[3.19] Soul Eater Winter Orb / Spark Trickster | 5+ minutes Soul Eater | Fun and Fast mapper
Build is dead! Unfortunately self curse got gutted through several means. We no longer have access to reflected jewelry so you'd need way more curse effect to make up for that loss. Curse implicits on helmet got nerfed. Hextouch now has a LESS curse effect multiplier, so you'd need a LOT more curse effect to make up for that. We also lost Survival Instincts for flask duration. The build without self curse and SI drops down to around 80s duration. I'd recommend to find a build guide that focuses exclusively on flask duration with different cluster setups, like voices, for more duration. INTRODUCTION This build focuses around the Soul Eater buff and extending it long enough to clear most maps, including league mechanics, while being able to loot in the proces. You can achieve over 5 minutes of Soul Eater buff duration on this build to allow for that playstyle. It's a very fun and fast mapping build. I went overboard on duration because I like being able to loot during the map instead of after the map. I also chose to go more defensive where possible as this damage is enough for a mapping build. I personally started this build as Winter Orb and later switched to Spark. Both versions are included in this guide. I hope the seperation between the two is clear enough. My Lake of Kalandra character for this build: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Kniev/EvilKnievelTrickster **Disclaimers:** - This is not a budget build. I recommend around 50+ divine to start the build. - This build is designed solely for mapping. - This build is for a large part enabled through the new reflected Jewelry introduced in Lake of Kalandra and might not be viable in future leagues. - This is an advanced build with many mechanics and you'll need to mix and match a few things for your own setup in Path of Building. Pro's / Con's: + Fast and fun mapper due to Soul Eater giving you lots of attack and cast speed + Lots of recovery since Trickster Ascendancy gives life/es/mana recovery on kill and you're always killing + Reasonably defensive for a Soul Eater mapping build, not glass cannon nor tanky - Can't do bossing or Lake of Kalandra - Build depends on Soul Eater so if you lose your souls you will struggle with remaining bosses or difficult rares. This is not an issue normally since you stack up Souls on normal/magic mobs fast enough at the start and you don't die often. - Expensive. I recommend around 50+ divine to start the build. - Difficult to gear since it requires crafting your own gear - Advanced build that requires you to understand several mechanics that allow the build to function, but these are explained in detail in the mechanics section VIDEO To keep the showcase duration under 2 minutes I didn't loot during the showcase. As you can see at the end of the showcase, I still have over half of my Flask Duration left, so I could easily have looted during the process. Winter Orb showcase: https://medal.tv/games/poe/clips/BFfFaUYlCp4Hw/d1337oqjvDFU Spark showcase: https://medal.tv/games/poe/clips/BCQ4SMqge1IIv/d1337H5pQ6Ct WINTER ORB OR SPARK? Which skill should you play? I highly recommend starting off with Winter Orb. It's easier to get going since you need less investment into mana cost, which allows for easier ring craft and a lower level Enlighten. With more investment I recommend Spark as it has significantly more coverage and damage.
