GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]
@ effiacy vs empower question
On my setup (lvl 19 gems, most with quality, 20/20 ed) empower level 3 gives a 4k dps increase according to PoB. Your situation may be different. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Paranoiac#1251 um 13.09.2017, 07:38:25
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" Efficacy is before Empower. The gems listed in the guide are listed in order of efficiency :) Regarding Empower vs Decay I am 99% certain Empower is superior, feel free to doublecheck my statement via PoB to confirm! " I'm in school atm so can't check PoB, but I would recommend using PoB to test this with. Tabula should come out on top if my calculations are correct, the difference wouldn't be super big though. " Seems accurate to me. Allelopathy still grants extra damage, personally I wouldn't change them. Though I would in your specific situations reconsider using 2x Spreading Rot for generic dmg jewels. " This is a great example of how sensitive ED/Contagion builds in general are to the players playstyle. Which is also why this build is covering different aspects to make sure to cover most if not everyones needs. " I'm in school atm so can't check PoB, though it does seem as I have to take a spin in overlooking the PoB links in a few of my guides. Outside unique gear pieces the rare item base doesn't matter and should follow the instructed stat priority in the guide. But as stated, I will take a look at the links as soon as I find time after school. Sadly I'm not this good with the pastebin code: ![]() " I can't say which is better as there is nothing in PoE that lets us decide which build is better than another. The only time we can make comparisons are within these topics: 1) Is the guide easier to understand/follow? 2) Is build faster in general mapping than the other? 3) Is the build safer/faster/stronger vs Atziri/Uber Atziri/Full Keyed Izaro/Shaper? 4) How does the builds compare in high end-game tier maps in terms of survivability & clear speed? etc etc.. Due to many factors we can NEVER decide on a build that is better than another. However, this build will let you do all the content, smooth, fast & simple and hopefully I've created a guide that is easy to understand & follow. On another note, I promote people to see my build guides more as guidelines as this is an ARPG game, which means you'll do a lot of repetitive grinding. Make sure you play in a way that you would enjoy the most of your playtime! And finally, to stop avoiding answering your question... Both builds are of the same type (ED/Contagion) and it honestly isn't hard to make a build like this work. There are hundreds of different versions you could do and still perform exactly the same in the end. Which ultimately leads me back to the information above, it's impossible to determine which is best so the choice is yours! :) " The biggest difference in the guides is the available LL guidance in his version. Generally, going low life will grant you tons more damage and make certain end-game content smoother. But then again, the build can handle such content without going low life. So investing towards it would only be due to a matter of taste, but yes it would cost you a lot more currency, and the reward for such investment is a bit smoother end-game boss encounters vs the hybrid approach that both builds promote. " :D " Absolutely: Rings & Gloves have very bad HP rolls and should be switched asap tbh. Once you get higher lvls, drop some mana nodes & get Whispers of Doom up north and purhase the Witchfire Brew flask :) " Yes, yes it would be better, obviously :) Even so if you corrupt +1 on it! I'm in school responding to threads so no access to PoB from this computer. However, I am 99% certain +1 gets you higher, specially wih Empower included as that means you get 2 lvls on the main active skill from the corruption (or skin). " Be careful, and bring a Flame Dash so that you can skip some traps :) " Not really no. I would personally switch it around as the guide describes but others in the comments have tried different approaches. Ultimately it will come down to a matter of personal taste. I would never drop CWDT due to porcupines with this build though! " You are correct and it is placed like this intentionally as I'm having an internal debate with myself wether or not I should promote Swift Killer as the first ascendancy for this build, which I probably should but can't bring myself to do.. yet >.< It's always a matter of taste with these minor things as well as a great many other things in PoE. However, Swift Killer has proven to be one of the more favourable normal lab ascendancy choices for Trickster ED/Contagion. " Sorry, not a fulltime streamer so I respond as often as I can :/ My streaming schedule is posted in the Discord servers #announcement channel which includes information of my "off-days" on those it is extremely rare that I respond on YouTube comments or Forum Threads. The answer to your question should be further up in this huge post of responses! " It's a corruption that comes from being luck Vaal Orbing a clean Tabula Rasa. Usually Tabula Rasas are very cheap and it also makes a corrupted +1 a very cheap but still insanely effective chest piece for this build :) " In Path of Exile, unlike any other ARPG's.... Resistances is the absolute most important stat to get sorted to the cap or you WILL die. Just having 10% or less from the cap is insanely noticable in higher tier content. Priority is this: Cap the res > eHP (life/mana/es depending on build, this one it's Life/Mana) > Damage " Hey, Could you be a bit more specific on what it is you are finding confusing so that I may help you out in a proper way? You can also make sure to go to your account settings here in PoE and make your character profile public (not private) that way I can look at your character from the website and help you out easier. But in order to do so I need to know what is you are finding confusing in the guide as the guide should include any & all information. " THIS! This is one of the reasons "Swift Killer" is proving to be a more and more attractive starter ascendancy choice. Walk the Aether is nice but will require you to start using Shield Charge, which you should as soon as you get a dagger/mace with higher spell dmg than a Lifesprig which you honestly should find any second after lvl 35 :) Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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Hi Ghazzy,
