Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
Right, just replaced my lvl 20 arc with lvl 21 and went with lvl 3 Empower. Tooltip up 10k to ~64k (solo, herald, charges up, no Haste) - awesome!
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@beardedmagician: Mediocre single target damage is simply something we have to accept with Arc, atleast when compared to some other skills. The huge pack clearing speed makes up for it though.
Curse/Status Ailment immune is no problem, Ele Reflect unfortunately not possible unless you get enough Vinktar Flasks to keep them up all the time. WHile we're at it, you should really get a Vinktar Flask and/or socket another Vaal Discipline somewhere for quick healing. @SpidaFly: Keep your current setup, Cold Pen is substantially better than ALD. Wrath would be a nice DPS boost, but we would lose alot of survivability from dropping MoM or any other aura. DPS really isn't an issue with this build anyway. @Sessions5: Hey, that's awesome! Since you're using a dagger and WB, you could drop the quicksilver and have both a topaz and sapphire flask. Unless you really need more resistances, i would go with an pure ES base shield with spell damage implicit - they're the only ones that can roll spell crit and spell damage. Since we don't scale ES, look for Spell Dmg + Life + Mana + Spell Crit + either Res or Mana Regen. @k0pfschuss @Aedax: Looks/sounds good, keep going guys! twitch.tv/enkivt
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I haven't tried it yet, but with vaal pact and LL gem in woudlnt i be able to do reflect? ( i did get my hand on a brotherhood ring and a lvl 3 empower)
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I've been enjoying the build and I'd like to move to a 6l Lightning coil. There's no way that I can afford a +3 empower. I would stick with ADL, but trying to 5b+1g a lightning coil is about 22k chroms. That's out of the question. Would a +2 empower with a 21 Arc be fine? It seems like a pretty decent loss in DPS compared to ADL. Is there a better G/R support that we could use there?
Also, could we be using Assassin's mark on our COH and then switch Power Charge on crit to something else? I'm new to Crit PC builds, so that might be a dumb question. IGN: dwreckedarc Zuletzt bearbeitet von dwrecked#5218 um 28.01.2016, 11:21:26
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I'm just curious where I might be going wrong, my tooltip seems way lower than most people. I know I only have a 5l -arc-pcoc-echo-coldpen-empower (3). Arc is 19 (maybe that's it) but I'm only getting like 9.2k tooltip without pcharges.
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" That does seem low. Link your gear? Honestly, if you aren't in t10+ maps, I'd probably switch to a tabula depending on your current chest. My tooltip DPS is 24881 uncharged. NOTE: I know my dagger is crap. I couldn't turn down a 3ex profit on my previous dagger, so this is a placeholder. My current priority for upgrades is dagger > 6l coil > Vessel of Vinktar . Anyone disagree with that? I'm wondering if I'd be better off spending the currency on 2 void batteries instead of the coil. It seems like a ridiculous DPS swing. " In response to my previous post. I had a tabula laying around. I had 37k Charged DPS with a 0% lvl 19 ADL and 20 Arc. I lost about 900 DPS going to a lvl 3 empower over the ADL. A 20% LVL 20 ADL would be around 2k DPS gain over empower w/ 21 arc, I'm guessing? That's not as exaggerated as I thought it would be. IGN: dwreckedarc Zuletzt bearbeitet von dwrecked#5218 um 28.01.2016, 13:07:24
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@mmogamer I would honestly buy a Vessel of Vinktar first, then the 6l coil, then a dagger. Dual Void Battery's are crazy high DPS and if that's what you want to go for then it's definitely a good buy, but in my opinion I would go for the vinktar first for sure. The flask absolutely negates the effect of reflect mobs (not map mod unfortunately, you'd need constant uptime of the flask throughout the whole map), not too mention it's added damage if you get that variant and proximity shock really boosts your DPS.
The 6l coil would be really helpful as well but just make sure you have enough chromatics to get that 4b1g1r. If you have problems with physical damage then I would consider buying a 6l coil over the void battery's. Your dagger right now seems fine even with the low spell damage. I think your scepter could get a little better if it had some crit multi, but as it looks right now your weapons seem fine. |
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" Thanks for the response. I was really leaning towards the batteries. I think I just need to sit on it for a bit. I definitely see your logic on the vinktars. I'll start shopping around. My first instinct was to go for the damage penetration one, but is the +damage to spells better because of brotherhood? I'm definitely a bit squishy which is why I was considering the coil next. I'll make sure to have an exalt worth of chroms laying around when I get it though. That'll be a pain. IGN: dwreckedarc
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@beardedmagician: Vaal Pact unfortunately doesn't allow us to run reflect maps.
One reason your DPS is lacking is because your wand has no spell damage except the implicit, other reason is you're missing lots of possible cast speed and Dark Arts from using a shield. Idk what your CI passive tree looks like, maybe there's more you can improve to get higher DPS. @mmogamr: I'm with Vaaroth on the purchase order, that's the best way you can go. Switching PCoC for CoH Ass Mark is very unreliable when you actually need the damage (single target) and you'll also either lose Warlords, or have to go dualcurse. ALD is indeed higher damage than Empower, but Empower offers us a red gem slot to socket life leech when needed (some bosses and blood magic maps), easier chroming for our BiS chest choice and another chain if you've reached the goal of Lv21 Arc + Lv4 Empower. twitch.tv/enkivt
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Current tree is below, sitting at about 9k es so far with disc up.
Passive skill tree build Also got a new dagger |
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