Pro's/Con's of Winter Orb: + Can use The Unshattered Will for permanent 20% less damage taken, ailment immunity and stun immunity. + Can use Grace instead of Purity of Elements, since you get ailment immunity through The Unshattered Will. Also gets Grace Reservation Efficiency on tree which allows for a lower level Enlighten. + Duration of Winter Orb is also affected by your 4x longer duration from self curse, thus you don't need to continuously be casting. + Winter Orb has auto targeting. + Cast speed scales both the channeling speed and projectile frequency, which makes Winter Orb feel really good and scale really well offensively once you have some Souls. + Easier gearing than Spark variant - Less coverage than Spark. - Less damage than Spark. - Requires Eldritch Battery for mana sustain. Pro's/Con's of Spark: + More coverage than Winter Orb. + More damage than Winter Orb. + Your screen will be full of sparks with your cast speed as soon as you have some Souls which easily kills or freezes everything. + Doesn't need to use Eldritch Battery for mana sustain, which allows Trickster's recovery to apply to ES for your EHP as well. - Can't use The Unshattered Will. - Can't use Grace since you need Purity of Elements for ailment immunity. This is important since ailments last 4x longer on you. - Duration of effects on you doesn't scale skill effect duration of Spark. Fortunately this doesn't matter much since with your cast speed you can fill the screen with sparks in no time anyways. - More difficult to gear. Harder ring craft and requires more investment into mana cost. - Spark can reach further than the radius of Soul Eater which causes you to miss out on some souls, but this doesn't make a noticeable difference. - Requires a treshold jewel. PATH OF BUILDING Winter Orb, level 90: https://pobb.in/MmrvYBqf2k5- Winter Orb, level 100: https://pobb.in/LpsWj8oEKBqM From 90 to 100 is all damage, so it's worth a lot to invest into levels. Spark, level 92: https://pobb.in/CXzQ5rI3udwn Spark, level 100: https://pobb.in/fOhpNefJyG_e From 92 to 100 is all damage, so it's worth a lot to invest into levels. MECHANICS You gain Soul Eater during Flask Effect by using Soulthirst belt. This belt also causes you to lose all Souls when using a Flask. To maximize the duration of the Soul Eater buff provided by Soulthirst you want to be using the longest base duration Flask, which is a Bismuth Flask. You can craft your Bismuth flask with an % increased Duration prefix which can go up to 40% and an % increased Duration enchantment which can go up to 100% for a total of 140% increased Duration. With a perfect Bismuth Flask you get a base duration of 22.8 seconds. This scales multiplicatively with your other increases to duration so it's very important to get a close to perfect Bismuth Flask. You then further scale this duration by utilizing Flask Effect Duration, Solstice Vigil and Self Curse Temporal Chains. This will multiply the duration by 13,4x for a total duration of over 5 minutes. I'll go into detail on each of these below. Flask Effect Duration:
Flask Effect Duration is your first multiplier to your Flask Duration. You want to use 4x 6 Passive Medium Cluster Jewels that have 6% increased Flask Effect Duration. When these are ilvl 84+ these can be crafted with 35% increased Effect of small passives for 8% increased Flask Effect Duration per passive or 40% per Medium Cluster Jewel. Since you're using 35% increased Effect of small passives on these Medium Cluster Jewels, you want to prioritize getting important stats on these like Strength, Chaos Resistance, Elemental Resistance, All Attributes and potentially Life. You can get another 45% increased Flask Effect Duration from the passive tree and 50% increased Flask Effect Duration from Survival Instincts Jewel. You get 20% reduced Flask Effect Duration from Soulthirst. In total you get 235% increased Flask Effect Duration for a 3.35x mutliplier to Flask Duration. Solstice Vigil:
Solstice Vigil amulet grants you Shaper's Presence buff when you kill a Rare or Unique enemy. This buff causes effects on you to expire 20% slower. Effects cannot be slowed below 25% of their normal expiry rate. Self Curse Temporal Chains will provide the other 55% and will be discussed in the next section. Self Curse Temporal Chains:
Temporal Chains has the modifier "Other effects on Cursed enemies expire 40% slower", but also comes with "50% less Effect of Curse against Players". Effectively this sets the baseline at 20% slower. You will be applying Temporal Chains to yourself in order to get your buffs to expire slower. You are using One Step Ahead from the Trickster Ascendancy to negate Temporal Chains' downside of losing action speed. You can get Temporal Chains on yourself by using Herald of Ice linked with Hextouch and Temporal Chains inside Shackles of the Wretched gloves to reflect your Temporal Chains back to yourself. You need to increase Temporal Chains' effect in order to have effects expire 55% slower to cap at 75% slower in combination with Solstice Vigil. In order to get that you need to get 175% increased Effect of Temporal Chains on yourself. You can get up to 36% increased Temporal Chains effect from a perfect helmet implicit. You could also get another 30% from your helmet enchant, but in this build I choose to get the effect elsewhere and allow you to use your helmet enchant for more valuable skill specific enchants. You will get anywhere from 90% to 100% increased effect of Curses on you through a reflected ring. Make sure to socket this in your right ring slot! Crafting guides for above helmet and ring can be found in the gearing section. You can get 11% effect from a 23% quality Hextouch gem and 11% from a 23% quality Temporal Chains gem. You can get another 12% effect from increasing your Temporal Chains gem's quality through linking it with Enhance 4 support, up to 16% effect with Awakened Enhance 5 or by getting a +1 to level of socketed gems corruption on Shackles of the Wretched. You can get even more effect if needed through 3% increased Effect of your Curses Small Cluster Jewels with Doedre's Apathy Notable which gives 20% increased Temporal Chains Effect. In total this can get you up to ~200% increased effect of Temporal Chains and you can mix and match sources of % effect based on your ring and budget. If you get effects to expire 55% slower through Temporal Chains and 20% slower through Solstice Vigil, you get a total of 75% slower, for effectively 4x longer duration of all effects on you. Since you're scaling duration of effects on you and effect of curses on you, you need a way to deal with a few of these effects. Mainly ailments and curses. You'll be using either The Unshattered Will shield for Winter Orb or Purity of Elements aura for Spark to get ailment immunity. For curses you need to get enough res through Flasks and clusters to be overcapped for Elemental Weakness and preferably you're using a Watcher's Eye that grants Unaffected by Vulnerability while affected by Determination. Other curses don't matter all that much to you. The Harbinger provided by The Unshattered Will provides you with 4 seconds of ailment immunity every 8 seconds, however since effects on you last 4x longer through Temporal Chains and Solstice Vigil you get this buff 16 seconds every 8 seconds for a permanent uptime. This shield however only works for channeling skills and thus only for Winter Orb, not Spark. If you're playing this build as Spark, you'll need to invest into reduced mana cost of skills to bring Spark's mana cost to exactly 1 to sustain it. This is not needed for Winter Orb:
In the Spark version of this build you won't be running Eldritch Battery, since you want to be investing into reduced mana cost anyways. This means you need to get your Divine Blessing Zealotry mana cost low enough to cast on your mana pool and your Spark cost to 1. You want this to be exactly 1 since you will be casting a lot with Soul Eater buff up and you need to be spending mana to gain Inspiration Charges. You can get reduced mana cost through various sources and you'll have to mix and match these in Path of Building depending on your budget and ring craft. - 25% reduced mana cost from Flask (30% with Flask effect) - 34% reduced mana cost from Inspiration Support - 10% reduced mana cost from Divergent Inspiration Support Quality - 8% reduced mana cost from weapon - 8% reduced mana cost from weapon - 3% reduced mana cost from Conqueror's Efficiency Jewel - ~-16 to mana cost of non-channeling skills from reflected ring prefix craft - -7 to mana cost of non-channeling skills from ring prefix craft - -9 to mana cost of non-channeling skills from replica Conqueror's Efficiency Jewel - 5% reduced mana cost from ring prefix craft - 10% from mana mastery at Mind Drinker Notable Be aware that you can get weapons with 6-8% reduced cost of mana, your Flask mod rolls from 20-25% and you can use a lower level / quality Inspiration Support to finetune your mana cost. In my setup I don't need the mana mastery nor the replica Conqueror's Efficiency nor a ring craft on my regular ring. I expect this setup to work for most cases as long as you have a good - mana cost of non-channeling skills roll on your reflected ring. GEAR Weapons/Shield:
Singularity is a very strong weapon for this build that can hardly be improved upon. It gives a significant amount of flat damage, cast speed and % increased damage. Hinder is a nice defensive bonus on top. The reduced mana cost is also very nice to have and even mandatory on the Spark setup. For Winter Orb you'll be using Singularity + The Unshattered Will shield. This shield is really good for channeling skills in your setup since you can get permanent uptime on the harbinger buff and it's an all around great shield. For Spark you'll be using 2x Singularity since you can't benefit from the shield when you're not channeling. For Spark, make sure to get these with max % reduced mana cost rolls! See mechanics section above. Helmet:
