[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster for End Game.
Welcome exile! Jenno here.
Want to play a build that isn't solely focusing on pumping damage, but also emphasizing on building good defense? Want to try a spell caster that can be used as a all-rounder for all POE content within a reasonable budget? Or just want to get the refreshing feel of making use of unpopular mechanisms to tackle end-game challenge? You've come to the right place, introducing Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist. ![]() 3.20 update: After the nerf in 3.20, we lost 20-25% damage. Now max DPS with rare staff is around 28M (previously max is 35M) Videos
Uber Shaper
Uber Uber Elder
Uber Maven
Uber Searing Exarch
Uber Sirus
Uber Eater of Worlds
Simulacrum Wave 30
Build Story
This build is the result of my efforts in designing a well-balanced spell caster for all end-game contents. For the league I started out with Zizaran's league start version and then transitioned into CantripN's Permafreeze version. Both builds have been great source of inspiration to me and functioned pretty well in early and mid game. As soon as I reach the performance cap of the builds, I started to find new ways to improve my character's damage and defense. As a result, I went on a quest of designing new lightning conduit build. I chose not to go with Doryani's Prototype because I didn't want to make a build that that relies on league-specific item to work. In the meantime, I needed to control the budget within around 40 divine due to my limited play time. These constraints have forced me to find other cheaper alternatives on offense and defenses. Through this quest, I focused on the following two principles (with more details in mechanics section): 1. While improving damage, target-improve defense against various specific mechanisms in game 2. Integrating interesting interactions that can greatly improve the quality of gameplay despite showing no quantitative improvement on POB The resulting build has well-exceeded my expectation. I was able to easily clear end-game content with the character, and had a ton of fun designing and testing the build. Here I would like to share the build with POE community, hoping you can feel the same excitement while playing the build. Build Highlights
This section features note-worthy highlights of the build with end-game setup: 20M lightning conduit DPS: Our goal is to create a well-balanced build rather than 100M+ DPS glass cannon. This damage is more than enough to handle even the most difficult content in game. 75% attack block chance: Pure block chance, NOT with Glancing Blows. This is the primary layer for defending attacks. 43% evade chance: This is secondary layer for defending attacks. 100% spell suppression: We cap spell suppression without condition, it means we take half of spell hits and any ailment (Ignite, Poison, Bleed) caused by spells. This is the primary layer for defending spells. 33% spell block: This is secondary layer for defending spells. 75% all resistances: Additional defense layer for elemental and chaos damage type. 76% phys damage reduction: with 17.8k armour and 4 endurance charges(gain when being hit). This is additional layer for physical damage. 1300+ effective life regen: This combines Over-leech plus existing life regen. 80-90% reduced extra crit damage taken: Main source of burst damage defense Perma-freeze all monster and small bosses: Our defense layer on enemy side. 40% chill on all big bosses: Additional Defense layer for pinnacle boss fights Permanent Onslaught during combat: Because of Culling Strike + Anomalous Onslaught support + fast cast speed interaction. Damage Splitting between HP/ES: From Burden of Truth. Petrified Blood: Yet another defensive layer for life loss prevention. Immediate Recovery of all HP/ES with single tap of flask: From Supreme Decadence More details can be found in the next mechanics section, along with many quality of life interactions. Mechanics Explained
In this section, I will explain thoughts and ideas put into the build in great detail. We will discuss different mechanics and interactions used by build and my thought process behind it. Hopefully this can help everyone get a good understanding of the build. We will talk about the mechanics of the build in 3 categories: Defense, Offense, Others. Defense
We start out with defenses because I designed the defensive layers before the offensive mechanics for this build. We will walk through the journey of making our build tanky, and hopefully by the end you will see what I meant by "target-improving defense against various specific mechanisms in game". Permanent Freeze
This mechanic is inspired by CantripN, the idea is simple: if monsters and bosses around you are frozen, then you survive. In my opinion, this mechanic is the most important defensive layer of our build. Unfortunately, Permanent Freeze is still heavily underrated by player base because its benefits are observable in-game only, rather than showing you nice numbers on POB. In order to permanently freeze enemy, one needs to answer yes to the following 4 questions: 1. Can your damage type freeze? By default, only cold damage can freeze. Our build answers yes to this question through Three Dragons. This item overrides the freeze infliction damage type from cold to lightning, such that our lightning damage dealt by Lightning Conduit has the potential to freeze. As a side effect, lightning damage cannot inflict shock anymore, I will explain how we overcome this in the Offense Mechanics section under Orb of Storms. 2. Is your chance to freeze high enough? Critical Strikes have 100% chance to freeze. Non-critical strike requires additional chance to freeze mod to inflict freezing. Our build answers yes to this question through critical strikes, our 97% critical strike chance of Lightning Conduit means 97% chance to freeze for each hit. 3. Is your single hit damage high enough to ensure a minimum freeze duration? The more single-hit damage, more freeze duration (with a cap of 3s). Any damage that leads to less than 0.3s freeze will not trigger freeze at all. To properly freeze enemy, single-hit damage needs to remove at least 5% life of monster or 2.5% of life on bosses. (see POE Wiki - Freeze) Our build answers yes to this question with around 4.5M single hit against bosses. This can freeze any bosses that has less than 180M HP, IF the boss can be frozen. I will provide more detail about this "IF" later, but the short answer is we will freeze any boss that can be frozen. 4. Can you sustain freeze? If you freeze bosses for 0.5 seconds for every hit, but your hit frequency is once per second. Then the boss still won't be permanently frozen. Therefore, you still need a decent cast speed to ensure it never wakes up. Our build has 4.8 hits/second. Even with minimal freeze duration of 0.3s, the target will remain permanently frozen. After answering yes to the above 4 questions, we will freeze anything that can be frozen. Here is a showcase on uber-shaper's portal boss even with 70% less damage mod. ![]() As I hinted earlier, there are two more things about freeze that are related to our build. First, there are many end-game boss that cannot be entirely frozen, because freeze works by reducing 100% of action speed, and many end-game bosses have a minimum action speed (see list of such bosses from Wiki). Next, to freeze entire screen of monsters, it requires freeze spreading, because our lightning conduit can only damage (therefore freeze) a specific area. One such important mod we need is "Freezes you inflict spread to other Enemies within a Radius of 12 (or higher)". The mod can be easily accessible through Searing Exarch implicits on gloves. To conclude permanent freeze, it is a different defensive layer from conventional defensive mechanisms. Permanent freeze prevents damage from the damage source rather than mitigating the damage dealt to you, which makes it much more effective in keeping you alive than other defensive layers. To us, this is only the start of our defensive layers. Chill
