(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)
i see no mention of elegant hubris timeless jewel, at least in the starting post, why is that? I do quite a different variation of KB wander for deep delving, but i've found that elegant hubris is worth it for the 10% chance to gain a frenzy charge on hit notable alone. There is a PCoC notable too. I mean thats your frenzy/power charge generation solved completely (including bosses). Also pretty sure that a GG roll will easily outdo a single abyss jewel, when you can get stuff like 40% crit multi/80% proj damage/15%AS for spending 1-2 skill points on the tree (best-case scenario) Zuletzt bearbeitet von vtepezh#3547 um 23.09.2019, 03:56:02
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Hey there, you caught me completely off guard at the beginning, i totally forgot about those jewels. :) Yet when i threw some of them on to my tree and threw 30ish divines on them, well i kind of remembered why i haven't touched them since release. Having a good source of generating frenzy- and powercharges is nice and all the other juicy stats like you mentioned are really nice to have, however with those jewels you lose other things instead as they convert all nodes in the tree. I'm pretty sure that you can get same or better stats in total, yet this will require to adapt the tree to the jewel. I can mention those jewels but including but won't go far indepth. |
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Yeah, just saying, that when you're min-maxing this build in std rolling an elegant hubris tailored to your build can be a chase end-game option
(i've rolled a pretty damn nice one in about 15 divines) Sure, in a guide you cant really do more than mention these rolls, because of the nature of these jewels. With your tree the optimal location to be rolling for are jewel slots below and above the crackling speed cluster. The upper one only eliminates throatseeker, the lower one only eliminates crackling speed Also there is a 30% increased effect of shock notable, which i think can be pretty OP for a lightning-based build Zuletzt bearbeitet von vtepezh#3547 um 24.09.2019, 05:34:58
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did the Vessel of Vinktar Topaz Flask get nerfed or something? i cant find one with any good roles at all? should we still run it?
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Anyone else having issues with life leech? Been unable to swap off a life flask due to the leech not being quick enough. Any advice on how to solve this?
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Zuletzt bearbeitet von Starzee#4582 um 27.09.2019, 18:40:58
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Hi I was wondering what should i choose between 6 link qotf with rats nest or 5link qotf with devotos with barrage enchant. Which would give more damage?
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" The 6th link would be about 30% more damage. Devoto's provides significantly less damage than Rat's Nest since, compared to Devoto's, Rat's nest gives 1% reduced attack speed BUT gives a significant amount of crit. Ignoring the difference in damage between the bases, +1 barrage projectile wouldn't do much. Even if you had only 5 projectiles and no dying sun (which doesn't make sense in terms of priorities), it would provide at best 20% more damage. That means 6L qotf>+1 barrage projectiles. If you factor in "worth", (I would assume you'd have gotten dying sun before any of these because that's about 60% more damage, probably the best damage multiplier for your buck) a 6L qotf is still a 30% more multiplier vs 1 additional projectile against 5+3 projectiles, which is 12.5% more damage. The cost difference is 3ex vs 1ex respectively, so a +1 (get it on a rat's nest if possible) would provide slightly more damage for cost. My best advice, if you're debating between the two, get a 5L qotf barrage for clearing and get a 6L regular chest piece (not necessarily qotf) but use a +1 barrage. |
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" This build isn't really viable without a life flask anymore since no legacy items. I get that you want that extra damage but since the numerous direct and indirect nerfs, the flask selection isn't exactly relevant anymore. The one thing I suggest, if you insist on getting that damage while having a life flask, is taking out the stibnite flask BUT have a setup that is used purely for blinding a boss and you might as well attach culling strike to it for "11% more damage". That way you can use the wise oak (not what I'd use but ok), vinktar's, dying sun, diamond flask, and a health flask. The original stibnite flask used in that section is used for blinding and for movement speed. Using the self-blind, we eliminate the need for the "Creates a smoke cloud on use" while the "of adrenaline" on the flask isn't really useful for bossing, especially with the addition of shield charge to wands. |
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" Vinktar's got nerfed AGES ago, and I mean a few years ago. It is, however, still a good flask, tho definitely not as good as it used to be. Run it for sure. If you look at the flask selection carefully, it has the extra mod "life and mana leech are instant during effect". THAT was the most op mod of the flask which is why it was godly and now "okay". |
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