GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

This is my second league and I am enjoying ED/CON so far. I'm slowly getting my atlas filled up, but I was wondering what pieces of my current gear would be biggest to upgrade.

I know my gems and everything isn't fully leveled yet, but with that aside, is there any area I should be focus on? I also read that acrobatics and MoM/EB don't work together, so I'm not sure if I should just avoid MoM/EB or respec my acrobat points into MoM/EB.
I planned on just doing a league starter with this, but I rolled some silly items so I figured I'd take it endgame. Looking for some suggestions as I pretty much used the PoB as a guideline and am not sure what the optimal pathing would be.

passive tree:

My current gear

pretty sure with the 30% damage implicit my amulet is better than impresence? also I saw some people NOT taking acrobatics and phase acro, I know I can get the perfect form for free phase acro but am not sure if theres a better tree with that.

some things I can think of left for my gear is like corrupt gloves, +1 gems bow + quiver, I'm waiting until then to buy new boots so I don't have to mess with resists, aspect of the spider craft on a ring (any better ideas than Mark of shaper + elder ring?)

any feedback is good, this is the first time ive endgamed ED

edit: EB+MoM with Patient Reaper / Ghost dance is really good for sustain, i almost never have mana issues with killing + taking hits giving me energy shield, but i know some people took some other stuff

edit2: also I need better jewewls with +increased life, i was thinking maybe trying to craft a GGG elder increased life + chaos damage belt, but all my currency is going towards the bow atm
Zuletzt bearbeitet von hipposaver#7296 um 16.06.2019, 18:11:27
Omalon schrieb:

This is my second league and I am enjoying ED/CON so far. I'm slowly getting my atlas filled up, but I was wondering what pieces of my current gear would be biggest to upgrade.

I know my gems and everything isn't fully leveled yet, but with that aside, is there any area I should be focus on? I also read that acrobatics and MoM/EB don't work together, so I'm not sure if I should just avoid MoM/EB or respec my acrobat points into MoM/EB.

Fossil crafting is relatively cheap and can yield ridiculous results. It took me about 10 trys (about an ex worth) to craft a +chaos damage belt with 90 life and about 8 trys (around another ex) to get a -chaos res helm with fat life rolls. so in like 2ex i made like 10ex worth of items
hipposaver schrieb:

My current gear

No ES on your helm and low evasion on your body- could synergize better with escape artist ascendancy. I'd probably take perfect form with your setup. Gives you more evasion, lets you drop acro/phase acro so you have more ES for MoM and gives you a bunch of points back to play around with.
IchiMorghulis schrieb:
daimonxp schrieb:
EDIT NM we use our ES for mana doesn't work.

Anyone try using arcane surge mix with ED? Seems you get close to the dps and could be a cheaper option. I'm still on a 5 link trying to get currency to even get a chest, but anything with 3B 2G 1R chest is so expensive. I saw one guy running level 10 arcane surge with ED attached.

Arcane Surge for the 6th link until you can get an Empower.

Look to buy a rare 6 linked chest, either ES base or ES/EV base and roll the colors yourself. If you're low on currency, a Tabula Rasa is the cheapest 6 link on the market or you can farm it yourself.

This chrom calculator will help you figure out the average number of chromes you'll need to color anything, play around with it.

hmmm... What do you put in the "Requirements" then there's the desired. I'm just scared of dropping currency and running out of chromas. Kinda low on everything atm. Was just going to see if I could save for a decent rare already rolled to do all content, but anything with red already rolled seems much more pricey. Only have 1ex atm, a like 50c, figured I should save up for more anyhow?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von daimonxp#7517 um 16.06.2019, 18:39:34
matt__ schrieb:
hipposaver schrieb:

My current gear

No ES on your helm and low evasion on your body- could synergize better with escape artist ascendancy. I'd probably take perfect form with your setup. Gives you more evasion, lets you drop acro/phase acro so you have more ES for MoM and gives you a bunch of points back to play around with.

i have to settle with my helm, i got a 40% essence drain that i fossil crafted that ridiculousness too, im not spending 7 ex for a vaal mask with the enchant

i was thinking about perfect form and getting those points back but im wondering if it will be any better hmmm, that would mean id lose 10% dodge attacks + 30% dodge attack hits but id get my armor/energy shield/block back and between 5 and 12 points back depending if i wanna stay with those lower life nodes. what would be better to spend on

i dont really have any mana issues wwith EB and MoM so im not concerned with getting a shitload more es
daimonxp schrieb:

hmmm... What do you put in the "Requirements" then there's the desired.

Requirements is the amount of str/dext/int the item requires. Desired is the number of sockets of each color you want.
IchiMorghulis schrieb:
daimonxp schrieb:
EDIT NM we use our ES for mana doesn't work.

Anyone try using arcane surge mix with ED? Seems you get close to the dps and could be a cheaper option. I'm still on a 5 link trying to get currency to even get a chest, but anything with 3B 2G 1R chest is so expensive. I saw one guy running level 10 arcane surge with ED attached.

Arcane Surge for the 6th link until you can get an Empower.

Look to buy a rare 6 linked chest, either ES base or ES/EV base and roll the colors yourself. If you're low on currency, a Tabula Rasa is the cheapest 6 link on the market or you can farm it yourself.

This chrom calculator will help you figure out the average number of chromes you'll need to color anything, play around with it.

Careful with arcane surge, it only procs when you spend mana. So if you run Eldritch Battery you'll never proc arcane surge.
matt__ schrieb:
daimonxp schrieb:

hmmm... What do you put in the "Requirements" then there's the desired.

Requirements is the amount of str/dext/int the item requires. Desired is the number of sockets of each color you want.

Ok gotcha so basically examply requirements put in 71 for Dex/ and 61 in
and I got back with 1R Vorci says
--- Mean Avrg attempts
Vorici 1R 24.0 16.69586% 6.0 4 5.47
My current gear deathless Uber Elder for those looking for endgame potential. I got a few ideas from this guide and a few from streamers then built my own.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Blacke17#4748 um 16.06.2019, 22:48:35

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