[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

demogorg schrieb:
Hey everybody, started a phys tornadoshot build following kinda this guide.

I can completely understand that pathfinder is the strongest option, but for me personal its to stressful to always check on the flasks and spam them at the right time.

so i decided for the deadeye since the raider seems the weakest option. Which ascendancyies are the right ones since we got 8 now and the guide covers "only"6

was away for like 6 month maybe the patches in between also changed like the ascnedancie points for deadeye overall?

Deadeye is definitely solid.

I recommend taking powerful precision in normal.
The 100% pierce, and +100% crit is extremely powerful in normal-cruel.
Far more so then fast and deadly's +stats.

in cruel, respec out of it and get Ricochet.
Merc-Far shot.

endgame laby. imho, Endless munitions.
All 3 leftovers at that point are ok, but imho none really stand out for a TS build.
Muntions gives a solid bit of accuracy, which you probably have enough of. But hey more. And an extra proj. +1 is not enough to let you remove gmp for lmp, or none. It may be useful for Curse on hit. nice to have, but not gamechanging for TS.
The +aoe has no effect on TS. (it IS super effective for blast rain. +aoe is very rare.)
Rupture. the 25% chance to bleed is not really enough to build around. You could get a tora bow, which makes this good. The crit multi IS nice if you can find a way to apply bleeding consistantly. The immune to bleeding extra damage is only really good early game, before you get a stanching flask.

Powerful prec. This is great early game, before you stack crit in gear and passives. But as you approach 70%+crit without this, THIS becomes less interesting. TS already has 100% peirce near you. And, your curse on hit, now has ricochet letting it propagate to other targets. A gmp+frenzy+pcoc+inc crit+coh+proj vul w/ricochet is going to do aces. or split shot if you will, or even iceshot(which will gain from your +aoe)
Proj return is useless.

so all 3 are acceptable, I think endless munitions is slightly more useful.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Casia#1093 um 06.09.2016, 06:11:17
Problemkind1903 schrieb:
Hey Guys,

well I experimented a little bit and now I'm a little desperate because nothing works like it should.

My Plan:

- Go the defensive Skilltree (More Life, capped Res etc)
- Go Tornado Shot/Blast Rain with decent DMG (Def should be priorize here)
- Farm Mid-High Tier range Maps withour Problems

What happend?

I don't know, i have unbuffed
- 5k Life
- 9k Eva
- 40% Dodge Attacks
- 44% Dodge Spells
- overcapped Res ( 97%, 79%, 95%, -9%)
- 47% Movement Speed
what sounds nice in theory but in practice it's rly hard to handle single bosses. I'm Lvl 90 and was killed by an Lvl 7 Vagan o_O wtf?
And my character can't outregenerate my Blood Rage. I have to use Stone Golem.

My Skilltree:


My Gear:

That's the first time i have no idea where the problem is. Can some1 help me please? If u want a private message is okay, too.

Amusingly, you have exactly what I was talking about. dodge, dodge, dodge, evade. one shot.
with no physical DR(you have 3 end charges from enduring cry only), you only have to get hit once.

Vagan USED to occasionally run resolute Technique. (hits can not be evaded) 100% hit rate on rangers, he slaughtered them.
I bet physical spells give you hell as well. Daresso floating swords, bone queens in bowels, etc.

Run a basalt flask instead of that bleeding life flask.
And decoy instead of the stone golem, probably.
Decoy, ice golem, and blink arrow, should not even get hit 90% of the time, just from manually avoiding damage and targeting.

I also highly recommend primal spirit, druidic rite, (and arcane chemistry if you can get over by scion) for ALL rangers, and doubly so for Pathfinders.

Natures boon 1flask charge every 3s is effected by charges gained. and you do get fractions of charges.
with +50% from primalspirit/druidic right, and the 10% you have to get to natures boon. you will get 1 charge, 2 charges, 1 charge, 2 charges, and so on.
Charge on crit is also effected by charges gained in the same way.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Casia#1093 um 06.09.2016, 06:48:58
Casia schrieb:

yeah, I am not a fan of raider. I tried it out with my flickerstrike char, to give it a fair shake. I think raider needs an entire rework. deadeye at least gives unique buffs ONLY deadeye provides.

Evade does not protect from spells. And even attacks its only when it works. physical hits get through. Dodge does the same thing, with spell dodge in acrobatics added in as well. This is why I push armor with pathfinder. you have physical DR, in addition to Elem resists. And even can have chaos resist, and more elem DR. covering all your bases.
raider "avoid" and dodge is just like Acrobatics. it will fail eventually. But is nice for reducing consistent incoming damage.

Avatar of the veil is the raiders best line. and in general is decent as is.
6% dodge on quartz infusion. phasing on kill, limited duration, but spooky ghost effect. "you have phasing" when max frenzy does not give spooky ghost effect, thus is worthless.
avatar itself gives that 20% move speed while phasing, immunity to status, and 10% spell dodge. Very good.

