DreamFeather Spectral Throw - Clearing the game on a budget. Shaper/Uber Atziri Included.
I tried being a special snowflake and using a 330 dps eternal and death's hand.... Mom lied.
Death's hand is a daily hard-on for me, for whatever reason. I mean, it really is fucking awesome, but nothing really makees sense with it since it. For one, clearly meant for poison, but its a sceptre... I mean the most obvious combination woulld be DHand + breathe of the council; but, breath is slow as fuck and no crit, while DHand is fast/plenty of crit. Anyway, using dreamfeathers, and yeah, theyre better. i think youd definitely need GG Jeweled which really are just fucking leaps above a lot of the one-hand basses. so yeah, just go dreamfeather, like a good little chief. But.... the latest versian ive been thinking about, why not take advantage of champion First to Strike, and make a lowlifeer, take advantage of that 200% increased evasion rating. grab a few aura nodes, use wrath, anger, grace, disc and fuck it, throw ohn a COE and end up with a shitload of attack dmg to scalee off of. Just a thought i guess. IGN: dbk or BONGSANDTHONGS if you prefer
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would be interested in a HC version of this build.. How much life would you aim for and which dps nodes would you drop first?
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" <=== My setup, and I'm having a lot(ton) of fun ;) IGN: TeslaChronos / Face_Tankit
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wondering how kintsugi would work with this, due to the 50% increased evasion if youve been hit recently. so if you take a hit, your evasion and dmg jump wich enables you to flask leech through it pretty well. granted you lost like 1k evasion from QOTF. may just be a fluke thought. who knows
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Czerpakistan#1386 um 21.09.2016, 15:50:24
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hey there, i was thinking about trying out st for the first time and stumbled upon this guide.
my question is, i do have a vaal rapier with 300 pdps but having only 1,54 attckspeed. what if i changed the build to be played with that weapon and a shield instead of dualwielding dreamfeathers. would be my dmg comparable or even higher due to higher base phys(?! not sure hwo much dmg dreamfeathers gives9? or is the whole point of this build to be played with dreamfeather cause the chaos dmg is getting scaled by the properties of dreamfeathers (per 450 evasion)? i dont know the game well enough to understand the mechanics behind it. heres is the weapon if u are curious http://imgur.com/a/1bFF2 (sry for the phone picture...pls dont kill me!) |
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" You're only having 5/6 of the fun you could be having! Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616 Zuletzt bearbeitet von Tempada#2630 um 21.09.2016, 22:19:45
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Zuletzt bearbeitet von sane31#5356 um 22.09.2016, 04:25:03
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" Is this the correct 5L setup to be running? |
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" Interested ^in this also, if we could get some info pls :) |
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Very nice build Mathil, and I'm leveling a new toon to try it out. Theoretically, there are a few points I'm gonna adjust:
1. Champion is a better choice than Pathfinder, permanent Fortify, 90% increased armor & evasion which will further increase dps via dreamfeather. I still dont even count the proc of First to Strike, Last to Fall. 2. Champion provides 75% increased damage with Inspirational & FtsltF, 15% increased atk spd and 8% movement spd, increased melee damage from Unstoppable Hero is a waste since ST is an attack/projectile, ranged. Comparing to Path Finder, which provides 20% IAS, 15% Msp, 10% DoT, 20% increased Poison damage and a poison gem (not as strong as Poison support though). 40% Increased Elemental damage is a waste since you are using Vulnerability + Blasphemy & Grace all the time. So I think even taking flasks usage to account, Champion is providing more damage than PF, of course Champion can spam flasks for every trash packs as well, its just not as good as PF in terms of flask usage when facing boss, but its passives do make up for this. 3. Spetral Throw has Automatic Piercing, which provides 100% chance to pierce therefore a Pierce gem is not really needed although more damage multiplier is always welcome. Here is my Champion DoT build: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQDAJstXzmK8MSC6Uawq76nZU29NnXL6mK3to1-QzHDM1oav9VTu0Se2sF07QUtLlPTb0z_TipbrxR1pMIY2y4ju56Tmd0NFSAs6QDuKk0_J0rIR-Ii4qQ5hrNaUqiae8N9W6xHyNzuDqOKI_ZNkjfU7T-Nfe2DveY-zxmOAF6bjY2_1CMwcd2oS3g6Qggu73rTfn11_rq748SioSL0-KJAAdGv6wW1BnBOn3p_wuy0xWKsbIwM8qXLnao2PetjtUh2gsgMtNGmf-1BFr9qjPVvyBSi2bDYJpVh4lVLES9uqrXyNZLYvexchJSJcXvUqs1r1GIXLJQDHh9BMHxRR_aj Links: Spectral Throw - GMP/LesserMP/ - Faster Atk - Poison Support - Added Chaos dam - Void Manipulation Auras: Blasphemy & Vulnerability - Enlighten lv3 - Grace |
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