[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!

skirocer schrieb:
i think regular vinktar is really bad and doesnt offer anything really, because the uptime isnt 100% I think even with pathfinder and especially on boss fights (1 use). As for TS, i tried to test my build and did a few chayula runs, and had no problems killing on the edge of the breach, and atziri flask was enough to tank the boss(again I think this is where regular vinktar loses alot of value because if i can already facetank with a 2-use flask why use vinktar when I can just shock with VLT?)
Also why does BlastingCap recommend gmp for tornado shot? I feel like we have enough projectiles already (4 from bow, 1 from quiver, 2+ from dying sun) where gmp feels like overkill even for regular mapping.

Tried searching for a lighting pen vinktar today but none even exist on poe.trade and the conversion ones are useless for us I think becuz were going 100% conversion already. Honestly I think legacy vinktar is good mainly becuz it allows us to save ALOT of skill points, which leads me to my next question. Currently my only source of mana leech is from the slayer node but I'm using 3-4 points just for some mana leech, how to better optimize the tree?

Also has anyone tried green nightmare for frenzy charge generation/is it worth a jewel slot?

Finally its true that barrage prolly has the best dps, but then we have competing helm enchants (currently using 2 proj TS, but barrage also needs 2 proj) so thats where I'm getting a little conflicted. Perhaps I will use LA/Barrage instead for super offscreening + crazy single target although I do feel like Barrage is really hard to aim if it isnt on my right click....

If you take a look at my tree, which is posted above, you'll see that I take the 0.4% mana node right above Lethality.

Yes, Legacy Vinktar is much better then non-legacy but non-legacy still 20% leech and 10% penetration, both being very critical to the build. If you can facetank simply with Atziri's then more power to you but I've found it not sufficient for me. Also, the 10% penetration is a HUGE boost.

If you're not doing much damage, TS seems to be the way to go for general clearing but I'm a proponent of how smooth LA feels in conjunction with chain. And when it comes to single target, there is no argument with Barrage vs TS but you can argue that barrage is unnecessary because honestly, it is. But this build is about optimization and in the end, barrage is going to do the job much faster if you do it right (hitting all your projectiles or nearly all of them).
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bloodzy#0005 um 13.03.2017, 03:06:47
Hey guys,

I'm finally gearing out this character (almost level 81) and I feel like I must be doing something wrong. Granted I don't have dying sun / Skyforth yet yet or any 6 links (both 5l) but I feel like 1) im outrageously squishy and 2) I don't deal much damage... I was getting rekt by the tier 6 strand boss (embarassing I know) with some rippy mods, and even uber izaro takes ages to kill. I have a 340 pdps harbie too, would you guys be able to check out my gear / tree and help tell me where I've gone wrong? I really appreciate it!

The character tree is for my toon named Mini_Hydra

Thanks again guys, really excited about trying to get this moving!
ye i studied my tree and realized I could save a couple points by moving my mana leech.

Also I do realize that legacy vinktar is prolly the best flask for this build(gonna buy one if a legacy pen ever pops up) just saying a regular 1-use one is rly clunky.

One more question, the league is still quite new and there isn't rly a brood twine or anything even close, but at what dps does a harbinger beat a legacy reach? (my current one is like 356, but lets say a close to perfect reach at ~365-370) Or do harbingers ever beat legacy reaches becuz youd need gmp for harbingers and that dips in the wrong direction in terms of dps.


Here are my current items, any glaring upgrades I can make? My resists atm are way overcapped, but I can't find any good opal rings this early into the league, and obviously I'm stil trying to craft the helmet to something decent. I see alot of you guys using silver flask over ToH, is it really better?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von skirocer#6646 um 13.03.2017, 03:23:15
TraneMAK schrieb:
Rupenus schrieb:
your dps is normal for your gear, but i feel like you should immediately take alchemist wheel since all the build is built around flask buffs.

But how can I dial 10k Shield? for my gear i have 5k with Discipline. Where 5k take?))

small details make big differences on ES gear. get 20% ES on b oth rings, same on amulet and 200-250 ES gloves. (craft APS on them if possible)

also your next biggest problem is you lack accuracy, probably you miss a lot of shots, not to mention crit strikes too.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
WalkwithWolves schrieb:
Hey guys,

I'm finally gearing out this character (almost level 81) and I feel like I must be doing something wrong. Granted I don't have dying sun / Skyforth yet yet or any 6 links (both 5l) but I feel like 1) im outrageously squishy and 2) I don't deal much damage... I was getting rekt by the tier 6 strand boss (embarassing I know) with some rippy mods, and even uber izaro takes ages to kill. I have a 340 pdps harbie too, would you guys be able to check out my gear / tree and help tell me where I've gone wrong? I really appreciate it!

The character tree is for my toon named Mini_Hydra

Thanks again guys, really excited about trying to get this moving!