But as we noted, pathfinder also can get status immune. 20% move speed during flask. and.. can use:
Quartz flasks give phasing, and 10% dodge/spell dodge. (phasing first and foremost makes you look like a spooky ghost, and also lets you ignore collision.) 12% with 20% pathfinder, 15%/15% with 50%.

Chase line is good, but not great.
onslaught on kill, again trivial with silver flasks. Additive attack damage... weak.
50% onslaught effect.. so 10% as/ms/cs. again.. a few passive nodes saved?
25% more melee evade, 15% more proj evade. This is VERY good... But, is just rng again. And does nothing vs spells, especially physical spells, which ranger without armor has no defense vs.

next question is stacking evasion. Raider gets 15% each minor passive.
60% ok. neat.
same deal as granite flask, but now JADE flask of reflexes, and stibnite.
3000 evasion+100% evasion rating.
+stibnite of evasion. 100% evasion+100% evasion.
Raider gets 3000 eva+300%
20% Pathfinder gets 3600+360%

Lets say you had 2000 eva on gear, +150% in tree.
Raider-5000+510% with flasks up.=30,750 eva.
Pathfinder-5600+510%=34,160 eva
(a pathfinder that goes up into witch gets a full 50% flask effect, not just 20)
Also note, a pathfinder has a much higher up time on flasks, due to duration and charge generation, conversely, there are only 5 slots. Its easy to pretend the pathfinder has all flasks at all times, when they do not. if you run stibnite, granite, and jade, thats 3 of your 5, on defense, and not even a life flask. silver, and quartz not being counted yet either..

Avatar of the slaughter is raiders worst line and a "noob" trap. it only exist for +1 frenzy, the rest is utter trash. and trickster gives +1 frenzy for 2 points.
way of the poacher 10% AS, a basic passive. even natures adrenaline is far better. the 15% chance for frenzy is totally unreliable, no one would make use of it in place of poachers/frenzy/bloodrage, etc for controlled charge generation. may as well not exist imho. (I want this to be 100% chance on hit gain frenzy charge. 3s cd, or 1 charge per attack)
+frenzy duration on the minors is also laughable.
avatar of the slaughter is +1 frenzy. that is great. but the additive ad and attack speed is terrible, because it just adding damage. Even with the max 11 frenzy charges its just 33% AD,AS, 22% move. while these may sound great.. they just ADD, making them little more then basic passives.

Vet bowyer's extra elem damage, and 10% elem penetration are FAR more damage. both multiply your damage. Same with master herbalist's poison. its extra damage, multiplying.

Slaughter needs to do something that is more then just +stats.

Raider in boot form... as if you needed more reason to skip raider.

(ps also drives me nuts there is no trap/minion/mine line for ranger. Why in the world is a witch the best mirror arrow character?)

Woow, I am very very greatfull for your help and explanation of some raider-ascendacy skills :). You explain very well! Now I understand a bit more about ascendancy classes of ranger thanks to you.

I did a bit research on my own as well, about mechanics of "more" vs "increased" and now I see that onslaught raider rout isn't as good as I first thought (although Onslaught on kill is still very nice :P).

Again thx for your help, will be choosing Pathfinder today after I do labs :).

P.S. Would like to add that now I agree with you that Raider should be reworked a bit to be more unique.
Tears make streams. Fish live in streams. I like fish.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Powderoff#1246 um 06.09.2016, 06:46:01
Hey Guys,

well I experimented a little bit and now I'm a little desperate because nothing works like it should.

Get yourself Immortal Flesh belt to compensate blood rage and overcapped resistances. BTW what numbers you have?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von ZerotuL#1517 um 06.09.2016, 06:45:47
Casia schrieb:
Problemkind1903 schrieb:
Hey Guys,

well I experimented a little bit and now I'm a little desperate because nothing works like it should.

My Plan:

- Go the defensive Skilltree (More Life, capped Res etc)
- Go Tornado Shot/Blast Rain with decent DMG (Def should be priorize here)
- Farm Mid-High Tier range Maps withour Problems

What happend?

I don't know, i have unbuffed
- 5k Life
- 9k Eva
- 40% Dodge Attacks
- 44% Dodge Spells
- overcapped Res ( 97%, 79%, 95%, -9%)
- 47% Movement Speed
what sounds nice in theory but in practice it's rly hard to handle single bosses. I'm Lvl 90 and was killed by an Lvl 7 Vagan o_O wtf?
And my character can't outregenerate my Blood Rage. I have to use Stone Golem.

My Skilltree:


My Gear:

That's the first time i have no idea where the problem is. Can some1 help me please? If u want a private message is okay, too.

Amusingly, you have exactly what I was talking about. dodge, dodge, dodge, evade. one shot.
with no physical DR(you have 3 end charges from enduring cry only), you only have to get hit once.

Vagan USED to occasionally run resolute Technique. (hits can not be evaded) 100% hit rate on rangers, he slaughtered them.
I bet physical spells give you hell as well. Daresso floating swords, bone queens in bowels, etc.

