GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

asbo96 schrieb:

Hey could you explain why you chose cherubims and unshattered over cloak and rathpith?

Cherubim gives dmg & life
Unshattered gives the purple guy what follows me around. I just like it. Probably not as good as Rathpith or even rare shield with 90+ life roll and 75+ spelldmg on Archon. Now that hybrid shields can roll spell dmg, i think those are now best.
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3.13 was the golden age.

When following this build and unlocking the level 22 blight skill, does that become part of your rotation on harder bosses? It seems like it + Spreading Rot Cobalt Gems = Win?
What the Grand Spectrum Jewel? Do I need to put that in my tree? And why there are no places for Jewels in the skill tree?
Whats more damage, Cherr or Deaths Oath?
Hello ED's Cult ! :D

I would like to know if my stuff is good, if not what item and why pls :) Thx a lot !!

What is the best belt for this build? I've been using Bisco's but, I've not exactly felt like its done much for me.
Qtmy schrieb:
Started a Shadow to do a MoM ED/Cont char and decided I'm going to try this build.

Wondered if anyone have come up with a way to fit in 2 of the Blight jewels for the 50% more chaos damage taken debuff? Seems like there aren't enough slots for 3 Grand Spectrums and 2 Spreading Rot. Figured it'd be a nice addition when using the Blight gloves as a totem.

edit: removed misquote.


Grand Spectrum should be fine to skip if you don't use the Cloak of Defiance tbh. :)
I will have to do some extra testing personally to tweak the end-game of this build.

hacktiv schrieb:
Hi everyboy !

I have questions, i dont understand why u take the Vaal Lightning Trap on Cast When Damage Taken, can u explain me ?

Second question : I bought allelopathy recently, if u use it, u need to put necessarily contagion gems or the %increase over time dammage works even if contagion is on an other amour ?

Thx for help :D

No worries. :)

CWDT can never proc Vaal spells so you have to use it manually which is the point!

The increased damage over time from the gloves is a global buff mod so it affects all your damage over time.

DS_DV schrieb:
Hi Guys,
as you can see in my Profile i chose this build for the new leauge.

But im a hughe n00b at PoE :(

i currently safe my chaos for the Breath of the Council.

My question is is it possible to switch to a LL build just with jewelry and a head piece?
Since for the other slots i found uniques which i like ^^

and the second question:

Can i go for Shade Form instead of Walk the Archer and Swift Killer?

i would opt out of the frenzy stuff completle and instead use the points for CI or stuf like a 2nd curse.

with best +DS_DV+

PS: Sorry for my bad english
PPS: my Char is CptDylanHunt

EDIT: and a n00by n00b question: Does it matter in qhich order i cast contagion ed wither etc ?

No worries bro :)

You are absolutely fine in transitioning to LL with the build. Regarding Shade Form I dunno, I think you'll lose effective DPS & clear speed by doing that. Honestly, I believe an Occultist version is better for LL than Trickster.

TheGrammaton schrieb:
HI Marxone!

I followed you tree etc. So what a problem? dps low,mapping ok t14+ boss long time a fight and guardian 1 hit me and died,but me not best player 4 portal fail,next killed guardian my another character. So pls help dps boost or any plan?

You say you followed my tree yet your gear screams "Low Life"?

I honestly can't help you properly since you basically haven't followed any of the gear from the guide as you deviated too much from the guide itself and the only thing I could recommend is to follow the guide to sort your issue.

However, if you wish to play a LL version of ED/Contagion I would suggest doing so as an Occultist & not a Trickster. Though Trickster works but this build is not designed for LL.

rickpollock schrieb:
Grand Spectrum Jewels vs spreading rot? Which should I use?

The Boss killing seems to "demand" spreading rot so I would personally prioritize that tbh.

fallingawake schrieb:
Really cool build, ended up tweaking it a for a slightly different play style.

I blew tons of jewelers getting 3 blue 2 green on Death's Oath and got a Delirium dagger with a nice crafted roll on it.

Hardest thing was finding a way to sustain the degen from Death's Oath and after seeing the Trickster ascendancy that gives 70% increased regen on kill I realized using Stone Golem would be amazing. I'm trying to get all my rare items on armor bases because at a certain point I believe it has the most synergy with MoM (assuming you have 31% of your life in mana and enough regen). Switched out CwDT Immortal Call with Tempest Shield which has some nice synergy with Rathpith by adding spell block. Also switched out the mana gems for all SP, SP w/ shield, chaos dmg, and DoT gems.

Contagion/ED -> ED/Contagion (depending on distance) -> Shield Charge though mob packs to apply dagger poison and just keep moving, everything dies. Seems to have really sped up the build's clear speed and the Stone Golem combined with the ascendancy plus the leech from ED and Death Oath let you be incredibly careless without much risk. Sidenote: For those that don't know (I didn't) Essence Drain also applies the poison on your dagger to whatever it hits.

Looks beautiful to me :)

WarchildR schrieb:
Hey, really enjoying the build!

If I wanted to pick up the 'Whispers of Doom' curse node, what would be the nodes to respec from and best path? Im thinking of just going up from 'Cruel Preperation' via the int nodes. Also, would the 'Corruption' node be worth picking up since it's right up there too? I am playing in SC so just wondering if it would be worth sacrificing some mana/life for this?