So we freeze anything that can be frozen, a fair question to ask next is: what about those that can't? Well, the answer is chill. Through Elementalist's Shaper of Winter ascendancy node, our lightning damage can chill too. Because the single-hit damage is high enough plus the additional non-ailment effect mods in our build, we apply 40% chill whenever we hit enemy. The 40% chill mainly is used for most difficult bosses that can be frozen. Our Chill effect reduces the action speed by 40% and it works similarly to permanent freeze as a defensive layer, because it also mitigates the damage output from the source. Thanks to the chill effect, we are often able to face tank many end-game bosses (like shown in Simulacrum wave 30 video). Defense Against Attacks
Defending attack damage is one of the most important aspects in building defenses because attack-based bosses are in the majority of the current game. To handle attack damages, we choose Block and Evasion. Block
When it comes to Mitigating attack damage, the primary defensive layer is block. Our build easily caps out block chance at 75% thanks to our weapon choice and trees. Here is a breakdown of our attack block chance: ![]() As you can see, the tree and weapon are the major source of attack block chance. The weapon itself is widely accessible (Item acquisition mentioned in gear section). Other than that, we cap out attack block with very cheap items: rumi's concoction, and an abyssal jewel that provides +2% block chance when damaged. With a capped attack block at 75%, only 1 out of 4 attacks will breach this defensive layer. (if they are not frozen already :p) Evasion
To further strengthen defense against attack damage, we invest in decent amount of evasion in gears and flask to gain 43% evasion chance. This is only a secondary defensive layer for attack damage because our block has done the heavy lifting already. Defense Against Spells
Spell damage type is more dangerous than attack damage in end-game because the most difficult bosses uses more spells than attacks (like Shaper, Maven, Sirus, etc). How our build defends against spell damage is through investing in Spell Suppression and Spell Block. Spell Suppression
Our build invests in trees and gears to reach 100% unconditional spell suppression. Spell suppression can allow us to take 50% less damage from spell hits and ailments(Bleeding, Poison, Ignite) caused by spells. Here is a breakdown of spell suppression in our build: ![]() As shown above, we get most of spell suppression from tree, and only getting spell suppression on two gears can allow us to reach an unconditional 100% suppression. The unconditional part is very crucial because it can guarantee our character will take half of spell damage ALL THE TIME. Many players make this mistake by reaching 100% spell suppression through conditional spell suppression (such as quartz flask). However, during flask downtime, there is still a huge difference between 90% spell suppression and 100% unconditional spell suppression. Suppose in a map, out of many spell hits, there are 10 spell hits that can one-shot you, then a build with 90% spell suppression will be one-shotted by an average of 10 hits. In other words, on average the build will die in every map. 99% spell suppression in the same scenario will die once every 10 maps. As you can see, a merely 9% addition leads to a 10 times of difference in the outcomes. A 100% unconditional spell suppression means the build never die from spell hits in this setting. Spell Block
In addition to the spell suppression, the build also has 33% spell block such that roughly 1 in 3 spells won't deal damage to us. We didn't put much efforts in spell block chances because of the diminishing return of investing in spell block after 100% spell suppression. But thanks to our weapon choice, the passive tree often offers spell block chances along with attack block chance when using two-handed staff. Petrified Blood - Yet another Defense Layer
Petrified blood is a powerful defense mechanic that converts part of incoming hit damage that results in life loss into damage over time. A good metaphor for this is: instead of paying for damage at a full cost, you pay with a loan that has negative interest rate. Ziz made a detailed guide on how petrified blood makes you tanky. The most powerful thing about petrified blood is over-leech. Once you have a leeching source and unreserved life is more than reserved life, you are always leeching when you kill enemies. In our case, we have 883 life leeched every second from our skill. This can be viewed as 833/s additional life regen in combat. On top of Over-leech, we have 494/s life regen because of vitality and bottled faith, so that our effective life regen is now 1300+/second. Combining this further with various life gained on block nodes and recover %life on kill mod, the petrified's blood damage over time can be entirely mitigated. So that in my previous "loan" metaphor, you can get away with paying "down payment" only. Petrified blood also has a unique interaction with burden of truth on HP/ES damage splitting for even more defensive power, I will leave that to the next "Damage Splitting" section. Furthermore, petrified blood has many offensive benefits too, with details in offense mechanics section. Damage Splitting between HP/ES
By default, energy shield protects your life such that all incoming damage types except chaos will first deplete your energy shield, then reduce your life. Damage splitting is enabled by the burden of truth belt. It makes the damage dealt to you split between life and ES, rather than from single source. To see how damage splitting makes us tanky, let's see the survival of a character from a simplified view: survival is simply a dynamic process between two opposing forces: loss and gain, such that we die when we lose all HP/ES and we live by gaining more HP/ES than we lose. In this scenario, it's important to know that both HP and ES have their own way of gaining itself to counter the loss. However, normally only one of such gain can fight the incoming loss at a given time. For example, when you are on full HP, life regen or life leech won't do anything when ES is taking damage. Damage splitting makes it so that both HP and ES gains are jointly fighting the incoming loss together instead of one after another. Damage splitting is very effective in hybrid HP/ES build, especially when the build has various source of regen and leech. In our case, damage splitting is a perfect fit for us because we have many ways of gaining both life and ES, such as regen, leech, gain % on block, gain % on kill, etc. To add to that, petrified blood's over leech effect can play a significant role in reducing the burden of ES. In addition, Petrified blood and damage splitting have their own interactions too. As recap, petrified blood makes our HP stay at half, and it only prevents damage that results in a life loss below half HP. Under default setting, petrified blood won't help prevent any hit that damages ES, because our HP always stays at half while ES is being reduced. With damage splitting, in addition to both HP/ES gains jointly countering the incoming damage, part of the damage can now result in life loss below half HP, which further triggers the damage prevention for even less damage taken. To conclude, damage splitting is another important defensive mechanic in our build. Similar to permanent freeze, it is a defensive mechanic that doesn't display as any number on POB but it can make a big difference in actual game play. Therefore, it is not a surprise that this defensive mechanic is very unpopular. To us, burden of truth is definitely a must-have for this build for its damage splitting capability. But the reason of using burden of truth doesn't end here, as it unlocks an even more important aspect of our build: Supreme Decadence, which I will explain next. Defense against burst damage