Run a basalt flask instead of that bleeding life flask.
And decoy instead of the stone golem, probably.
Decoy, ice golem, and blink arrow, should not even get hit 90% of the time, just from manually avoiding damage and targeting.

I also highly recommend primal spirit, druidic rite, (and arcane chemistry if you can get over by scion) for ALL rangers, and doubly so for Pathfinders.

Natures boon 1flask charge every 3s is effected by charges gained. and you do get fractions of charges.
with +50% from primalspirit/druidic right, and the 10% you have to get to natures boon. you will get 1 charge, 2 charges, 1 charge, 2 charges, and so on.
Charge on crit is also effected by charges gained in the same way.

Okay, thanks man. Will try it out.
Can your build be used with Windripper Casia?
I don't think I put up any specific build? more, just commenting on optimizing builds. particular for pathfinder. My TS is based directly on Neversinks op.

My TS pathfinder actually got a windripper back in perandus. I never did swap over, the decent elem harbringer was doing effectively the same thing.

Any gear build will have some special concerns. with windripper, very low phys scaling, making IAS and crit supreme.
Ptl wont do as much for you, but still decent for conversion to make what little phys you have do something. Added lit or cold probably better.
Vet bower for pathfinder is double edged as well. The elem pen is more valuable, but the extra fire damage from phys is less so.

master alchemists 20% shock/freeze/ignite would seem to pair very well with windrippers IIQ/IIR...

Deadeye same as usual, Chain and more damage at range.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Casia#1093 um 06.09.2016, 09:52:13
I feel I need to make a counterpoint, to myself.

Discussing the power and value of armor, its relation to acrobatics, and pathfinder, I should have mentioned Taste of hate.


Legacy on standard is 30% of physical damage taken as cold damage.
New ones are 20% of physical damage taken as cold damage.

This does of course provide a very strong physical damage DR, without armor.
this 20 or 30% also of course scales with flask effect.
And, if pathfinder-master alch, immune to chill/frozen, so the incoming cold will not chill/freeze you.
Raider can also get this of course as well. Deadeye can not, and must use an "of heat".

A basic granite is more common imho. But if you have access to, and are running a taste of hate, you have an argument for getting acrobatics.
Casia schrieb:
Problemkind1903 schrieb:
Hey Guys,

well I experimented a little bit and now I'm a little desperate because nothing works like it should.

My Plan:

- Go the defensive Skilltree (More Life, capped Res etc)
- Go Tornado Shot/Blast Rain with decent DMG (Def should be priorize here)
- Farm Mid-High Tier range Maps withour Problems

What happend?

I don't know, i have unbuffed
- 5k Life
- 9k Eva
- 40% Dodge Attacks
- 44% Dodge Spells
- overcapped Res ( 97%, 79%, 95%, -9%)
- 47% Movement Speed
what sounds nice in theory but in practice it's rly hard to handle single bosses. I'm Lvl 90 and was killed by an Lvl 7 Vagan o_O wtf?
And my character can't outregenerate my Blood Rage. I have to use Stone Golem.

My Skilltree:


My Gear:

That's the first time i have no idea where the problem is. Can some1 help me please? If u want a private message is okay, too.

Amusingly, you have exactly what I was talking about. dodge, dodge, dodge, evade. one shot.
with no physical DR(you have 3 end charges from enduring cry only), you only have to get hit once.

Vagan USED to occasionally run resolute Technique. (hits can not be evaded) 100% hit rate on rangers, he slaughtered them.
I bet physical spells give you hell as well. Daresso floating swords, bone queens in bowels, etc.

Run a basalt flask instead of that bleeding life flask.
And decoy instead of the stone golem, probably.
Decoy, ice golem, and blink arrow, should not even get hit 90% of the time, just from manually avoiding damage and targeting.

I also highly recommend primal spirit, druidic rite, (and arcane chemistry if you can get over by scion) for ALL rangers, and doubly so for Pathfinders.

Natures boon 1flask charge every 3s is effected by charges gained. and you do get fractions of charges.
with +50% from primalspirit/druidic right, and the 10% you have to get to natures boon. you will get 1 charge, 2 charges, 1 charge, 2 charges, and so on.
Charge on crit is also effected by charges gained in the same way.

This is exactly what I'm afraid of, and my solution is to run Daresso's armor. Those end charges should help. My concern is resists, so I'm going to have to find really decent Belt, and jewelery. Going to run Alphas Howl, Reach, Drillneck, Maligaros, Atziri's Step and I would LIKE to run the Phys belt from Atziri, but I don't know if I'd have enough life and might have to go for a Rustic or even a Leather Belt.

Taking Charisma Nodes and Alphas SHOULD let me run Grace, Hatred and Herald of Ash + herald of Ice. That'll offset the damage lost from Rats NEst and let me have crazy high evasion with a Jade up, so that from Daresso's I'll have End charges up ALL THE TIME so that when I DO get hit, my Immortal Call will proc and I'll be alright.

Then there's things like Taste of Hate, etc and I really think I'll be alright.
Hi guys, does anybody know if shrapnel shot works with this build? Thanx in advance

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