Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
Azraelgod schrieb:
thank you very much for your build.
Unfortunately it seems like some content was deleted with your latest edit.
Currently the gem setup is empty and i can't find the gear-section with the items any more.
Either please tell me if i am just blind or where you moved it. :)
+1 seems like gem setup and the gear-section doesn't exist
thank you very much for your build.
Unfortunately it seems like some content was deleted with your latest edit.
Currently the gem setup is empty and i can't find the gear-section with the items any more.
Either please tell me if i am just blind or where you moved it. :)
thank you very much for your build.
Unfortunately it seems like some content was deleted with your latest edit.
Currently the gem setup is empty and i can't find the gear-section with the items any more.
Either please tell me if i am just blind or where you moved it. :)
Enki91 schrieb:
Doing some work on the guide over the weekend. Setup will be ugpraded for better survivability and single target, while retaining the builds purpose.
For those already interested, check this PoB-Setup in the meantime.
Starting now, may take all day! All sections marked with * aren't finished yet.
I have a question.
I have just activated Golem Commander in my tree, so I look in the gem setup in PoB and see Ice golem. In the guide it doesnt say anything about it. Should I use it now in Act 9 or wait until Maps or even later?
First of all thank you for the guide, this is my second playthrough of PoE.
Clearing maps is a breeze but I'm having huge problems with boss fights.. I just got to tier 14+ and it's very rare for me not to die from a boss.
I'm not even mentioning metamorphs because I just stopped doing this shit - one shots every-single-time.
Could anybody have a quick check on me setup and advise me if anything is very wrong with it? I'm currently considering switching characters.. It ain't fun anymore, I can't get past lvl 89 for over a week now.
GGG please remove that comment, it's not relevant anymore and the player publicly quit years ago. It's so old, there's not even a report button to get some attention to this!
‣ Liege of the Primordial(Normal): Enables us to summon another Golem, raises our damage and Golem Buff Effect and makes our golems immune to elemental damage.
‣ Elemancer(Cruel): Gives us yet another golem and Golem Buff Effect, and makes us immune to elemental ailments with atleast 3x golems summoned.
‣ Pendulum of Destruction(Merciless): Pretty unreliable buff that switches between AoE and Elemental Damage. We need it to reach..
‣ Mastermind of Discord(Eternal): Allows us to run two Heralds while buffing them slightly and giving us a large amount of resistance penetration.
Non-corrupted Lv20 Gems can be upgraded to Lv1 20% by vendoring them together with a Gemcutters Prism. Do this with all gems that are marked with a *
Arc is our main skill - it has high base damage, decent cast time and a more damage modifier for each remaining chain. This simply means that if for example your Arc can chain 7x and there's nothing to chain to, it will get a 105% (7*15%) more damage multiplier for that hit.
We can also use Vaal Arc, which grants both the regular Arc skill and a buffed up Vaal Arc that grants us the Lucky Buff. This buff counters our high lightning damage range by rolling each damage roll twice and taking the higher one. However, it can still happen that it rolls two low values and you end up getting a few small hits.
To help with this decision, a Lv21 Arc is always better than a Lv20 Vaal Arc. Since Vaal Arc is corrupted by default, the only reliable way to get it at Lv21 is using the Lapidary Lense on an uncorrupted Lv20 Arc gem in the Temple of Atzoatl, although it's not a guaranteed outcome.
Spell Echo* substantially boosts our cast speed and repeats each skill use without consuming mana for the repeated cast, all at the cost of a minimal damage penalty. Lightning Penetration* is a hidden damage increase - it doesn't affect our tooltip damage, but rather acts as a dynamic more multiplier by reducing the enemies lightning resistance during damage calculations, and can even drop it into negative values. Energy Leech* lets us sustain our Energy Shield pool while also giving a huge more damage multiplier while leeching, and a smaller more damage multiplier when it's full.
5th Link:Inspiration* reduces our Arcs mana cost and gives an Inspiration Charge per cast, up to 5 total, with each giving a more damage multiplier and increased crit chance.
6th Link:Added Lightning Damage* adds lots of lightning damage to our base damage,
at 80% of its listed value due to Arcs damage effectiveness. Alternatively, a Lv3/4 Empower can be used to raise Arcs level and with that its base damage, although this is only worth if the result is atleast Lv26 to get that extra chain.
Storm Brand* adds damage for bosses and is good to snipe "Allies Cannot Die" enemies within bigger packs of monsters. It's a duration-based skill and allows us to keep using Arc while passively dealing damage after being casted. Up to three brands can be casted but only one can attach to an enemy and deal damage, the buff bar gives a visual indicator for this. Energy Leech*, Lightning Penetration* and Inspiration* do the same as before.
Gearing in Path of Exile is all about opportunity cost - sure, that unique item may look good,
but is it better than all other options? Can you make up the loss of vital stats somewhere else?
In this section I want to give you a quick rundown on what to look out for in each slot.
It's structured into three sections for different budgets or as crafting goals in SSF.
Important basics about Gear
‣ Rare items can have up to six affixes, split into three prefixes and three suffixes
‣ Item level decides which affixes can roll, and up to which tier
‣ Socket color probability is tied to attribute requirements: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence
‣ Quality increases the probability to hit the maximum number of sockets and links
‣ Corrupted Items can't be modified outside of socket amount, -links and -colors
‣ Affixes saying "attacks" don't affect Spells, flat damage on weapons only if it's "to Spells"
‣ Unique Items aren't best in slot unless mentioned otherwise
‣ Each Unique that's not listed here is either too weak to compete with better choices,
too expensive for too little gain or simply doesn't synergize at all with this build
‣ The Crafting Bench can add powerful affixes for cheap, which is especially helpful to create
Life + ES gear and weapons. Use poedb to figure out open affix slots
How to read this Section
All relevant affixes are listed in Affix Priority and sorted by their approximate strength.