Burst damage is the sudden spikes in the stream of incoming damages, and it is often the result of critical strikes. Technically speaking, our build's defensive layers described so far can already defend against burst damage to a great extent. Like block/evasion reducing the chance of such damage, spell suppression reducing the damage taken, petrified blood + damage splitting providing further damage prevention. On top of things mentioned above, our build takes additional consideration of defending burst damage on two aspects: 1. preventing the extra critical strike damage 2. Once we take a burst damage, how to fully recover. Reduced extra critical damage taken
A major source of one-shot mechanic in end-game is crit damage. Whenever you see a map that says: "monster has 300% increased critical strike chance and +50% crit multiplier", you are easily one-shotted. Because a 3k damage can become 6k under crit condition. Our build reaches up to 90% reduced extra critical damage taken through passive and watcher's eye. A 90% reduced crit damage taken means instead of taking 6k damage, we take 3.3k, which is only sightly more than the normal hit. The higher the critical damage, more significant the effect of reduction will be. The reduced crit damage taken can ensure the incoming damage stream is being smoothed so that it is more predicable, which leads to a better survivability. Supreme Decadence
Supreme Decadence is a keystone passive that we can get for free with the burden of truth. It allows our life flask recovery to also recover energy shield. However there are some catches to it, I recommend watching this short video, it does a fantastic job explaining the mechanic in detail. To briefly summarize the video, Supreme Decadence is one of the only few options currently in game that can recover large amount of ES instantly. It only works with life flask that provides instant recovery. But the amount of instant recovery on life flask is often limited. Luckily, the life flask mod "instant recovery when on low life" is here to save the day. It allows us to recover 2k+ HP and ES immediately. Here's the life flask with the mod: The effect of recovery is further magnified by our build's philosophy of quality over quantity on HP/ES pool. With petrified blood, Although build has 2k active life and 2k ES, each HP/ES point can tank a LOT of damage. Through Supreme Decadence, a 2k HP+ES instant recovery means our build fully recovering to full state with a single tap of life flask. Having this "single-key reset button" can greatly improve our survivability, and it only costs 15 charges out of 45 total charges. In scenario like simulacrum, we never run out of charges, which means we have unlimited number of reset buttons. Here is a showcase of how life flask with Supreme Decadence recovers us to full when I made a mistake and took a shot-gun projectile from Kosis: ![]() Additional Defense against different damage types
On top of everything I've mentioned above, most of the builds also have another damage mitigation layer against specific damage type, for example, elemental resistance for elemental damage. This section illustrates how our build handles various specific damage types. Against elemental damage: We made sure our resistance is over-capped slightly in hideout, such that during combat we can still cap our resistance after elemental weakness (or exposure) with help from 4 additional endurance charges. Against chaos damage: 75% chaos resistance is a must for all-rounder build, our build is no exception. Despite Chaos damage being not as common as other damage types, it is still frequently seen in end-game bosses and maps. For example, Simulacrum bosses deal a considerable amount of chaos damage, Sirus also deals a large portion of chaos damage. In maps, monster's poison will make you take chaos damage over time and it can stack many times. Many people make the mistake of ignoring chaos resistance and found themselves constantly getting one-shotted. This is why capping chaos resistance is one of the top priorities in our build, so that chaos damage doesn't become our weakness. Against physical damage: physical damage includes physical damage from hits (such as Izaro's attack) and damage over time (such as bleeding). For hits damage our determination + defiance banner aura + rumi's concoction can give us about 17.8k armour. Combining the armour with 4 endurance charges that we gain whenever being hit, it results in about 76% phys damage reduction. We will talk about damage over time defense in the next section. Defense against Damage Over Time
This section details the defensive mechanisms of this build against damage over time. Many of such mechanisms are covered in other sections already, but here I will summarize them specifically in the context of Damage Over Time, then comment on specific damage over time types. When it comes to Damave over Time damage, in general there are two strategies of handling it: 1. Having many ways of gaining HP/ES (like having good regen, gain on block/kill, flask, etc) such that you gain more than you lose. 2. Mitigating DoT damage based on damage its damage type (like getting immunity for a specific DoT type). In our build, we have both strategies prepared. Here are the related mechanics of the build for DoT defense: Spell Suppression: DoT damage caused by spell will be suppressed by 50% Life over leech + ES leech + Damage splitting: Both leech sources can counter DoT damage together thanks to damage splitting HP/ES regen + gain on block/kill: Similar to the leech, they are also important source of DoT counters Lethe Shade: This is not mentioned before. It is a keystone passive that makes us take 50% less DoT damage on top of everything else. The catch is that it doubles the duration, which is not a big deal because more duration means we are buying more time for our leech+regen to counter them. Also many DoT damage doesn't have a duration (such as ground effects), in that case we simply get the 50% less DoT damage taken for free. Supreme Decadence: One good thing about DoT damage is that it is very predictable, because you can simply watch how your HP/ES reduces over time. If everything mentioned above still couldn't counter DoT, then simply hit the "reset button" when you feel you are low enough. For example, when I'm fighting this monster while standing on burning ground, I simply wait until my ES goes low enough then recover and move on. ![]() Next, I will talk about several specific Damage over Time types: Bleeding and corrupted blood: Among all the DoT types, bleeding and corrupted blood are the most unpredictable DoT damage because of their damage is based on moving. Therefore they pose the most threat to us. That's why we need bleeding & corrupted blood immunity on life flask to remove them in time. This will obviously take some reaction time, but from my game play this league, I found our DoT damage defensive layers mentioned earlier + our endurance charges can protect us decently well earlier such that we have plenty of reaction time. Poison: Since we have maxed chaos resistance, I never find poison being a threat to us, therefore we will leave it to our natural DoT defensive layers to handle it. Ignite: I find ignite damage is slightly more dangerous than poison. There are end-game contents that deal an insane amount of ignite damage(like Searing Exarch's ball, and Enslaver's spell). so far my strategy is to use Supreme Decadence to deal with it. But this heavily depends on how often you are ignited, if you find the life charge running out and still getting ignited in those encounters, you can replace the utility flask that has cast speed with ignite immunity. Defense against non-damaging ailments
