[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri

gdspd schrieb:
Im using skeleton mages in my vis mortis with dead reckining jewel + 4 x TV's in helm.

Clear speed is good and tv's take care of bosses

your Profile is private :)
I will never understand why people doing this ^^
Kirby1978 schrieb:
gdspd schrieb:
Im using skeleton mages in my vis mortis with dead reckining jewel + 4 x TV's in helm.

Clear speed is good and tv's take care of bosses

your Profile is private :)
I will never understand why people doing this ^^

To not show garbage gear that you embarassing of? :)

Anyway, i didn't forget about skellies too, but didn't mention it, because:

1) i didn't tried it myself, so can't say for sure
2) they need to be casted, so quite difference between gameplay style. Also, SG mostly kill offscreen, skellies demand you to locate target, then cast them, and then after some delay they started to clear up. It definitely really different from spectres strat.
3) just not to add unnecessarily details to my explanation, to keep it as simple as possible
Kirby1978 schrieb:
gdspd schrieb:
Im using skeleton mages in my vis mortis with dead reckining jewel + 4 x TV's in helm.

Clear speed is good and tv's take care of bosses

your Profile is private :)
I will never understand why people doing this ^^

1 - to new users, is the default option;
2 - some guys look your profile while you're testing stuffs and keep send you pm about why and how you're changing and that is really painfull to answer. :p
Ariakan80 schrieb:
Timoh schrieb:
does the tukohamas shield not working in 3.1? my spectre only get 1 totem not 2 :( could you link a tukohama shield guide would be nice

This was specifically nerfed in a recent patch, so no, you can't use the tukohama shield with this build any more.

Some guy says it works well if you link Increased Duration to it.
Shouldnt be private anymore
Pbl6а schrieb:
hello sorry if it was answered 100 times but what gems are better to use with SG ? as i understand
RS +GMP+Fire Penetration+Spell Echo + vaal haste or haste + and what is last gem ?SO what is better Vaal haste or haste? and what about AG ?should i use him with SG or i need to change AG's items?

Raise Spectre : Minion Damage : GMP/Slower Proj for single target : Elemental Focus : Spell Echo : Controlled Destruction.

Haste / Vaal Haste aren't part of the spectre 6-link, they are auras that are cast separately.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
So is there any video of clear speed with tv's + flame golem's? All i could find was boss kills.

Cant really say what is better without seeing
lostcoaster schrieb:
Med1umentor schrieb:
JonathanPDX schrieb:
I just did my first Uber Lab (ever) tonight! I know it's old hat for all you vets but it sure was exciting to survive it the first time! I went with 4 TV and a slow, careful pace. I survived a couple close calls with the boss but otherwise I just ran around in circles and suddenly he was dead! Wow those totems are awesome!

My plan is to stick with 4 TV and eventually pick up the Golem gems and helm to go with them, instead of switching back to SG for their clear speed. Melting bosses with totems is just too much fun. Is anyone else running 3 Flame Golems and 4 TV?

Yeah, i'm running 3 flame golems and 3TV+1WM. It works really great for me. Flame golems not as good as solar guards, but quite close, and bosses melting without problems too.

But beware that for golems you need about 2ex investment in primordial jewels.
I bought them when exalted was still about 40c, now it's 90c. Damn, that's expensive.

I think the 2x6L (or 5L+6L) SG + TV solution is cheaper.

This helmet cost me 5c (well, coloring cost more, but OK). You can find much better ones at 30c or so.

I have the anima stone, 2 harmonies and one cheap one to replace someday with a might. I’m still trying a lot out. One have a helm with imolate, midgeon damage and minions life. Technically seven link minions for when they are flame golems. Only six for stone.

Trying a log of configure, but for farming easy, 4 flame and 4 spec (1 wicker, 3 TV) is amazing. I have the scourge, but flame golems don’t count as my kill and so I don’t get as many wolves. 1 clayshaper is easier for me vs easy. Not 2 clays because I do like the shield defense. Still trying tons of stuff.

For tough stuff, much more standard setup with skull helm and 3 stone. Main purpose of the stone is to go tank and do well single target. So far seem good, I have never killed seeker, hoping for this session.

I am also working on an unerlab setup for repeat runs for someone not a great trap runner (like me).

I’m trying lots of different possibilities, really enjoying this build.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von ImAncient#1500 um 25.12.2017, 16:22:05
Med1umentor schrieb:
Imurgod schrieb:
Im out of sockets after some upgrades, is it still good if I use shield charge-fortify without faster attack gems? can't find a place for the faster attack...

You can use anything you want, but it wasn't good enough to even be used.
The only reason why shield charge is used is speed. Without faster attack gem it would be atleast 30% slower, considering lack of our own attack speed.
So you will be faster even by just using quicksilver flask.

ya, its all about missing movement speed, but doesnt effect my damage at all, just feel a little sluggish without it but clearing speed is still good. I shall use all 3 flame golems or 2 flame+stone? with primo harmony using 3 flames losing about 40% golem dps plus stone's life regen...
Hey, good build. I run a variant of this in a 3-man group and I seem to be the weakest link for some reason. My role was to be the boss killer, we have an aurabot, and an ice shot/barrage ranger for clear speed. Basically I'm doing less damage to bosses than the ranger. Not sure if it's because of the front-loaded damage of barrage or the relatively unreliable Sr totems of the vanguards. I've noticed that my vanguards never drop 2 totems at the same time even though I have tukohama's shield and necro aegis. Would increased duration help with that? The ai of my vanguards seem unreliable for my team right now.

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