Crit Seismic + Exsanguinate Trapper
big list of other builds
Ok so basically seismic trap is fucking insane scale up its duration (7.35 seconds) scale up its cast speed (200% increased) scale up the cooldown (can prelay 5 of them) scale up regular damage avenues (crit the fuck out of enemies) boom bam bop the boss is dead from there its just trying to figure out clearspeed, which exsanguinate fills in since you throw chain support on it and it just wipes the floor with maps. into the actual guide, here's my tree off in the rightmost jewel socket, im using one large cluster and one medium cluster, but neither are mandatory by any stretch, theyre just there to really go hard into being a more glassy cannnon. if you choose to ignore that jewel, i suggest instead spending the points to pick up either the scion life wheel or path down the wind dancer. ascendancy points are pretty obvious as a sabo. i went with chain reaction for the extra aoe and cooldown, though if youre a real tooltip warrior explosives expert gives more hit damage given that we can apply all ailments if we want... still recommend chain reaction though since the aoe and cooldown feel amazing. for the cluster jewels, the large is an 8 skill physical damage jewel with 3 notables. the notables I knew i wanted and were worthwhile were force multiplier (for the chance at double damage) and iron breaker (for the overwhelm). having master the fundamentals on there just makes sure that those two notables are at the front of the jewel so i can pick them both up easier. spending the points for the third notable is an option, but the passive tree is so dense as is that it probably isnt worthwhile unless you really need the resistances. the medium cluster from there is just a 4 or 5 passive with guerilla tactics (throwing speed) and whatever other notable looks good. I went with careful handling for the life, but really anything works. every other jewel on the passive tree from there is a 3 statter with %life, throwing speed speed, and 1 damage mod. you'll also note my belt being a stygian vise lets me run one extra abyssal jewel that's just flat life and flat phys to spells. really nothing that fancy in terms of mechanics, though sourcing them all will take time and a bit of money for sure. speaking of belt, i needed a lot of strength, so it has strength, life, and res, as well as an empty affix to craft trap throwing speed. rings are there to fix resistances, so buy those last. amulet is life, int, strength, trap throwing speed, and crit multi. you can maybe fit some res or + gem levels on there if youre wanting to crush some currency, but its unnecessary to say the least. my boots are the only unique item in the build: deerstalkers. deerstalkers come with trap support built in for exsanguinate, give trap throwing speed, have a decent amount of movement speed, and are common enough to be purchased pre-enchanted with 120% crit chance. if you dont want to use deerstalkers, then your gloves instead become the pseudo 5l for exsanguinate with a trap mod. I stuck with deerstalkers, but getting shaper pseudo 5l was still good since the secondary mod on the hybrid gives throwing speed though none of the skills socketed in it actually use the support given by the shaper mod. the body armor is just a random corrupted 6l with life and more strength to fill out stat requirements. tinkerskin is theoretically better but a real pain to get and not worth the price unless youre really trying to take this build to the next level. my helmet has the +1 waves for seismic trap enchantment that i found on the ground and self crafted. otherwise just life and res. weapon and shield are +1 to physical spell gem levels, spell damage, spell crit, and trap throwing speed. the shield ideally has life and res as well, but good shields are spendy and im cheap as fuck. for flasks i run two quicksilvers enkindled with %effect to run faster, a quartz flask for dodge and phasing, and two life flasks. the first life flask is instant and helps my survive burst while the second is high recovery rate to help recover from sustained damage a bit faster than regen alone would allow. for gem links: seismic - inc crit - crit damage - advanced traps - lifetap - brutality exsanguinate - (trap from boots) - cluster trap - chain - inc crit summon stone golem - minion life - culling strike/meatshield bear trap - ass mark - increased duration - arcane surge vaal grace - increased duration skitterbots herald of purity vitality portal flame dash seismic and exsanguinate are just damage links more or less with a bit of quality of life coming from using lifetap. again theoretically you can replace that with empower, but it jacks the price of the build up through the moon for litte reason. stone golem runs around and gives us regen. the minion life and meatshield makes him tanky while subbing in culling strike lets them cull every now and again if, again, youre a tooltip warrior. bear trap and ass mark get put on bosses. the increased duration means we dont have to reapply them as often (most bosses die before they run out) and arcane surge procs when we ass mark to give an extra boost of damage too. vaal grace lasts 15 or so seconds and i pop it on excavations and bosses mostly just for a bit of extra safety flame dash is my go to mobility skill portal feels good skitterbots, HoP, and vitality are there to fill up my mana reservation with good damage and utility. HoP in particular is nice with alt quality since they can taunt enemies and the dot from exsanguinate summons them fairly frequently while mapping. overall build feels great on a budget (it was basically my leaguestarter with 1 ex total-ish to begin) and had a ton of room to grow as i amassed some wealth. has no trouble with any map mods (no life regen is a bit annoying but i do just fine with my flask) and crushed content with relative ease. boss kill alch & go map PoB: Zuletzt bearbeitet von OxidisedGearz#3098 um 22.10.2021, 03:12:06 Zuletzt angestoßen am 22.10.2021, 02:54:14
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Thanks for posting, looks interesting.
