[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)
I dont get the gem recomendations.
Helm, dagger, shield, gloves and ring = 15 gem slots From OP we get 16 gems: 4link: CWDT + IC + Enfeeble + Frostbomb (can use Detonate Mines) 3link: VLT + Vaal clarity + Inc Duration Detonate Mines + Spell Totem + Inc Duration Shield charge + Faster Attacks + Fort Others: Stone Golem (or any golem of choice) Flame Dash Hatred (in essence worm) What am i missing here? And which gem are we supposed to drop? Frostbomb? VLT due to nerf? Golem? Flame dash in weapon swap? |
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holy mana cost lol. Im at 41 mana in my Tabula with the required gems even with:
So much fun leveling though. Just 1 shot Act 3 Piety. Also snagged this shield last night before bed. Seems decent. IGN: DabrixRN Zuletzt bearbeitet von Thomasmgp#1035 um 22.08.2017, 14:52:27
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hi) what about Hidden Potential ?
items to replace: gloves, helm, neck, 1 ring, belt, maybe dagger? ofc if u can cap ress=) |
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" i killed shaper first time. with conc 29kdps in hideout. lvl 89.dropped dying sun ruby flask <3 ty windz Zuletzt bearbeitet von bamm_bamm_rubble#4599 um 22.08.2017, 17:31:22
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" i droped flame dash, but u can still have it in second unset ring ;) |
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" I swap VLT for flame dash (vlt boss, dash for mapping) |
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so with the mana cost of mines being so high has anyone thought about a setup using Scold'S bridle and a Lightning Coil to offset the extra damage taken? Then throw in a CWDT setup in the helmet. From videos and my leveling experience it is very obvious this build doesnt lack clear speed. But could it be used against Shaper for more single target damage? Like a CWDT setup using another glacial cascade or a high DPS spell such as Firestorm or Bladefall? Im sure its proly not worth it, as we mostly scale Mine Damage. Just trying to be creative.
IGN: DabrixRN Zuletzt bearbeitet von Thomasmgp#1035 um 22.08.2017, 19:06:32
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About the shield used in main setup and thinking about survability,
couldn't we use an essence of scorn on an armour based shield ? We need life / crit chance for spells / some res. Note: Spell damage on shield is barely required since damage are already overkill for 95% of the game content Hf :) Zuletzt bearbeitet von Heli0nix#0378 um 22.08.2017, 19:41:48
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Just sharing some of my progress:
Merc lab 1 shot at 63. Uber lab fully buffed at 73. Planing to do shaper at 80, my EHP is still too low at 75. Cannot make up my mind about essence of insanity for QOL shield sharge or essence of loathing for more crits. Thoughts? And what is best base for glove crafting? High armor? Or fingerless for spell dmg and some extra es pool? |
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" good luck trying to get an essence shield that looks like this: If you want Power Charges I suggest chancing lots and lots of Sorcerer Boots and use a Skyforth. Honestly considering a Skyforth will run you about 385 chaos and insanity essences are 18 chaos each the boots end up being a cheaper option to get Power charges. That is unless you think you can craft a GG shield with less than 22 Essences. Considering we are a high Mana build and Skyforth changes Stun Threshold to work off of Mana it might be a decent choice. Obviously you lose complete stun immunity compared to Kaom's Boots but can always just use Brine King Pantheon to help with that. According to PoB using my current gear sitting in my stash I have 82% crit chance with Diamond Flask running. If I click the box that says I use power charges it goes up to 88% and my DPS goes from 98k to 103k. So lets go back to your wanting to craft power charge gain onto the shield. My current shield, the one above gives me 102% spell crit chance. If I take it off my Diamond Flask crit chance drops down to 75.78% or a loss of 6.43% crit. Lets say you use a garbage roll shield that has good life and resists but didnt roll any spell crit. With no crit on my shield, but using Power Charges my Crit Chance is 83.24% so I would gain less than 2% crit using a GG Life/Resists essence shield that didnt roll spell crit. Of course theres still two things to take into consideration. One is how many essences will it take to craft a GG shield. Lets be generous and say it took you 10 essences to craft a 100 life 90 total resist shield. Thats still more than what I paid for mine given current prices of Insanity essences. And secondly that its only a 10% chance to gain a power charge when you block. I dont know about you but I dont want anything getting remotely close to me. If they are beating on me then if anything Id want to gain endurance charges over power charges. *** So just looked at your Profile and your shield is pretty similar to mine except yours has spell damage and mine more ES. Do you honestly think you will ever Essence craft anything even remotely close? Plus your resists are already balanced around a Wise Oak...I assume. A new shield could mean having to rework all of your slots. Not to mention its gonna take 100 essences to get stats as good lol. IGN: DabrixRN Zuletzt bearbeitet von Thomasmgp#1035 um 23.08.2017, 12:27:08
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