Me clicking on the "arena" and nothing happening
This Is constantly happening. Getting stuck inside boss arena, losing all the loot I have been hard grinding. Buying precursors with more rarity and quantity, investing a lot of time for this happening all the time, Is not the first time I have been reporting this bug and you guys release updates and not fix this situation. Please give more attention to this problems.
Invest a bit of your resources to work in this bugs, I believe you're doing it right now but once we know the game have a lot of bugs create a button or something that allow the player to unstuck inside the game and this don't happen
Edit: Not able to share image, so here's the link for both
- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gwvdrifaulso5hi0iyqc4/Captura-de-ecr-2025-02-10-011245.png?rlkey=5zw6gsmeske4g00iy6vm8do8x&st=fmczchjw&dl=0