Craft a Rare Hubris Circlet with Temporal Chains Effect and Mana Reservation Efficiency. For Winter Orb get a base with +2 maximum stages enchant. For Spark get a base with +3 projectiles enchant. Crafting:
Get your base of choice. Spam Deafening Essence of Loathing until satisfied with the explicits. Aim for 10% Reservation Efficiency and Life. Try to get your required stats elsewhere to make this craft easier. You could use Eldritch Currency to craft explicits depending on how good you want your helmet to be, but I recommend to keep it simple. Next, implicits. Spam Grand Eldritch Embers until you hit Temporal Chains effect. To upgrade this to Perfect you need to use Orb of Conflicts. As far as I know Orb of Conflicts are weighted in such a way that it most often ugrades the lowest tier modifier. This is why you need to use multiple Exceptional Eldritch Ichors to keep the tier of your non-desirable implicit as high as possible. First, use an Exceptional Eldritch Ichor in order to have a higher tier of your non-desirable implicit. Use Orb of Conflicts until your Temporal Chains is Exceptional. Use another Exceptional Eldritch Ichor in order to have the same tier of your non-desirable implicit. Use Orb of Conflicts until your Temporal Chains is Exquisite. Use another Exceptional Eldritch Ichor in order to have the closest tier lower of your non-desirable implicit. Use Orb of Conflicts until your Temporal Chains is Perfect. Once you have a Perfect tier Temporal Chains Effect you can use Blessed Orbs to get 36% roll. Spam Grand Eldritch Ichor for Mana Reservation Efficiency. Amulet:
Solstice Vigil, see mechanics section. Body armour:
Rare body armour with Spell Crit, Aura Effect, Additional Curse and Life. Crafting:
Awakener's Orb together Spell Crit and Aura Effect body armours. Elevated mods are optional. If you don't have an open prefix after the awakener's orb, sell this item and start again. If you have an open prefix, craft suffixes can't be changed and reforge including a Caster modifier to guarantee Additional Curse. Craft % life if you have an open prefix. Ring 1:
Get a rare ring with Chaos Resistance, Strength and Life. Make sure to have an open prefix to allow yourself flexibility in crafting mana cost crafts. For Winter Orb you'll be crafting - mana cost to channeling skills. For Spark this will depend on your mana cost, see mechanics section. Ring 2 (reflected):
Craft a Penumbra Ring with increased effect of curses on you and life. For Spark, add in - mana cost of non-channeling skills. Crafting:
Buy any 5 non-corrupted i81+ Penumbra Rings and vendor 5 mirrored rings for 1 clean base. Scour this base and apply Imbued Catalysts for quality of Caster modifiers. Alteration spam for T1 Life, Regal to make it rare and Annul all other modifiers so you're only left with Life. You could choose to keep other mods if you want a bigger gamble on the reflection craft. Once you have a rare Penumbra Ring with T1 Life and no other mods you can craft "(21-25)% reduced Effect of Curses on you". This will become increased Effect of Curses on you if reflected. Craft this multiple times to get a perfect 25 roll, 30 with quality. For spark, you need to craft can have multiple mods, reduced effect of curses on you and - mana cost of non-channeling skills. Unfortunately you can't craft this multiple times for a perfect roll, so it's up to you if you want to spend divines on getting a good roll. Once you have a rare Penumbra Ring with T1 Life and reduced Effect of Curses on you, you need to buy a Reflection of Kalandra, preferably difficulty 14+ but adjust according to your budget. Put your ring into the reflecting mist and take the outcome that has positive Life and increased effect of curses on you if possible. This should be possible most of the time. It's a bit more of a gamble with the Spark variant to get a ring with -mana cost to non-channeling skills as well. Gloves:
Shackles of the Wretched, see mechanics section. You can get these with a Elemental Weakness on hit corruption if you have a body armour with +1 curse. Other valuable corruptions are +1 to level of socketed gems to have a higher level Enhance or +1 maximum Frenzy Charges. Belt:
Soulthirst, this is what you build around for Soul Eater. Boots:
For Winter Orb get any rare boots with Life and missing stats or resistances. If possible get Onslaught for a nice extra. For Spark you need pierce from Voidwalker boots which also provide phasing, try to get these with +1 socketed gems to have a higher level of Enlighten so you can fit your auras. Fire Damage if you've killed recently is your best boots enchantment. Since this is a pure mapping build you always have killed recently. This also enables your Forbidden Jewels, since you can now burn enemies. Flasks:
Your main flask is a Bismuth Flask and has already been discussed in the mechanics section. Get it with maximum duration. For Spark you need the reduced mana cost craft on this Bismuth Flask to always have this effect up. For Winter Orb you could choose to have Elemental Resistance instead if needed, otherwise go with mana cost anyways. For the rest of your Flasks, get their duration as long as possible but it's less important than your main Flask. For suffixes get armour/evasion/crit/leech/cast speed. These suffixes are global so it doesn't matter on which Flask. Note that your other Flasks have a shorter duration than your main flask and thus will not have full uptime since you can't reuse your Flasks or you lose your Souls. This means you want the most important suffix on your main flask. You can afford to lose the other suffixes once you have gained a bunch of Souls. Jewels:
You're using 2 Large Cluster Jewels. These are flexible, but I'm using Prismatic Heart on both for Resistances and Blast-Freeze on one for freeze spread and Stormrider on the other for Power Charge generation. Make sure that the Large Cluster Jewel has 3 Notables and the 3rd Notable is at the far end when socketed. You can test this in Path of Building. Medium Cluster Jewels have been discussed in the mechanics section. Get Flask Effect Duration with 35% increased Effect and important stats where possible. These can be self crafted by buying an ilvl 84+ base and alt/aug/regal spamming for 35% increased effect and desirable stats. If needed you can run a Small Cluster Jewel with Temporal Chains effect. See mechanics section for more info. Survival Instincts for Flask Effect Duration Conqueror's Efficiency for mana efficiency and mana cost if needed Watcher's Eye with Unaffected by Vulnerability helps you deal with Vulnerability while scaling curse effect on yourself. If possible Hatred Crit for base crit chance is really good for damage. This is entirely optional. Forbidden Jewels with Explosives Expert provide a significant amount of extra damage. These do require a source of fire damage. Preferably on boot enchant since it's your best boot enchant anyways. Hazardous Research for Spark SKILL GEMS/PASSIVES Skill gems and passives can be found in Path of Building. Key differences between Winter Orb and Spark are listed below. Winter orb: - Majority cold damage - Can use Infused Channeling - Needs (awakened) Greater Multiple Projectiles to feel good - Needs Eldritch Battery for mana sustain since Winter Orb doesn't require investment into mana but you still want to be able to use a divine blessing setup Spark: - Split damage between lightning and cold - Can use Trinity - Can use (Awakened) Spell Echo instead of GMP - Requires passives for projectile speed to feel good - Requires investment into mana cost to get spark to cost exactly 1 mana - Requires investment into mana cost to get your divine blessing setup to cost little enough mana to fit on your mana pool - Does not need to use Eldritch Battery for mana sustain Please check Path of Building for exact gem setups for either skill. These are different between the two! Mapping Upon entering map, activate Flasks but make sure to always activate your main Flask first since the first Flask is the one that grants you Soul Eater. Use your zealotry that's linked to divine blessing to activate the aura. Occasionally reactivate zealotry. 4x duration of buffs helps to keep the uptime high without having to reactivate often. Use Arcanist Brand on bosses if extra damage is needed. Use Vaal Haste and Vaal Righteous Fire whenever available for more speed and damage. 4x duration helps uptime. Map mods to avoid: - Reflect Elemental Damage - Players are Cursed with Temporal Chains (this overrides your own Temporal Chains that has increased effect) - Monsters are Hexproof (this prevents you from reflecting Temporal Chains back to yourself) - Less effect of Curses on Monsters (since you're scaling curse effect to increase duration, getting less curse effect reduces that duration) - Buffs on players expire faster (this would significantly reduce your Soul Eater and other buff durations) LEVELING I don't recommend leveling with this build. I recommend leveling to at least level 70 before switching to this build. Even at level 70 it's difficult to fit in all jewels. Find any twink spellcaster or hollow palm leveling guide to level and respec later. This should be achievable since this is not a leaguestart or budget friendly build anyways. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Kniev#1787 um 17.01.2023, 10:25:43 Zuletzt angestoßen am 20.09.2022, 17:48:02
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