot 1 more thing :) How can I get the 4th spectre? I dont know if my profil is visible, but.. is it from an item that i dont have or ?
Skullhead and Wraithlord are both excellent leveling helms. I wouldn't use one for endgame content - by the time you're level 90+ you should be able to afford something better.

Advancing fortress is the best leveling claw out there. The Scourge is still the best for end-game.

Natt made the OP with the intention of using this for Hardcore, so his curses are defensive based on never getting killed, thus why flammability / elemental weakness aren't listed. If you want offensive curses, use EW / Flammability. With Solar Guards you can also use Projectile Weakness to get pierce and knockback if you want. It's not as high damage boost, but some people like it.

Spectres come from:
1 to start
1 from Death Attunement on the tree
1 from Vis Mortis
1 from Bones of Ullr
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
arcadnii schrieb:

I have lvl 21 desecrate the only thing I miss is life for minions (I don't remember if it was reduced with last patch or not) and 6% block if I use cwdt set up for desecrate and offering which I didn't use cause I had lvl 20 bone offering selfcast on shaper and I can't get 6L for a month allready (spent couple of thousands of fusings) to get minion life or resists gem. I might have lack of a skill cause it it's my first minion build ever. but I thought that all that I have is more then enough to beat the content. shaper is easy done boss for me for a long time allready I know the mechanics. I don't die but spectres do.

- Are your spectres only dying to Shaper?
- If they are dying to shaper, exactly how? Are they in the beam? Are they dying in bullet hell? Slam? Are you directing where they move with your movement skill, your curse on hit, convocation?
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
arcadnii schrieb:

I have lvl 21 desecrate the only thing I miss is life for minions (I don't remember if it was reduced with last patch or not) and 6% block if I use cwdt set up for desecrate and offering which I didn't use cause I had lvl 20 bone offering selfcast on shaper and I can't get 6L for a month allready (spent couple of thousands of fusings) to get minion life or resists gem. I might have lack of a skill cause it it's my first minion build ever. but I thought that all that I have is more then enough to beat the content. shaper is easy done boss for me for a long time allready I know the mechanics. I don't die but spectres do.

I didn't see a single spectre dying for whole content (well, didn't try uber atziri yet), any guardians or elder's one, shaper, whatever — they just never go down even for 1/4 of their life.

I'd recommend to get more resistances/life regen for them: Zahndethus' Cassock on AG, Jewels with "Minions regenerate % of life" etc.

Are you sure you summon spectres in 84 zone?

You can always check my profile for reference.
Im tryin' this build and it's doin' OK in red tier maps, I'm currently 83, do you know how can I improve more my character?

I'm not playin' on hardcore, so I guess I'm doin' something wrong cause @grimjack68 says that the OP focused on hardcore for the gem setup? All I want is to kill the Shaper for the first time in my life in 600 fuckin' hours of game xD

I'm using 1 Wicker + 3 TV for spectres.


And for the AG: Kaom's Root, Dying Breath, Southbound, Zahndethus' Cassock and Leer Cast, giving me double damage boost from the weapon and the mask.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von MiguelFg#3451 um 28.01.2018, 19:29:35
Thanks to the author and everyone posting variations of this build, trully godlike, it's the first time i play a non-leech based build,
i managed to do
15 uber atziri (4 deathless, could be more but..potato laptop),
20+ shaper,
double curse + extra damage guardians etc..

so from my experience, this is a very good league starter (i'll prolly do it again if unchanged in 3.2)
with just 10-15c gear i could do t13-14 maps,
2-3ex needed for my first guardian kills and shaper
for uber atziri i had to invest a bit more (10-12ex) which isn't a lot compared to other builds.
atm i'm using a bisco's and running smooth t15-16 maps, swapping to unique oaua +1curse on boss fights.

ps. using 4x vanguards / 3x golems / i rarely summon animated guardian cause it might die during guardian+ fights.

hope it will not change a lot at 3.2
MiguelFg schrieb:
Im tryin' this build and it's doin' OK in red tier maps, I'm currently 83, do you know how can I improve more my character?

I'm not playin' on hardcore, so I guess I'm doin' something wrong cause @grimjack68 says that the OP focused on hardcore for the gem setup? All I want is to kill the Shaper for the first time in my life in 600 fuckin' hours of game xD

I'm using 1 Wicker + 3 TV for spectres.


And for the AG: Kaom's Root, Dying Breath, Southbound, Zahndethus' Cassock and Leer Cast, giving me double damage boost from the weapon and the mask.
Not a whole lot of room for improvement here, to be honest.

You've taken Spirit Eater in ascendancies instead of Commander of Darkness. CoD gives you the same damage boost, plus some extra resists, for the cost of a level 1 clarity aura.

You are running a dual socket belt, even with the 50% boost it's not as good as a good single socket with life and resists.

No Rumi's flask. I suspect that with Bone Offering up, you're close to, but not quite, max block. that would help - especially with bosses.

Your AG setup would be really good for Solar Guards, but for Tukohama's Vanguards, you're missing a lot of damage by not running dual dyadus axes. Your setup boosts your damage by 30%, dual dyadus boosts by 200%. Dual dyadus and leer cast makes it 215%.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Your AG setup would be really good for Solar Guards, but for Tukohama's Vanguards, you're missing a lot of damage by not running dual dyadus axes. Your setup boosts your damage by 30%, dual dyadus boosts by 200%. Dual dyadus and leer cast makes it 215%.

To expand on this, the AG setup for TV/WM should be Dual Dyadus, Icetomb, BoR, Rainbowstride, and Southbound. The dyadus and Icetomb is to boost your TV's damage and the other pieces are to keep your AG Alive.

grimjack68 schrieb:
Weioo schrieb:

Last night I was impatient waiting for a post here, and ended spending exactly that, 5-6c for Icetomb, the movement boots listed, 2x dyadus, good helm, gloves. It's working out nicely. I've only made it to tier 2-3 rare maps, but the AG health bar barely even budges.

Now I'm trying to figure out how to get block chance above 40%. I have spell block at 42% lol. I'm running with Advancing Fortress (w/Stone Golem, Whirling Blades, and Faster Attacks) and Rathpith Globe (with nothing too important socketed ATM).

I'm guessing that's without Bone Offering up. :)

That was without Bone OFfering, yes... Then I ran into the 'liche' in an abyssal depths, inside a zana side mission, inside a t4 map... First time I fought that guy and he raped thru my AG in a few seconds. I didnt know about the totems :( re-gearing... fun.
Sorry if that has already been mentioned, but assuming we chill the whole screen, won't Hypothermia be better than chance to ignite or mater?

At gut feeling I guess not because its for hits and ailments and shouldn't apply for dot..
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
IchiMorghulis schrieb:
Your AG setup would be really good for Solar Guards, but for Tukohama's Vanguards, you're missing a lot of damage by not running dual dyadus axes. Your setup boosts your damage by 30%, dual dyadus boosts by 200%. Dual dyadus and leer cast makes it 215%.

To expand on this, the AG setup for TV/WM should be Dual Dyadus, Icetomb, BoR, Rainbowstride, and Southbound. The dyadus and Icetomb is to boost your TV's damage and the other pieces are to keep your AG Alive.

I prefer Cassock for tons of regen. Actually my experience says that you don't need any damage boosts at all: everything just melt down without even Scourge. So I prefer Advancing Fortress and jewels with "minions regenerate + minions resistance", AG stopped dying at lvl 22 + fortify.

Also good trick is to use AG in Fortress corrupted to melee splash, 5 link in one weapon.

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