non-damaging ailments are a subset of ailments, they usually apply a de-buff on you rather than dealing damage. Among all non-damaging ailments, here are the ones that are related to our defense, and I will explain how I handle them in our build: Scorch: Scorch works in a similar way to fire exposure and elemental weakness. They all reduce your fire resistance as an end-result. You can refer to "Additional Defense against different damage types" section on how we over-cap resistances slightly so that even when scorched, with full endurance charge we can still maintain a good elemental resistance. Chill: Chill heavily affects our game-play experience, and most of the time it is very annoying. Our build invests in reduced effect of chill to 90% by Brine King pantheon(50%) and a suffix craft on boots(40%). As a result, a 30% chill becomes a 3% chill, which is basically negligible. Freeze: Freeze immunity is a must for every build, our build gains freeze immunity through Brine king Pantheon. Brittle: Brittle makes enemy more likely to deal critical damage to us, but guess what, we take up to 90% less extra damage from crit. So we are not affected much by Brittle at all. You can refer to "Defense against burst damage" for more details on crit damage reduction. Shock: Shock increases our damage taken. To make a proper end-game build, we must deal with shock too. Our build deals with shock by reducing 100% of the shock effect, it is done by having Garukhan pantheon (60%) and a suffix craft on boots (40%). As a result, we take no extra damage from shock, even though the Shock debuff icon still displays, it always stays at 0%. Dealing with Stuns
Dealing with stun is another important topic for every build. For us, here are several build choices I made are related to handling stuns. 1. We are a hybrid HP/ES build, as long as we have ES >0, we have a 50% chance to ignore a stun (poe wiki - stun). On this matter, our damage splitting is taking some burden off ES so that we are more likely to have >0 ES. Furthermore, our various ways of gaining ES (like ES leech, gain on block) together with Supreme Decadence can also help us maintain a good ES level. 2. From passive tree, we also have 40% to avoid interruption from stuns while casting. Since we are a spell caster with high casting frequency, even if we are stunned, there will be 40% chance that it won't affect our casting at all. 3. Another reason we select Bring King as major pantheon is because of stun. Besides the stun recovery, it grants stun immunity if we've been stunned in the past 2 seconds. This has a nice interaction with 1 and 2 mentioned above, because both ignoring a stun and avoid interruption from stun still count as stun (more detail in wiki). Therefore, we are often granted stun immunity even though we are not affected by stun at all. Furthermore, this additional stun immunity will make sure we never get stun-locked. Because of the above choices and interactions, stun is never an issue in any situation of our build. Other Defensive Considerations
Dealing with Curses
From my experience playing the build, I found curses posing very little threat to us (except for silence maybe). Even that, there are two things about this build that could help dealing with curses: 1. Bottle of faith's consecrated ground will reduce the curse effect by 50%. Usually in boss encounter we are making sure both us and the boss stay within our consecrated ground. 2. If you need further curse defense, you could get a belt enchantment that says "30% reduced Effect of Curses on you while on Consecrated Ground", so that you can reduce 80% of curse effect. Regarding silence, I only encountered them once in Kalandra Lake content, I simply walked away till silence ends and use my perma freeze to freeze them before they can get to me. Given the rarity of this situation, I didn't bother investing in a counter measure for it. But if you find yourself frequently getting silenced, you can get a jewel implicit that grants immunity to silence. Blind Immunity
Blind is a debuff that reduces your accuracy and evasion. To us, only the evasion part of that matters slightly since evasion is only our secondary defense layer for attacks. The real threat of blind in my opinion is the light radius lowering to minimum such that you can't anticipate other more dangerous contents that are away from you. Fortunately our build does not need to worry about it because of the blind immunity granted by our minor pantheon. Maim Immunity
Maim is a debuff that reduces 30% of your movement speed. The most notable place of seeing maim is the map modifier "Monsters Maim on Hit with Attacks". The 30% of movement speed can be very deadly when you are trying to dodge attacks while being maimed. Maim can also be observed in simulacrum and will become very dangerous in boss encounter. We acquired maim immunity from minor pantheon too, so that we have one less thing to worry about. Concluding Remark for Defenses
So we've covered lots of defensive considerations and ideas put into this build, and by now you probably know that our build's high defense isn't a coincidence. While playing the build with these defensive mechanisms built-in, I haven't found myself dying in maps yet, or having any difficulty with any archnemesis monster mod. In Uber-boss fight, I can face-tank a pretty decent amount of burst damage, like taking several uber-shaper balls in a row (not intentionally), standing in multiple shaper beams for a short amount of time, or tanking damage in Bullet Hell. ![]() Having said that, our build is NOT an unkillable god. The thoughts and considerations that we put in our defenses are still constrained by budgets, we are just making the best out of what we have. Therefore it's also important to manage our expectations, and know our limits. DO NOT TANK EVERYTHING, because you will die if you do that, I will too. In fact, you still need to make good efforts and learn the mechanics of every boss fight and fight them with skill. The purpose of defensive layer is to reduce the chance of dying from small mistakes (like getting accidentally shot-gunned by Kosis, or unintentionally took some shaper balls) and quickly recover youself to engage in the fight. For that, I can safely say that our efforts spent in building defense have paid off quite well. Offense
The offensive aspects of the build are designed after the defense, the goal here is to either reuse some defensive choices for offensive strength, or integrate new offensive components while keeping the defense layers. Here are several considerations related to offense: Secondary skill choice - Orb of Storms
Lightning Conduit only works on shocked enemies, and every lightning conduit hit will remove the shock from the enemy. Therefore we need a reliable source of shock to keep the enemy shocked between each lightning conduit hit. For that I've tried orb of storm, storm brand, and hydrosphere. Among them I found orb of storm can provide the most consistent performance when considering both clearing maps and boss encounters. Orb of storm can apply shock to nearby enemies whenever we use a lightning skill near the area. During boss encounter, one slight downside of orb of storm is that we have to be reasonably close to the boss. To me it's not really a downside because for most boss encounters we need to stay close to the boss to anticipate their move and get a better angle for dodging their mechanics anyway. If you really want to keep away from boss, the orb of storm's effective area is slightly larger than the ring itself such that when you and the boss are at the two different ends of the ring, it keeps you roughly 60 units away from the boss. Weapon Choice
As for weapon choice, I see almost all current lightning conduit builds are using wand and shield. I went with two-handed staff rather than wand+shield because of the following reasons: 1.While both shield and two-handed staff offer attack block chances, the block related passive tree for staff is much better than shield. As a result, I can max out my attack block chance much easier. 2. Since I plan to use crit to scale damage, the staff-related passives gives me good amount of crit chance and crit multi. This benefit does not exist in wand or shield. 3. Using a 2-handed staff gives me 6-link, which allows me to add additional utilities to orb of storms that can scale lightning conduit damage even further. In the next section I will explain this in further detail. All Orb of Storms Utilities
