[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

Sotto_voce schrieb:
IceeeD schrieb:
I'm using Lioneye`s Glare and because it has so high attack speed, I recommend switching Faster Attacks for other support gem. With 7 Frenzy Charges and Blood Rage I really don`t need Faster Attacks. Not to mention Vaal Haste.

In a 5L, I`m using TS - GMP - PPAD - PtL - Pierce (because of Drillneck).

Maybe you'll have lower tooltip dps, but that's not what's important. Your attacks will do more dmg and your attack speed will be high enough. =)

There's not really much point using Physical to Lightning without WED. You'd be better using another gem like crit multi.

Though that is true damage wise, using PtL will allow for better survivability against phys reflect.
Kryshlom schrieb:
Hi again, guyz.
If i change in Normal "slay all" and on 75 lvl take Oak favour i dont miss % health? When i lvl up, i ever gain +x life. Thanks for answer!

Whenever you level up, you always gain 12 life each level. That is regardless of your bandit choice.

Now when switching from a "slay all" skill point to the +40 life from Oak at lvl 75, you lose 1 skill point, but you gain 40 flat life. That flat life, just like all your other flat life is multiplied by every % increased life you have on gear and tree. So that +40 life could easiliy increase your actual life by >100.

Hope that answers your question.
DaneOfTheHill schrieb:
Just returning to the game, new to 2.0

I have been reading around a lot, but cannot find the explanation for the change in main setup of gems. I am using Drillneck. I used to run this setup:

But now this is no longer recommended, what changed here? Is it still viable? Feels to me like it is still very potent. I also noticed that my resistances are down, are there any good suggestions to grabbin a little fire and lightning res?

Any suggestions on how to improve gear. All of this was super expensive for someone with one end game character like me, and I don't know where I can improve without losing needed res, life, int or str.

Any feedback would be awsome.

That setup used to be prefect, and is still very viable. It is however no longer optimal due to a couple changes to the game:
1. Increase crit damage gem got nerfed hard. From around 150 crit multi to 79.
2. The new gem "Physical to Lightning" got introduced somewhere in 1.3. This gem is very powerfull because it:
2a: provides safety against phys reflect packs, because 50% of phys damage is converted to lightning
2b: allows for consistend shocking of enemies, which when shocked recieve 50% increased damage from your attacks
2c: Synergises very well with the Weapon Elemental Damage gem which give >50% MORE weapon elemental damage. So this multiplies all the shock damage from the PtL gem.

As for your resists, try to get a gem that has those resists on them. Or in the meanwhile you could always spec into "Cloth and Chain" which gives 15% all res, and a lot of evasion for 2 skill points.

Using 4 uniques can make it very hard to manage resists. I suggest switching out your boots for ones with life+tri-res+movespeed. That gives you room to improve on your other gear, such as your ammy. You really want crit multi on there.

SumimiSumomo schrieb:
My first character to make it to merc on any difficulty (let alone maps) was done solely by maximizing Tornado Shot and it's damage.

Up until I found my damage lacking in a3m I stopped being self-found and bought myself a bow

I read through the guide here, looking for ideas on how I can improve my gem set ups and outputs. My gear is /really/ bad (not even capped resists, 2.4k health @70), and I'm quite poor in currency so it will be quite a while before I replace this weapon.

So, I have a question.

Since physical reflect is the bane of this bow. Is it a good idea to run something like Lightning Arrow - FA - Physical to Lightning - GMP on the switch? I have a Darkscorn and Infractem to put there.

...it's not possible for monsters to roll both reflects is it?

That would be a good idea since that converts all phys damage into lightning. However, that also means you no longer leech life, and more importantly mana. So you may want to equip some pots for whenever you make the switch.

Yeah, I think it's possible to roll double reflect. However, ele damage is more easily mitigated due to your resists. In that case also equip a Topaz flask to mitigate more of the phys reflect. You may also want to put a life leech, or life gain on hit(infractem) gem in that setup, otherwise there's no way to leech back the damage that is reflected to you. Of course you could use life pots, but depending on the reflected damage you could run out very quickly before the pack is dead.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Fritso#3688 um 06.08.2015, 02:56:56
Fritso schrieb:
Sotto_voce schrieb:
IceeeD schrieb:
I'm using Lioneye`s Glare and because it has so high attack speed, I recommend switching Faster Attacks for other support gem. With 7 Frenzy Charges and Blood Rage I really don`t need Faster Attacks. Not to mention Vaal Haste.

