[3.2] BUFFED "Chin Sol Trapnel Shot" - 10c Budget, farm Atziri/Uber Lab/High Maps
Did the GornoDD build and all other build variation of this go with Alira for bandits like the original build ?
because all the posted PoB links are saying "kill them all" for 2 passive skill points |
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" I went with alira path becouse of +15% resistances. Theoretically I could even go without it in my normal gear, but I you decide to use some magic find items (as I do), than it would be hard to cap elemental defense. As an option I see getting 2 pasives nodes on the bottom of tree leading to "Cloth and chain". On the top of 15 resistances (same value as from quest) you get 36% increase in evasion and armor rating, and this can be regarded as a trade-off for "5 Mana Regenerated per second and +20% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier" you get additionally from usual quest line. Zuletzt bearbeitet von ziuteczek123456#5724 um 26.09.2017, 19:32:51
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Heya here,
I was playing a saboteur clone traper for the fun of clones, not very efficient especially when you focus on spaming the most clones possible and not spending currency in it (75+ clones :° ). Several times in past leagues i've did some test with shrapnel shot, even a marauder one, not very efficient or fun... Then i saw your Build during the BoTW, and i had to test it ! As my clone traper was using traps, a bow, tinkerskin and was a saboteur, i did some change to test. It's quite fun, and for now efficient, even if i'm not yet going on red maps, just leveling and melting stuff. My version, as someone that doesn't want to reroll again, or spend money for now, is quite different, i don't know if it'll be efficient in end game content. I got some differences that might be considered for some people trying this build in HC or want to be more safe or just open other ways for that builds. http://poe-profile.info/profile/camarchepas/Im_The_Real_Slim_Shady Actual Skill tree (lot of rework to do, i know) My special options : -we can spam a lots of traps thanks to tinkerskin, but we are "slowed" by their cooldown => 3 sets of traps, 1 defensive one mirror/blink arrow, 2 offensives ones shrapnel+blast rain => deerstalker gives a third 5L for that purpose (bow/armor/deerstalker) - actually that makes my reload going from 2.01 to 1.83s, bought it corrupted when i was testing clone spamming. The harbinger makes you moves faster times to times, attack faster too, with belt boost it give some good attack speed if you need to spam something (culling/curses/EE, whatever). It gives life recovery boost, ES recovery boost if you need some mana (or defense) it's always good. And it add another defense with shortened debuff (works on curses, bleed, freeze.... ) -i was playing with clones, and i almost alway use them as defense when i play bow, like a decoy totem they add targets, a LOTS of them. Clones got a copy of our bow and our quiver, so i went for maloneye, found a cheap +1 arrow one when i was testing clones, not usefull for shrapnel. Attack speed/life/chaos resist. Not a lot but just extras. Flat physical is welcome. The point here is smoke cloud when hit and 40-60% increased damage with hits vs blinded ennemies. (i should buy a perfect one ^^ ) You throw a bunch of clones traps, ennemis hit them, they trigger the quiver, they got blind => very big active defense. Wont save you from one shot hit ofc, but try them, you get targeted very very very less often. As i'm going blind way, my uber lab will go for "Born in shadows" and not explosives expert : more damage vs blinded ennemies, blind duration and reduce damage from blinded ennemies (meaning all damage, not just attacks). I don't need more damage for now. The clones don't last long, but they don't die either, and the traps cooldown is 1.83s for 4.71s duration (without passives/inc duration gem). If i'm facing dangerous mobs/difficult map i usually throw one set of clones then a set of shrapnel. If there is big resistant mob or harbinger (ie : long fight) i usually do 1 clone / 2 shrap / 1 clone / 2 blast repeat, rince. Never out of mana, never out of traps, clones & life from tinkerskin make it hard to die. Later i'll try to respect the tree a little more, and invest on better items. For now i'm having fun ^^ edit : Uber lab down right now, lvl76, 2x5Links and deerstalker. Previous lab were done with ice traps, this one was way easier in fact. Great mobility, good defenses/decoys with the clones, fast fight with the damage even if it's supposely low (<2K shrapnel tooltip, i know that's not the cône damage) Zuletzt bearbeitet von CaMarchePas#3995 um 27.09.2017, 01:30:57
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I'm currently using this build and am having a lot of fun. I'm considering taking the Fractured Spinner for the buffs the Harbinger gives.
Does the 'adds +1 additional arrow' Harbinger buff work with the shrapnel shot traps? And is it effective (as in, does it add an extra shrapnel arrow without damage reduction?) If so, I will start vaaling these spinners as the ingredients are pretty cheap to create the quiver. Thanks in advance! Zuletzt bearbeitet von Justebol#3312 um 27.09.2017, 04:03:02
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If i'm not wrong : adding arrow will just make each trap shoot more arrow each with it cone effect but cone effects wont stack on same target (they are created at same time from same "origin"). So you wont get any benefit exept some more aoe range (the 2 arrow are shot with an angle, their cone will cover more area than a single cone).
And no, no lowered damage for having more arrow, that just occur with lmp/gmp (you add projectile but get damage malus). |
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" Thanks! I think I'll consider another, better quiver for that matter :-) I was able to get the Harbinger Belt, which should help lots anyway! |
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" thanks for replying yes i guess going Alira is the cheaper way to cap resist + more crit multiplier and the build doesnt seem to be starving for more skill points One other thing i notice though on both the OP build and the gornoDD build is the deep (-60 to -50) negative chaos resist .... this could be the contributing factor in the build major issues which are squishiness and running out of ES+Mana when getting lots of hits. |
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" How does OP get 100K damage per trap ? I copied his char from account into PoB and see 24K (cone dmg) and 12K (arrow dmg) with the "effective dps" option which I see is higher than "buffed" maybe its just me not knowing how to configure PoB. Can someone explain how OP got 100K dmg per trap on PoB ? Zuletzt bearbeitet von stellarstar#6756 um 27.09.2017, 11:38:01
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I've put my own run into the build on HSC and it's going extremely well.
I'm up to 511k cone + 250k arrow per trapnel, 300k+150k vs. shaper with the amount of penetration I'm pushing. This is pretty far from budget however, as you can see from the pastebin. Rings/quiver/belt/gloves/6l tinker are all pretty expensive, not to mention having a resist balanced wise oak - all told I've probably ~20ex into the character. By the time I'm 95 I'll be hitting 700k cone damage no problem with 5.5k hp. Here's a video of a T15 map run (and showing the single target power - I pretty much gib the boss inside of two trap tosses) I've found blast rain to be invaluable, and far more convenient for clearing than trapnel is. I'll make a shaper kill video once I hit 88. PoB link: https://pastebin.com/qSVmRtAt T15 video: https://youtu.be/3URjvLdlzJU My profile is also public if you want to see it there. More or less all I have left to do is get a better amulet and 6l chin sol for blast rain. EDIT: Also sorry about the shitty clear pattern in the video, I was on the phone for this and only half paying attention. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Thukker#7762 um 27.09.2017, 13:08:07
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can u show us your last build on PoB?
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