Ranger Build List - patch 3.15

Zerphi EA Pathfinder - Hall of Grandmasters & PvP - also able to clear atlas up to T16
Update, enjoy :)
Hey I'm pretty new to the game and was just wondering how your Energy From Within Jewel is 12% maximum energy shield? As it only goes from 3-6% according to wiki. Thanks :)
Oops wrong thread :P:P
please add my Dark pact RF build, thank you

The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
<moved to page 14 of replies because of possible overseeing>
Zuletzt bearbeitet von JoBilly um 10.10.2017, 08:56:54

Hello again man. Have updated my guide to 3.0. It's nearly the same as 2.6, my build wasn't effected by nerfs it will be updated a bit this weekend in minor details about links and God powers. The guide is top tier, all map mods, everything down, with videos as it was in 2.6. Thx in advance.

I made a Lacerate/Warchief totem Raider with Abyssus + Grace/Iron reflexes.
Shaper/Guardian viable, uber Lab with helmet change, Atziri easy, still didn't tried u-atz.

hi there! i would like to add my pathfinder build
[3.0] The Frozen Path ( Pathfinder Conversion TS + 3M Shaper DPS Barrage }
Zuletzt bearbeitet von pathofexilegod um 25.09.2017, 03:29:58
I'd like to add this Windripper MF currency farming build. Super fun.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von ShadoKM um 01.10.2017, 03:14:26

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