1)Spec out of duelest leech nodes. If you need the mana leech, grab the 0.4% above lethality will do just fine.
2)Drop wise oak. Pick up Dying Sun.
3)Change GMP to LMP if your clear is slow with LA. Also, I prefer Chain over Pierce even though tooltip is lower. Feels much better so I suggest trying that out as well. Up to you though in the end and which you like the feel of.
4)This is expensive, but push for that helm enchant.(+2 barrage proj) It'll boost DPS a ton.
5)Grab an ice golem > lightning maybe? Try it out. See if that helps.
6)You're running HoA, but with no CoH setup. I suggest possibly dropping PoC linked to LA and replace it with Inc. Crit. Then setup a CoH setup with your HoA that puts down assassin mark. Most bosses have trash that can help keep your charges up and as long as you're moving fast, you won't notice them drop often.
7)Basic jewelry upgrades. You want flat phys. You want crit multi on amulet. You want WED. You want accuracy.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bloodzy#0005 um 13.03.2017, 03:24:06
skirocer schrieb:
ye i studied my tree and realized I could save a couple points by moving my mana leech.

Also I do realize that legacy vinktar is prolly the best flask for this build(gonna buy one if a legacy pen ever pops up) just saying a regular 1-use one is rly clunky.

One more question, the league is still quite new and there isn't rly a brood twine or anything even close, but at what dps does a harbinger beat a legacy reach? (my current one is like 356, but lets say a close to perfect reach at ~365-370) Or do harbingers ever beat legacy reaches becuz youd need gmp for harbingers and that dips in the wrong direction in terms of dps.


Here are my current items, any glaring upgrades I can make? My resists atm are way overcapped, but I can't find any good opal rings this early into the league, and obviously I'm stil trying to craft the helmet to something decent. I see alot of you guys using silver flask over ToH, is it really better?

One thing I notice immediately is the lack of flat phys rolls on any of your jewelry, which will help boost your DPS quite a lot. Yes, I'd also say patience in waiting for a penetration roll will be beneficial for your Vinktar's. Personally I don't think, during a league, you're going to find a Harbinger that is going to outshine a double legacy reach. For Silver Flask, give it a shot replacing your ToH. They are very cheap so see if you like it's feel. I personally like it better then ToH and run it myself.

Edit: Took a look at your tree.. No Druidic Rite? As well as running Raider rather then Pathfinder. You pathed status ailment nodes instead of weapon ele nodes to Primeval Force. Didn't take Deadly Draw and Heartseeker? You grabbed Elemental Focus in assassin. Take a look at our trees. If you prefer yours, then go for it but I think there are better choices to improve your build
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bloodzy#0005 um 13.03.2017, 03:35:23
Bloodzy schrieb:
skirocer schrieb:
ye i studied my tree and realized I could save a couple points by moving my mana leech.

Also I do realize that legacy vinktar is prolly the best flask for this build(gonna buy one if a legacy pen ever pops up) just saying a regular 1-use one is rly clunky.

One more question, the league is still quite new and there isn't rly a brood twine or anything even close, but at what dps does a harbinger beat a legacy reach? (my current one is like 356, but lets say a close to perfect reach at ~365-370) Or do harbingers ever beat legacy reaches becuz youd need gmp for harbingers and that dips in the wrong direction in terms of dps.


Here are my current items, any glaring upgrades I can make? My resists atm are way overcapped, but I can't find any good opal rings this early into the league, and obviously I'm stil trying to craft the helmet to something decent. I see alot of you guys using silver flask over ToH, is it really better?

One thing I notice immediately is the lack of flat phys rolls on any of your jewelry, which will help boost your DPS quite a lot. Yes, I'd also say patience in waiting for a penetration roll will be beneficial for your Vinktar's. Personally I don't think, during a league, you're going to find a Harbinger that is going to outshine a double legacy reach. For Silver Flask, give it a shot replacing your ToH. They are very cheap so see if you like it's feel. I personally like it better then ToH and run it myself.

Edit: Took a look at your tree.. No Druidic Rite? As well as running Raider rather then Pathfinder. You pathed status ailment nodes instead of weapon ele nodes to Primeval Force. Didn't take Deadly Draw and Heartseeker? You grabbed Elemental Focus in assassin. Take a look at our trees. If you prefer yours, then go for it but I think there are better choices to improve your build

Oh for sure my tree is not optimized, like i said I just transitioned from life to CI like a day ago, so theres lots of things that I still need to respec. As for Raider, I used pathofbuilding and atm its comparable or even better that pathfinder until I get a VoV and or get a frenzy charge generator (leveling up a few enligthens, their almost level 3 ready to be corrupted if I choose the Curse on hit route) but that's why I was also wondering about green nightmare and if any of you have used it effectively. But ye obviously I will respec to Pathfinder very soon(prolly already should have tbh just didnt wanna run lab again today)

Edit: ALso im only levle 91, so I'll skill up to heartseeker/bow nodes nearing mid 90's cuz i wanted the extra es nodes for 10k es baseline and i took the status ailments cuz I'm not using ele focus(not running barrage yet) and its only 4% wed.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von skirocer#6646 um 13.03.2017, 03:51:27
Had my eye on this build for a while. Got a lucky legacy reach in league and decided to give it a try as a 2nd char after farming a bit on a wither cwc firestorm league starter. Things I am working on completing:

Uber Lab for Vet Bowyer
Corrupting +1 Signal fire quiver
Rings with Phys rolls / Accuracy
Crystal belt / HH.

