On your profile under "Privacy Settings" you need to untick the "Hide Characters tab"
Beitrag vonWürfel#1945am 21.05.2021, 06:53:24
Würfel schrieb:
On your profile under "Privacy Settings" you need to untick the "Hide Characters tab"
ok yes i am
Hass2000 schrieb:
Würfel schrieb:
On your profile under "Privacy Settings" you need to untick the "Hide Characters tab"
ok yes i am
I think you also need to log-in using Playstation Network at the log-on screen located to your right.
Beitrag vonWürfel#1945am 21.05.2021, 07:57:01
Würfel schrieb:
Hass2000 schrieb:
Würfel schrieb:
On your profile under "Privacy Settings" you need to untick the "Hide Characters tab"
ok yes i am
I think you also need to log-in using Playstation Network at the log-on screen located to your right.
yes i ma beo now i figure now u can see my build
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Dickerpommesarm#5959 um 21.05.2021, 11:43:16
Würfel schrieb:
IgnisArdens schrieb:
Hi, I've been loving this build for the past two weeks!
I was wondering whether it's worth it for me to save up for the ~25 ex endgame belt now, or if there's some other gear I should be prioritizing first.
The character is AuraPopularis in my list.
Thanks a lot
A belt you could get less than 25 ex. Maybe for like 20, 15 if you're lucky? Then with the left over budget you could get a better wand with 150+ mana and 100+ spell damage, a shield with recover mana when you block, a decent Cerulean ring and get some catalysts on your amulet.
They way I upgrade is bit by bit. Start with lower budget and upgrade from there. You'll progress much better. Also take a close look at "Upgrade order" section of this guide. I pretty much followed that step by step.
As a side note since you have the medium cluster jewel I highly recommend the Cerulean ring with Conductivity curse on hit. It makes mapping and killing big packs of mobs soooo buttery smooth. Ultimatums are uber easy except Trialmaster himself but even he goes down pretty quick if you just kite around him.
EDIT: Another thing I did was I bought (uncorrupted) Divergent Arc's and leveled them in my second weapon swap. Once they hit lvl 20 I put 20 quality on them and hit them with a vaal orb hoping for a lucky 21/20. Took me like 6 or 7 tries but I got it. Divergent Arc's are around 30c. I bought and leveled 3 at a time.
with the Ring u use it together with the wave/curse/hextouch gem setup?
Can anyone take a look at my character and give any advice on next upgrades? Besides what I currently have, I am working on:
1. Fertile Catalyst on amulet to 20%
2. Arc chains additional time on helmet
3. Lv21 Divergent Arc
Not sure what I should focus on besides these. Any tips would be appreciated!
Thank you
helo again who can help me to see my gear i am new in game and for sure need help.I have problem with righthouse fire its eat my mana and cant use that skill ty
char name is Fikreta
Zuletzt bearbeitet von elegant-ship255#9620 um 21.05.2021, 12:16:13
Dickerpommesarm schrieb:
Würfel schrieb:
IgnisArdens schrieb:
Hi, I've been loving this build for the past two weeks!
I was wondering whether it's worth it for me to save up for the ~25 ex endgame belt now, or if there's some other gear I should be prioritizing first.
The character is AuraPopularis in my list.
Thanks a lot
A belt you could get less than 25 ex. Maybe for like 20, 15 if you're lucky? Then with the left over budget you could get a better wand with 150+ mana and 100+ spell damage, a shield with recover mana when you block, a decent Cerulean ring and get some catalysts on your amulet.
They way I upgrade is bit by bit. Start with lower budget and upgrade from there. You'll progress much better. Also take a close look at "Upgrade order" section of this guide. I pretty much followed that step by step.
As a side note since you have the medium cluster jewel I highly recommend the Cerulean ring with Conductivity curse on hit. It makes mapping and killing big packs of mobs soooo buttery smooth. Ultimatums are uber easy except Trialmaster himself but even he goes down pretty quick if you just kite around him.
EDIT: Another thing I did was I bought (uncorrupted) Divergent Arc's and leveled them in my second weapon swap. Once they hit lvl 20 I put 20 quality on them and hit them with a vaal orb hoping for a lucky 21/20. Took me like 6 or 7 tries but I got it. Divergent Arc's are around 30c. I bought and leveled 3 at a time.
with the Ring u use it together with the wave/curse/hextouch gem setup?
I am at the moment altho' I've been thinking I should change that set-up into something else. Haven't come up with anything good yet. Maybe a CWDT setup of some sort? Or use Awakened Hextouch Support in order to use a second curse like Enfeeble, Elemental Weakness, Temporal Chains etc.
I'm more of a "one button build" player, the less buttons I have to push the better :p
Beitrag vonWürfel#1945am 21.05.2021, 12:46:44
elegant-ship255 schrieb:
helo again who can help me to see my gear i am new in game and for sure need help.I have problem with righthouse fire its eat my mana and cant use that skill ty
char name is Fikreta
Hello, hello.
Your gear is pretty decent. A couple of tweaks needed: boots need the correct enchantment which is "x% Increased Mana regeneration rate if you've cast a spell recently", preferably 70%. I see your not running an Essence Worm with Wrath this is a HUGE loss in damage. I suggest changing that as soon as possible. The enchant on your weapon does nothing since we don't benefit from attack speed, we use cast speed and also I suggest getting the trigger craft so you can ditch CWDT. Also unlink your Vitality from Second wind and Flame Dash since it reserves more mana while linked to second wind. For other upgrades refer to this guide's "Upgrade order" section. My suggestion would be to get a shield with mana recovered on block and gloves with the mana cost enchant.
Now your skill tree is a little bit different from Enki's version. You need to fix that and bring it more in line with Enki's. First: swap Transcendent Mind with Tempered Mind. Second: unallocate Mind over Mater node since you already have that from Cloak of Defiance and it doesn't stack - put that into Mana and Manaregeneration on the far left. Third: unallocate the 2 Life and Chaos Resistance nodes and invest them into Cluster jewels. Fourth: unallocate the little stretch you made for your Watcher's Eye and invest that into Cluster Jewels section as well.
Mana, mana and mana is the most important thing to invest into. The more mana you have the more damage you do, the better regeneration you have, the more defense have etc. Basically everything revolves around mana. It's perfectly ok to have around 3,5k hp while having 6,5k+ mana.
Also it's important to follow Enki's guide step by step. Read every step carefully through. Only deviate from the guide if you know what you are doing or it suits your playstyle better and doesn't break the build or it's functions.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Würfel#1945 um 21.05.2021, 15:24:06
Beitrag vonWürfel#1945am 21.05.2021, 15:23:06