(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)
" Empower + Enlighten + Wrath (already on the guide) Rare wand (i think also on the guide) Personal advice: sacrifice evasion as defense and movement speed from QOTF, you can always use other chest. Just now it is nightmare to have monster accuracy buffed (and tuned down a bit) and this patch res and armor buffed. League boss is a train wreak or bus parked in front of goal This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?
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What you guys think about a crafted boots with tailwind? Would it work better or it aint worth the effort?
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" It is a crit evasion build, and Atziri's Step has quite high evasion as well as movement speed and spell dodge. You question is relevant only if there is 30%MS, tailwind boot that easily to craft. So that the pro and con would be sacrifice defense for dps or not This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong? quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first" This is the end of forum signature Zuletzt bearbeitet von neohongkong#0222 um 27.12.2019, 19:13:40
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What's the best anoint for this build?
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Another thing, whats the deal with Herald of Thunder and Wrath? Why does Thunder goes for single target instead of wrath?
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" Hi - I haven't found a version on page 532 but am playing a raider wander right now. Seems like raider does quite a bit more peak dmg at the cost of some utility (you have to get to max frenzies first). The dps is more than enough for guardians/other map bosses - the metamorphs can be a challenge (very oneshotty / random at times), but that's more on being an evasion buiid. My gear is ok, but not really good/expensive (questionable boots+jewellery and a cheap anointment) + I end up switching flasks back and forth, so pick your combo there @neohongkong Actually I feel exactly the same when it comes to evasion/dodge. The amount of hits the monster are getting off seem quite ridicolous for me (took a longer poe break prior to this league). I will probably try some alternatives, once I can afford them. |
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Dunno what i'm doing wrong but this build is harmless for me i know i don't have QoTF on but i'm don't htink that increases dmg and the dmg i'm doing is laughable. or does this just cost 50 ex to do anything above t5 with?
yes i'm aware the gems aren't +20% or leveled i put them up in pob still dogshit dmg i'm aware my fire res isn't capped either i'm only talking aboutt he dmg https://pastebin.com/sBn7f3SG Heres the POB https://pastebin.com/sBn7f3SG |
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" Why aren't you using Rat's Nest? Or Thunderfist? I think these are really good items when you are under-geared. A tombfist might be good if you have amazing jewels to socket in, but otherwise I think it's not ideal. You also don't need a 6 link QoTF, 5 link is fine so far on my single target dmg. I just have a 2nd one I'm dumping fusings into right now hoping I eventually get it 6L. Check out my crap build (probably all of around 30-40 chaos): https://pastebin.com/dN8WxAhW I do about 120k dps with PS and 146k with KB. It's been enough up to T8 or so maps that I can get so far, but I wonder what would be most effective to scale up now that i have a little currency. I also occasionally die to certain metaphorphs, I guess though evasion is 22k with flasks and full resists, it's not quite up there for high survivability. I need more life I believe is the main thing with this build which ends up being expensive. How to go from 150k dps to around 400-500k is what I'm trying to figure out right now. It doesn't seem all that easy. |
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" The build definitely doesn't take 50ex to build. A few things to note about your gear/gems: 1. Power siphon setup and other gems A level 21 power siphon gives one more projectile than a level 20 power siphon, which is another one above your level 13 power siphon. You should get a level 21 power siphon, a non-qualitied one costs less than 5c. Also, your setup is a bit strange. Look at the gem setup in the main page as for that setup is significantly better. Specifically, replace slower projectiles with energy leech (which has a greater more damage multiplier) and lightning penetration with added lightning damage (because we lack a lot of flat elemental damage with piscator's). One thing I noticed was you used Poacher's Mark. This build does not need Poacher's Mark. We do not lack flask charges, making it mostly useless. Consider using another curse, such as Assassin's Mark (though this isn't really as effective as it used to be for this build). Also, summon lightning golem is an iffy choice. Go with ice golem, you need the accuracy and critical strike chance. Also, make sure you leave precision on level 1, mana reservation is a major issue, you probably aren't having a large enough mana pool. If you do all of this, you should see your damage go up significantly. POB tells me that you would almost double your damage (66k to 124k) at best case scenario. 