[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
Thenk you :)
Spell Echo is linked to Flame Golems for dual purpose. 1. It lets me cast 2x Golems at one cast. 2. Flame Golems cast spells when they attack and can use spell echo also. Golems will cast two times for each attack they normally do. " [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f |
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" Great! now I like it more than before!, im trying it right now :p Thank you. |
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" np, good to hear :) gl on league. If you want to level easy, you can also buy "Night's Hold" amulet (1 alch) and stick flame totem in it. Added chaos and +2 lvl will wreck all monsters till halfway cruel . [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Zuletzt bearbeitet von mika2salo#7776 um 04.03.2017, 16:59:02
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Hello there, thanks for detailed awesome build, i just realized i just planned a build in my mind exactly like this. Leveled to 65 and running x3 spect, x2 golem, 8 zombie. Problem is i cant even farm dried lake properly, rare mobs kinda takes ages to kill. Can you check my tree/gear/gem links and give me advices to go further cuz im totally stucked in here.
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" Great that you are already so far :) Summoners face few walls while leveling. First is while zombies count is below 6 and they die all the time and second at some point at merciless. Once you get through the walls its next 10-15 levels easy running. For Merciless minion count is more important than synergy or defences. Raw damage and meat shield from minions keep us alive. Getting 2x Midnight Bargains for 2x extra spectres and zombies is great way to push damage. You lose 60% life but very few monsters do serious chaos damage yet. I run 11x zombies, 5x spectres and 1 flame golem on 4link and wreck stuff on merci act 2. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Zuletzt bearbeitet von mika2salo#7776 um 05.03.2017, 06:14:03
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Just wondering: you said that we share our charges but you dont take the passive point. How do we achive that then?
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" 11 and 5 sounds odd... Do you dual wield Midnight Bargain and wear Bones of Ullr? I'm leveling up as summoner and it's been pretty slow going. I have 8 zombies, then I use skeletons and SRS. I did drop 1 Ex, and I'm trying to decide what to get. Primordial Might? Skin of the Loyal? Or just wait until I'm mapping and maybe prices will go down. Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616
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great guide thanks. I started mapping w/o issue at 64. I'm running double clayshaper at the moment though. Am I better off running the Victario shield and one less flame golem? I don't quantify so easily the bonus of the shield... Will try myself once I get my hands on it:) |
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Hi again!
I have a question about flame golem. Should i up him to 20% quality, or it is not worth it? Thank ps Love that build :) |
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" 10% chance to grant a Power Charge to nearby Allies on Kill 5% chance to grant a Frenzy Charge to nearby Allies on Hit Are the important lines on the "Victario's Charity" shield we have. We use "Necromantic Aegis" point so our minions get all lines from our shield. So when any minion hits enemy it has 5% chance to generate Frenzy Charge on hit to nearby allies, which are we, other minions and other party members. Same with any minion killing an enemy has 10% change to generate power charge to all nearby allies. We don't need way share charges to others as all our minions have abitily to share them to us. " Yes, I used 2x Midnight Bargain for maximum clear speed for a while in league before switching to Chaos Inoculation at around 3k energy shield. Normal and cruel are pretty slow to level as minions base level is so low that they die often and have low damage. Once you get spectres it gets easier as you can raise Flame Sentinels from Solaris Temple as they can deal main damage till over lvl 70. With 1 ex i would buy : - 6l Corrupt armor with right colors and as much es as possibe = 20-30 c - Vertex for the temporal chains = 20-30c - Enhance level 1 into vertex to boost temporal chains = 1 alch The Skin of the Loyal is also solid, but need good items for other slots to get enough ES. Primordial might is also good buy if you can affod it, as you can just sell it with other cheap primordial jewels for Anima Stone. " Double Clayshaper is good for dps, but shield gives both as it boosts minion damage and also extends our "Phase Run" duraion. If you dont have cwdt lvl 1 -> Phase run lvl 3 -> Inc duration you really should try it out. Its simply the best skill to keep you alive ;) " Thanks for support :) My golems in standard are 21/0% quality and nothing can kill them if i boost their hp regen to almost 25%. You can add 1/20 gem in alt weapon slot and level it there, I don't think its worth roll your main damage over as it scales primary with level. You can of course use 20 gcp if you have them and feel you need slight push for their damage or survival. !IMPORTANT! If you are level 68 and started mapping you can have almost immortal spectres with simple trick. Spectes power and hp is the same as the level of area they are summoned from. If you can get access to Arsenal (T10) or even better Residence Map(12) you can summon so high level spectres that they are equal to over lvl 20/20 golems. You need to : - Be level 68 to be able to use level 19 Desecrate in map. - Own level 19 "Desecrate" skill gem(summon corpses up to level 100), (price 2-3c from trade) - Have access to t10 arsenal(1,5c) or t12 Residence(2c) or join from public party for free. Once you access the map you start spawning desecrate corpse piles on ground. Once in 10-30 tries one "Flame Sentinel" will spawn and you can raise it with "Raise Specre". You will have the spectres as long as you dont log off so they are great for one longer lvl session. At level 70 my t12 specres can kill bosses at t8-9 maps in few seconds with only 5l. !IMPORTANT! [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Zuletzt bearbeitet von mika2salo#7776 um 06.03.2017, 22:29:40
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