A couple of quick questions.
1. How important is Empower (how far can you go without it?). I Play ssf hc and dont have it.
2. What replacement for empower (if any) do you suggest?
Thx in advance
Empower is not important at all. 6l is the least important thing. Trying to chance allopathy is one thing to concentrate on when ssf.
Beitrag vonNoctide#3826am 05.03.2018, 19:39:20
@muclemente, I have never been a fan of bow ED myself, but it was quite popular when decay still worked well. I would advice aiming for a 1h and a shield. You can go SRS or something with the bow.
Beitrag vonNedieth#5846am 05.03.2018, 21:36:50
Now that I have the perfect form, do I cap cold res. or Keep it low for the extra evasion?
Hello and thanks for your detailed guide, wanted to build a trickster, may i ask you what's different in this build than the ghazzy's one please ?
vildenadersteam schrieb:
Now that I have the perfect form, do I cap cold res. or Keep it low for the extra evasion?
You want your cold resistance to be as high as possible. The wording is a bit complicated, but uncapped means that for the purpose of Perfect Form's affix, it doesn't stop accounting cold resistance at 75%.
Beitrag vonFlwsck#6948am 06.03.2018, 04:37:53
Nedieth schrieb:
TL;DR: Ghazzy's guide is great for some straight forward ED action, mine requires a slightly more active play style.
The two main differences between my guide and Ghazzy's is that he focuses a lot on raw power from ED, while I balance out the damage more between Blight and ED. Since I have more focus on Blight, my build also needs to be able to take a few more hits than Ghazzy's version. I solve this primarily through using The Perfect Form instead of recommending a +1 Tabula Rasa. The +1 tabula is pretty cheap, while a 6L Perfect Form is quite a lot more expensive and provides less damage as well.
My build makes up for this damage loss by having a full damage setup in Allelopathy, while Ghazzy uses the gloves for his Contagion setup. This results in my build having a much higher potential DPS as well as being more tanky. The downside to this is that you might be a bit overwhelmed with the playstyle to start out with. Below is an example of what I do vs. bosses compared to Ghazzy (not explaining reasoning in the following):
Place and keep Wither totem alive --> Precast Contagion while waiting for trigger/apply Contagion --> Cast ED --> Shield Charge into the enemy --> pop all flasks to blind/get evasion --> Channel Blight --> Reapply ED/Contagion every 6s or so while channeling Blight at least 4 out of 6s.
Place and keep Wither totem alive --> Apply Contagion --> Apply ED --> Run around and stay safe, reapply DoTs as needed, pop flasks as needed (Tap enemy with Blight if it gets close).
Personally, I feel that my characters has more room to grow and face the ultra end game than what you can expect from Ghazzy's guide, but his guide is more budget and new player friendly. There are many that could disagree with this, saying a +3 staff might perform similar to my build, but it all boils down to preference.
Hope that clarifies something for ya.
Beitrag vonNedieth#5846am 06.03.2018, 05:05:15
Thanks dude
Thx noctide :)
I've checked this build with some of my items in PoB and I deal way less than the showed in the screenshots of the first post. Even with a Skin of the Loyal I deal like 40k less on full buffs. I only can explain it if you used perfect items for those screenshots. I've got no idea if like 280k ED on full buffs (level 20 Arcane Surge included in gloves) can allow me to deal the damage you showed us in your videos.
What was the damage you were dealing in that Uber Atziri fight?
Beitrag vonintre#4184am 06.03.2018, 12:47:04