[3.8] What a Shocking Tri-Element Trapper! [Fire/Ice Trap build][UberAtziri/Shaper Video]
Hey! Love your build. Its super fun.
Leveling was very smooth and fun. I started mapping recently and gearing up now. Im still not sure what chestpeace i want to use. Tryed Tinkerskin for a while and carcass jack. Now i saw the New inpulsas Brocken heart which will increase the effect of our shock. So do u think its worth a try or will carcass Jack be better anyway? |
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" That's a good question, actually. The effects certainly sound nice. Buuuut I wouldn't put it above Carcass quite yet. It may be equally as decent as an option, but do I need to properly test it myself before I make any judgements there. Certainly won't be better against bosses with very few, if any, minions, since otherwise Shocking them is quite the feat. |
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So I've been running this build as a first in the abyss, and its working beautifully. Im now at level 85 and kind of hit a point where Im not really sure where to upgrade my gear. I dont like how deerstalker is bottle necking the gear level and my evasion, at the same time 5 link shock nova is nice. Same with the globe. Is there a point where I drop the uniques for maybe better rares? Im able to solo T8 maps but do get one shot here and there. Im at around 3.6k life and 1.9k es with sadly 2100 evasion.
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Since this is my second character in the game, I expected traps to feel clunky, but surprisingly they're not. The clear speed is really good so far (currently I'm in act 5), and never encountered difficult situations. But I have some (possibly stupid) questions, if you don't mind.
1) When should I get MoM? Right now I'm heading toward it, but seeing how easily I go oom during a bossfight with the constant stream of traps, I'm really hesitating about it. 2) Is Elemental Weakness curse that necessary? EE and High Explosives already reduce enemy resistances by quite a bit, even the Shaper has only 40% base resists. Or maybe I'm just underestimating the curse... 3) In the Fire Trap link, aren't Controlled Destruction and Increased Critical Damage supports hindering each other? The build is quite fun by the way, better than I expected. |
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" Looking at those numbers, it sounds like you could definitely get some more Life and ES on your normal, non-Legendary gear. I sadly can't give you more precise advice since you blocked off your chars to be looked at. While Deerstalker isn't quite mandatory, you can skip on it, but you will miss out on a really good 5-link. Well, with 3.1, if all the planets in the Solar System align during a new moon you might be able to get a good Shaper item that adds Trap Support and Trap Damage plus good to decent stats. I know it can be on Gloves, but I am not sure what the exact requirements are. Though, I#ve seen that mod on pretty much any type of gloves. Rathpith Globe is so good because it adds the perfect mixture of Health, ES and Spell Damage no Rare shield can achieve. You can get a shield with more Life and ES, but less Spell Damage/Crit/Etc. or a Shield with more Spell Damage/Crit/Etc. but less Life and ES. You decide! " You decide! Getting it as soon as possible might be a good idea, since it greatly helps with a Trappers Mana Problems... If you don't let yourself get hit too much, that is. I suggest using Arakaali in the Pantheon to help with any Chaos DoT. " It might sounds like little, but it actually helps quite a bit! Of course, for normal mooks, I would suggest using a defensive curse like Enfeeble or Temporal Chains, but for somebody like the Shaper, I would go Elemental Weakness since those defensive curses hardly help against him. " Controlled Destruction doesn't negate crit, but just reduce it. Due to the massive amount of extra Damage it adds, using it on even a more crit focused build ends up with the overall DPS being bigger. Kinda silly, I know, but that's how it goes. Zuletzt bearbeitet von MrMoho#0455 um 20.12.2017, 06:23:27
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Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!
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Ah, didn't notice it was private. Shouldn't be anymore. I have gotten shaper gloves with projectile speed and faster attacks which made me want to make a bow build. But yes I do think the trap supports are possible and those would be perfect. If I were to get something like that on boots I would definitely switch out the deerstalkers. But as for the globe I see what you mean, the damage and ES is insane. With the health as well. Thanks for the advice! Hopefully Ill get some good drops, I haven't upgraded anything in a bit.
Edit: I also was curious about putting fortify on my lightning warp, or if I should try to do flame dash or shield bash. Whirling blades was too slow for me due to the lack of attack speed. Zuletzt bearbeitet von notsun#3948 um 20.12.2017, 14:34:59
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Made a thread about this in general discussion, but since it seems it might be relevant specifically to my build I'll also ask here.
I have leveled to 70 with this build in Abyss League and am starting to struggle, especially with the massive poison damage from some of the abyss rare monsters. Admittedly my potions are something I've been neglecting to upgrade, but it still seems something difficult to heal through. My previous character was an Arc witch linked with Life Leech support, so I'm used to healing through damage, which this build doesn't really have. I have not specced MoM yet, doing some of the templar stuff until I feel confident enough to devote my mana pool to it. Any suggestions? Do I need to get my heal potions more up to date? Am I playing too aggressively for this build and taking aggro I shouldn't? Is there some method of healing or poison negation I'm missing? |
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" Better heal potions certainly will help. Try to get the mod "Removes Poison on use" on one of them, if possible. Past that, better gear and higher levels always help out. I might suggest skipping on any Abyss until you are confident that you can take them on. |
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Which Hair Trigger Jewel is better Legacy or New one?
And what is the difference between Trigger radius and Trigger Aoe. |
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