In a 5L, I`m using TS - GMP - PPAD - PtL - Pierce (because of Drillneck).

Maybe you'll have lower tooltip dps, but that's not what's important. Your attacks will do more dmg and your attack speed will be high enough. =)

There's not really much point using Physical to Lightning without WED. You'd be better using another gem like crit multi.

Though that is true damage wise, using PtL will allow for better survivability against phys reflect.

Reflect was basically removed in 2.0, and with the removal of Thornflesh too, it's currently a thing of the past.
IGN: Mezzovoce
Shop: 958901
GMT (London)
Sotto_voce schrieb:
Fritso schrieb:
Sotto_voce schrieb:

There's not really much point using Physical to Lightning without WED. You'd be better using another gem like crit multi.

Though that is true damage wise, using PtL will allow for better survivability against phys reflect.

Reflect was basically removed in 2.0, and with the removal of Thornflesh too, it's currently a thing of the past.

Would'nt call it a thing of the past, though it has indeed been nerfed. With high damage, and/or using Lioneyes (which means the reflect always hits you) it can still lead to scary situations.

I've been hit by reflect for >4k for a couple times in 2.0. And I'm using Vaal pact with life leech gem. Without it, it would have been a certain RIP.
hey guys
if anyone can tell me what the hell i have wrong here and help me to set some gems in good place that would be the great thing for me:)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Vulcanic00#1552 um 06.08.2015, 06:51:06
Fritso schrieb:

Though that is true damage wise, using PtL will allow for better survivability against phys reflect.
Sotto_voce schrieb:

Reflect was basically removed in 2.0, and with the removal of Thornflesh too, it's currently a thing of the past.
Fritso schrieb:

Would'nt call it a thing of the past, though it has indeed been nerfed. With high damage, and/or using Lioneyes (which means the reflect always hits you) it can still lead to scary situations.

I've been hit by reflect for >4k for a couple times in 2.0. And I'm using Vaal pact with life leech gem. Without it, it would have been a certain RIP.

Well, I have a 525 dps bow and I'm not having any problems without a LL gem or Vaal Pact - the thing about reflect now is it only affects the rare mob, not the entire pack, and it seems to only tickle now. If it's a phys reflect mob I use Tornado Shot, if it's ele reflect I use Puncture.

Now if you mean actual reflect maps, that's another matter entirely. I just reroll them.
IGN: Mezzovoce
Shop: 958901
GMT (London)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Sotto_voce#4411 um 06.08.2015, 04:19:42
Hey everyone, first of all neversink, cheers for the guide! Amazing job :)
Secondly, seeing everyone here help each other out, awesome!

Here is my gear i'm running at the moment :

While i am fairly happy with it ( get up to 70k split and 144k frenzy with all buffs up), i just can't figure out what my next upgrade should be.

I have saved up almost 100exalts, should i be going for a 400pdps+ 6l? or should i get a better 6l chest to drop res on quiver/rings? Or maybe even a headhunter?

All suggestions welcome :)
That setup used to be prefect, and is still very viable. It is however no longer optimal due to a couple changes to the game:
1. Increase crit damage gem got nerfed hard. From around 150 crit multi to 79.
2. The new gem "Physical to Lightning" got introduced somewhere in 1.3. This gem is very powerfull because it:
2a: provides safety against phys reflect packs, because 50% of phys damage is converted to lightning
2b: allows for consistend shocking of enemies, which when shocked recieve 50% increased damage from your attacks
2c: Synergises very well with the Weapon Elemental Damage gem which give >50% MORE weapon elemental damage. So this multiplies all the shock damage from the PtL gem.

As for your resists, try to get a gem that has those resists on them. Or in the meanwhile you could always spec into "Cloth and Chain" which gives 15% all res, and a lot of evasion for 2 skill points.

Using 4 uniques can make it very hard to manage resists. I suggest switching out your boots for ones with life+tri-res+movespeed. That gives you room to improve on your other gear, such as your ammy. You really want crit multi on there.

I really like the boots though. Might go Cloth and Chain and see if that give me enough room to wiggle in a nore powerfull amulet. Another option could be to get some res for a jewel!? Thanks a lot for the feedback, that makes the game come alive.

I have changed the setup of the gems now, this does indeed seem to give a higher damage output:

I am thinking to save up the 1500 fusings to 6-link this, would you do this?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von DaneOfTheHill#3658 um 06.08.2015, 05:16:59

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