Orb of storms is our secondary skill to make lightning conduit viable, in addition, it is also an important utility skill that enables several important interactions for offense. Applying 65% shock
To apply 65% shock, we need to understand how our Ascendancy passive, Shaper of storms works. Shaper of storms makes it so that any damage we deal will inflict shock with a base effect of 15%. In addition, it also provides 25% more effect to our shock (more in POE means multiplicative). Given that, what we need is to stack enough increased shock effect such that the base shock can go from 15% to 65%. Specifically, we need 65/15/1.25 = 347% of shock effect. Minus that with the original 100%, we need 247% increased shock effect for us inflict 65% shock on any enemy. Here's how we get this 247% in end-game setup: [-] lv5 awakened unbound ailment (supporting orb of storms): 69 [-] Small Ascendancy node (the one before shaper of storms): 10 [-] Elemental Mastery node: 40 [-] Small passive node (one before Divine Judgement): 20 [-] 2x Overshock cluster node: 2x40 [-] amulet shock effect craft(23-30): >=28 Without the amulet craft, we are at 219%, which means we need at least 28% to reach 247% increased shock effect for 65% shock. But there's one more thing, Three Dragons. It does not allow our lightning damage to inflict shock. When factoring in Three Dragon with with shaper of storms, now any other damage type except lightning (namely fire, cold, physical, chaos) can shock. Since orb of storm's damage is lightning, its natural damage type can't apply the shock for us. That's why we need a source of other damage type in our gear so orb of storms can apply shock with that damage. One example of such mod is "Adds 1 to 3 Cold Damage to Spells". The value of the damage doesn't matter, because according to shaper of storms, any damage amount will inflict a base shock of 15%, which we later scaled to 65%. Faster clearing speed
During mapping, Orb of storm + chain support + shock spreading mastery node can also ensure the shock effect can propagate to the edge of the screen. Increase our crit chance
Since we have a decent critical chance, our orb of storms can be linked with power charge on crit to maintain power charges for us, which further increases the crit chance of our character so that lightning conduit can deal more damage. Culling Strike
Because of the choice of using 2-handed weapon, I can fit in culling strike to make boss encounter easier. I can also use alternative quality culling strike so I can get some life recovery when culling strike killed an enemy. More importantly, we choose culling strike mainly because of another mechanic: it interacts with onslaught support to give us permanent onslaught in combat. I will talk about it next. Permanent Onslaught
With Culling strike + Onslaught support, I find myself buffed with onslaught all the time in combat. (feel free to check this in the videos). The reason being culling strike makes it much easier for orb of storm to trigger onslaught. As background, in order to trigger onslaught during mapping, it requires the skill to deal a killing blow. Coincidentally, this is exactly the goal of culling strike - making a skill more likely to kill a monster. Now that we know the goal of the two skills are aligning well, having them interacting with each other can guarantee us a permanent up time in mapping. During boss encounter, onslaught is triggered by hit frequency, 10% chance for 3.6 seconds (with anomalous quality) when hitting a unique enemy. With our end-game cast speed, we can cast around 15 times during that period, which is more than enough to trigger onslaught at least once. Plus, this is assuming a single unique boss. If the unique boss has minions or there are several unique bosses, the onslaught chance scales even further. Lightning Conduit Damage Scaling
For damage scaling, first I used critical strike to scale the spell damage. With the staff-related passive node and the support gems (crit chance - crit damage - inspiration - awakened added lightning - awakened lightning pen), I was able to reach around 5M DPS. Then with petrified blood, I am able to stay low-life, which can leverage Pain Atonement keystone for 30% more spell damage, This becomes around 7.4M DPS. With the cluster setup (will explain in gear section), and some extra investment in cast speed, I was able to reach 10M DPS. To increase the damage further, I used elevated spell crit chance mod (+2% base crit) to remove the need of critical strike chance, and added a new support gem - hypothermia. This brings my damage to 13M. In the meantime, I started double curse (conductivity + assassin's mark), which further pushes the damage to 15M. Acquring the +2 amulet, and maxing my skill gems quality and level brings the damage to around 18M. Finally, after getting some additional crit multi in jewel, enchantment on weapon, boots, I reached around 20M DPS. Assassin's mark
Another aspect of our offense is self-casting assassin's mark. Assassin's mark can improve the build's damage significantly by granting us more crit chance and crit multi against the enemy. Most importantly, assassin's mark is permanent, so it is worth it to self-cast assassin's mark during boss fight. You only need to cast it once at the beginning of the combat and get to enjoy the damage benefit until the boss phases or dies. Charges
Charges are very cost-effective investment for all builds. Our build uses charges in the following way: Power Charge: We have power charge on crit supported on orb of storms, given our high crit chance, we maintain maximum power charges all the time. Endurance Charge: We have endurance charge gained every second when being hit, also an extra 8% chance to gain a random charge on kill. With +1 maximum endurance charge on the passive, we have in total of 4 endurance charges in combat. These endurance charges can help defend against physical hits, their extra resistances can help mitigate different forms of elemental penetrations (such as elemental weakness, penetration, scorch, exposure, etc). Frenzy Charge: In this build I also specifically look for ways to gain frenzy charges, because the additional damage provided by frenzy charge is very significant. Because of the Green Nightmare jewel, we have 20% to gain frenzy charge on kill. Moreover, the 8% chance to gain random charge on kill can also help with frenzy charge generation. As a result of these, we get to enjoy full charges in mapping. In boss encounter, depending on the specific boss, the frenzy charge will become very intermittent. But we are not counting on frenzy charges for damage in boss fight anyway. Other Considerations
Mana sustain
Mana sustain is another important topic. Our build managed to sustain mana by working in two directions together: 1. Reduce the mana cost of skill This is done by using inspiration support (no need for the alternative quality), together with two rings crafting -7 mana cost prefix. In the end, lightning conduit skill costs 22 mana. 2. Increase the Mana Regen Because of our choice of using petrified blood, we get to use lv20 clarity to sustain mana. Combining this with various mana regen increase from tree, we have around 123/s mana regen. Considering our peak cast speed of 4.41/s (even with frenzy charge), it would only cost 97 mana/second. In that case, our mana regen is more than what we can use. Dealing with Mana Siphoner monster
