[3.6] Vieira's Magma Orb Miner (Guardians,Shaper,Uber and uber elder viable)
![]() First thing you need to know: IT LAGS A LOT! But is playable on good PCs I made this build as a "meme" build, and ended being really fun to play with and viable for every content of the game. Pros: You can do literally any map mod. Really insane clear speed. Gigantic aoe. Viable with really cheap equipment. Insane DPS on bosses. Can do guardians/uber/shaper/uber elder. Can do hall of grandmasters. PvP viable. (trust me, they won't see it coming) It's beautiful. Cons: IT LAGS A LOT. It's a little flask dependable. You have to press a lot of buttons. Guardians on HC will probably be a problem. Uber Elder video: in 3.6 Synthesis (2 mins) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbj89AaZoa8 old: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRGbVbymdXw UPDATE FOR 3.6: Nothing changed. Gear I used on synthesis to do all content: https://pastebin.com/Y6CRudRm " I opted for a 6L rare chest with arcane surge. My orb of storms curses with proj weakness and activates arcane surge/Elemental Overload. UPDATE FOR 3.4: With the trap nerfs It's probably not worth to do the trap version anymore. Minefield got a HUGE nerf. I suggest to not use it anymore, replace with trap/mine damage, conc effect or fire pen. The Instant detonate mines will help A LOT with the weird mine playstyle and will help with the damage as well. UPDATE FOR 3.2: On 3.2 the saboteur ascendancy got a really nice buff for mines. With Pyromanic you get 20% regen on bosses without any effort and at least 10% regen while clearing a map. The build is now less flask dependable. The Blind node is now decent, and helps a lot on bosses. on 3.3 we just got a huge buff on clear speed. Everything else is almost the same. We also got a few free points because of the tree changes. TREE Path of building (miner) Updated to 3.4: https://pastebin.com/vUNbZPSN Path of building (trapper): https://pastebin.com/jzuyyfpy (outdated, it's not worth to use it with traps anymore) Bandit: Kill all GEAR Most important item (Can be 5L): Helm with +2 magma orb chains: Aditional mine gives 33% more damage overall. 50% if you are not using minefield. Shaper preffix increased AoE is a bonus, it helps a lot the orb of storms to proc ele overload. Really cheap rares: Get equipment with life + dex and resists. Craft mine laying speed on the belt (tora 7). You NEED 25% + movement speed on your boots. It helps a lot. I use Bubonic Trail for the 2 abyss jewel slots that gives a lot of damage and life. You can use rare boots with ms%, life and resists instead. The amulet needs to be a gloomfang. It gives so much damage, mostly on bosses: You can change for karui ward for mapping because of the projectile speed, but it's not necessary at all. Gloves: Tombfist is the best option for the gloves slot. It's really cheap and the 2 jewels gives a lot of life and damage. You can use a winds of change for the projectile speed while clearing maps, but it's not necessary at all. Chest options: I'm using a belly because with so many abyss jewels with flat life, the 40% gives a lot of life (800~900). If you don't use a cwdt setup, you may use a kaom's heart. Other options are carcass jack, a rare chest or Shroud of the Lightless. Shroud of the Lightless is only good because of the jewel slot, life and mana. The penetration isn't usefull. Flasks: The most important flasks are the Lavianga's Spirit and the Quicksilver. One life flask is enough. I'm using two (blood if the karui) only for uber elder. Other options are Atziri's promise, wise oak and Dying Sun. I change flasks a lot. Those are the ones I'm using overall: Jewels: you will use two inevitability jewels Get flat life + spell damage. Magma orb has 125% effetiveness, so any flat spell damage increases your damage a lot. If you get a non-abyss jewel, you should get those with life and mine laying speed. The other mods are any damage mods for projectiles/fire/spell/area. You can also use Clear Mind, since you are not reserving any mana. GEMS Links on the sire of shards: Magma orb - Remote mine - Trap/mine damage - Elemental Focus - Controlled Destruction - Faster projectiles (slower for bosses) You can use Conc Effect or Fire pen instead of faster/slower projectiles. The projectiles are fast enough already. I suggest to not use minefield anymore. But it could be good for mapping in general. For a 5L you can drop either controlled destruction or faster projectiles Try to get a lvl 21 magma orb. It gives 1 more chain. -- To proc Elemental Overload AND arcane surge buff you can use this setup: Orb of storms - increased crit - faster casting - arcane surge (lvl 8) If you have a helm with shaper's AoE you can use a lvl 9 arcane surge. -- Spell Totem - Detonate Mines This setup is usefull on some bosses. -- Flame Dash - Faster casting is really usefull on bosses. Mostly on uber elder fight. -- Cwdt (1) - Immortal call (3) - Increased duration (high lvl/quality) With this setup you can use a low lvl curse too. Like projectile weakness for offense or enfeeble/temp chain for a more defensive setup. You can put a vaal lightning trap or vaal clarity on this setup to benefit from the increased duration gem. -- Another option is a 6L belly with 5 off colors (blue) for a 6L orb of storms with curse on hit, but it's not necessary at all. ASCENDANCY In that order: Bomb Specialist Demolitions Specialist Pyromaniac For uber lab points you can choose a defensive setup with Born in the Shadows or offensive setup with Explosives Expert. VIDEOS [3.6 - Synthesis] All 4 guardians: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXWRAtGWLb4 Uber elder in 2 mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbj89AaZoa8 [3.2 - Bestiary] Uber elder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRGbVbymdXw All 4 guardians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7EBFUyPXSM OLD VIDEOS: Those next videos are from 3.0, on 3.2 the damage is way better Please consider that I recorded those videos in a machine with a 3rd generation i5 and a 550 Ti, and it lags a lot more when my OBS is recording. Should be a lot smoother on better PCs. Mud Geyser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnbadWMMQJY Mud Geyser with 3 jewels with projectile speed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul96bPUFycw Vaults: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvDLWMAStFg Atziri: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLqts_9Fxe0 Uber Atziri: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRKWF6laRG4 Shaper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLHr1UMjUpQ Sarn Arena (AoE showoff): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaKs-7LaQ2s Hall of Grandmasters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wAI3B-m0jM Other comments In hall of grandmasters I can't kill the full block ones with mines. For them I use a 5L staff with scorching ray - swift afliction - ele focus - controlled destructions - burning damage I don't like tremor rod at all, but it can be a good option for bosses. For even more damage on bosses I'll probably get a +3 fire staff. Try to be at at least half mana all the time. On bosses like uber atziri trio you can use righteous fire for 40% more damage! Just spam some mines before activating and you will be fine. On uber elder use 2 life flasks, a quicksilver, an aquamarine and lavianga's. Your flame dash is your best friend in that fight. QoL tip for miners: Go to options and bind your "Attack in place" key to any of the NUMPAD numbers. For example: Numpad 5 You hold the key 5 on the numpad and press numlock while holding it. Now you can stop pressing the 5 key and even enable numlock again if you want. Until you close your game, all the skills are with attack in place, including mines, like if you were holding shift. IGN: vieira Zuletzt bearbeitet von gvieira#7895 um 14.04.2019, 22:23:22 Zuletzt angestoßen am 13.05.2019, 14:26:30
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IGN: vieira
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Impressive. Me likey :) I have some questions for you though.
Why do you use slower projectiles instead of conc? It seems you cover already the whole screen, and conc gives a bigger more multiplier. Is it bc you'd need a 2nd Sire of Shards with blue only sockets or does the slow travel time of your projectiles actually give you a bigger benefit? Furthermore, how do your resists look like? From the gear I get the feeling they are a bit low, maybe I'm mistaken. Also, what about your Pantheon choices? Finally, is proj. weakness your personal preference or do you get more value out of it than from Anger? I guess Anger reserves more Mana and does not have the knockback which is useful in mapping. The pierce does unfortunately not work for Magma orb, that's what the wiki says. With anger, essence worm would be an option, so you don't reserve any mana (that way clear mind as jewel would have a nice synergy), and you get 2 free gem slots (e.g. for a CWDT setup). But: you'd lose a ring slot with resists for essence worm and a jewel slot for clear mind that way. Just brainstorming here, I'm eager for feedback. Zuletzt bearbeitet von olsev_baiden#2790 um 21.08.2017, 05:54:05
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" Than you for the brainstorm/feedback, I love thinking about other choices for the build to work better! About slower vs conc: From wiki/forum it seems that chain skills can only hit the same target if it chains back to him, but since it's a spell with a fixed trajectory it works differently. I've tested with a single magma orb and all the bounces hit the target. With slower projectiles you can potentially hit the boss 3 times if he is stationary. The other good thing about slower is that all the 6 bounces will be in a small area, and if the target moves it probably will be in an area where you already have some bounces happening. With conc effect and no slower projectiles you will probably hit only the first bounce and than the projectiles will spread a lot. It's also important to notice that the bouces without conc effect hit a wider area than it looks graphically. my resists are low for ele weak maps because I didn't want to spend more currency on gear, but its not hard to get higher resistances with better equipment ![]() About using anger, I don't think it's worth it. The flat damage is not that great to beat the more damage on projectile weakness and It would be bad to lose a ring slot for essence worm, but it could be better for mapping since most of the mobs you kill wouldn't be on your blasphemy area anyway. IGN: vieira
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I forgot to answer about the pantheon
I'm using soul of the brine king to avoid multiple stuns, but I think I'll change to Lunaris. I'm also using ryslatha for life flasks charge generation, this one helps a lot actually! IGN: vieira
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Will give it a try :)
Is the +2Chain on Magma Orb Enchant on Helmet very important? (cause lab enchants hate me and i only roll trash) |
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" I think it's very important. The area it gives is insane. If you are not SSF you can buy a helm with that enchant for 15c (on HSC). IGN: vieira
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- What gem setup do you use for leveling?