Required affixes are in bold.
The following tags mean which crafting method or influence type is required for that affix:
N = Normal, B = Crafting Bench, F = Fossil, Es = Essence
S = Shaper, E = Elder, C = Crusader, R = Redeemer, H = Hunter, W = Warlord
If you want to learn how to look for gear, check out my (currently outdated) Gear Buying Tutorial!
Crafting Advice: Start by scouring all flasks and put 4x Glassblower Baubles on each, which can be bought for 8x Blacksmith's Whetstones each at the gear vendor in town. Transmute and use Orbs of Alteration until you hit one of the listed prefixes without a suffix, and add one of the listed suffixes through Einhar's Beastcrafting in the Menagerie. If you hit a listed prefix already together with a listed suffix, you should of course keep that.
Provides fast life recovery on demand, which gets scaled by Flask Effect, Flask Duration and Life Recovery (-from Flasks). Eternal Life Flask is the best base for that. Prefixes:Catalysed Suffixes:of Staunching
Makes our Crit Chance lucky, which provides lots of effective Crit Chance. Prefixes:Experimenter's Suffixes:of Warding
Grants us Onslaught for some extra speed and DPS. Cinderswallow Urn is an amazing flask that adds lots of damage and sustain. Herald of Ice + Three Dragons assures that we get the damage buff aswell. Increased Critical Strike Chance during Flask Effect is the best veiled mod choice. Can only drop from Catarina, Master of Undeath. Prefixes:Chemist's Suffixes:of Curing
Gives some extra Physical Damage Reduction. Rumi's Concoction gives additional chance to Block Attack & Spell Damage and can be somewhat reliably farmed through Earth Drinker. Prefixes:Chemist's Suffixes:of Curing
Our mana sustain for No Regeneration maps. Eternal Mana Flask is the best base for this that. Atziri's Promise provides extra Damage, some Leech and lots of Chaos Resistance.
Can only drop from Atziri in the Apex of Sacrifice or Temple of Atzoatl. Prefixes:Enduring Suffixes:of Efficiency
Before you start mapping, make sure that you have:
‣ atleast 3.5k Life and 500 Energy Shield
‣ Fire, Cold and Lightning Resistance capped at 75%
‣ Arc and Leap Slam set to "attack without moving"
‣ the correct Pantheon powers activated (unlock extra powers as you map)
‣ a proper Flask setup (check the Flask section above)
Your first maps shouldn't be an issue with this, just keep on progressing through the Atlas. Two things you should read up on are monster mods and map mods to understand what everything does and how they may affect enemies or yourself.
Your character will naturally progress while mapping - your gems level up, which is especially important for the Arc gem itself, your character levels up and you will build up currency for upgrades, even if you just do Chaos Recipe. Don't focus on "what DPS should I have at this level?" or such, as long as you play and follow what the guide says, you can't do anything wrong.
Try to find a good rhytm between Arc, Leap Slam and flask usage. All enemies give you some cues and time to react. Very often, their skills also lock target on the position you're at during their animation start, so in that case simply move to avoid all damage. Sometimes you can also use the environment as defense and last but not least, don't forget that Arc is a ranged skill. If you sense lots of incoming damage and can't get out of the way, cast Steelskin and use defensive flasks to mitigate as much as possible.
That said, there's many things in this game that aren't meant to be tanked in the first place,
and will absolutely kill you if you try. There's lots of trial and error involved to figure them out.
This also applies to bossfights - they're all mechanical, so try to learn how to play around them.
Start with Wave of Conviction, then circle them while casting Arc between each Leap Slam.
If the boss gives you enough time to damage for a few seconds straight, buff up and spam Arc.
Note that freezelocking bosses prevents them from doing their phase transistions, so if you notice the fight seems stuck, simply stop casting and wait until the next phase starts.
While we can run all mapmods, decide for yourself if it's a good idea in that combination or against that boss. Things that are usually harmless can really start to hurt with the wrong mods!
The following mods require special attention:
‣ all Curses: Counter them with your Warding Flask
‣ Projectiles chain: Can be completely ignored with Soul of Lunaris upgrade
‣ Physical Reflect: Don't use Wave of Conviction against more than one enemy
‣ Chance to avoid Elemental Ailments: Worst one for us, huge damage & safety loss
‣ Elemental Equilibrium/Resistance/Hexproof/reduced Damage from Crits: Damage loss
‣ Less Recovery Rate: Lowers our recovery from Leech, Regeneration and Flasks
‣ No Regeneration: Disable Clarity and equip Enduring Mana Flask
‣ No Leech: Requires more Life Flask usage, play cautiously
‣ Reduced Chance to Block: Safety loss, play cautiously
Special thanks to everyone who helped improving the guide or supported it in any other way,
and to GGG for this awesome game and their exceptional support!
hi! I'm new to poe and beed following your guide since I started playing the game and I love it!! unfortunately I can't see the gear section until this morning! is there a problem with the page? thanks in advance for the reply and keep up the good work!
Can somebody please explain why Arcane Surge is lvl6 with required mana for activation 26, but flamedash and steelskin has 24 and 16 manacost respectively. Or we just don't want to activate it each time we use one of these skills, but then why not higher lvl?