2. Gear As Droshi mentioned, tombfist is only good if you have a great jewel. Go for a thunderfist. As for your helmet, you should replace it with a rat's nest or a starkonja's. The +2 projectiles is actually not as great as you think when you max your gems out (not going into the math but I think it is about 5% more damage at best if you're using a dying sun too). I personally have my own gripes with using dying sun but that's another story. For your flasks, all I gotta say is, yikes. Your Vinktar is the wrong one, you need lightning damage TO ATTACKS, not to spells. Buy the one for attacks. Also, Atziri's promise has the lowest elemental damage roll. Your ideal Atziri's promise should have "Gain 15% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage during effect". Those are fairly cheap upgrades. 3. Skill tree Throat seeker is a good critical strike cluster you should take. It is 54% extra critical strike multiplier for 3 nodes, which is really good. Also, consider replacing Conqueror's Potency with the flask effect craft on your belt. This gives you 2 more points on the tree which I believe is more worth than the jewel. The above mentioned should give you minor amounts of damage upgrades. If you do this (and please, upgrade your gems, that gives a lot more damage), your damage should at least double (according to POB at least). If you want to see an example of an "okay" setup, here's my gear.
EDIT: ignore the faster attacks support on my power siphon setup, this was simply because I don't like how slow power siphon attacks without it. If you want optimal dps, DO NOT use it, use energy shield leech. If you feel as if your damage is good enough, go for it. All of this stuff is dirt cheap with the exception of the helmet (which 100% is not necessary) and the annoint on my amulet (which is also 100% not necessary). I do have interesting ways of scaling my damage further however, so you may want to do some research and try to figure it out ;). This has successfully carried me all the way to T16 maps and killed all 4 elder slayers (albeit with great difficulty, drox was almost impossible while the other three were okay when I learned the mechanics). Sirus on the other hand is almost impossible, even though I have almost 6k hp stacked up, and I'm inclined to say this is where the build falls short in general unless if you're willing to invest a lot of currency. Good luck! Zuletzt bearbeitet von PiMaster123#4191 um 29.12.2019, 23:18:25
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" Well, the good thing is that your current char is very much WIP. Very much. Most important things first 1) Use an attacks vinktars (!), not spells, it makes an enormous difference for a pathfinder. 3) your gem setup should be very different. A lot more added dmg, less penetration/projectile stuff. Look at the affixes on piscators. 4) Your piscators is very poorly rolled - attack speed is No. 1 for wands followed by crit. The crit might be debatable depending on your flask choices but you NEED 17-18% AS on piscators. Depending on your budget you can buy a rare wand too, but I would delay it and go for a good piscators first. 5) get 20/20 gems ____________________ I did a writeup on tombist/helmet/jewellery as well at first, but those things are secondary. The helmet is actually decent, keep it for now. For the hotfixes: your current shaper dps with 1 power siphon proj in the pastebin is 37k per proj (with 10% shock+intimidate+power charges, no frenzies) -with 13 projs. 1) gems at 20/20 -> 49k 2) above average attacks vinktars instead of spell -> 68k 3) added lightning instead of slower projs -> 81k (added lightning should be your 2-4. link with piscators, not 7.) 4) I changed your piscators to 18% and lowered ele dmg to 110% - 86k 5) get a proper triple dmg ammu..or at least dual dmg. I added 30% crit multi to your ammu -> 93.4k 6) you don't need that many leech nods on the passive tree with a proper vinktars. etc. etc.. I don't know about the endgame dps of pathfinder since I played it last time pre flask effect nodes nerfs. The dps should be there at some point, but I am not sure about the investment. I try the "cheaper" raider wander and can't complain about the dps right now - even with only 2 dps flasks and a bunch of non optimized gear (jewellery, lvl 20 wrath, no empower,...) and some dps sacrificed for utility (stibnite, HoI-warlords, LGOH-ring. Zuletzt bearbeitet von juerk#7020 um 30.12.2019, 00:26:56
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