Mana Siphoner is an archnemesis modifier on monster that can drain mana if you are within their blue ring. It can be observed pretty frequently in maps or sometimes even in boss fight that has minions. ![]() Mana Siphoner poses big threat to builds that have low unreserved mana such as our build, because our mana will be drained and can't use travel skills to escape. The situation becomes worse if we are also slowed down by other mechanics in the meantime. Therefore, as long as you are spending mana for skills, it's necessary for any low-mana build to counter this mechanism. Our solution for Mana Siphoner is vaal clarity, and this is the only situation that we will ever use vaal clarity. Vaal clarity makes all our skills cost no mana for 10 seconds. Since our build doesn't have many active skills, I usually put vaal clarity on one of the remote key binding (R or T). Whenever we see a blue aura appears on monster, simply pop up vaal clarity and carry on with the rest. Molten shell left click binding vs self-casting
Molten shell is our guard skill that gives us additional armour and damage mitigation. It's an active skill, which means you will need to bind the skill to a key binding. For those of you who doesn't like pressing buttons for molten shell, you can simply bind molten shell on your left mouse click. Then your left click will take care of moving and activating molten shell whenever it's ready. While left-click binding offers convenience, its downside is the lack of control. In fact, the timing of molten shell really matters, because a) the amount of damage mitigation depends on the current armour, therefore it's better to use molten shell after rumi's concoction. b) it's better to activate the molten shell when we anticipate a big incoming damage, to make sure we have those extra defense when we need it. For people who prefer an optimized game play, I suggest putting molten shell on a keyboard binding, ideally close to the main skill binding so you can use it easily. I personally switch between the two methods, in boss fight I prefer activating molten shell manually for more control. In mapping I would bind it on left-click for one less button pressed. Handling damage reflection
Whenever I need to deal with damage reflection (say doing uber-Atziri for challenge), I will replace shapes of winter with bastion of elements and clear that challenge for one time. If you are target-farming specific damage reflection content, then you can replace hypothermia with empower or cruelty. This is obviously not a clean solution, but it's still much better than switching gears. Pros and Cons
- Good clearing speed - High enough damage for all content - Great defensive layers for survival Cons
- Two-button build - Can't do no-regen map (because of mana regen) - Handling damage reflection is slightly unnatural [3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build. [3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game. [3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability. Zuletzt bearbeitet von JennoJoyce#0789 um 10.12.2022, 23:34:56 Zuletzt angestoßen am 30.12.2022, 15:10:09
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The current gear section only include gears for end-game build. For mid-budget gears, please check out the mid-budget POB. End-game Gears (~40 div total crafting cost without body armor’s veiled mod which only provides marginal benefit)
Duskdawn is a perfect item for our build, EVERYTHING about Duskdawn is insanely useful to us. Here's how: 1. It meets our weapon choice as two-handed staff so we can leverage staff-related passives. 2. It grants 35% attack block chance, so we can max out attack block. 3. Up to 80% increased crit chance for spell, which we really need. 4. Elemental damage as extra chaos. Remember how our lightning damage can't apply shock and we need an additional damage source? Well this could be it! 5. 135% crit multi because we maxed out attack blocks, and dealt a non-crit recently. Will explain later. 6. up to 150% increased spell damage if crit recently. Will explain later. Regarding 5 and 6, our build can meet both conditions at the same time. For 6, our lightning conduit's 97% crit chance can guarantee crit recently(4s) condition. For 5, we use orb of storms which has a crit chance of 83%. For a duration of 4 seconds, with our non-crit chance of 17% and cast rate of 4.16/s, on average our orb of storm deal 2.8 non-crit hits, which is well above the required threshold of 1. Therefore we can always meet both conditions. The weapon is widely accessible. The way to acquire this weapon is through a vendor recipe: Shade of Solaris + Light of Lunaris + orb of fusing = Duskdawn. Both shade of Solaris and Light of Lunaris can drop anywhere. Alternative end-game weapon
If you really want to improve DPS in end game, you can also choose a rare +5 staff like the one below. This weapon can offer up to 50% more DPS (boosting our DPS from 20M to ~30M), but at the cost of reduced attack block chance. If the survivability isn't an issue and you find yourself lacking damage in min-maxed gear, then this staff can be your final upgrade. But bear in mind that this upgrade is purely optional. Crafting Instruction
For this weapon, required mods are : +5 level, cast speed, and double damage while focus. The crafting process can be very flexible after step 2, here I will only provide instructions for the most probable outcome. Feel free to adapt your own changes after step 2. 1. Find a two-handed staff with fractured +3 level of all lightning spell gems mod 2. Use Prime Resonator with Aetheric + Corroded + Metallic + Shuddering fossil on the staff, until you hit #level of all skill gems mod. This will take 9 tries on average. 3. after step 2, besides the +5 gem level, your prefixes are most likely full with with spell damage mod. If you feel like the spell damage mod is not good enough (say T7 or T8), you could go back to step 2. If you still have empty prefix, you can use suffix -> prefix to fill prefixes. Again, if you are unsatisfied with the prefix, go back to step 2. 4. Now your prefixes should be full. Craft prefix cannot be changed + veiled chaos orb to unveil either cast speed or % chance to deal double damage while focused. Repeat this step until you got the desired veiled suffix. If suffix became full, then YOLO an annulment orb and hope for the best, go back to step 2 if failed. 5. Use crafting bench to craft the other mod: if you unveiled double damage while focused, bench craft cast speed. if you unveiled cast speed, bench craft double damage while focused. 6. If there's any other missing suffix, ex slam to fill the mod. Done. Body Armour
For body armour, we need a dex-ES based body armour for some additional evasion chance and ES pool. As for mods, there are 3 mods that are really important to us: 1. elevated spell crit chance (so we can replace crit chance support for more damage) 2. endurance charge when hit (for defense) 3. additional curse (for damage) Other than that, if you have some extra currency to burn, you can get one useful veiled prefix (this can be very flexible). Crafting Instruction
1. Find a lv84+ 6-linked, Carnal Armour or Sadist Garb with hunter influence. You can buy a normal one and slam a hunter's exalted orb if it is cheaper. 2. reforge with caster, to get either T1 spell crit, make sure there is open prefix. 3. suffix cannot be changed + reforge caster again to get additional curse. Now make sure those two are the only influenced mod. If there are more than 2, use orb of annulment to remove modifiers until there are T1 spell crit + any other influenced mod, if failed go back to step 2. 4. Use orb of dominance to try elevating the T1 spell crit. it's 50% chance. If failed, go back to step 2. 5. from trade, buy a warlord-influenced body armour with endurance charge mod as the only influenced mod. If the price is too expensive, you can also alt-spam it. 6. Use awakener orb, destroy the warlod-influenced body armour, apply it to our hunter-based armour. By now you should have both elevated spell crit and endurance mod. 7. if there is empty suffix, then beast craft prefix-> suffix to fill the suffix. If there is no empty suffix or empty prefix, then use orb of anullment to remove one prefix. If any of the influenced mod is removed(very unlikely), go back to step 1. 8.craft suffix cannot be changed, then reforge caster for additional curse. If you have other gears to craft, then STOP here. craft a life, then you are good to go. 9. Only proceed further when you are at league end and have no other ways to use your currency. Make sure the additional curse is the only prefix. Repeat this step if necessary. If prefix became full, then use orb of annulment. 10. craft suffix cannot be changed, use ailsing to replace the crafted prefix mod for a veiled prefix. If failed, go back to 8. 11. unveil the prefix, select the mod from following priority order: Spell block -> % max life & mana -> attack block -> elemental ailments avoidance -> armour during soul prevention 12. craft life, done. Helmet