thank you for the Build and the great Guide. The Build makes very much fun to play! Could you take a look at my current equipment and gave me some tips or improvements? Yesterday I've bought the Allelopathy Gloves at the price of my Wither-Totem setup. What do you think is better? Or should I tried to get both of the Totems? Blight & Wither Totems? But then I will lose my CWDT Immortal Call. Actually running without Wither-Totem and feel good with the Blight-Totem. Still farming Orb of Fusings for linking my Cherrubim's to 6L. Thank you for any feedback. Cheers Ghost |
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" Ended up taking Swift Killer before reading your post, as I hadn't found a good spell damage weapon yet. Suppose it won't make a difference in the end. Thanks for all your work on this guide! |
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Thanks for the reply Ghazzy=)
EDIT:Is there a certain uber glove enchant we should aim for? Zuletzt bearbeitet von enigma322#6471 um 13.09.2017, 07:20:26
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" My pleasure :) Honestly, any will work, nothings really special for ED tbh. Guides:
YT: Twitch: |
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Thank you again for all your hard work Ghazzy! It takes an insane level of commitment to respond to a 100+ page thread and hold such a polite professional stance on these forums. I did not mean to sound edgy or impatient before when I was asking my question. I appreciate all you do!
Another question when you have time: What weapons would you suggest for this build before Breath of the Council? It's pretty expensive with good rolls (90%+ Chaos damage), and it runs for around 3-4 Exalt. Right now I'm using Heartbreaker Dagger, but is there anything else I should be looking for before saving up for a BoTC? And if you don't mind, which gear should I focus on changing? I think my helm is lackluster, but I'm not sure where to find a better one. Best, |
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Ghazzy, thanks for posting this guide and being so active with it. This is my current setup and was hoping to get your thought. As of this moment I haven't done anything more difficult than Tier 14 maps and the build is going great and is a lot of fun, but I wanted to see if I could get some feedback on my gear and build tweaks.
Current Gear " In the event that my jewels lose their link when I put them back into my sockets they are all pretty much % Increased Life, % Increased Mana, % Increased to all Resists Here are other items that I am considering " Currently the EHP Calculator has me at 8489ehp with 111 Excess Mana. my ED from toolbar says "68,640 Chaos Damage Per Second" before charges or any other buff. Here are my questions... 1.) Is my EHP and DPS levels good enough to try to hit some higher tier content? You can see that I prioritized mana, resists, and health for my jewels but I could switch them out for more dps. Also am I low on Excess mana? I decided to run with Bisco+Goldwyrm with the intention of switching it to Atziri Boots and that other necklace I got, but I seem to be doing well with them and enjoying the extra increased quantity. 2.) So I went with the Allepothay + Blight Totem and I read that it was a good idea to use Spreading Rot. I know there is also the option of running two of them. I could tweak my rings to accommodate a 2nd one. Is that a no brainer? 3.) Follow up question for Blight and Spreading Rot. Spreading rot is giving me 12% damage and then another 25% if the monster is hindered. But totems arent in range, or alive 100% of the time. If a "Chaos Damage, Spell Damage, Damage Over Time" jewel is affordable and gives 35ish % damage, why wouldnt you run that instead? Its damage that you would have 24/7 compared to 12% + a possible 25%. 5.) I tweaked the passive tree to get more Jewel slots and the Chaos Damage node. Compared to your tree is seems to be mostly at the expensive of Mana(That I tried to make up with the jewel slots). Do you think I made a mistake with that path? 5.) I have two sets of Goldwyrms with different enchants. Is there one that you would pick over the other? Considering that the one's I am currently wearing have 0.6% of Damage leached as Mana and Life, and I could spend a single point on Vaal Pact, would that be a good idea if I stick with these boots? 6.) I might be going crazy, but I thought either in the video or an earlier post it was suggested to run a Max level CWDT. In a recent post of yours you say that you are using a level 3 one. I made my Shield Charge a 4link to accommodate "Endurance Charge on Melee Stun" gem to help with Immortal Call. With that in consideration is there a good suggested CWDT for me? I never fully understood how people determined how high to go with it. Thanks in advance, I love the build! Zuletzt bearbeitet von MadHookUp#4429 um 13.09.2017, 11:41:06
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thanks for the very detailed build guide!
I want to try this on harbinger ssf hc, would you recommend any changes? |
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Awesome guide. Somewhat of a novice and I'm really enjoying the build. Question on this part of the guide though:
" Why do I need to get a second curse running this? Deciding if I should get this flask or not but I'm a bit confused in regards to this advice. Thanks! |
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