GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]
" It sound like you are talking to 3 different people. Anyway thanks about the ziz's video. Everything else you could have kept. |
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" It took a while to understand how they interacted together, but they seem to be working pretty good for me at least. |
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I'm at level 64 and completed second labyrinth. I'm currently running cheap rares and self-founds. I just got my first Exalt drop of the league, about 10C in other currency and a few items I could quick-sell to make another 20-40C (SEE EDIT*).
I'm finally at the point that I need to start getting real gear and get my gems in order. What items would be the best boost? Thanks! Character: AntiVaxxKilla_TTR EDIT: I just got a "Inspired Learning Crimson Jewel" worth 22ex - I'M RICH!!!! EDIT2: finished story, hit level 70 BTW: Loving this build. Only one accidental death - forgot which flash had bleed mitigation while playing fast in the Bath House Zuletzt bearbeitet von TekTrixter#5141 um 28.06.2019, 22:02:16
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" That sounds pretty strong, but you would have to measure it against the opportunity cost of the changes that have to be done on the passive tree. Also I believe most Ele hit blocks out cold and lightning via unique jewels, but I could be wrong. I haven't actually started on that yet, might do it on the weekend. " I just don't think you should need it, cause the 'hit' of ED is not that big, so being able to spam shoot it infinitely like a regular projectile is not that valuable.. it only needs to be refreshed every few seconds. If you use the helmet then good luck getting the enchantment without paying out of your nose. You also lose the aberrant fossil craft cuz you can't craft your own helmet. And if you get EB on the tree (don't do it this way lol) then you waste valuable passives. But yeah, if you do set up the helmet its does offer conveniences. But its screwing up so many new peoples builds and I can almost guarantee that your build would be just as well off with a bit of mana regen and the elreon ring craft instead. The benefit of the helmet, I suppose, is that it makes a transition into a Mark of the Shaper with an Elder resist ring easy, which is a pretty big damage increase. :) ~ ~ everything was beautiful and nothing hurt ~ Zuletzt bearbeitet von xsnowingx#1952 um 28.06.2019, 16:47:23
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Making a new post just to highlight this next bit of info:
The tooltip DPS of your ED is the DPS of your 'hit', and it is probably somewhere between 25k-60k. A bunch of lines down in the details of your ED skill, you will see a line that says "deals X chaos damage per second". This is the DOT aspect of your ED, which lasts 5 seconds after you hit. This number is probably TEN TIMES bigger than your 'hit'. This should illustrate how unimportant it is to be spam casting Essence Drain. Having Eldritch Battery will let you spam cast ED and it may FEEL like you are doing something, but in reality you are sacrificing the "Nearby enemies have -9% chaos resistance mod" that you can easily craft on a cheap helmet that also has the enchantment "40% increased essence drain damage" All you have to do is buy any evasion or energy shield helmet with that enchantment, and slam single aberrant fossils on it, which costs about 1c per try. It will not take too many tries until you get a decent life with the -9 chaos res. Its super simple to DIY this helmet, and then you're doing -9 res on monsters for your massive DOT. ~ ~ everything was beautiful and nothing hurt ~ Zuletzt bearbeitet von xsnowingx#1952 um 28.06.2019, 17:41:05
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" -10% damage reduction from Impresence is pretty good and you can't get that on a rare. -Not using Witchfire is probably going to mean you can add +30% MS to a flask suffix now which is really nice and also not available on a rare. -Losing 2 links is really not a big deal for most setups. -Not relying on a flask for longer fights is also convenient. Guaranteed 100% uptime on Uber Elder or any annoying phasing fight with long animations. -Way more curse AoE since per the wiki Witchfire Despair is not affected by any AoE bonus. Not sure what level of Blasphemy support is on Witchfire, if it's lower lvl then that's even more AoE benefit for Impresence. -Increased 10% curse effect with Impresence is actually a pretty big deal. -3% chaos rest and 2.6% more damage multi. Maybe it's not completely optimal but let's not act like it isn't a very good amulet. Zuletzt bearbeitet von aimlessgun#1443 um 28.06.2019, 18:12:58
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Hey guys i just finally got my Perfect Form armor and i don't know what to socket into it. I was thinking putting my 4L contagion and a seperate Dash and Arctic Armor. Would that be a decent move or should i do something better. Then i'd throw my CWDT setup in my boots. Maybe cwdt/ic/temp chains/enfeeble? Or am i totally gone off my rocker lol |
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Why does Malevolence + Zealotry + Discipline + Enlighten lvl 3 does not work in The Devouring Diadem? The mana reservation is way to high...
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Could anyone help/suggest gear upgrades for my character? I'm playing hardcore so I'm trying to stay as safe as possible while still doing damage. Bane is my primary go to for map clearing. Thanks all!
I should mention my defensive stats (level 76) are: 3,397 health 2,071 shield Chance to evade attacks 20% chance to dodge attacks 40% chance to dodge spells 46% chance to block attack damage 15% Fire 73% Cold 75% Lightning 75% Chaos 58% movement speed + 29% Zuletzt bearbeitet von deviantek#5258 um 28.06.2019, 21:36:14
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Need a bit of gearing help, could anyone suggest what to upgrade next or work towards:
Current Budget - 90C + ~100Alch Stats: 4.6k Health, 2.4k ES, 236/1645 mana (No EB/MoM just yet, taking them in the next lvl or 2, as i just sorted out that chest 5-link) ED: 105k DoT DPS (with golem up) Res: all overcapped. Been following the guide on page 345, and just looking at what would be the next best thing to upgrade before trying to work on the long-term multi-exalt gearing. Zuletzt bearbeitet von xFlameKnightx#2981 um 28.06.2019, 21:35:47
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