[3.8] What a Shocking Tri-Element Trapper! [Fire/Ice Trap build][UberAtziri/Shaper Video]
Well, just finished Core map deathless.
I would say your Life/ES-Build is superior, but if someone prefers pure ES/CI, I linked my skilltree + current gear (which is really suboptiomal - especially my links). Gear
Yes I know, Uber-Lab still missing :D http://poeplanner.com/AAQAAPE2AAB2CNQNfA5IEQ8RLxFQEZYV1xqBGyUbyB3ZIG4nqSj6KgsrCiymLL8tHzIYNAo1uTdmN4M9X0NURXxJsUuuTLNQMFF0UlNTMVRHVmNXyVxrXfJfKmSqajZsCG0ZcFFwUnNtdFV2b35ZfrB_xoLHhEiGrohCidOKBow2j_qTJ5Ugl5WXl5f0mK2bhp7EoS-io6aZpr6m66crrJizA7QMtDi3dbmTvorBxcHzwwnDbcrTz93QH9fP2FTZW9te2-ffiuOE5RnpAuq66_XsGO4V74jv6_D58YryHfRx99f5N_no-_VCLGJPZ05vd6B5yQYAAAAAAA==
![]() All in all a great guide, first time I've come this far. Thanks! |
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" Glad you like it! Looks like a real solid CI build. Would've been nice if Zealoth's Oath wasn't so far away though, eh? The only thing left to do is get better gear, indeed. Go buy some nice stuff on PoEtrade or get lucky and find some! |
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" What kind of damage are you getting? |
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Like shown in my post above, I'm still missing Fire-Trap Burning Damage Enchantement, a GGGG-Link for the Ice-Trap & the Uber-Lab:
Unbuffed / in town:
![]() Running 5 Power Charges, Vaal Lighning Trap for shocking bosses & Elemental Weakness. If boss is shocked & crit Fire Trap hits its basically oneshotting. Shock Nova & Ice-Trap is mostly sufficient for trash mobs. Also, I still need to figure something out for breaches. |
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May I ask at which level you were able to get through the merc lab?
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" Hm, good question. I tend to overlevel for the merc lab, so I have no clue, but you should definitely be able to get through it at level 80. |
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Maybe some of you could help me out. I love the gameplay of this build, heading to level 82 currently.
The massive downside I experienced is, that the animations of 4 Ice traps and 4 Shock Nova traps are just too much for my (somewhat older) graphic card. Not to mention when they are spammed in breaches, even in normal farming I play with constant lag. This made me think about rerolling very frequently. :( But since this is still probably the most fun build I had in years, I tried to come up with a solution. One was to buy the skin for the ice trap. Costly, but in fact helped a little bit. Now the Shock Nova traps were still a massive lag inducer. So I tried to find a replacement - Arc. After a little bit of testing, it just feels like a new game. Not completely lag free, but A LOT smoother overall. Even though it will require further testing in maps to decide, if it is actually a suitable replacement. Anyways. There is a downside. While Shock Nova has a basic 20% chance to shock, Arc only has 10%. Here is where I would be grateful for suggestions! Are these missing 10% crucial enough to dedicate some points in the tree towards chance to shock? I spotted branches towards 'Static Blows' or 'Breath of Lightning', that are in reach of the original skill tree. Or are there other/better ways to get these 10% back? Edit: After some maps I'm still amazed how much control I now have over my charakter and Arc (currently with 5 chains) seems to replace the Shock Nova quite well. It does a little bit less damage and has only 40% instead of 50% shock chance, but nevertheless, the shock is applied as usual. So again, are there some skill tree points, gems or items that would fit nicely to this adaption of the original build? Zuletzt bearbeitet von Crysar#4824 um 07.01.2017, 16:10:29
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" Well, honestly I have to say... It doesn't fit at all. There is a lot of Increased Area of Effect Damage/Range in this build that it both skills and gets through gear. Did you try not connecting Shock Nova with Cluster Trap and instead with something like Increased Area of Effect to reduce the amount of Shock Nova's? Past that, I really have no clue what to tell you. I never even considered anything like that at all. If it works, by all means, continue using it. You won't be able to get out the full potential of this build, however. |
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" Yeah, I see your point. All the increased AoE nodes don't improve Arc, but the Chain mechanic is still interesting and by itself quite far ranged at times. I tried to take out Cluster Trap and the playstyle - lag and clear speed - feels similar. Arc is a little bit unpredictable, which is good and bad. Sometimes I would need two clusters for packs that a single Shock Nova would have hit in one go. Other times it would shock mobs out of screen; or it would jump in such a way, that I ended up with mobs in front of me and behind me being shocked. Additionally it is definitely only to be considered in higher gem levels, when the number of chains go up. I agree that it might not be as good as a cluster of Shock Novas. But in comparison to a single Shock Nova, I (so far) consider it so be equally good. Four 5+ chains Arcs also hit a lot of enemies, cover a large area, and because of its random nature, it is definitely also really fun to play. For now I will keep it. And despite not being sure what to do with the skill tree, I will take some time to play around with it, maybe throw a Chain support in the mix. |
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" As a follow up. I did find a way to make it usable on my system by realizing, that there is a skin for Shock Nova as well. Now I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad. I can finally experience this build with fairly smooth graphics, but at the same time it's a shame that the original skill animations just wrecked my (amd) graphic card... Anyway. Just to mix it up (and also because Arc was actually not too bad) I might switch these to spells from time to time. Would be interesting to see what a level 20 arc cluster (with 7 chains each) looks like. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Crysar#4824 um 08.01.2017, 14:30:28
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