Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Care_Less schrieb:
duabijitelur schrieb:

he changed passive for a bit and took the dual wield nodes near witch (4 nodes = 24% as and 20% cs)

Thanks. But no movement speed, unless i'm mistaken?

Also see it specs into minion stuff. is that really better then the cluster beneath it you had previously? (celestial punishment and judgement)
you lose penetration and increased shock dmg?

I re-specced them and then i do see less damage (about 4k less {just added 2 doriyani's.. probably enabling other weps and the rest of the gear gives a much higher difference}), but isn't that compensated by penetration and shock dmg? Especially on bosses and such?

[Sorry for all the noob questions.. ]

i noticed myself in previous league that when i got both those nodes boss fights went a lot faster and easier?

compensated with dual wield bonus 10% as
but i think have to use dagger for whirling blades mobility atm

spiritual aid - Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also affect you
i saw he respec 2 small crit chance for 2 minion dmg nodes (shud be more dmg tho, gonna test tomorrow)
Top of the mind: Why Lightning Walker node didn't make it to the build? Seems like a legit damage increase for just two passive points, plus 15% lightning resistance wouldn't hurt either. I understand that later on there might be more valuable nodes, but initially, it could help to boost damage and can be refunded for a better stuff down the road (replaced by MoM, for example, when damage mitigation becomes a necessity).
Thanks for the build. Learned a lot from it.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bettr#2429 um 07.12.2018, 06:42:01
I think I found a small error in the guide, under flasks, you listed/linked "Chemist's Basalt flask of Heat" twice. I think the second one is supposed to be a Sulphur Flask since the text under states "Gives a damage boost and drops Consecrated Ground, which provides 6% life regeneration.".

Great guide/build man, helps alot!
I have one queston:

If I equip weapons, I can only choose between two different sceptres or two different daggers, right?
So i can't equipt a dagger and a sceptre.

Thanks! :)
Why do you use flame dash and leap slam? why is leap slam not enough with scepters?
Thanks for the detailed guide Enki.

One quick question: what are the benefits of using 2 daggers over 2 scepters? I couldn't quite figure that out from the guide. They can both roll the same mods but scepters will usually have higher elemental or spell damage and are the cheaper option.
Why do we use Hypothermia? Is it to use the freeze shatter in conjunction with something else?

Using Innervate to add lightning damage and increase shock chance increases dps by 10k according to PoB from 68.9k to 79.1k.

I do not see a dps difference with Hypothermia so I am wondering if there is another reason it is used.
BotchedTaco schrieb:
Why do we use Hypothermia? Is it to use the freeze shatter in conjunction with something else?

Using Innervate to add lightning damage and increase shock chance increases dps by 10k according to PoB from 68.9k to 79.1k.

I do not see a dps difference with Hypothermia so I am wondering if there is another reason it is used.

40% more damage with hits and ailments against chilled enemies plus 10% extra chance to freeze
Care_Less schrieb:
im a bit worried about losing that hp.. and movability?

At the very least you can easily get 10-14% more hp in the two freed up gem sockets. True we loose 20% movement speed, but both Leap Slam and Whirling Blades scale only off attack speed. Plus, if you really want Onslaught still, grab a Silver Flask.

BotchedTaco schrieb:
Why do we use Hypothermia? Is it to use the freeze shatter in conjunction with something else?

Hypothermia isn't going to reflect in the tooltip very effectively unless you select "enemy is chilled" in PoB. We chill from 2 sources: (1) Cold Snap and (2) Chilling/Elemental Confluxes in conjunction with at least 1 cold damage to spells. By the time you get that 6th link, you will want to make sure it is somewhere in your build (relatively easy to get on abyss jewels).
jlh165 schrieb:

At the very least you can easily get 10-14% more hp in the two freed up gem sockets. True we loose 20% movement speed, but both Leap Slam and Whirling Blades scale only off attack speed. Plus, if you really want Onslaught still, grab a Silver Flask.

True. thanks.

Have to drop vinktar then i guess;)
IN previous league was using:
- bubbling hallowed of staunching,
- Wise oak,
- vinktar (add li dmg to spells, 20% of lil dmg leeched as life, enemies shocked, 10% increases dmg taken. The negative of the flask (shocked; 50% inc dmg on you) is no bother, since immune to shocks ourselves.
- Sulphur of warding
- Atziri's promise

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