I gave up on my league start ice trap build around level 85, might go back and reroll it into this. No cold iron point? Zuletzt bearbeitet von deadersdeaders#1963 um 02.09.2021, 22:13:40
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Hey, thanks so much for the guide. I was looking exactly for something like this. I want to reroll my leaguestart ice trapper into a phys trap bosskiller. It literally doesn’t need to be able to clear a single non-boss mob :P. Just want to use it to kill sirus etc. on my mapping character.
I also wouldn’t mind keeping it budget/league start like so as to practice for next league and invest the currency into my mapper. Do you have any advice for making this purely a bosser on a budget. Negative clear speed is ok. Cold iron points good? What else? |
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OP seems to have bailed but this was a really good starting point. I've been messing around with it and made a few tweaks, I'm finding it really tanky and more than enough damage to do anything. It's not really min maxed either - you could fit pride in for a lot more damage with an enlighten and some % less mana reserved. You could also go for an extra curse.
I feel Tinkerskin is almost mandatory because of the QOL. The life and ES recovery + phasing means you can drop vitality and the golem. Shaper gloves with trap support are way better because you can get better boots with life and resists, freeing up your ring and amulet options somewhat. Using charged traps gives you power and frenzy charges, and you can grab +1 power charge on the tree for only 2 points. My version has ~4800 life, 850 ES, capped dodge and 61% evade chance. Extra defence from steelskin, cwdt + IC. Adding in arctic armour gives you freeze immunity to go along with the shock and ignite immunity from pyromaniac. I was experimenting with thread of hope, it gets a bit more damage but at the expense of throwing speed and a life gem... probably not really worth the hassle to be honest. You could go hard and minmax a lot more damage but I'm not sure you really need to. PoB here: Current gear: Zuletzt bearbeitet von deadersdeaders#1963 um 17.09.2021, 02:38:55
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Whats best bandit choice?
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Kill all for the passives.
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Nice! I respeced my old Assassine into this for testing.
Where do u see the defence for this build in 3.16. My saboteur isnt that resillient |
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First off, sorry for not responding. Forgot to enable notifications & went on a bit of a haiatus.
I havent looked into 3.16 changes since i wont be playing this myself (prefer to do new stuff). Youll probably want to invest a bit more into evasion + suppression. Could also look at block to deal with attacks, but a lot of the good block nodes are just a bit too far away for it to be a great choice. Wont be as free to get fairly tanky compared to before, but with how much random damage we picked up before, theres plenty of room to drop duration & such to pick up better defenses & still pull off solid dps. As for dodging cold iron point, thats more of a shrug from me. Having a real weapon is nice & all since you can get stats like crit & throw speed, but it is hard to beat cold iron for damage. I had my wand forever and just didnt feel like bothering swapping it around, especially since by the end of the character i was just pushing throwing speed & duration breakpoints so i could turn my screen into a mess for the meme (and the damage loss for doing so was negligible since its still efficient scaling) |
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