I'd skip some mana nodes for it.

Both WoD & Corruption are solid damage providing clusters tbh.

Lucasion schrieb:
I've been using 2 lifesprigs for the leveling process.

Once I get Walk the Aether, should I be using Lightning Warp or Flame Dash as my movement skill? Or should I abandon the Lifesprigs and swap to daggers for Shield Charge?

Shield Charge > Flame Dash > anything else

Draghin schrieb:
What are people using to get the 2nd curse to use Witchfire?

Whispers of Doom cluster on the tree (skip some mana nodes)
Doedre's Damning ring
Windscream Boots

KoTleTA schrieb:
Would heartbreaker be a good weapon choice until i could equip botc? Would culling strike even work with ed/contagion? I would also like to know why you take extra frenzy charge so soon on your skill tree?

Some people, like myself, prefer to take Swift Killer ascendancy first :)

Heartbreaker is great as your "low budget" weapon choice before you upgrade.
Culling Strike only works on hits, which means the first projectile hit and not the actual DoT damage.

Marxone schrieb:
djnat schrieb:

This is with regular 6L shav, with flasks and Arcane surge up. Efficacy still lvl 11/20q, I'll update the screenshot when I take it to lvl 20. Ascendant combat buffs take this value a bit up.

Even using a perfect Cherrubim's while going life based cuts DPS by about 16%. If you go for godly jewels the difference is less than 16% of course, but at that point you are looking at insanely expensive 4mod jewels which don't make any sense against going lowlife.

I want to underline the blight gloves thing. A lot of people are convinced that the hinder debuff coming from blight is always on the target when channelling blight itself, which isn't the case at all. It has a duration which isn't refreshed while channelling. So the effect of the 2 spreading rot jewels in fights which don't last a few seconds is totally negligible. And the damage of Blight itself is negligible until you get a certain amount of stacks, which does not happen if you don't stand still and channel continuously, because to reach max blight stacks you need about 4 seconds of channelling or a bit less depending on your total cast speed, and you have to move a lot in guardian / Shaper / Atziri fights to avoid easy deaths. And you still have to keep Arcane surge, Wither totem and ED debuff up while facing boss mechanics to do full DPS.

I don't personally like the blight gloves at all because they completely change the playstyle of a super safe and mobility-friendly skill like ED forcing a quasi melee interaction with bosses to stay and channel. They also have poor ES when compared to good fingerless silk or sorcerer bases, and no resists. And they use 4 sockets for a Blight setup which are needed for other utility skills / auras / vaal discipline / whatever.

It's a matter of personal preference, that's all. :)

I Killed Uber yesterday

I see now that Pure ED makes a lot of sense :D

Killed also Shaper 2 times (both times 1 death because i like to type while in combat). On Shaper it's actually great to have blight for ads, it's convenient for laziness :)

Bootiful <3

Cyterizz schrieb:

hi i really need some feedback i feel. New player and i feel pretty lost atm what to upgrade/ any better gem setups etc. Cheers


Not sure if you're running 2x Spreading Rot jewels for upgrading your Blighting but your gear looks pretty good. I would suggest getting "better rare items" which basically just means higher numeric values to increase your eHP or damage via crafting jeweleries with Essence of Envy (grants chaos damage on rings/amulet).

faytte schrieb:

When following this build and unlocking the level 22 blight skill, does that become part of your rotation on harder bosses? It seems like it + Spreading Rot Cobalt Gems = Win?

Correct. :)

Adrmeon schrieb:
What the Grand Spectrum Jewel? Do I need to put that in my tree? And why there are no places for Jewels in the skill tree?

They are part of the last upgrades for the build to grant you extra mana to sustain the insane eHP provided by the 40% MoM effect of Cloak of Defiance.

faytte schrieb:
Whats more damage, Cherr or Deaths Oath?

I would say Cherr as it doesn't require you to be in range all the time.

hacktiv schrieb:
Hello ED's Cult ! :D

I would like to know if my stuff is good, if not what item and why pls :) Thx a lot !!


The Divinarius is alrightish but I would recommend BoTC or any high spell damage dagger or even a high spell dmg Delirium crafted dagger.

The helmet feels rather mjeh tbh, you can get much higher eHP with a proper rare item.

Chest piece can be either CoD or Cherrubim for higher damage or eHP approach.

Belt can be Bisco's Leash for higher clear speed.

Other than that it's only higher numeric values on the rare items (as in higher HP rolls :P )

faytte schrieb:
What is the best belt for this build? I've been using Bisco's but, I've not exactly felt like its done much for me.

The Rampage buff is insanely effective for not just damage output but also general clear speed. Try a few maps without it to see the difference :)

Could you take a look at my character and let me know what I could change to increase single target dps. I just failed a tier 16 because my damage was way too low. My survivability seems to be pretty good so far, but when it comes to map bosses I tend to struggle. Also I am using Witchfire, but don't have anything to apply a second curse, so is it worth still running this flask?

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Killamang#2646 um 25.08.2017, 04:06:08
Killamang schrieb:

Could you take a look at my character

Your profile is set to private btw.
Is using 6L rare body armour better than a 5L cher/cloak/death's?

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