- Can you switch to sire setup (lets say 4L) with lvl 49? - If yes how should the skill tree look like to make it work ? Thank you for answering all the questions :)) |
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Thanks for the feedback.
I was surprised how less DPS Path of Building shows with your character while you are able to kill Shaper with it. Seems some calculation is not considered there or not correct (e.g. your Slower projectiles argument). I started to level the build yesterday and I f**king love it, reminds me on Molten Strike BLS but with higher Range and self-targeting ability, awesome. Just the leech is missing ofc, it's a mine build. I don't regret the switch from Glacial Cascade to this so far. Ok, after your explanation slow proj stays inarguably in. Still thinking to squeeze in a conc for sth else as the multiplier is quite nice and the AoE is definitely enough on bosses. Maybe for Controlled Destruction, 10% more and higher crit at the same time seems like a win-win to me, and it's the same color as well. Regarding resistances, understood. I was just baffled that you did shaper with that gear (I didn't play shaper yet, I'm a "filthy casual") as it didn't look like 139/169 to me. Thanks for the Pantheon choice, good advice here. I underestimated the flask one obviously. Maybe you can add it to your first post so it doesn't get lost in the comments later. And to the aura choice, if blaphemy doesn't reach most mobs either way, then the knockback is irrelevant except for <T16 bosses. Still not sure about that, I didn't play this char with an aura yet due to frequent mana issues at lower levels. Didn't simulate the auras on PoB either to compare the damage gain, I'll do that later. And I really like your mana flask choice, it's a vaal clarity in a bottle, awesome. Can't wait to use it from 50. I personally like a Smoke Mine - Increased Duration setup. Especially when leveling this speeds up the process. As final note to your build, a slightly adjusted/planned tree of yours. I still need to calculate the needed dex and strength for the gems, maybe you need more from the tree than I scheduled. The only thing I'm unsure about is the 1 point in an additional remote mine. I mean, if they are exploding immediately, do you ever max out the mine stacks? Regarding leveling, I can only speak from my experience, I used a lesser multiple projectiles on lvl 8 as Sire of Shards is not available yet. Didn't change to greater multiple projectiles on lvl 38 as I already had both threshold jewels at this point and the AoE was sufficient. Apart from that I alternated between damage nodes, mana nodes and life nodes depending on what I lacked. I rushed into the jewel slots though with consideration to Blood Siphon. Except Oak and some boss deaths due to lag and my failure it was a nice leveling experience so far. I took clever construction after the threshold jewels as it's important not to lose mines you just laid down. I had Vol'jin and Oak in mind for that nasty behaviour, for Oak I didn't have it yet. I'll switch to Sire of Shards on 49. I have a 5l/6s and will save up currency to roll the right colors at least (for now I'll have to use fire penetration, 5b1r with one separate blue). I missed out Sniper at the beginning but just bc I forgot it. I am skilling into it next as you can see. After that I'll go into the AoE notable and then into the 3 life/mana nodes. Zuletzt bearbeitet von olsev_baiden#2790 um 22.08.2017, 04:42:23
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