[3.5] Say_Ten's Melee Shadow - Murder Everything Cheaply

All: I’m on vacation for another week so I’ll be slow to get back to you. Just make sure you post here since we have a bunch of knowledgeable guys following.
Enjoy the vacation!
Hi just started rep map progression and im struggling to kill bosses im not sure really what i can do as all upgrades u have suggested are costing me exalt and higher which i dont have the money for so im kinda stuck and not sure what to do
Kylemcc20 - Just my $.02 on maybe a possible oversite - switch the location of two of your Jewels. The one adjacent to Golem's Blood and Aspect of the Lynx. I do not believe you are benefiting from the Jewel dex requirement from the tree near Golem's Blood.
For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.

USMC - Vietnam 1967 - 1968 - 1969
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ishkabibble#7519 um 15.03.2018, 11:30:27
What rings do you recommend?
Oi man, im posting here for recognition!
Im using your build, so first of thanks for sharing. Even tho i did had much of a chance to play (started a week-ish late, then work keep me busy as of now), im still not into maps, but it feels pretty smooth. Since my time issues, i needed smt that would be cheap but functional, and that i could dedicate to.
This build fits, because looks viable w/ very little investment, but also has potetial to ramp up if you sink currency on it. Bonus point because i always wanted to play an assassin!
Hig-end claws, switching to 6l chest (belly come to mind, but also one of those elder/shaped thing - saw one on reddit a couple of days back 160ish life, 2 res above 30, 12% max life and +1.5% crit chance to attacks), getting one of those shaped ammy with insane conversions (add x% of non-chaos dmg as chaos dmg or smt alike). Steel rings would be huge no doubts, and also a proper watcher's eye (with crit or crit multi when in hatred maybe).
So all in all i like it very much. There are just 2 things that bog me, and i tought i would share em.
First off, i dont get why you run 2 curses w/o the +1. I get it may be that you decide when to leave the defensive one up instead of the other, but it feels clunky and not that efficient. So i figured that i would leave the t.chain part off, and free a gem spot (we are starved for those).
On a second note our movement skill: due to the attack speed, we run out of mana veery quickly (or so it is for me), and that irritate me alot. So, maybe swap the movement on a 4l by moving the IC setup, and be it like whirling b. - faster attacks - fortify - blood magic?
If we ditch t.chains, we would have: 4l for our LS, 3l for cwdt - ic and blood rage/golem, (either linked or not), then 3 socket for herald, hatred and the remainder (rage or golem). And we could still use an unset ring for whatever we would like (vaal skill, but also an ancestral protector could be nice).
At last, i would say that, with the power charge being generated by the ascendancy, i was thinking what would better: slam in 2 damage supports for better clearing, or keep that setup (after all, assassin's mark still give us a relevant amount of crit and crit multi). Toughts?
That's it, please note that all of this are just my takings, and i dont wont to discredit your job =)
Also, sorry for the wall of text, i tend to do that i was told. And english aint my native, so sorry for any mistake.
jacksan86 schrieb:

First off, i dont get why you run 2 curses w/o the +1. I get it may be that you decide when to leave the defensive one up instead of the other, but it feels clunky and not that efficient. So i figured that i would leave the t.chain part off, and free a gem spot (we are starved for those).
On a second note our movement skill: due to the attack speed, we run out of mana veery quickly (or so it is for me), and that irritate me alot. So, maybe swap the movement on a 4l by moving the IC setup, and be it like whirling b. - faster attacks - fortify - blood magic?
If we ditch t.chains, we would have: 4l for our LS, 3l for cwdt - ic and blood rage/golem, (either linked or not), then 3 socket for herald, hatred and the remainder (rage or golem). And we could still use an unset ring for whatever we would like (vaal skill, but also an ancestral protector could be nice).
At last, i would say that, with the power charge being generated by the ascendancy, i was thinking what would better: slam in 2 damage supports for better clearing, or keep that setup (after all, assassin's mark still give us a relevant amount of crit and crit multi). Toughts?
That's it, please note that all of this are just my takings, and i dont wont to discredit your job =)
Also, sorry for the wall of text, i tend to do that i was told. And english aint my native, so sorry for any mistake.

I keep double curse but I run Enfeeble as the defensive curse not Temp Chain. Enfeeble helps a ton with harder maps and makes quite a few bosses easier to handle, especially if you are using BoR. I also run Warlord Mark instead of Assassin Mark later in the game, after I got power charge ascendancy node, and Warlord Mark helps quite a bit with tankiness too. Some people run Vulnerability as their curse for DPS increase and it's probably fine for most maps, just have to be more careful and not get greedy.

For movement, it's true you will run out of mana fairly quick with Herald and Hatred, but it takes quite a bit of constant usage to run out. Like 10+ whirling blades back to back. Most maps don't have huge gaps between monster packs that would require you burn through all mana just to get to the next one. If I need constant pure movement from whirling blades, say the map is mostly cleared but I have to back track, I turn off Hatred or Herald to free up mana pool then turn it back on when needed.

Your ideas are fine though and it's possible to gear and play that way. You don't have to follow the build exactly, can mix it up to suit your taste.

First off, loving the build so far, already Lv79 into the new league (Bestiary). Managed to scrape through on budget gear, and roll my drops for better eqs as I progressed.

Was just wondering if the creator of the build or anyone experienced could take a look at my char profile and comment on what else I can do to improve my dps. Currently doing t7-t8 maps, and hoping that I can farm uber labs (it's possible right?).

P.S.: Sorry I'm new at posting in forums, not sure how to link my gear and stuff in this post.
is it work for the shaper ??
o__DEMIGOD__o schrieb:
is it work for the shaper ??

With BoR rly hard, with 6l belly and abussys/starkonja easy

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