Without a doubt, Three Dragon is our helmet choice for its perma-freeze mechanic. For detail about perma-freeze, check out the mechanics section. Regarding helmet enchantment, you can get lightning conduit damage, assassin's mark efficiency, or even determination/wrath reservation efficiency to save ourselves a lv4 enlighten. Gloves
For gloves, we need a dex or dex/int base with two implicits: freeze spread and lightning exposure, both are very easy to get. When you are choosing the base, make sure the attribute requirement isn't too high. As for mod, we need spell suppression, chaos resistance, and a good random elemental resistance. For prefix, a T1/T2 life roll, and a crafted increased damage while leeching. There's no requirement on glove enchant, you can find anything that works for you as long as it's spell-based. I simply fill glove enchantment when I was farming lab for the boots enchantment. Crafting Instruction
1. From trade, find dex/dex-int gloves that have max-rolled fractured T1 spell suppression. 2. Spam Essence of Envy to guarantee T1 chaos resistance, in the meantime, look for any T1/T2 elemental resistance. 3. Now your suffixes should be filled. Apply Eldritch Ember (doesn't matter which grade) to get the freeze spread. 4. Use Eldritch chaos orb to reforge prefix, and look for T1/T2 life. It takes 14 tries on average. If you hit life and no open prefix, use Eldritch Annul to remove the unwanted prefix, repeat this step if removed life. 5. Craft increased damage while leeching, exalt slam any empty mod. 6. Apply Eldritch Ichor for the lightning exposure mod (grade doesn't matter that much, I simply used the cheapest one). Done. Boots
For Boots, we need a dex / dex-int base with spell suppression, chaos resistance, crafted suffix, life, and movement speed. For lab enchants, I recommend getting lightning damage, this will be useful in boss fight. Crafting Instruction
1. From trade, find dex/dex-int boots that have max-rolled fractured T1 spell suppression. 2. Apply any Eldritch Inchor to make it influenced with eater of the worlds, mod doesn't matter for now. 3. Spam Essence of Envy until you get T1/T2 life. If there's no open suffix, apply eldritch annul to remove the unwanted suffix. Then craft any suffix to occupy suffix. By now your suffixes should be: spell suppression, T1 Chaos res, and a random crafted suffix. Exalt slam any remaining prefixes to occupy all prefix mods. If you have already hit 30% or more movement speed, then move to step 5, otherwise go to step 4. 4. Apply Aisling, trying to get it to remove unwanted prefix then add a veiled prefix. Unveil the prefix for any movement speed mod. If failed, go back to step 3. By now you should have spell suppression, T1 Chaos, T1/T2 life, movement speed. 5. Craft the chill & shock reduced effect. 6. Use Grand Eldritch Ember to get 5% action speed implicit. 7. Use less Eldritch Inchor to get either movement skill cooldown or increased life regen. Done. Comment: During step 3, we could go through meta crafting, but given cheap price of essence and aisling, the method I listed is in fact most cost-effective. Amulet
For amulet, we need a str-dex amulet with +2 level, chaos res, and non-damaging ailment as well as some life. For anointment, we will go with Inveterate to cap our spell suppression. Crafting Instruction
1. find a non-mirrored str-dex amulet with fractured T1 chaos res. The chaos res roll depends on whether you have enough chaos res from other gears. For me, any T1 value can cap my chaos res, therefore it didn't matter. Then Scour the item to make it magic if the item isn't magic rarity. 2. Alteration + augmentation spam for +1 all skill level, this is the most time-consuming step, it will take on average 2k alterations and 800+ augmentations. 3. regal the item to make it rare, if prefix is added, annul the unwanted prefix, if failed go back to step 2. If suffix is added, then prefix cannot be changed + scour to remove the unwanted suffix. By now your amulet should be rare item with only +1 all skill and fractured chaos res. 4. multi-crafting + prefix cannot be changed + craft lightning attack damage (any tier). Then use harvest augment lightning (add a new lightning modifier and remove a random modifier from a non-influenced item) to guarantee +1 lightning level. 5. remove crafted mod, multi crafting + life + non-damaging ailment. Done. comment: if you have lots of extra currency, you could also try getting aisling veiled life prefix in step 4, then get the cast speed suffix. But this will significantly increase the risk of bricking the item. And I don't want to go back to step 2 ever again :) Rings
For ring's base, we need one unset ring (for assassin's mark) and one Amethyst ring to cap our chao res. As for mod, I need one of them to have fractured lightning damage life leech, the other one to have fractured conductivity, doesn't matter which one. In addition, I use rings to meet the dex and str requirement. If the fractured mod with desired base type is hard to acquire, then you can get life leech from alternative sources such as from watcher's eye vitality mod or from doryani's lesson cluster notable. Worst case scenario, you can remove the increased duration support for assassin's mark. Then you no longer need unset ring base. Crafting Instruction for Rings:
1. Spam Essence of Sorrow/Rage (dex/str, depending on which one you need) to get the attribute along with any T1/T2 resistance. If there are more suffix spots, get another T4+ resistance too. Now your suffixes should be attribute and resistances. 2. suffix cannot be changed + veild chaos orb for veiled life. 3. craft -mana cost, ex slam to fill any empty mods. Done. comment: if you encounter good cast speed or life mod along the way (like I did), you can keep it. During step 2, before unveiling you can craft a +#mana to increase the chance of getting life mod. Belts
Burden of Truth is one of the core items of our build, and it is massively under-valued by community. It provides lots of Energy shield, damage splitting defense and most importantly, Supreme Decadence. Check out the mechanics section for details. Jewels
Cluster Jewel
The large cluster jewels help us scale shock effect, scale damage, and get us easy access to jewel sockets. For cluster nodes, we need the following two notables: Overshock: gives 40% increased shock effect, and some lightning damage increase. Sadist: 25% increased damage if shocked recently, 20% if ignited recently, 15% if chilled recently. We will meet all these conditions, so this notable gives us 60% increased damage. We meet shock and chill conditions easily because of our ascendancy points. For ignite, I will explain how in "Other jewels" section. The Green Nightmare
The Green Nightmare is used to cap our spell suppression, at the same time provide chance to gain frenzy charges for additional damage during mapping. Placement
![]() Impossible Escape
We will use impossible escape near Conduit, because every node near the keystone provides useful benefits to our build. We get to cap our spell suppression, get life and %life recovery on kill, also crit chance & crit multi, as well as chance to gain charges. Allocation