What i need help with is the tree and gem links for double legacy reach. Ive done the budget tree to make up for the lack of legacy vink, but this leaves so few points to play around with. Is it viable to skip duelest leech wheel without a legacy vink? I will be getting jewel sockets next, but are there any improvements you guys can recommend (gear or tree pathing). The dmg feels pretty good but not quite where I would like it to be. I am not expecting tooltips like brood twine, but somewhere in the 40-50% range of blasting's is what im hoping to achieve by end state on this char. Right now im at around 20-25% of his Ts/barrage.

Edit: Also would LA be superior to TS for clear speed, and if so do people run pierce or chain now? I haven't played bow since around 2013.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Deadmaux#1322 um 13.03.2017, 09:21:57
skirocer schrieb:

One more question, the league is still quite new and there isn't rly a brood twine or anything even close, but at what dps does a harbinger beat a legacy reach? (my current one is like 356, but lets say a close to perfect reach at ~365-370) Or do harbingers ever beat legacy reaches becuz youd need gmp for harbingers and that dips in the wrong direction in terms of dps.

Yes, Harbingers do eventually beat double legacy Reaches, but again it depends on the rest of your gear and passives when a Harb will eclipse a Reach.

Assuming you eventually transition to LA/Ice Shot and Barrage (which are superior for clearspeed and single target over TS) let's take a look at Barrage dps (no need to examine aoe clear dps, because at some point it will be high enough to 1-shot packs and any more dps will be a waste).

With a Dying Sun, +2 Barrage helm enchant, and +1 quiver a Harbinger will have 10 arrows, while a Reach will have 14. That means that the Reach will have a x1.4 dps multiplier when comparing Harb and Reach dps. Ignoring everything else, this means that a 370dps Reach will be equivalent to a 518dps Harbinger and any Harbinger over that dps is guaranteed to be better. However, a Harbinger will have certain other advantages, such as 3 more base crit, and a +30% or more crit multi. The Reach user will either have to sacrifice a gigiantic damage multiplier gem in the links to run Increased Crit strikes, or sacrifice (damage) passives on the tree to get to crit cap with a Diamond Flask.

In either case A Harbinger will be better at dps lower than 518, but how much lower depends on your links and passive point selection. It is likely that a 450+pdps Harbinger will start outcompeting a Reach for dps,but at that point you'll need to ask yourself whether that's even worth the investment because a Reach will already be wrecking most content anyways.
Deadmaux schrieb:
Had my eye on this build for a while. Got a lucky legacy reach in league and decided to give it a try as a 2nd char after farming a bit on a wither cwc firestorm league starter. Things I am working on completing:

Uber Lab for Vet Bowyer
Corrupting +1 Signal fire quiver
Rings with Phys rolls / Accuracy
Crystal belt / HH.

What i need help with is the tree. Ive done the budget tree to make up for the lack of legacy vink, but this leaves so few points to play around with. Is it viable to skip duelest leech wheel without a legacy vink? I will be getting jewel sockets next, but are there any improvements you guys can recommend (gear or tree pathing). The dmg feels pretty good but not quite where I would like it to be. I am not expecting tooltips like brood twine, but somewhere in the 40-50% range of blasting's is what im hoping to achieve by end state on this char. Right now im at around 20-25% of his Ts/barrage.


i would remove coordination keystone, and crit accuracy nodes, remove force of nature and the 2 nodes before of it.
i'd remove throatseeker, i remember 16%phys dmg was equal to 8%increased multi, so now 16%damage is equal to 16%multiplier, throatseeker gives you 54%multi=54%dmg; an 1 exalted jewel is equal to those 3 nodes, and taking the path above pain attunement instead of throatseeker let you save another passive point.
buy some jewels.
there are so many small things that when put together makes the difference

if you can allready afford skyforth, a 4-5ex jewel in standard gives you 10% more dps for 3 passive nodes, im not familiar with league prices but a 8% more dps jewel i think you can buy it for 1-2ex

optimize the tree in the section near vaal pact, below coordination, above heartseeker
it shouldn't be difficult to get to 50k tooltip barrage dps in the hideout with legacy reach

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