Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
I´m experimenting a bit with this build altough on templar.
I try to figure out if occultist or inquisitor asendency provides the most dps + survial. Looking trough the build and how it changed the last days with OoS and the CwdT + WM its biggest problem seems the single target sustain. This is pretty much what i noticed playing aswell. Any amount of mobs are no problem at all. Bosses e.g. labyrinth are a real challenge and dps seems so low. I´m comparing both classes with the following charge generation setup and try to limit only to the differences between them. occultist WL + PM (frenzy + endurance) OoS + PcoC inquisitor WL (endurance) OoS + PcoC So what do we have: occultist - 1 PC more (+50% crit and possible uptime advantage) - 1 curse more (=3 frenzy charges = 12% ms + 12% cs + 12 more dmg) - 30 % curse duration - +8% more dmg as chaos (on kill though) + aoe blowup - 30% inc. critchance - 24% inc ES inquisitor - 100% inc critchance on first hit (if you dont crit or cant do an ele status its always up) - 30% inc crit multi when frozen / shocked (AA chill counts too right?) - 20% inc crit multi - 20% inc ele dmg - 20% inc spell dmg (after WB) - 20% + 4% inc cast speed (pretty much always up with dagger + WB) - 10% pen on non crit - no resistance at all on crit (that one is hard to evaluate) Lets assume 100 dmg a hit (50 cold / 50 light) 50 % crit chance and 300 % multi occultist using cold pen lvl 20 inquisitor nothing (so one free gem slot for whatever does most dps or LifeLeech) after writing this i noticed that cold should be a bit higher percentage (60?) because of Herald 75% res occultist: normal hit: 12,5 l + 31 c = 43,5 crit hit: 130,5 = 174 inquisitor: normal hit: 35 crit hit: 300 = 335 50 % res occultist: normal hit: 25 l + 43,5 c = 68,5 crit hit: 205,5 = 274 inquisitor: normal hit: 60 crit hit: 300 = 360 25 % res occultist: 37,5 l + 56 c normal hit: 93,5 crit hit: 280,5 = 374 inquisitor: normal hit: 85 crit hit: 300 = 385 0 % res occultist: 50 l + 68,5 normal hit: 118,5 crit hit: 355,5 = 474 inquisitor: normal hit: 110 crit hit: 300 = 410 so in high resistance situation inquisitor has ~ 100% more dmg between 0-25 % res inquisitor deals slightly ~15% less dmg the big question is how to evaluate this how often do monster have resistance etc. My conclusion inquisitor vs occultist acendency inquisitor has 20% inc crit chance or 30 % crit multi over occultist (with the +1 pc considered) inquisitor has 36% inc ele dmg over occultist (-4 from pc 20% of them on using WB for 4 sec) inquisitor has 12% inc cast speed (on using WB for 4 sec) inquisitor deals double the dmg on high res target over occultist inquisitor has one free gem slot ( hyphothermia ~20% more dmg inc crit strikes my be better) on the arc over occultist occultist has 12% inc movespeed over inquisitor (after killing) occultist has 12% more dmg as chaos over inquisitor (after killing not considering the gem slot) occultist has the aoe blowup over inquisitor (after killing) occultist has 30 % inc curse duration over inquisitor occultist is most likely able to keep up Powercharges without using OoS + PCoC as often. occultist has one more defensive curse over inquisitor For me inquisitor is the clear winner dealing way more damage on high resistance target and also overall. With better gear and more than 50 % critchance its will scale even better. Occultist however might be more HC viable because of the second curse but i think the 5 nodes you have to invest into getting Whispers of doom will still favor inquisitor. Also worth considering group play with heavy - resistance multi cursers being inquisitor might actually hurts your dps. |
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I am sure the experienced players are aware of the following sceptre. I had one show up in the Perandus guys offer. I checked POE.trade and they were going for about 1ch. They seem to be the bomb for leveling as they can be used at lvl 10 There is no spell damage % but a huge spell crit and I would think the flat added spell damage is pretty strong at low lvls. |
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Should i run Izaro with Storm Call or Arc ? Did Izaro Normal with Storm Call but was 10 Level above him :(
Zuletzt bearbeitet von engelswut#0434 um 09.03.2016, 14:38:50
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I'm running Inquisitor as well with a little over 80% critchance on arc with powercharges (rather bad gear and increased critical strikes not lvl 20 yet and absolutely love it, the clearspeed with those crazy fast whirling blades, and silver and diamond flask is just amazing.
I have a question about chill, how often do we actually have bosses chilled? The rest dies pretty much immediately anyways, so I'm just concerned about the higher health bosses. Currently I run Critical Strike Damage instead of Hypothermia, which boosts damage a lot as well, since all the damage comes from the crits. If Bosses are usually chilled as well, then Hypothermia would probably be the better choice, but I'm not sure they are. |
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@Thellman: You have to press that little arrow below th witch starter circle to open the ascendancy.