![]() Watcher's Eye
For watcher's eye, the only mod necessary is the reduced crit damage. ES leech is optional because you can simply use 2 more skill points to get the ES leech node near Eldritch Battery. Other mods can be very flexible, as there are many other good mods related to determination, wrath, vitality, and clarity. You can search for those mods and get one of those. Other jewels
For the normal jewel, we need % life (and resistances if your resistances are not capped). Other than that, you should search for all available mods on jewel related to cast speed and crit multi that apply to us. Then you can get any two of those mods. We also need one Abyss jewel. Because in order to meet the ignite condition, we need cold damage in our spells (because of three dragon). There are two ways to get that: 1. directly search for cold damage mods related to us. It's either "Added Spell Cold Damage while wielding a Two Handed Weapon" or "Added cold damage to spells". 2. you can search for physical damage to spells like "Added Spell Physical Damage while wielding a Two Handed Weapon" or "Added physical damage to spells". Then in our boots, get eater of world implicit that says "gain %physical damage as cold". By doing this, our spell damage contains cold damage, and we will ignite enemy whenever we triger a crit. Given our high crit chance, enemy is always ignited. In addition to the cold damage, there are several nice-to-have stats: [-] attack block chance [-] chance to gain phasing [-] max life [-] max ES [-] more (search for available mods that can benefit us) Then you can get any 2 or 3 of those mods. Flasks
For life flask, we need instant recovery on low life to work with Supreme Decadence and bleed immunity. Quicksilver to increase our clearing speed, Jade to increase our evasion chance. We need T1 armour /T1 cast speed on those flasks. For prefix, you can either get gain charges when hit or chance to gain charges on crit. Rumi's concoction to max our attack block and provide armour. Bottled of faith to scale our crit damage, provide life regen, and reduce curse effect. When target-farming specific bosses, I would remove the enchantment on bottled of faith and use it manually. During farming I would simply craft use when full. Adjustments for specific boss
Although the gears listed so far can be used for all content without change, to make specific boss encounters much smoother, I made minor changes when target-farming the following specific bosses: Uber Sirus
Uber Sirus's "die" beam will inflict corrupted blood, ignite, shock, freeze. To avoid being one-shotted by the "die" beam, I would get corrupted blood immunity on abyss jewel and ignite removal on life flask. Uber Searing Exarch
In this boss fight, there are lots of fire damage throughout different phases (like annihilation, ball phase). Therefore, I adjusted my flask when target-farming uber searing exarch. Here are the flasks I used: Also, in this fight, you need to manually use molten shell + ruby flask during "annihilation". Check out the video for detail. Pantheon, Ascendancy, Bandits
Pantheon Major: Brine King Pantheon Minor: Garukhan in end-game build, Abberath in mid-budget build Ascendancy: Shaper of storms -> Mastermind of Discord -> Heart of Destruction -> Shaper of winter (for end-game) or Bastion of elements (for mid-budget). Bandits: kill all Leveling
The leveling of the build can use Zizaran's league start version. In their POB it has many details about leveling and useful vendor recipes. After reaching level 70, you can gradually switch to my mid-budget POB setup. POB
End-game setup
https://pastebin.com/Kb7HASNz Config Explanation
Always on low-life: Because of Petrified blood, we always stay at half life, which qualifies the low-life condition. Plus, our life reservation is close to half too, so even if we use flask, the life will drop to half immediately due to the life cost of skills. Enemy chilled with 40% effect: Explained in Offensive mechanics section. Enemy shocked with 65% effect: Explained in Mechanics under Offensive - Orb of Storm utility section. Enemy on consecrated ground:: This is related to our bottled faith, the consecrated ground has screen-wide radius so that both boss and us can easily stand on it. Power charges: Explained in Mechanics under Offensive - Orb of Storm Utility section. Endurance charges: Explained in Mechanics under Offensive - Charges Section. Have Onslaught: Explained in Mechanics under Offensive - Orb of storms utility. Leeching: Explained in Mechanics under Defensive - Petrified blood. This is mainly because of over-leech maintaining leeching status. on consecrated ground: Similar to "Enemy on consecrated ground" crit recently: Our high crit chance will guarantee this. Dealt a non-crit recently: Explained in Gear-Weapon section. Chilled an enemy recently: Explained in Gear-cluster jewel section. Ignited an enemy recently: Explained in Gear-cluster jewel section. Shocked an enemy recently: Explained in Gear-cluster jewel section. Been hit recently: It combat it's almost a given that we will be hit by enemy (regardless of block or not, spell suppression or not) Have convergence: This is the only thing that is conditional without control, for demonstration purpose I checked it. Unchecking it can still result in 15M DPS. Mid-budget setup
https://pastebin.com/cqfM31rt For config explanation, please refer to the end-game POB section. Change Log
9/28/2022 - finished initial writing [3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build. [3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game. [3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability. Zuletzt bearbeitet von JennoJoyce#0789 um 05.11.2022, 20:45:17
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Build Guide finished. Welcoming feed backs.
[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build. [3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game. [3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability. Zuletzt bearbeitet von JennoJoyce#0789 um 28.09.2022, 12:15:01
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Really cool guide, Thank you for the effort explaining the brainstorming behind the decisions!
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This is a great guide, I was following the ziz guide and my character feels too squishy and not as powerful as I'd want it to be, so I'll definitely check this out in more detail.
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I was looking at your profile and could not see where you add a source of non lightning damage to apply shock through orb of storms. Does it come from the tree?
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" Hi, It's through the staff (elemental as extra chaos) and the abyss jewel (cold damage to spells). You can find details in the weapon and jewel section. [3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game. [3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability. |
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Oh this is great. I've kinda hit the end of Ziz's build and then have been wasting so much time trying to figure out what to do next. The guide the looks great. What's the budget you think for the end-game gear? I got the weapon and am about halfway through crafting the armour but then looked at the ammy craft...
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" Hi, for end-game gear the total crafting cost is around 40 div. the only expensive piece is the body armour and the amulet. I updated the crafting instruction for body armour, without getting the veiled mod, the crafting cost of body armour is around 10 div. The amulet's crafting cost should be around 14 div. [3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game. [3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability. |
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Looks quite cool :D gonna check it out after some saving
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