@kyuuza: Inc Crit Strikes is definitely better. I'll be adding a note about the flasks for Inquisitor! @mikrokosmos: I'd say go occultist for hc. CwDt is better than Blasphemy in regards to mana reservation, we need the unreserved mana pool for MoM. @ironmaiden1220: Yes, one setup is for rushing through packs, where CwDt doesn't always trigger with our clearspeed, and one to assure having leech against bosses that not always have adds to apply curses through shatter. @jsn0x: The posted gem section is for Occultist, as mentioend in the class section. For other gem setups open the spoiler at the end of gem section. @Danilovitch: You'll be using the same support gems for both skills, so you could just switch them and see which one you prefer for now. @jeslun: Yes, or Axiom Perpetuum if you wanna level more crit-heavy. @kawaiiy: Only Assassin setup has Controlled Destruction, since you still can easily cap crit without Inc Crit Strikes gem with power charges up. @BundesHeinz: I've thought alot about the perfect Assassin setup, but came to the conclusion its too gear reliant, people with 2 VB's would need a different tree than those without. Other issue was all crit clusters also have some good multi, which is why i didn't wanna drop them. But i'm sure there is room to optimize, please let me know your experiences while testing. @Wolfin43: You get alot of survivability from triple curse setup, which is why i wouldn't drop it. Replace Life Leech with PCoC on Orb of Storms and put Inc Crit Strikes on Arc. @Ironmonster: Sounds about right, tho Occultists can make the gap a little closer with Ele Weak on Hit gloves, atleast against enemies that aren't too much overcapped/have high curse resistance. @Kanguranan: Yeah that thing is insane for leveling. @engelswut: I've done him with Arc, but if you feel safer with Storm Call that should work too. @wage: Some bosses can't be chilled unless you drag them onto AA's icetrail. I'll think about a more reliable way, hope the free standard ascendancys come soon so i can test the other three classes. twitch.tv/enkivt
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" I don’t need PCoC. I have Forbidden power (Occultist ascendancy). My links now: Arc-Spell echo-FC-lightning penetration-inc crit Orb of storms – AoE – FC – Life leech I am looking for other gem choices in orb setup. |
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I just want to post and say how excited I am about the changes Ascendancy brought to the build.
At the end of Talisman I topped out at ~56k dps fully buffed (charges, flasks, Vaal Haste) and my potential for more dps had mostly plateau'ed. Now, with the freeing up of a gem slot with the introduction of Orb of Storms/PCoC, more dex on tree for higher Vaal Haste and the Ascendancy tree, I'm topping out at 106k! That's nearly 100% more dps. Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! And my Controlled Destruction gem is still only lvl 16. Did I mention eeeeeeeeeeeee? Not to mention that by dropping Blood Rage for the generation of frenzy charges and the additional curses (I'm an Occultist) I'm feeling tankier than ever. The only fly in the ointment is that I had to drop Increased AoE from Orb of Storms to fit in the Vaal Haste because I'm running with daggers and Whirling Blades so sockets are a pain. I haven't noticed that the decreased AoE is a problem yet so am not too phased by dropping it. And how awesome is power charge generation with OoS?!? With PCoC on Arc it always took me 3 or 4 packs before I was at max charges. The combination of only ~50% chance to crit and 57% change to generate charges meant that they were usually slow to accumulate. Now most of the time I'm at full charges in a single pack! I can usually forget about OoS until I need some single target dps after that thanks to Forbidden Power. I'm not sure why charge generation is so much faster with the storm than Arc but me likey! Anyway, as you can see by my gushing I'm super excited about the changes and just want to thank Enki for an awesome build. Edit: holy shit! I can't believe that I forgot to mention that my flasks are up 100% of the time now instead of ~80% in Talisman thanks to Poacher's Mark and my Vaal Haste has Increased Duration linked now where before it didn't. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Zuletzt bearbeitet von f4sak3n#2799 um 10.03.2016, 09:48:28
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Normal Izaro seems almost impossible in new league with this build. I thought it would be over after the first phase, kited for 30min just to realise i'm still at the beginning and then died in second phase. Can barely even hit him with arc when you need to do 1 cast and then run.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von MuFeR#1700 um 10.03.2016, 10:20:33
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" " Nevertheless try to use Storm Call instead of Arc for boss fight, much easier to kite and deal the damage. I did nearly every act boss with Storm Call. Zuletzt bearbeitet von engelswut#0434 um 10.03.2016, 10:44:56
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" I also thought about switching to something like flame totem to kite but I guess I'll try storm call. Also everyone seems to be doing the labyrinth 15 lvls above the zone level so either I'll do it after I'm in cruel or pay someone to do it as last resort if I fail even then. Edit: Did it on first try with storm call at lvl 35 with 3links. Zuletzt bearbeitet von MuFeR#1700 um 10.03.2016, 11:44:10
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